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Everything posted by Strife767

  1. What are you talking about? I wasn't even there.
  2. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    Uh, yeah. I think I'm aware. Cite me saying any differently, goofball. I hope you're an early grade-schooler who stumbled onto this forum (or early ESL), because not knowing when to use the past tense of a verb is truly shameful for anyone else. Sheesh.
  3. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    Are you serious? You assume I feel "smarter/superior" to someone just because they make a claim about me and I tell them to back it up? Of course it does--someone who's already made up their mind regardless would allow anything I say to 'work' in such a way.
  4. Dude, you got spanked. 75963[/snapback] Bryan's still contradicting his signature.
  5. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    Yes, instead of just easily editing a post, I would rather create a whole new account just to correct myself in another post. Oh wait, no, that makes no sense. Much like everything else you post, idiot. I could comfortably fit what you know through the eye of a needle.
  6. There is absolutely no reason for one to keep such alleged 'ammo' a secret. Actually, I'd imagine the taxpayers would be outraged if 'ammo' so important was withheld. In other words, I'm calling your bluff. Put up or shut up--I bet I'm not the only one tired of hearing empty accusations. Let's see some real, hard info--if you've got it, that is.
  7. Strife767

    Still Waiting

    The only thing amazing about reducing the violence one initially caused is that you think it's something to be proud of. Another 37 US soldiers dead last month. (source: http://icasualties.org/oif/US_chart.aspx) Not good news for the 3,882 (as of this writing) US soldiers who didn't need to die, scumbag. There would have been fewer American deaths had we not invaded Iraq, stupid. Go ahead, tell me 3,882 dead soldiers is worth it so you can feel good about them dying at a lesser rate. You wouldn't know.
  8. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    I doubt you know the meaning of the word "pompous." If you do, then please cite an example of me being "puffed up with vanity," if you can. Technically you're right though. Since neither of us is pompous, it is correct to say we're equally pompous. Just like we're equally dead, or equally Martian.
  9. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    Very much appreciated, William.
  10. "Instead, we'll pay Blackwater to do it."
  11. Did you notice if there were lights around there at all, and that they were off? Or were there no lights around to begin with (or was it too dark to see if there were lights around in the first place)? Just curious what the specific problem is on their end.
  12. Yeah, I've already been just about convinced "2smart4u" and "Patriot" are sockpuppets of the same troll--this is just another 'eccentricity' common to the two of them (and no one else) to add to the pile.
  13. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    Guess what: I post when I want. Don't like it, don't read it, and don't expect me to give a shit if you don't like how frequently I post or what about. Since you're not registered, you're just going to have to master the scrollbar if you don't like reading what I write. Deal with it.
  14. I know that to an idiot like you, the obvious seems like "insider information," but I assure you it's plain to see for those capable of critical thinking.
  15. Anyone who understands reality knows exactly what Paul is talking about. Stupid troll.
  16. Sounds reasonable to me. From previous postings of his, he apparently already has all the equipment necessary. Come on Pinho, why don't you stick it all in a .pdf and put it on www.megaupload.com or something if you don't have any web space of your own? No excuses, let's see if you play by one standard or two.
  17. Were taxes decreasing or static before Santos took office? And have Kearny's taxes gone up significantly 'faster' than that of surrounding towns? He's been making decisions all this time, and I've yet to see you or anyone else give valid ideas on how to do things differently to save the taxpayers money without having to sacrifice services. No matter who is mayor, taxes will not magically drop by themselves. Also, don't forget that the ever-weakening dollar is another force making taxes rise over the past few years. We are all getting less bang for our buck nationwide, and therefore we need to pay more just to get the same results, much less anything additional. Regardless of what you say, fact is no one's beating a path to his door with money-saving ideas. Maybe, just maybe, lowering taxes as not so simple as you think?
  18. You were replying to "Patriot," not Bryan.
  19. You're pretty much there--I didn't address the 'invoke "terrorism" in order to make any military action a-okay' strategy but that is happening also. Basically, we should be going after the actual culprits. Concepts are too abstract to attack directly, therefore declaring 'war' on them is simply absurd. Which reminds me of this: "If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insiduously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to seperate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" --Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
  20. Exactly. It's not like they have one main 'secret hideout' we can raid to save the day. The sad thing is we're actually currently making things worse, not better.
  21. Um, (Double Chocolate) Cookie Crisp has no trans fat. http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp...&id=prod3460684 http://www.peertrainer.com/DFcaloriecounterC.aspx?id=28846 Thirty seconds of Googling to the rescue!
  22. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    That's exactly the point, that it doesn't make sense! That's why it reads funny out of context. Of course, someone with a big stick up their ass would take offense and/or get all pissy over nothing. Waa waa.
  23. Strife767

    Oakwood Ave Fire

    No shit, Sherlock. Someone needs to get the sand out of their vagina. It was a light-hearted quip at a vague topic subtitle. Get over it already.
  24. I had no idea people actually reviewed breakfast cereal.
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