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Posts posted by Bern

  1. So, in other words, if the police suspected you of selling drugs, they should have the right to hold you in jail indefinitely because if you are released you might sell drugs.

    Kelly you are an idiot.  I hope that when you get to middle school you might be taught Englis grammar.

    And taught American history with the bill of rights and the constitution. Many died for those documents. But the Kearny school system history teachers may have their own unique interpretation of those documents.

    Believing arrested people are guilty would save a lot in court expenses.

    Kelly, if you really feel that constitutional rights should not be applied to all you may be more comfortable moving to a country with similar views - Burma, China, Vietnam.

  2. Has anyone seen the new gold dollar coins ?  Beautiful !!  And best of all, they are inscribed with "In God We Trust".  What does that say about these Loony Lefty Atheists who clain we live in a secular society.

    When the fathers of our country and our great constitutional founders were alive their motto was "E Pluribus Unum" - which was put on the Great Seal of the United States. Out of many, one. No such thing as "In God We Trust".

    And even though we did not have the "In God We Trust" motto, for a new nation the US of A did exceedingly well.

    "In God We Trust" was proposed in 1861 and accepted during the civil war.

  3. Quick question. In the event a lawsuit does develop, and the family seeks compensation for the violation of Matthew's rights does the rest of the class receive a portion? I mean technically speaking if his rights were violated so were those of the rest of the class, and therefore they should share in the glory. I'm sure the family would have no problem dividing whatever sum of money they'd receive as he was "just standing up for everyone else", right?

    If they sued I guess they could.

  4. Teacher Applicant

    After being interviewed

    By the school administration,

    The eager teaching prospect


    "Let me see

    If I've got this right.

    You want me to go into that room with all those kids,


    Fill their every waking moment with a love for learning,


    I'm supposed to instill a sense of pride in their ethnicity, modify their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse and

    Even censor their T-shirt messages and dress habits.

    You want me to wage a war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases,

    Check their backpacks for weapons of mass destruction, and

    Raise their self esteem.

    You want me to teach them patriotism, good citizenship, sportsmanship, fair play, how to register to vote,

    How to balance a checkbook,


    How to apply for a job.

    I am to check their heads for lice, maintain

    A safe environment,


    Signs of anti-social behavior, make sure all students pass the state exams,

    Even those who don't come to school regularly or

    Complete any of their assignments.


    I am to make sure that all of the students with handicaps

    Get an equal education


    Of the extent of their mental

    Or physical handicap.

    I am to communicate regularly with the parents

    By letter, telephone,

    Newsletter and report card.

    All of this I am to do

    With just

    A piece of chalk,

    A computer,

    A few books,

    A bulletin board,

    A big smile


    On a starting salary

    That qualifies my family

    For food stamps!

    You want me

    To do all of this


    Then you tell me...

    I CAN'T PRAY?"

    Of course you can pray.

    You just can't force others to pray or lead them in prayer in a school setting. Teachers cannot lead school prayers because students who don't want to join in feel coerced to do so.

    Nice long poem but it does exaggerate the difficulties of teaching in a whiny manner. Anyone that believes the above shouldn't be teaching. We need people with a can do attitude, not whiners.

  5. Mr. Canessa from the observer wrote an article after the Kearny Board of Ed meeting on Feb. 20. Apparently Mr. Canessa doesn't like seeing children supporting those they love. According to him, we the parents of the children who were present at that meeting, were using our children as "pawns" for the things we believe in.

    I've been following this issue closely and have kept my mouth shut on many things that honestly made me want to scream! But where does Mr. Canessa get the authority to tell me that my children cannot show support something they believe in? Is Matthew La Clair the only one with freedom of speech rights in the United States?

    SHAMEFUL, MR. CANESSA, JUST SHAMEFUL, you are supposed to be unbiased as a reporter!

    I wrote a letter to the observer and encourage all of the parents who's children were present, to do the same. His article was an attack on your parental judgement!


    Mr. Canessa,

    I AM OUTRAGED! Your blatant, incredibly uninformed, disgustingly uncalled for statement about children at the last BOE meeting; is not only inaccurate, but it's also repulsive. You should rethink your words, did you stop to ask those children's parents if they approved of their presence at the meeting? NOOOOOOOOOOOO, and how do I know that? I know it because I am one of the parents. You are making FALSE accusations about my children, my principles, my beliefs and you are infringing on my and my children's rights. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, remember that one? The one that Matthew La Clair holds so dear to his poor, little, traumatized heart? Well, Mr. Paszkiewicz, my children, myself and (just so you don't forget) everyone else in this country have those same rights. And though you may disagree, we can exercise them just like anyone else does, regardless of age. You seem to think that just because you don't like the support that Mr. Paszkiewicz receives you can makes false statements at will. You are wrong!

    Let me give you a little background on some of those children at that meeting and than you tell me if they didn't WANT to support Mr. Paszkiewicz. Majority of those children have had the pleasure of Mr. Paszkiewicz's teaching in one form or another. I personally was a Sunday school student of Mr. Paszkiewicz. My children have had the wonderful pleasure of participating in his church and know him on a personal level. The day of the meeting, I was, unfortunately, unable to attend, however, my children BEGGED me to let my mother take them with her. Yes, I said BEGGED! They wanted to support the man that is always there for them when they are in need.  They know how kind Mr. Paszkiewicz is to our family and many, many others. They came up with what to write on some of our signs. They WROTE most of our signs. "Jesus saves" was my 6 year old daughter's idea! They, on their own, asked all of their little friends to pray for Mr. Paszkiewicz.

    So Mr. Canessa, before you judge and pass YOUR verdict to the public. GET your facts straight! I don't remember you calling, writing or coming to see me and ask me about my children's involvement. And I know you didn't ask them. Oh that's right, I forgot, objective reporting is not your strong suit!

    I AM OFFENDED! MY CHILDREN ARE OFFENDED! And I am willing to bet that many of those other parents are offended as well! Because this is not only a blatantly biased article that your have written, it's also an attack on my parenting skills. What makes you the authority of what I allow my children to participate in? What makes you the authority to say my children are being used as "pawns"? "Did these parents think using children would help their cause?" Yes, my children were there showing support for someone they love! Someone that shows support for them when they need it. "Many of the kids probably don’t even realize what is going on here." Really? My 9 year old daughter came home from that meeting and said to me, "We should pray for that boy, he has a lot of hurt in his heart and he's taking it out on Mr. Paszkiewicz." Watch out Mr. Canessa, children are much, much smarter than you give them credit for. Look at Matthew La Clair, he has learned how to manipulate the system and still look like a victim!

    Very Christian of you.

  6. Maybe you just don't get it. We are happy with our school system.

    You keep looking here trying to defend your son's radical position and the bottom line is the rest of the school avoids him.  Bottom line is that no body really cares about the LaClairs anymore.

    So you're happy. Good for you anonymous Guest.

    But maybe you just don't know anything better and you're just used to the Kearny school system state of affairs.

    It shows that people can get used to anything. Jail is a good example. After a few years the imposed alternative life style doesn't seem to be such a big bother.

  7. Instead of spending time trying to be clever, the people of Kearny should be thinking about the financial costs they will incur if a suit is filed.  How many sports teams will they cut?  How many academic programs will be slashed?  Of course with Paszkiewicz on the faculty there is absolutely no need for science classes, so that should be an easy cut.


    And may as well cut all the math classes beyond 8th grade. No need to know more than balancing a checkbook.

    If the children get into advanced math they may actually learn celestial mechanics and the fact that our world is not the center of the universe. Knowledge can be so scary and dangerous.

  8. Finally, what is the significance of this statement by Mr. Paszkiewicz at 13:17 of the October 10 meeting: “I stand by everything I said, and, uh, it’s no different than things I’ve said for fifteen years.”

    So he admits he's been doing this for 15 years? Some school system you have there.

  9. You name says all "from afar" that's where you should stay... far! You don't pay taxes in Kearny, therefore, your opinion in Kearny doesn't matter. When there is a problem in your town, feel free to say whatever you want.

    What a mature response.

    Instead of debating his arguments just state that his opinions don't matter. :blink:

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