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Everything posted by Bern

  1. Bern

    School Cell Tower

    As you've obviously been doing. You get so excited over them.
  2. Bern

    Breaking News

    Did they forget to lock your ward last night?
  3. Bern

    Defeatocratic Highlights

    The ones who promised lower prices were Republicans The fact is oil prices went up during the Bush presidency. What a loser. So much extra oil money going to the Arab states. What will they do with it all? Might some filter to the Islamic Fundamentalists and/or Al Qaeda? I bet all these very happy Arabs are thanking Allah five times a day for us having Bush.
  4. Bern

    School Cell Tower

    Don't pay attention to my above remarks about physics and distance. The radiation from the cell tower is identical to the radiation from your phone. The difference is that the phone radiation due to the close phone antenna distance is 1000's of times greater than the tower radiation. So far we've found no problems with cell phone radiation. Its unreasonable to expect that the tower radiation whose radiation level is a minuscule fraction of a phone's radiation will be a problem. Asking for conclusive proof to the contrary is ridiculous. That would be if I said to everyone "Don't associate with you because you are a murderer" and you denied it and I then said "Give us conclusive proof that you're not". Removing some antenna due to neighbor concern does not make the concern valid. There was a time we burned so-called witches due to concerned neighbors.
  5. Bern

    School Cell Tower

    Distance and physics. I'm a lot more worried about a cell phone antenna that's 1 or 2 inches from my head than some antenna 2 to 3 thousand inches away. Even if the main antenna has 10,000 times the power, the cell phone antenna would feed thousands of times more radiaton into your brain than the main one.
  6. Bern

    Dear God

    With thinkers like concerned, no wonder our country has problems. And to think, if of age, concerned can vote just like me. I heard God can go wherever He wants and do whatever He wants. Maybe concerned has secret information which limits God's access. So assuming God can do anything, is concerned stating that God allows these atrocities simply because we do not allow publicly led prayers? Is God having a little fit of pique - "You do not have public prayer in worship to Me, therefore I will not go into your schools and protect your children". That's not nice.
  7. I knew someone at work who is an associate pastor in his conservative Baptist Church. He got me involved with them for awhile. They are required to follow the Church's line on social positions and any public statements made. When they protest something its understood that Church members wholly support Pastor's decision. Get out of line and you are severely dealt with. For how could anyone not obey the will of the Lord. I did ask - is it possible a mistake can occur? Never. Pastor prays and gets guidance from the Lord. And they have regional meetings between Churches where everybody agrees with each other - so this is pretty standard. Even though they were personally really nice, this lemming like behavior struck a raw nerve. Maybe the Kearny Church is different and dissension is allowed. For me Guest, experience has created this assumption.
  8. That's a sore spot for me. Really pisses me off when people tell me "He's keeping our taxes down". He's managed to practically double our national debt. Spend and borrow. We're living like drunken sailors on credit. And as a result ever increasing amounts of tax revenue is diverted to pay our national debt interest. Anyone here dumb enough to believe that we're getting a free ride? Currently our National debt is $8,850,000,000. When he entered office it was $5,700,000,000. In 2006 the government spend 406 billion on national debt interest.
  9. Will this help? http://www.venganza.org/
  10. You're welcome. Upgraded browser so I wasn't automatically logged in.
  11. Bern

    Attempted intimidation

    I'll answer this even though I know you're bringing this up to divert from the real issue of that teacher proselytizing and then lying about it. Your statement show your lack of understanding and knowledge of what our country stands for. Criticizing the President is as American as apple pie. Our founders had no problem criticizing each other and the President when they felt like it. They specifically stated they wanted a President, not a King. President Teddy Roosevelt said that the President should be criticized. He stated it rather well - "The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else." Your words mean that "line you up in front of a firing squad" applies to President Roosevelt. You wrote that criticizing the President is one of the things one should be lined up for and shot. It is obvious from President Roosevelt's statement that you are base, servile and your manner is morally treasonous.
  12. Bern

    More ACLU Outrages

    I'd agree. I don't remember the constitution limiting rights to citizens. But it would be ridiculous to limit them. Suppose other countries decided non-citizens have no rights. How would you like it if you visited England, were arrested and told "Sorry but we are not going to bother with a trial for you, visitor".
  13. Bern

    Attempted intimidation

    For some. Others have servile mentality. They like being told what to do and above all they love it when society stagnates into a familiar comfortable secure groove.
  14. Paul is a prime player in this debacle. I would think he'd be interested in comments and respond since most comments are directed at him. You seem to be posting almost as much as Paul. So what is your stake that is causing you to post so obsessively?
  15. Please present your alternative cheaper budget.
  16. 3. They're trying to apply the squeaking wheel principle. 4. I'll be somewhat blunter - you mean the Catholics whose dogma of purgatory has been found invalid by Mr. P. or the Muslims who will as Mr. P. states go to hell? I'm surprised. Do Kearny Catholics and Muslims not being bothered by Mr. P's religious bigotry against their religion indicate a lack of self respect and worth? Or do they have so little religious belief that when someone bashes it its ok? Are there other religious groups he's insulted?
  17. There are numerous posts detailing why this sequence of events occurred. Must this be rehashed ad infinitum?
  18. Bern


    Can't this thread be left clean of the rancorous debate?
  19. He took a position. He could easily avoid getting involved by saying that its not up to him to comment on Bd of E policies since they're supposed to be independent.
  20. Bern

    A Win For Bush

    They are accurate. I don't where people get the idea that Olbermann is as popular as O'Reilly.
  21. By putting down the homosexual student in class he openly expressing his bigotry in class. Foolish of the Bd of Ed to allow this. I also heard that he put down the Catholics by denying purgatory. I'm surprised the Catholics are not up in arms. He effectively told the Catholic kids that their beliefs are BS.
  22. Opps, it seems in God We Trsut was left out of some of our newest coins. I guess now we will all go to you know where. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/business/A...ss-Dollars.html
  23. Bern

    A Win For Bush

    So easy to say "God Bless". Rolls of the tongue very easily. Before speaking the words do people think of God or is it spoken automatically like "Have a nice day"? I wonder how God feels about people saying it so casually and often. The wording is really an order to God to bless someone. Does He like that wording? Does He agree that it should be put on car stickers? Stickers most likely manufactured by oppressed Chinese workers. We always believed requests to God should be in the form of a humble prayer or petition. That is "May God Bless ..." or better yet "We petition the Father in His Grace to Bless ....". Just a hint to some in case they're wondering why they ended up in a not so desirable place after death.
  24. Bern

    Attempted intimidation

    He answered the question. Too bad if you don't like it. And he did more than they did.
  25. Bern

    Attempted intimidation

    How anal, questioning patriotism or loyalty just because someone won't stand for the pledge. This type of questioning was also used in Hilter's Germany and Stalin's Russia. Still used in China. I guess by your resoning we should also ask the Quakers and Anabapstists (Mennonites and Amish) why they are living here.
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