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Everything posted by Bern

  1. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  2. Why was it necessary for Jesus to become fully human for man's redemption? What God wills must be. Therefore, simply will that man be redeemed. No need to become human.
  3. Bern

    Hero On Webster Ave

    Thanks Bryan. You're observant and smart enough to take action when things didn't seem right. You saved her life.
  4. Out of the 131 they caught, five were from Kearny and one had a criminal record. The only thing full of is you, Guest.
  5. Bern

    Manor Park Bathroom

    Not a good solution. These buildings are expensive to maintain, subject to vandalism and predators. Because of the above, there are many parks where the rest room building has been locked and replaced by porta potties.
  6. You mean filthy mind. He has real issues.
  7. Bern

    big mouth citizen

    Only in the land of the wussies.
  8. Bern

    More Pelosi Lowlights

    The lie is that the CIA's conclusions were deliberately misrepresented. The CIA directorates did get the applicable correct intelligence but then it was filtered by Bush admin hacks to justify the war. A lot of the filtering and adjusting of data was done by the Pentagon special plans office. It got so bad that there were mass resignations from the Directorate of Operations and the Middle East Analysis desk. Even after the war started, the CIA Iraq station chief sent back intelligence which was still misrepresented causing him to resign. Patriotic retired CIA officers have brought a lot of these misdeeds into the open. There's also the Downing memo from the head of British foreign intelligence which stated "that President Bush wanted to topple Saddam Hussein by military action and warned that in Washington intelligence was being fixed around the policy". The main problem was that Tenet did not stand up for the CIA. But he got a class 1 medal and a very nice book deal.
  9. I'm a Christian and I think that fundamentalists are a curse upon Christianity. But then I'm probably not the "right" kind of Christian. I don't go in for this eternal punishment. And there are things that bother me about omnipotence and omniscience. If a child is abused, God would know it and could stop it. But that does not occur. People argue that God allows these actions since He gave us the gift of free will. But there are many instances in scripture where through His intervention free will is overridden or claimed to be overriden in history such as the Battle of Lepanto. If you saw a child abused, could prevent it but did not, would you be commended by saying "Who am I to override the free will of the abuser"?
  10. You have my sympathy too. Good luck. Its really very good and patient of you to support her even though she should be put into a soundproof cage.
  11. You certainly brought your laundry out in the open. After seeing this I can see why he didn't want your daughter to stay with you. It is his duty to support his family well. The guard doesn't pay enough to decently support a family. In some cases, when employed, the civil or government employers make up the difference. I don't know why you would want your son-in-law separated from his wife and your daughter dependant upon you. Seems unnatural. Too many marriages are broken up by in-laws.
  12. Unless you're a Gtimo terrorist. God Bless.
  13. A lot of government offices with TV's (and there are many), the Fox tv channel is always selected, 24-7, the only channel allowed to be selected even though no one is watching. Nice way to keep the ratings up. Meanwhile the people gave control of Congress to the Democrats and Global Liberator's has hit the new low of 26%. It seems all that right wing spin has not had the effect you desire. Maybe you need a new channel. Have you taken your meds lately?
  14. Bern

    More Pelosi Lowlights

    No wonder the government is a mess. Everyone else just renames buildings. Doesn't anyone think its ridiculous they pass laws just for renaming buildings.
  15. Bern

    We have a settlement

    Its my experience that people who accuse others of reprehensible behavior usually are guilty of the same type of behavior. They do it, so they feel everyone else does it too.
  16. Bern

    Gas tax in nj

    Well at least it will support construction in NJ. The money will be used for NJ improvements. The possible gas tax increase is nothing compared to the 10,000 per taxpayer which Bush pissed into the Iraqi adventure.
  17. Bern

    Right wing outrages

    There is irony that the far right which worships the 2nd Amendment has no problem disregarding the rest of the constitution. And what is the point of them having all those guns? They blabber endlessly about their right to carry guns to protect our freedoms but you will never see them protest when our freedoms or civil liberties are being curtailed. If anything, when suggestions are made to curtail civil liberties, they lead the parade by "yes, muzzle the critical media or lock up people without trial". And lot of people do get so uptight when John want to marry Steve. But our failing health-care and failing social systems does not bother them. 1/2 of bankruptcies are now due to people who can't pay their health care bills even though most had insurance, people who worked their whole lives and lost everything due to sickness. Its sad and ridiculous when you have fundraisers at the local Kiwanis or Fire House to pay for Johnny's cancer bill. We have to beg to pay for Johnny's bills? Bills that would be taken care of automatically in any other first world country.
  18. Bern


    I doubt it. This has been tried in the past by atheists and they didn't get anywhere. The ACLU isn't going to bother with this. Do you have a link to an ACLU web site or court site that lists the suit? Or are you just trolling for O'Reilly?
  19. BBC left swing? You got to be kidding. What news outlet would make you happy? The Völkischer Beobachter? Calling the BBC left wing is like calling Tony Blair's government a left wing cabal. The BBC is a very reputable British government broadcaster controlled by the BBC trust and executive board. Governing members of the BBC are vetted by Tony Blair's British Government. They are a very reputable highly thought of broadcaster. Again, 2smart, you have shown us really how smart you are.
  20. The Chinese would like to dominate. Will it get that bad? Only if we allow it. We are doing our best to enable that. We've outsourced our technological and manufacturing base, and are becoming a debtor nation by importing too much and creating a huge national debt. As a result large pools of US money are held by foreign countries. So we have these big pools of US currency floating all over the world which they can’t easily spend. China is a good example. What will they do with the 100’s of billions of US dollars they hold? All our products are too expensive. Anything manufactured, they will manufacture themselves or buy from another third world country. As a result of these pools of offshore US currency, the dollar is being devalued. The exchange rate, Dollar to Euro is 1.35. Five years ago it was .95. In effect, the dollar lost 50% of its value. It also means that the price of oil has gone up a lot in US dollars but not much in Euros. For all practical purposes, the Euro may as well be standard oil currency. And its not just the Euro. The Dollar to British pound rate went from 1.45 to 1.98 in five years. This will cause us a loss of world economic clout. If we continues this, someday we will go to the world trade table and other countries will say “Why is the US here, they’re not bringing anything to the table”. Then we have all the outsourcing. What kind of jobs will our kids get? They can be graduating as engineers and they’ll be told (already happening) “Sorry no job for you” since the same engineers can be gotten at 1/5 the cost from India.
  21. What right? If Saddam violated a UN cease fire, its up to the UN to enforce it. Or are we the UN police? China and other countries like China love this. We've lost world influence and are using up our resources in Iraq. Whatever we lose they will gladly take. Make sure your children learn Mandarin. The Chinese are helping. The are sending Chinese tutors to the US to teach Mandarin in public schools. The Chinese teachers are highly motivated. They come for at least one year. In return they will be allowed to have an additional child. After all, the Chinese believe they are destined to rule all. Having lots Americans fluent with Mandarin will be useful when they have to expand their servant class.
  22. Duhh. What does the constitution have to with my comments. Last I saw free speech applies to non governmental interference. I can tell you to shut upand you can tell me the same. It has nothing do do with the constitution, guest.
  23. They're motivated to get us out. Over half (144 or 275) of the Iraqi parliament voted a petition asking us to set a withdrawal timetable.
  24. I like this suggestion I got from another forum for our brave war supporters. If you are 42 or younger and you're physically fit, join the military and serve in Iraq. Do your part to help our troops. If you're too old or disabled then send the US government your share of the $9,000 per taxpayer for the total cost of the Iraq war to date. Then your children and grandchildren will not have to pay this war burden plus interest. If you don't want to do either, then stop whining and STFU.
  25. Bern

    School Cell Tower

    Interesting article from the BBC. Our priorities could be misplaced. The real radiation risk is working with a wireless networked computer. Wireless network antennas generate three times greater radiation than the main beams from cell towers. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/6674675.stm
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