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Everything posted by Strife767

  1. Even though people were celebrating this time of year many centuries before Christianity existed? Hmmm... Not following your logic there. Happy holidays!
  2. Couldn't resist a laugh there...thought to myself "Damn, it's gotta be bad when out-of-towners will come to a local forum to complain about it."
  3. Anyone who's interested (and I mean really interested, because this is heavy stuff, now) in seeing what we do and don't know about time (namely why we perceive it as moving forward in a straight line), can read the Arrow of Time FAQ here: http://cosmicvariance.com/2007/12/03/arrow-of-time-faq/ Warning: it's long, detailed, and not kind to the uneducated. In other words, it may be over the heads of certain regulars here. I think you know who you are.
  4. Can't enjoy freedom if you let a dictator wannabe take it from you, can you, son? It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
  5. The forum and/or you fail at nested quoting. I don't regret at all asking; I like informing myself.
  6. Strife767

    No end in sight

    Think for once in your wretched life. The title is the same as the title of this topic.
  7. Just like it was made when you stormed that meeting, right? Oh, wait, that was an empty threat...
  8. Who needs to get a life? Let's review: A. Someone who wants to wish everyone a happy holiday (if any) no matter what it may be B. Someone who responds to this sentiment by calling person A an asshole and telling that person to commit suicide I think the answer is quite clear. Of course, putting this together with the accusation earlier in the thread that atheists are hateful just makes it more ironic and humorous. You really ought to work on that, guest.
  9. I'm having a hard time understand what this post has to do with the specific post you replied to. Also, I'd still have an enjoyable holiday without any of the commercialism. *shrug*
  10. Silly conspiracy theory and nothing more. Take the tin foil hat off, it's embarassing. Despite your insecurities, the fact is that the vast majority of atheists really don't give a damn at all. The paranoia is pretty entertaining, though. lol, yes, atheists are so full of hate that they want everyone including Christians to enjoy any and all holidays they may be celebrating. Sounds really hateful, all right. What a buffoon you are. Yeah, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, all atheist holidays, right? You are such an idiot. When someone says "Happy Holidays," all they are saying is that they hope you enjoy whatever you may be celebrating around this time of year, if anything. This includes Christmas. Realize that the kind of divisive mindset you show here is the exact reason why your religion will NEVER truly know peace. And when you finally either realize that or all kill yourselves off in holy wars, you will have no one to blame but yourselves.
  11. Your implication that everyone who isn't Christian is atheist is a shining beacon of stupidity. Congratulations. Now go back to your black and white world--reality is obviously far too complex for you. Evolution has nothing to do with atheism, so not seeing the connection here. Perhaps you could explain it.
  12. Actually, it's a sign that I expect adults to write as if they have passed 5th grade English. Are those expectations really too high?
  13. Strife767

    Joke Of The Day

    Lame joke, not to mention it's like 10 years old.
  14. Hah, the founding fathers would call you a fool for saying that (indeed, it was one of them who coined that phrase, though I'm sure you didn't know that). They knew well the dangers of an overbearing government. You, on the other hand, are one of those people who has fallen right in line with terrorists' desires. They're called TERRORists--their tool is fear. If they've got you so scared that you want the government to watch over you every second, and are willing give up all of your civil liberties just so you can convince yourself that you're safe (even though this administration has proven countless times that it is not trustworthy), then they have truly succeeded. Your cowardice disgusts me. P.S. Don't forget, more of our people have died in Iraq than in the 9/11 attacks. The Bush administration has nothing to brag about--it's lowered just about every other developed country's opinion of us, and increased the level of terrorist activity in the middle east (and beyond). How would you like to knock on the door of a family who has lost a loved one in Iraq and tell them that that person's death was in vain? No, I'm sure you'd much rather substitute your "mission accomplished" fantasies with reality instead.
  15. further destabilizing an area that is now home to more terrorists than before we invaded? Some protection. Idiot.
  16. Strife767

    No end in sight

    Pointless "war," pointless deaths...and you still have the gall to sling mud while your countrymen die in that quagmire. Where is your humanity?
  17. Strife767

    No end in sight

    I know someone who owns a ridiculous number of movies.
  18. So your answer to the claim that you're just throwing accusations without any supported evidence is...another baseless accusation. You know, you could have saved time and just said, "Yes, you're right." The funny thing is that doing that would directly conflict with the people accusing Matthew of going 'over' Paszkiewicz. Matthew can never win--no matter what he decides to do, people like you will say he was wrong. Your bias is extremely obvious. 1. There would be no drama (nor even an opportunity for it) if Paszkiewicz wasn't a liar. 2. The recordings were a precaution (which proved to be necessary). Apparently you never considered the distinct possibility that Matthew and Paszkiewicz would work things out in that meeting, and he wouldn't even have had to reveal the recordings at all if Paszkiewicz admitted his wrongdoing and offered to rectify the situation.
  19. Okay, okay, no need for all the exclamation points. In fact, if you had posted only the chunk before that first set of periods, it would have been enough.
  20. http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...indpost&p=78044
  21. Those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither.
  22. Does anyone responding to that post of mine intend to actually answer my question?
  23. I'm not sure exactly what you're saying. From the post I replied to, it sounded like the same number of people were employed, just that instead of there being some captains and some lieutenants, they were all captains. So that's why I asked my question. If I missed something, point it out, but clearly, please.
  24. Since there are recordings in this case too, I'd be inclined to think that their contents will be the difference-maker. Wish I could hear them.
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