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Everything posted by Bern

  1. I'll take Mr. Adams' word over 2smart's any day. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Patently so. Our government was not founded on a religion. This was clearly stated in the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli. The whole point was to create a government free from religion, so that we can practice our beliefs without detriment or preferment. The treaty was written by an American diplomat, reviewed by the Secretary of State and the President. It was then sent to the senate for approval, whereupon it was read aloud and approved unanimously. The Treaty was then printed in the Philadelphia newspapers. The treaty did not cause any controversy because our founders, the Senate and the people all believed that we were not founded as Christian nation. Article 11 was not hidden in tons of legalese. The article was noticed by all since the treaty was very short. Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;
  2. Bern

    Supporting the Troops.

    There was foreign influence In India. Primarily communist. But India did not have oil, reducing our interest and our foreign influence. Colin Powell said it was cultural hubris and oil which caused the invasion of Iraq. In conversations he waffles when asked about getting out. But he never says we should stay. He implies in a round about way, for the sake of national unity, we need to follow the Presidents lead. When we get a new president then the direction will change.
  3. It seems a correction is now being applied. And remember the DOW market is based on stock valued on the dollar, which has lost 40% of its value against the international market during the Bush reign. When we see a DOW of 13,000, take 40% away to get the real value - 8,000. In 2000 the market was about 10,500.
  4. Typical intimidation tactic. You people and the students who did not stand up cannot support any claim of being ethical. So if a college interviewer brings up the ethics of that situation, a legitimate concern, then go on the attack. You have learned well from the Karl Rove school of ethics. But people have gotten wise. These type of tactics usually have the opposite of your desired effect.
  5. Bern

    Name Calling

    Too much ganja?
  6. After what I read, I see the solution is to vote in a new Bd of Ed. And then cleanup up the administration. Its that so few vote in school elections even though schools are a major tax burden and really determine the future of our society.
  7. I suggest you and like minded parents get together with the parents association to design a uniform. Then your children and the children of the other parents who feel like you can wear the uniforms on a voluntary basis. This way, your needs are met and the needs of parents with children who don't want to wear uniforms are also met.
  8. In other words, he get re-elected because most voters like him enough to vote him in.
  9. Really ? Please tell me what the draftees will do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're a vet and you don't know? I guess you haven't learned any lesson from Nam. Except this time it may be worse.
  10. Bern

    Supporting the Troops.

    I say get out. The Iraqi's despise and fear us and think we're all perverts and brutal thanks to Abu Ghraib, numerous rape incidents and the constant unpleasant troop/civilian street interactions. Many argue it is our duty to prevent sectarian violence and therefore we cannot leave. Yet, the citizens who we are ostensibly protecting are overwhelmingly in favor of us leaving. We should follow the will of the people. The "stay" argument was used by some British when the British Raj pulled out of India. They knew there would be massive violence, and there was with anywhere from 500,000 to 1,000,000 killed. But the Brits listened to the natives on that continent and left. The Brits would still be there trying to work out the continents partition if they listened to the "stay" people. Every citizen of India or Pakistan will tell you despite the violence its best that the Brits left. Staying did not work then and will not work now.
  11. Or it could when adminstrators don't want to enforce a dress code rule complaint by a teacher, the administrators don't enforce because there is no violation. And I'm now wondering if there is a dress code issue or is this blown out of proportion? Are some trying to create a solution for a non-existent problem? Have the teachers stood up, as a group, and said there is an issue?
  12. Vendor payments are vouchered and public record. Those bills would really stick out and if true everyone would know about it.
  13. Was it difficult looking up the word?
  14. I think it's a great idea. Mandatory military service for everyone. It would make men out of cupcakes like Strife, Bern, Matt and a few others. Maybe we can even get DingoDog to enlist to keep them company. And if Autonomous isn't too freaked out we could recall him (just don't put a gun in his hands when he's freaking). And the best thing about it is they'll all come back as Christians. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You may be surprised what the draftees will do when they return after their forced military service.
  15. Bern

    More ACLU Outrages

    Never assume it cannot happen to you. There were a lot of middle and lower middle class very right wing people in China before Mao, people like you who worshipped the current power structure and who denigrated any criticism of the powers that be. There were libertarians, intellectuals and brutish communists and people like Paul. Then the brutes took over, and people like you were marched to re-education. Some survived and some did not. And people like Paul tried to prevent it. But it was too too far along. Even the Pauls were marched off. On the other hand, you personally could get lucky. We could go the fascist route and then you can be a leader in the new movement. Of we could continue as now, fighting and tearing each other apart.
  16. Its not fear. Its sanity. Only the insane willingly subject themselves to abuse.
  17. Bern

    Kearny Employees

    No. But usually the regular workers do work for their pay. The ones you need to watch are the politically connected. They're always in the paper - the politician who has three jobs, where usually one of the jobs is something like county roads supervisor paying 100,000. I think taxes are way to high. Its too bad I don't have the almanac anymore, and this was 20 years ago, but it listed a table of national income and another table of tax revenues both Federal and State. The tax revenue then was 55% of national income You may think that seems way to high, we're not paying that but actually you are. We're very clever in breaking taxes up into so many categories. Example - suppose you buy a pair of shoes that cost $100 in New York City. If they still have sales tax on shoes you would have to pay a little over $108 dollars. But depending on your income, you need to be paid $150 to be able to get $108 of spending income after State and Federal income taxes and social security taxes are applied. But the $100 pair of shoes, really costs $70. The $30 added on is due to taxes paid by the shoe part supplier, manufacturer and retailer. And that is how your shoes that cost $70 if there were no taxes cost you $150 with taxes.
  18. But he has been called due to his exposure and pull. Have any of the conservative sites, which I assume by your above comment you so worship, called you for your opinion?
  19. Bern

    More ACLU Outrages

    In his mind. People like him, when they see that shirt would have a stroke.
  20. What are the proposed rules? Do both boys and girls have to wear khaki pants? I would think that it should apply to girls too, preventing provocative display. Are they required to be a uniform color? Will there be issues if some wear expensive name brand polo shirts? Or will the khaki pants and shirts be standard from some uniform supplier? Can they wear shorts in May and June? Nothing about footwear? If they can't enforce a simple dress code, what makes them think they can enforce this?
  21. The advantage of registering is that posts from you will be identified as being from you instead of the guest group. Which is helpful. By saying they're minor children I think you've just proved my previous statement that some are willing to impose upon their children they would never accept for themselves. Of course there are limits. I would never let my son wear pants that hang below his ass or wear clothing that can be considered provocative or obscene. Plus he can't wear clothing that are dingy such as having holes in his pants. But then its not a battle since he does not have the desire to do that. We should not have to suffer uniforms because some parents don't not want to enforce clothing rules or don't have the wherewithal to apply those rules. There's is something lacking in a school system if they require uniform rules to supply a decent education. It indicates a serious weakness in the school disciplinary system and the system's lack of inculcating a respect values system amongst students, and between students and the staff. Administrators resorting to uniforms in a public school are failures.
  22. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The honorable president of the Board of Ed should put in a resolution that Bd of Ed members wear uniforms at their meetings and when performing in their official capacity. The school community is not just students, it is students, teachers, administrators and support staff. So while she'd at it, I suggest that a resolution be passed to require uniforms for all. Everyone is in the team.
  23. So you don't believe in freedom and personal liberty? Then why are you living here? Since freedom and personal liberty is the core basis of our constitutional republic you should be miserable here. Wouldn't you be more comfortable living in Iraq? You would be popular with the Ayatollahs (warning - conversion required). They don't believe in personal liberty and freedom either. They do believe in uniform attire. They have special police that goes around and makes sure people meet a minimum uniform appearance standard (especially women). Their beliefs with limits on freedom derive from their good book, the Koran. An incisive and deeply philosophical comment on freedom and liberty from the anonymous guest brigade.
  24. Bern

    Kearny Employees

    Of course, anonymous guest, you can prove your statement?
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