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Posts posted by Bern

  1. We will be going through some very difficult economic times. If you have a job, expect that there will be a good chance you will lose it. If you have a pension, expect a decent chance your pension fund will run out of money due to bad investments (the whole market) or the company that feeds it will no longer be able to.

    Instead of vilifying your fellow Americans, I suggest you work with them to get us out of this mess.

    A house divided will fall.

    And so, it starts

    After Losses, Pensions Ask For a Change


    The total value of company pension funds is thought to have fallen by more than $250 billion since last winter. With cash now in short supply for companies, they are asking Congress to excuse them from having to replenish the required amounts.

    . . .

    Late Wednesday, several senators announced that they had reached agreement on a bill that would provide pension relief. Even if it is not completed this week, some Congressional leaders say they will seek support for a pension relief bill in January.

    . . .

    The risk of giving companies a break on their required contributions is that some troubled companies may go bankrupt anyway, and the federal government will have to take over their ailing plans. Though the government insures traditional pensions, its insurance is limited. And when it takes over a plan, people can lose benefits.

    Pension relief for companies would also expose the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to greater risk. The federal guarantor is already operating at a deficit.

  2. I'm curious, Bern. Flag worshippers? Did you serve in the armed forces? What have you done of any signigficance in your life?

    Probably. When I worked in a school we were given a computer which I really used to our benefit. One kid who was very bored and had psychological issues was terminally flunking out. However, he was really very intelligent.

    He hung around the computer lab, so I taught him programming and he was a genius at that and with the computers operating system. He wasn't good in his other classes so we changed his curriculum to "major" in computers. He was running the lab and some other things when he finally got out.

    It worked out very well for him. He's worked in industry and is now worth about 3 to 5 million (maybe less with this market). A highly productive citizen. Better than dropping out.

    I did architect and manage a security access control system for a governmental agency which at the time secured some of our governmental facilities. My testing and design peers were Air Force colonels and majors. And dummies they were not.

    The system worked very well. It had very innovative and advanced concepts (at that time), no bugs and happily every one was happy with it. Many a night was spent at two in the morning running through many facilities - testing anti-passback controls and logic, testing cut alarms, testing modules in stand alone mode, trying to figure out why at some places we get two swipes instead of one access swipe and so forth. To their credit some of the senior officers did their two in the morning time with me. They often came up with good ideas and helped a lot with handling the locals. We also had good times at many a bar.

    I'm not sure how significant that was. Security requires multi-layered solutions. It was one cog in a vast system but any system will fail if one wants to subvert it or is careless.

    I was awarded a commendation certificate, a plaque and a flag with a certificate stating it flew over the White House for a whole day from President Ronald Reagan. He didn't know me from a hole in the wall but my peers and their superiors put me in as a going away present. The time we spent at bars helped.

    However, does all that really matter? Since when are opinions only valid if you have done something significant. Does simply being in the military mean your did something significant or your opinion should mean more? Many miltiary men I know simply consider it a job. You get in, you try to do a good job and then you get out.

  3. Yes, and the people were also more disciplined. Those were the people who cleared the frontier.

    For sure. And no one can accuse them of bring unpatriotic.

    California furnished the Golden Spike. Governor Tuttle of Nevada furnished one of silver. General Stanford [Governor Safford?] presented one of gold, silver, and iron from Arizona. The last tie was of California laurel.

    When they came to drive the last spike, Governor Stanford, president of the Central Pacific, took the sledge, and the first time he struck he missed the spike and hit the rail.


    Notice the photograph of this momentous event (from the above link). No flags and standing around citing a pledge. They just got things done.

  4. Not so fast, cowboy. You have it backwards. People who insist that everyone recite a pledge are the ones who do not respect others. Other developed, democratic countries don't do it. We didn't even do it for more than a century. Why do you insist on forcing this on everyone?

    One could argue that our country was healthier, more united, grew faster before the pledge.

  5. Well, Let's see. Over the weekend we had a multiple stabbing, a homicide, and an armed robbery...yet everyone here still seems more concerned with an election that is history now.

    But you all Knew about those incidents since they were already under discussion here....right???

    Well, that's certainly a great recommendation for the town, bringing up this litany of bad news. That can do wonders for property values.

    Is there no happy news?

  6. Welcome to the Ununited States of Paul LaClair. And you wonder why this country is in the shape we are in. It only takes a few radicals to upend all the good that people have worked for 100's of years to develop. You don't have to salute anything. You don't have to respect anyone. It's all about Paul. Escalate that 100 fold and there you have a country in termoil.

    You could make up for the lack of saluting.

    Form a salute brigade to make up for all those radicals who don't salute. Everytime you pass the national flag, in a mall, a government building, a store, anywhere, you and your brigade members can stop and salute.

    Have your members record their salutes on their cell phones and whne they report back give them commendation stars:

    10 salutes - yellow star

    50 salutes - purple star

    100 salues - red star

    500 salutes - white star

    1000 salues - blue star

    Schoolchildren belonging to schools that perform this rite can automatically earn one salute per school day.

    How much fun you will all have at your monthly salute brigade meetings when you compare stars.

  7. I just read in todays Star Ledger, that a school in Woodbury,VT has taken the Pledge of Allegience out of the classroom, and those students that want to say it must go to the second floor to another room ansd recite it. How dare people demand that the Pledge be taken out of school!!! I am an American, my fore fathers wrote that pledge as a confirmant that we are one nation. My father, brother and son fought and are still fihghting for our freedom. I resent this action and wish that I had the ability to do something about it! Dosen't anyone care anymore about the history that was made with that pledge? Well I do, I have friends in Europe that say " all f the other countries in the world are laughing at us, that we are not one nation, and that we mock our past heros by what we say & do. I just had to get this off my chest, and I hope that some of you who have children in Iraq and Afgahanastan agree with like I do. :angry:

    The people in Europe are laughing at us because there are too many in this country who think like you and make dopey comments, like you just did.

  8. In a forum that is SUPPOSED to be about the Town of Kearny, on the entire first page there are only THREE threads that have anything to do with the Town. All of the things that are going on, and nobody seems to give a damn about the town, they'd rather bash each other over politics instead. No wonder the town, and the cuntry is spiralling down the toilet.

    Besides decrying the lack of posts about Kearny, do you actually have anything to post about the town?

  9. Not many from the Clinton administration, you're joking right?

    Of course there will be some from the Clinton adminstration. Clinton had some good people and you pick what's good. Why should he pick losers such as Brownie the Clownie from New Orleans fame?

    And so what if the Obama admin (which it won't) becomes an exact copy of the Clinton admin. We had it good under the Clinton admin.

  10. The Loony Left got their wish, Barack Hussein Obama is our next President. I will sit back and watch all the wonderful things he promised us. I won't get too comfortable though, Biden promised us a major international crisis within the first 6 months.

    I have two suggestions for Obama's cabinet. William Ayres / Homeland Security Director (who knows more about terrorism?) and Reverend Wright / Secretary of State (diplomacy is his forte).

    So drink up, boys. Enjoy your victory, the Republicans have been vanquished. Watch your mailboxes for the free money.

    Not to worry.

    I expect here will be less incompetent cronies in the Federal Government (Remember Brownie the clownie of New Orleans fame?) and the politicization of the justice department may be reduced. The ineffectual and useless such Madame Rice will be replaced. If you think about it, what did she ever do?

    However, Obama's appointment of Emanuel Rahm shows us that not much will change. Rahm is a wall street boy who is very supportive of Bush's preemptive foreign policy initiatives with respect to the Middle East. I suspect we'll be in Iraq and Afghanistan a long time (which I'm sure you're happy about).

    And you don't have to worry about him weakening the patriot act or stopping the enhanced wire tapping done under the current administration. Obama did vote for both.

    And if he says he'll close Guantanamo, believe it when you see it. After all, he did say he was against the patriot act before he voted for it.

    FactCheck: Promised to repeal Patriot Act, then voted for it

    Clinton took direct aim at Obama and connects fairly solidly: "You said you would vote against the Patriot Act; you came to the Senate, you voted for it."

    Clinton is correct to say that Obama opposed the Patriot Act during his run for the Senate. She's relying on a 2003 Illinois National Organization for Women questionnaire in which Obama wrote that he would vote to "repeal the Patriot Act" or replace it with a "new, carefully crafted proposal." When it came time to reauthorize the law in 2005, though, Obama voted in favor of it. He started out opposing it: In Dec. 2005, Obama voted against ending debate--a position equivalent to declaring a lack of support for the measure.

    Then in February of that year, Obama said on the floor that he would support th Patriot Act's reauthorization. In March 2006, Obama both voted for cloture and for the Patriot Act reauthorization conference report.


    As far as progressive social programs, you'll find that Obama can be conservative. Many California residents are upset because the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage referendum passed. They're wailing that California we elected a "progressive" president yet the gay marriage ban passed. Wondering how can that be.

    Haven't they figured out that Obama is against gay marriage? Actually, Obama's primary constituency, the black folk, voted for the ban by 70%. I think you will find that Obama is lot more conservative than you have been lead to believe.

    Although Barack Obama has said that he supports civil unions, he is against gay marriage. In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

    Barack Obama did vote against a Federal Marriage Amendment and opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.


    Looking at the above you can see that it not as bad as you think.

  11. What he promised he is already trying to back out of.

    Why don't you give us concreate examples of what he promised us? And what you think he'll be trying to get out of.

    That is, if you know of any examples besides the tax cut.

  12. I'd rather be a f**king communist then to let the GOP remain in power. Acutally, what's the difference? Patriot Act, ileegal wiretapping, torture etc.

    Don't count on the Patriot act and wiretapping to be stopped. Both parties signed on and approved. Both parties passed the legislation immunizing the large telecoms after they were caught doing illegal wiretapping at the behest of the administration.

    I suspect most of this will be kept for use by the Obama administration. Just like we will keep the very inefficient and cumbersome Homeland Security bureaucracy.

    We'll see how quickly Obama closes Guantanamo. Will the prisoners then be released, tried or moved to another facility and still be held without real trials?

  13. The Loony Left got their wish, Barack Hussein Obama is our next President. I will sit back and watch all the wonderful things he promised us. I won't get too comfortable though, Biden promised us a major international crisis within the first 6 months.

    I have two suggestions for Obama's cabinet. William Ayres / Homeland Security Director (who knows more about terrorism?) and Reverend Wright / Secretary of State (diplomacy is his forte).

    So drink up, boys. Enjoy your victory, the Republicans have been vanquished. Watch your mailboxes for the free money.

    Do you have any idea at all what Obama promised us? Why not let us know what YOU think he promised.

  14. So what do you think about a program for research and development of new energy sources?

    I really worry when we can't even focus and get a consensus on something so obviously needed.

    Since the 70's we've had one energy crisis after the other and with energy costs its also become turned into an economic crisis. Yet, all we do is talk, talk, talk.

  15. My take is the Reps controlled Congess AND the White House for 6 yrears and did virtually nothing, I'd say many are willing to give the Dems an equal shot.

    While I'll vite for Obama as I believe McCain to be much too aligned with Bush, not to mention his inane choice for VP, I'll be voting a split ticket.

    If they did nothing we would have been better off.

    Instead they've been pushing our country into the gutter with their weird trickle down economic policies, doubling of the national debt, this war, the incompetent response to the New Orleans disaster, the Terri Schiavo silliness and many other things.

  16. Loki,

    I've seen polls that split the approval ratings between Dems and Reps in Congress and the Dems are about 10 points ahead of Reps. However, they don't get more than 50%. You need to get 60 votes in the Senate to get anything done so little is getting done which is frustrating to everyone.

    We'll see what happens after the election but I doubt if the Dems can win enough to get 60.

    Remember ... on Election Day ... Vote Early and Vote Often! ooops! I forgot, you're a Republican ... you only get to vote once! :lol:

    Anyway ... Good Luck tomorrow. Whoever wins will need to be very skillful to get us out of the various messes we are in.... So Good Luck to all of us.

    Sixty will help but I'm not so sure if the Democrats will really need 60. Even if the Democrats get 57 to 59, the Republicans will need just about every member to sucessfully filibuster. It will be much harder getting the troops in line because the White House will no longer be cheerleading them.

    Their filibustering and obstruction has obviously ruined their election chances. Even though they are stupid, they must have figured out by now that continuing their obstruction will cause them to lose more elections, as they lost in the last two elections.

    I think many Republican senators will slither under their rocks. They'll not be making too many waves.

  17. Is a $1,000 tax cut really the most important thing in your world? You're paying many times that for the war that Mr. McCain wants to continue and for gas and oil.

    Wake up. The country's future isn't just about you.

    Bush alone managed to increase our national debt from 5 to 10 trillion. That means during the last seven years he put every American in hock for and additional 17,000 dollars. And with interest, the 17,000 debt he saddled us and our children with will at least double. A family of four had their Federal debt burden increased by 68,000.

    And we, the taxpayers will have to pay it back. Look at it like a taxpayer mortgage to our government - involuntarily imposed by Bush. Except you didn't get a house.

    A minuscule tax cut is really nothing compared to the burden Bush has imposed on us.

  18. What also strikes me as significant is that she seemed to be starstruck. She was like a 1960's school girl who just met Elvis. I can understand that speaking with someone as important as Sarkozy would be pretty awe inspiring, but someone who's aspiring to be a major world leader herself should be respectful, but above that kind of celebrity swooning. That may well be what crippled her reasoning enough to not catch on to the prank. That doesn't bode any better for her ability to deal with real foreign leaders than for fake ones.


    I replied before I read your post and you basically said the same thing I did.

  19. Listening to this, I just assumed someone was imitating Palin's voice, but it's not! Palin actually stayed on the phone with this prankster for more than five minutes, and didn't figure out he was goofing on her --- not even after he said how hot his wife was in bed! He was saying ridiculous things that were completely unprofessional, and she completely bought it.

    Listen to this recording. It's nearly beyond belief that a VP candidate could be so completely snowed. This isn't funny. Any competent candidate would have figured this out.

    What's she going to do if some other clown calls in and tells her that nuclear missiles are headed toward the US? A potential president has to have more smarts than that.

    After listening to the whole call, it was obvious he was an impersonator. It seems, by Palin's tone of voice (excited drooling), she was completely overwhelmed because she was privileged to get a phone call from the "President of France". She really sounded like some backwoods hick visiting the big city.

    That doesn't bode well if she meets real leaders in conference.

  20. No. Quite the opposite. I'm pretty sure his point was to show that the claims that Obama knew and is guilty of some kind of criminal complicity are implausible because if he had, he could surely have done something more effective than just letting the problem sit there for his opponents to trot out just before election day.


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