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Posts posted by Bern

  1. The government wouldn't need to generate more revenue if the money was being spent wisely.

    Exactly what are the good reasons for taxes going up?

    None. When times are good and salaries are going up, governmental income increases at a greater rate than the increase in income. Besides taking a percentage of income, some are also pushed into higher brackets causing an exponential not linear increase in tax revenue out of the public pocket.

    Government is always looking to spend more and to pay for it by taxing more and borrowing more. Under Bush the Federal government has spent like drunken sailors and increased revenue by increasing fees and by borrowing. Does anyone really believe it costs them $100 to do a passport?

    Our economy is gearing down and tax revenue being a function of personal income and transaction income (sales, user, license and other fees) will go down. When we lose income or our salaries don't keep up with inflation, we learn to adjust. Governments need to do the same.

    When times are flush and income is rolling in, governments becomes inefficient, getting "used" to their higher revenues. You see the waste in the Defense Department, NASA, FEMA and many local governments. Programs that so many decry, like social security with their very low overhead have no waste.

    Tax revenue will go down and the first thing they come up with is putting their hands in our pockets.

  2. It's when I think of all the things that Paul has put this town through all for the sake of some sort of personal vendetta against the BOE, then that’s why I have such a negative opinion against him. He used his lawyer attitude to inconvenience a large number of people all for the sake of defending his son. He twisted the truth and thinks that his long winded comments make him look smarter than he really is. Look at how he responds to each of the posts that have an opposite view of his own. In all his posts I still wait for him to say his rebuttal is always "I don't understand...". His posts and replys are always one sided and never looks beyond that or dares too. But deep down inside he is just one of us people from Kearny, and he says he wants to do the right thing and have people do the right thing but he never does anything about it excepts blogs. Let's see him on the Board of Education, let’s see him run for Councilman, lets see him run for mayor. There you will find what the people of this town think of him and not what he boasts about himself here. And I am not alone in these feelings as well.

    Merry Christmas.

    The facts, which are very obvious, refute all your statements.

    Personal vendetta against the BOE? Twisting the truth? Not stating rebuttals? Your statements are ridiculous.

    You have serious lack of reality if you really believe the above.

    Under those circumstances, debating you makes as much sense as debating an inmate from Bedlam. I don't waste my time on nonsense. From now on I will be ignoring your posts.

  3. There's really no comparison between private/public companies that people decided to invest with and government run agencies.

    But what business model does SS, Medicare, etc. use. The model where you piss away more money than you take in and then raise taxes to make up the difference? The model where you pay five people to do the work of one?

    I don't get it, do you guys really love being raped by the government.

    Where did you get that that it takes five people to do the work of one? From the Limbaugh school of knowledge?

    The facts do not support your assertion. As I stated previously, the administrative overhead of SS and Medicare is about 3%. Very efficient compared to the 30 to 40% overhead of private insurance. And we don't have thousands of SS and medicare executives making in the millions.

    If anything, you're being screwed by our private insurers.

    Yes, at times our governmental programs spend more money than they take in. Its because they are obligated to pay out, no matter how much was paid in. Private insurers don't have that issue because they are constantly raising their rates. We've all seen health insurance rates double over the last 10 years. We could solve funding issues by doing what private insurers do. Do you want the social security tax rate doubled?

    What is your solution? Do you want to turn this over to private industry? Then expect a 40% social security and Medicare tax hike just to care of "administrative overhead." Expect aothe rvery large increase to tkae care of shortfalls. Do you want them to put our Social Security trust fund in the market, as Bush did? We would have lost 40% of our trust fund in the last four years.

    So besides complaining and decrying governmental programs, tell us your solutions.

  4. US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has made clear the President-Elect is not implicated.

    Transcripts of the recordings include statements by the Illinois Governor that Rahm Emmanuel would not make a deal. The only open question is, assuming the Governor solicited Emmanuel, whether Emmanuel reported the solicitation to the prosecutor.

    Caroline Kennedy will be the next Senator from New York. Whether or not she's the most qualified person, she is clearly the one with the highest poll numbers and would win in a landslide in the special election. If she wants the seat, it is hers, irrespective of which family members call on her behalf. Insulting comments by Republicans like Congressman King will only turn off the citizens of New York (even more than they are already) against the Republican party.

    I don't know where you got the poll numbers from but polls don't matter much when the "elite" want you in.

    They will matter when there's a real election. But so does money.

    When a powerful labor leader picked up the phone this week, he was surprised to hear the voice of a top aide to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York.

    The aide, Kevin Sheekey, a deputy mayor, made it clear: Caroline Kennedy is going to be the next senator from New York, so get on board now, according to a person with direct knowledge of the call.

    As Ms. Kennedy’s unusual campaign for the seat takes shape, the mayor’s top political strategist is pushing hard behind the scenes for her, with Mr. Bloomberg’s blessing.

    The involvement has helped immediately elevate and coordinate the debut of Ms. Kennedy, who lacked an experienced political staff of her own.

    But now, it is setting off a backlash among some Democrats who see in her well-orchestrated emergence the same message of inevitability and entitlement that surrounded Mr. Bloomberg’s successful bid for a third term — a campaign overseen by Mr. Sheekey.

    They worry that the Bloomberg administration’s advocacy for Ms. Kennedy will only reinforce her image as a privileged Upper East Sider whose biggest base of support is from Manhattan’s exclusive social set.


    Its not an image. It is a fact.

    So far, she and her minders have shown me the only thing she has going for her is being a Kennedy.

    Interestingly, the NY Times had critical story on Kennedy, the title being "In Appearance Upstate, Kennedy Says Little". I go back to the same link and the title is now "Kennedy, Touring Upstate, Gets Less and Less Low-Key".

    The original story stated that when she was asked why she is running and what her qualifications are, she refused to answer and walked away from the press. The press followed her and kept asking, whereupon one of her aides took her away, telling the press that she will not answering any questions. Until then, there was no problem talking to the press.

    The story changed.

    The revised story is


    You can still find remnants of the original story if you go the NY Times Web site and put into the NY Times search box "kennedy says little". You will get a page of links with descriptions. Somewhere in the page you should get a picture with

    US > Image > Kennedy Says Little at Upstate Stop

    Caroline Kennedy in Syracyuse, NY, with Mayor Matt Driscoll, was stopped from answering by aides when she was asked her qualifications to be ...

    If you Google "rivoli kennedy says little" you will get a NY Time hit

    In Appearance Upstate, Kennedy Says Little - NYTimes.com

    In Appearance Upstate, Kennedy Says Little ... Kevin Rivoli/Associated Press. Caroline Kennedy walked into City Hall in Syracuse, with Mayor Matthew J. ...

    www.nytimes.com/2008/12/18/nyregion/18upstate.html?partner= permalink&exprod=permalink -

    But, again, this is link to the revised story with the revised headline.

    This is like a murder mystery. Who killed the story?

  5. The Chicago Tribune reported today that Emanuel made 21 telephone calls to Blago's office. Now maybe he called to talk about the Bears or the

    Blackhawks, but my money is on the Senate seat. And while I have no evidence that Obama was involved with those 21 calls, my intuition tells me he was.

    And if you were big enough to admit it, you'd agree.

    Actually, he was

    The Tribune has reported Emanuel is on secret recordings discussing the seat and recommending names of Senate successors.

    Politics always involves back door deals. The life blood of politics is commitments and washing each others hands.

    Sometimes you break the line by directly soliciting for money. Normally it is you take care of us and later on when you need something we'll take care of you.

    I would think there is nothing on Emanuel, considering how Blago was railing against Obama because Obama did not offer Blago anything concrete and up front.

    I'm sure the Kennedy's talked to Paterson about Caroline's quest for the Senate. Many have suddenly have lined up to support Caroline, such as Harry Reid and Al Sharpton. Those Kennedy's: so persuasive.

  6. That's the problem. Programs are often morph into something they were never menat to be. Are you saying that SS, Unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, and Welfare are working as best as possible?

    They are working very well.

    Except for welfare, the administrative overhead of those programs average less than 3%. Compare that to private health insurance, where 30 to 40% of the money you or your employers pay in goes to the insurers instead of health services.

    If you don't feel that are working the best they can, tell us what you feel are the deficiencies and how we can overcome them. The "most important national issues now" thread may be the appropriate reply place.


    Our conservative President and real war hero Eisenhower knew that the programs are neccessary. So necessary, that he wrote

    Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.

    Letter to Edgar Newton Eisenhower, his brother (8 November 1954)

    Unfortunately, their number is no longer negligible. The dumbing down of America is succeeding.

  7. i went on the town's website and still no link to KOTW. What's the delay. Seems like a simple request on my part. I'd like to get to KOTW from Kearny's website. When can I expect that the link will be done?

    That's silly. Why should YOU expect that? Is it too difficult for you to get to KOTW otherwise?

    If they put KOTW in, you will see every other business demanding the same.

  8. This is also the reason why Dems want to fill the courts. So the activist judges can create legislation, which according to the Constitution they have no right to do, which fulfills their social agendas that they can't get past the legislative process of their respective houses.

    Maybe you should stop listening to the likes of Limbaugh. Do your own research and find out who the activists are.

    Remember Terri Schaivo? Where the conservatives were shopping every court in the country to find activist judges to intrude on her husbands decision and her medical care consensus to let her go?

    When the conservatives couldn't find any court to support their activist position, Tom Delay wanted to investigate the Schiavo federal trial judge and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for refusing to overturn the Florida state courts' legal decisions over Michael Schiavo's decisions about his wife's medical care.

    Tom Delay, conservative movement panderer and critic of activist courts. So not only did Delay expect the court to become activist, he also threatened them when they did not.

    Or what about Bush vs Gore

    The classic example of conservative inconsistency remains Bush v. Gore. Not only did the court's conservative bloc trample on the Florida state courts and stop the vote counting - it declared its ruling would not be a precedent for future cases. How does Justice Scalia explain that decision? In a recent New Yorker profile, he is quoted as saying, with startling candor, that "the only issue was whether we should put an end to it, after three weeks of looking like a fool in the eyes of the world." That, of course, isn't a constitutional argument - it is an unapologetic defense of judicial activism.

    One time deal for Bush?

  9. Was also delighted to see one of Obama's Chicago cronies, Democratic Governor Blagojavich arrested this morning along with his chief of staff. It seems he was trying to sell Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder. Will be interesting to see if Obama gets implicated in this "business as usual Democratic scheme".

    Don't count on it.

    As stated on the Federal complaint

    The GOP tried again Tuesday after feds busted Illinois' governor on charges of trying to sell Obama's Senate seat.

    The only problem with making it stick is that Obama's advisers blew off Gov. Rod Blagojevich's attempts to get favors in return for giving the President-elect a say on his successor, the federal complaint says.

    Right now I'm more interested in Clinton's NY Senate replacement. What will the Kennedy's promise Paterson for Hillary's seat?

    Why should it be Caroline Kennedy's seat? Because she's a Kennedy? I would think in the whole state of NY, with millions of capable people we can do better than selecting on some family name.

    Our republic seems to be turning into an oligarchy of leading families - the Kennedy's, the Clinton's, the Bush's, with many other minor families in local and state governments. Not an admirable situation..

  10. Another good decision by Obama.

    Picking Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the VA Department. A soldier who has integrity, the guts to tell the truth, is competent and highly respected by professional military throughout the world. While Rumsfeld and his chief lackeys did not go to Shinseki's retirement party, many Chiefs of Staffs and senior military from throughout the world honored Shinseki at his retirement.

    He has the attributes despised and feared by our current administration. And none of the attributes they so love: cronyism, sycophancy and incompetence. There is hope that government may actually start working well again.

    I really wonder about those who are upset by Obama's election, their constant whining. Why? Why would anyone want to continue in Bush's path to failure?

  11. That said, I would prefer a more positive message than the one presented by FFRF on its display, which I understand was stolen today.

    Stolen? How can that be?

    Isn't the prime mantra for most religions "our God is a great and powerful God?"

    Why would their followers skulk around in the night and remove the competitions adverts? Should not that be best left up to their "Great and Powerful God?"

    They're so insecure. <_<

  12. Of course Katie is going. You don't get any more liberal than Drew University. I would not be surprised to find a number of buses parading down to Washington. Funny that you can't see why this country is going down the toilet so fast. Try being one of the solutions and fix something instead of being the problem.

    Oh get over it. Stop being so sour and stop your constant whining. Paul has always given us solutions. Its you whiners who are the problem.

    The country will stop going down the toilet now that Bush is out. Obama has shown us by the people he's picked and the ideas he has come up with that he is very competent. Things will be fixed.

    Compare that to the current current White House resident who filled the whole Federal administration with cronies, sycophants and flatterers.

    You have selective memory when you forget (or maybe to you, they were competent) Bush cronies like Gonzalez, Brown (Brownie the Clownie of Arabian Horse Fame) or Bush's superb Supreme Court pick, Harriet Miers (even the Republican senators gagged on that one).

    Consider Harriet Miers. She wrote to Bush, "You are the best governor ever - deserving of great respect". She also found him "cool," and said he and his wife, Laura, were "the greatest!". She also told him: "Keep up the great work. Texas is blessed." Talk about kissing ass. Really disgusting. I'd never kiss up to a boss like that.

    Bush has completely surrounded himself with sycophants and flatterers like Miers. They continually tell him he is brilliant, his decisions are wonderful and too bad the stupid ungrateful public does not understand that.

    No wonder Bush has lost touch with reality. And you're whining because the Democrats took over? Why? Are you infatuated with Bush?

    Read Machiavelli. In The Prince, had a lot to say about flatterers and princes who believe them.

  13. All I want to know is how I can drive down Davis Ave in Kearny from Midand to Bergan Avenue without needing another steering alignment. This road has been is such bad shape for over 6 months that it is undrivable to most small cars. Things like this around town do not get discussed and if that interferes with you on Capital Hill and your so called Constitution then too bad. So tell me Mr. Hot Shot how is this road going to get repaired? So stick that up your constitution and see what comes out.

    You remind me of the Italians who loved Mussolini because the trains ran on time and the roads were maintained while not worrying about that little thing called freedom.

  14. Paul,

    I understand what you are saying. You, your son, and the rest of your family have the right not to stand for the pledge. That does not mean you do not respect our country and all those who came before us so that you are able to make that choice.

    I choose to stand, just like I choose to pray. Our differences do not make one of us right and the other wrong. We are both Americans and I personally am glad that we are able to have differences or we would be in Nazi Germany wearing our brown shirts.


    And here's an interesting article which expands on Paul's comments - that slippery slope.

    And They Thought They Were Free

    "And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have.


  15. 1. Restoring the markets and preventing a depression

    The markets have become a big gambling casino. Maybe I’m too conservative but I believe stocks should be bought and sold on the basis of a companies profitability, where the dividends really determine the price of the stock. Instead we had ridiculous stock prices for companies that do not pay dividends and that rarely buy back their stock. Then there is the gambling aspect, such selling stocks short or some of these weird indexes they have come up with. All that tends to destabilize the market.

    We know how we got out of the great depression. Word War II was the driving force where everyone was employed, either in the military or at home (including many housewives). This was made possible by deficit spending during WW II. The difference between WWII deficit spending (on employees and industrial production) and current deficit spending is that the money stayed in the country. It recycled over and over boosting our WW II economy. We need to do the same.

    However, we don’t need a war. We can create a lot of employment rebuilding our infrastructure, rail, highways, bridges, airports, schools. Just about everything needs to be fixed up. But keep the money in the country. Use American manufacturing to supply the needed material.

    2. Developing alternative, sustainable energy sources so we can become energy independent

    This ties into the above. Besides rebuilding our infrastructure we can build new things. Too many projects are held up because some don’t like things in their back yard or lack of focus. We need to get rid of the NIMBY nonsense. We can focus. We’ve done it before and we can do it again.

    From Obama's weekly address

    “We’ll put people back to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools that are failing our children, and building wind farms and solar panels; fuel-efficient cars and the alternative energy technologies that can free us from our dependence on foreign oil and keep our economy competitive in the years ahead,” Mr. Obama said in the address.

    Good. He is stepping up to the plate.

    Of course, I expect the Republicans will do what they do best - obstruct.

  16. But his election is the closest thing America can have to redemption for our original sin.

    What is my original sin in this statement??

    The world will look at us with respect and admiration?!?!?!?

    Al Quada sure hammered that home today with the warning to the black man with the Muslim name.

    Since when did we need the respect and admiration of AlQaeda? Why do you care? Do you need it?

    Considering the response from respectable world leaders, foreign editorials and news columnists, and foreign forums, I know that our stock has gone up in the eyes of the world.

  17. Wow, that's really great. My question really went towards your responses about flag worshippers. Are you for or against saying the Pledge of Allegiance? Do you think children need to be taught the Pledge. I agree with you whole heartedly about just getting the job done. That was something that was instilled in you and I as children. But our love of our country was also taught to us as children. Truthfully, I just don't understand where you're coming from. Sorry

    I couldn't care less if we have a pledge. Most countries seem to do very well without a pledge.

    To me and most of my peers the pledge was a waste of our time. Everyone stand up, recite or else. I don't remember anyone inn school ever saying how much fun the pledge or how it built them up as citizens was or recommneding that we say it more often.

    I have to disagree with you if you believe that love of country is instilled by a pledge. Most of my peers felt the same. But to others it may. That's up to them.

    If they really felt that, then why not have a pledge at the work place? I notice that when the pledge is absent or dropped, rarely do the ones who are or may be subjected to it object. The objections come from "concerned outsiders."

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