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Posts posted by KOTW

  1. KOTW wants to remind everyone that Members can post events in the Community Calendar section. This feature works much like the Discussion Board where Members post Calendar Events which are reviewed by KOTW prior to being made public.

    If you belong to a local group, please feel free to post your events.


  2. KOTW wants to remind everyone that Members can post events in the Community Calendar section. This feature works much like the Discussion Board where Members post Calendar Events which are reviewed by KOTW prior to being made public.

    If you belong to a local group, please feel free to post your events.


  3. Like my rock that repels bears?

    What spam are you talking about? I've seen plenty of trolling (and that hasn't decreased since the 'feature' was added, obviously--captchas only deter automated spambots) here, but none of the spam that these captchas are made to protect against. So what's the point? Do you know what a captcha is for? It's to weed out automated spambots. It works by presenting an image that a live human can easily decipher, but that an automated program cannot (humans are MUCH better at spatial recognition than computers) All of the spam/trolling/etc. around here is done by real people. So...the captcha isn't accomplishing squat.

    You don't seem very familiar with the ins and outs of forum security.

    Wow. I stand by my previous statement. You really don't seem to understand what you're doing or why. Forum hacking VERY RARELY has anything to do with posting. Usually there is some exploit in the forum's backend itself. Again, this is NOT what captchas are for--they are for stopping automated bots from spamming a forum, usually with links to some site with ads and/or malware.

    Sorry to be harsh, but I can see why the forum got hacked. You really seem clueless, to be honest.

    For more information on captchas and their purpose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha

    But as a quick tip, the kind of hacking KOTW was a victim of is something you, the administrator, have NO CONTROL OF other than keeping the forum software up to date. It is up to the people who code the ACTUAL FORUM to find and patch up vulnerabilities. A captcha has never stopped a hacker, and was never supposed to. You really should inform yourself better before you start randomly adding useless features (this forum is not NEARLY popular enough for a spammer to bother unleashing a spambot on--case in point, a spambot has never posted here, to my knowledge...I've been lurking around here for the better part of a year). Feel free to prove me wrong, of course, but I am seeing zero point to the captchas.

    Dear Uncommon sense:

    The spam by spambots has existed for some time. KOTW has been deleting spam posts by using the moderator function of the Board. In fact, KOTW is still working on the East Newark and North Arlington boards to clear up spam. That is why I placed quote marks around word hacker in my previous post. Spammers are not hackers but they are just as annoying.

    You are correct that KOTW was hacked by the exploitation of the software that is written by a third party. KOTW has installed the latest version and will continue to upgrade the software to insure (as much as possible) that the board does not get hacked again.

    I appreciate your explanation. The captcha makes KOTW's job a little easier by eliminating spambots and that is why it was installed.


  4. So, do we get to guess where exactly the calendar actually is? :rolleyes:

    Also, I notice no announcement for the very annoying new "feature" which is the need to answer a captcha (the thing where you have to write down the numbers and letters) every time a guest posts. :lol:

    The annoying new feature is part of the upgraded security so that the board is not flooded with spam posts. It is working. Unfortunately, it is the price that has to be paid to curtail the "hackers".

    The Calendar can be accessed from the Calendar button on the top right hand bar next to Members.


  5. KOTW Members can now post calendar events on the Community Calendar.

    Events posted by Members will the be reviewed by KOTW and added to the calendar.

    Please feel free to add any events which would be interest to the KOTW community.


  6. KOTW Members can now post calendar events on the Community Calendar.

    Events posted by Members will the be reviewed by KOTW and added to the calendar.

    Please feel free to add any events which would be interest to the KOTW community.


  7. There is always that other Kearny board whose owner seems to want to foster meaningful contributions and discussion so badly. You can actually report trolling and stuff so that it's dealt with instead of ignored.

    Thanks. Nothing like using KOTW to promote the competition.


  8. Dear Webmaste I posted something about an article that was written in the Observer Blog where is it.......? This blog was public so where is it? I can 't wait to read your answer


    Your post is currently under review. If our first instinct is not to post, the post is put aside and reviewed later. If you would register under your real name, I will gladly post it without further review.


  9. KOTW

    Why do you print some names and initials, while deleting others. I think Jim Doran has something to do with moderating. Who runs KOTW?


    It is KOTW's policy not to edit post as much as possible. On occasion KOTW will edit posts and/or delete posts entirely. If you feel a post should have been edited, please use the Report post feature (left hand side of post box) to let us know.


  10. Obviously a simple error having to do with the mind accidentally retaining the 'negative' of the sentence for too long, so it came out twice instead of once.


    Exactly, a double negative. Even KOTW (despite the proof reading) can err.


  11. Dear Concerned Parent:

    Our apologies. The East Newark forum has been attacked by spammers attempting to use KOTW's popularity to advertise some "inappropriate content". Some of the posts unfortunately got through. We are not sure how but we are monitoring the situation. Unfortunately due to the volume of "inappropriate posts" we had to globally reset the East Newark forum which meant deleting all prior posts.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Once again, our apologies.


  12. Dear Kearny on The Web,

    You complained the local media didn't cover Amaral's story too good. Um, sorry to say it, but you guys are just as much part of the media as the newspapers are these days. You get a huge audience here. So when you complain about coverge Amaral gets, think about what you could have done but didnt do, also (until the other day)

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    Dear Guest:

    Thanks for the compliment on being "as much part of the medias as the newspapers are these days." You are correct. The story on Amaral Auto is a compelling one. A story that deserves coverage from our local media including KOTW. You are also correct KOTW could have done more. Our article/opinion piece from the other day is the start. KOTW hopes that the other media outlets also revisit the issue with a new prospectus. After reading the Adler Petition, there appear to be major issues not being addressed by the local media and even the court. KOTW plans on covering the story in more detail in the weeks to come.


  13. 'Our thanks go to KOTW and to our supporters. It is disappointing that there should be any battle at all over these issues in a public school in New Jersey in 2007, but we are pleased that the Board has acted to address this matter in an appropriate way.'

    You're welcome, we are glad to have been of assistance.

  14. The 3 best got elected tonight and i couldn't be happier

    Bernadette McDonald    709  votes

    Alan R. Doffont            653  votes

    Joseph Weber              612  votes

    Budget passed also

    Congragulations to all 3 of you.

    Manny Ventoso Jr.

    Please note that the post is from a Guest. KOTW has not confirmed that the poster is in fact Manny Ventoso Jr.

  15. Dear Members and Guests:

    It has been KOTW's policy to err on the side of allowing all posts through. On occasion a post is edited for content; held for further review; or deleted outright.

    The deletion of content based posts is rare. There has been an increase in review time in the past few weeks. KOTW's apology.

    KOTW's posting policy has withstood the test of time. Anyone who has visited KOTW throughout the years knows that KOTW welcomes the discussion of all points of view on its Discussion Board.


  16. (KOTW, I'm surprised at you...if hate speech like this is not disallowed on the forums, then what is the point of moderating them at all?)


    Strife767, Members and Guests:

    We know that all terrorists are not muslims (as one of our posters pointed out) and that all abortion clinic bombers are not christians. Although comments like these are objectionable and if the poster was serious hate speech, I tend to be optimistic that post such as the two you find objectionable simply are sarcastic attempts to prove the opposite: Only some terrorists happen to be muslim. Only some abortion clinic bombers happen to be Christian.


  17. Maria from WO:

    It is KOTW's policy to allow as many points of view as possible.

    KOTW has no intention of changing our Guest policy. KOTW is unique in that we do allow Guests to post anonymously. It should be noted that IP addresses are attached to posts and available to administrators only.

    It is also our policy to attempt to edit posts rather than delete posts entirely. On occasion, a post is delayed to allow for reflection time and proper editing or deletion of the post.

    KOTW believes that the above policies makes us unique. If you disagree with a "Guest" poster simply click the Reply button (on their post) and you will be able to include their post within your reply.


  18. Help support KOTW. If you are going to purchase Bob Woodward's Book, State of Denial, please use the link in the announcement section above. Your purchase will support KOTW's future.


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