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Petition to have Paszkiewicz fired

Guest Michael from Texas

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lets be serious here, everyone is praising this child. Was this teacher threatening kids lives, was he inappropriately touching students, lets be real. Nobody was getting hurt. I would just like to wish this child good luck in college. He will be eatien alive by the ruthless preaching of individuals on college campuses.

We have the address of the kearny school board, let's start an email/web petition to have this teacher fired and his credentials revoked.

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I think this lead-in post misses a few important points. I hope you'll consider and reply to what follows.

School systems have disciplinary procedures for alleged problem behaviors by staff. Paul LaClair himself has said, "Teacher discipline is not our issue. We have stated publicly that Paszkiewicz is a good teacher, when he sticks to his subject. His moral conduct in Somma's office and since is another matter, but it is not for us to determine disciplinary action."

If you have not done so already, I recommend you read Mr. LeClair's letter here that contains the above quote. It's an astounding piece. I take Mr. LeClair at his word. It's impossible to get any more close to the issue than he is, and he and Matthew are the ones taking the risks. I believe all of us who admire what they're doing and are potential supporters should take a deep breath and defer to the LaClairs' judgment in this respect.

Rather than a firing, the LeClairs have said they are looking for an apology out of the teacher, corrections to the misinformation dispensed in the classroom as if it were truth, and quality control by the administration to ensure that similar episodes are not repeated. These are hardly extremist demands. He has also called upon reasoning people in the community and clergy to stand up to the vitriol and false arguments from the teacher's apologists, and to confront the legitimate, foundational issues the episode with Mr. Paszkiewicz has raised. How to get these things to happen?

I think Paul LeClair's strategy has rested heavily on investing significant amounts of time presenting their case in public in a reasoned, articulate, firm, but nonvolatile way. Go back to the blog, go to his user ID, isolate his comments, and see if you don't agree. I think the effort is to get a critical mass of people in the community to think more rationally about what's happened. A reluctant school administration and board would be forced to rethink their choices and act. Petitions by people who are largely outside the community aren't going to make that happen; in fact, they're more likely to further polarize the situation. If LeClair thought he had LOCAL signatures for such a petition to be successful right now, I'm sure he'd be considering it. First, he has to get them to THINK. That in itself may win the day, without the need for petitions. He knows he has the option to pursue a lawsuit, probably winable. It is to his credit that he has viewed that as a last resort.

We support the LaClairs by helping to keep the conversation reasoned and moving forward, using facts, evidence, reason, and the fundamentals of our democracy. Like LaClair, at some point you have to politely let go of posters like 2smart4u and keep to the high road. There are a LOT of people reading these blog topics who are not commenting, and I suspect a lot of them are from Kearny. This is a critical time to reach these people; a lot are here because they're still trying to sort it all out. It's great for them to know that there are hundreds of people from across the nation and the world writing notes of support to Matthew. It's great for them to know that there are lots of Americans who are looking to them to make thoughtful choices. But we need to trust the wisdom and persuasiveness of our own arguments and give them the space to do just that -- make thoughtful choices. We also need to be good listeners, understand other points of view, and move forward. In a way, it's exactly what Mr. Paszkiewicz did NOT do in the classroom. (I sincerely hope someday Mr. Paszkiewicz can learn that lesson. I'm a teacher. I've listened to the tapes. I've experienced the exhilarating opposite extreme, where the students take ownershiip of their own learning, and I'm almost superfluous.)

I susgest we let LaClair take the lead. What do you say?

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We have the address of the kearny school board, let's start an email/web petition to have this teacher fired and his credentials revoked.

I agree that this guy has no business teaching in a public school. But I don't think a petition of people not from Kearny would carry much weight with the local school board.

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Guest queers and steers
We have the address of the kearny school board, let's start an email/web petition to have this teacher fired and his credentials revoked.

Hey Mike, keep your as$wipe remarks in Texas!!!

Why don't you start a petition in Texas to try to keep out the ILLEGAL immigrants!!!!! Which are bringing down the whole country!!!

Take care of your own yard before you try to clean up ours!!!

By the way the first time you do something inappropriate and get caught, which I'm sure that has NEVER happened to you, we should hang you, shoot you and burn you at the cross!! No such thing as second chances!!

Have a nice day!


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See what happens when someone from outside Kearny tries to exchange ideas? Some idiot from Kearny threatens. Keep showing America what Kearny is like. They are still watching this board.

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lets be serious here, everyone is praising this child.  Was this teacher threatening kids lives, was he inappropriately touching students, lets be real.  Nobody was getting hurt.  I would just like to wish this child good luck in college.  He will be eatien alive by the ruthless preaching of individuals on college campuses.

Yeah, all he did was break the law instead of doing his job! And he did it "for Jesus," so that makes it okay! What's WRONG with you people, expecting schoolteachers to teach instead of preach?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to my Trigonometry class... we're gonna talk about Noah's Ark some more, and how the Jews are trying to take over the world!

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(Quote) They are looking for an apology out of the teacher, corrections to the misinformation dispensed in the classroom as if it were truth, and quality control by the administration to ensure that similar episodes are not repeated. These are hardly extremist demands.

Apology: I know for sure if Mr. Paszkiewicz offended Matthew personally, he would not have any problem in saying his sorry. Apologize for answering a question in the classroom that was asked by the student, which Mr. Paszkiewicz stated it was his opinion. There is no apology do to anyone.

corrections to the misinformation: According to whom this is misinformation? Who makes us judges of what is wrong and right? Who in here is 100% sure, absolute without a doubt sure that they know what is wrong or right about what was said in the classroom.

You are judging this man by one side of the story, because of tapes? Matt could very easily deleted, added things to that tape. Who is so naive to think that he would not do that? This is not the first time Matt tried to get a person fired. This boy has a long history behind him. But yet we are quick to judge the CHRISTIAN guy. These people are trying to destroy a man's reputation because they are out there to make a name for themselves.

The LaClair's did not go through a chain of commands like Mr. LaClair stated.

Did you ever think of this man's family? Did you think about his children?

How would you feel if unjustly people would try to get you fired?

The board did act. But it was not to Paul's satisfaction.

So before you throw the first stone, exam your own life and motives.

This could be happening to YOU.

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We have the address of the kearny school board, let's start an email/web petition to have this teacher fired and his credentials revoked.

Get real! Your petition won't get a teacher fired. As far as I know the board has already made a decision. So, how about get a life, get busy and stop giving your opinion on an issue that you have no idea what is going on...The students in the classroom do not agree with Matthew, in fact they think he is an idiot. They are the best witness we have....by the way, you are from Texas, right? Yeah...A little bit too far from Kearny...Thanks for trying though, your concern for Kearny is really touching...BUT WE DON'T NEED IT!

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Hey Mike, keep your as$wipe remarks in Texas!!!

Why don't you start a petition in Texas to try to keep out the ILLEGAL immigrants!!!!! Which are bringing down the whole country!!!

Take care of your own yard before you try to clean up ours!!!

By the way the first time you do something inappropriate and get caught, which I'm sure that has NEVER happened to you, we should hang you, shoot you and burn you at the cross!! No such thing as second chances!!

Have a nice day!


Good job, Bob! I totally agree with you!

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I agree that this guy has no business teaching in a public school. But I don't think a petition of people not from Kearny would carry much weight with the local school board.

And although Mr. LaClair is trying so hard to make people agree with him, he is failling....the majority of people in Kearny are on the teacher's side. That's right! Get real!

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I think this lead-in post misses a few important points.  I hope you'll consider and reply to what follows.

I think Paul LeClair's strategy has rested heavily on investing significant amounts of time presenting their case in public in a reasoned, articulate, firm, but nonvolatile way.  Go back to the blog, go to his user ID, isolate his comments, and see if you don't agree.  I think the effort is to get a critical mass of people in the community to think more rationally about what's happened.  A reluctant school administration and board would be forced to rethink their choices and act.  Petitions by people who are largely outside the community aren't going to make that happen; in fact, they're more likely to further polarize the situation.  If LeClair thought he had LOCAL signatures for such a petition to be successful right now, I'm sure he'd be considering it.  First, he has to get them to THINK.  That in itself may win the day, without the need for petitions.  He knows he has the option to pursue a lawsuit, probably winable.  It is to his credit that he has viewed that as a last resort.

Probably winable? I am not really sure about that... I also "support" Mr. LaClair, in fact I pray for him and his family everyday. They need our prayers! They need a lot of prayers, I should say....

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Gee, I guess all those years I taught American History and Government I was mistaken. All that time I thought that New Jersey was part of the United States and operated under the same Constitution that the rest of us did. Your teacher has every right to express his views, and even to proselyte students. BUT, he has no right to do that in a public school, especially in a class on American History. If he can not see that, he does not need to be in the public schools, period. He can do that all day long in a religious school and no one is going to object, but not in a public school classroom.

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Thanks, Bob, for that deeply effective reply. It would be a good thing if everyone in New Jersey is as clear headed and thoughtful in their posts as you are.

Seriously though, personal attacks are not an acceptable way to discuss issues with another. It is possible to be deeply opposed to the opinions of others without threatening violence, attacking them on matter unrelated to the current discussion, and overall poor spelling and grammar to boot. While I disagree with what the teacher did, I am not sure as to what the correct response should be in this particular case. Instead of attacking someone else, which everyone learned is wrong Christian or not, why don't you articulate your defense of him in a firm but polite way?


Matthew Roberts

Oakland, California

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Guest A. V. Blom
Hey Mike, keep your as$wipe remarks in Texas!!!

Why don't you start a petition in Texas to try to keep out the ILLEGAL immigrants!!!!! Which are bringing down the whole country!!!

Take care of your own yard before you try to clean up ours!!!

You love your Red Herring, don't you? And exclamation marks, for that matter.

And, not to veer into yet another tangential and unimportant discussion, but: 'bringing down the whole country'? That's a rather...strange statement. There is a rather strong case to be made for immigrants improving the local economy (they produce, and consume, both of which quickens the pace of the local economy, not to mention sales taxes).

By the way the first time you do something inappropriate and get caught, which I'm sure that has NEVER happened to you, we should hang you, shoot you and burn you at the cross!! No such thing as second chances!!

Calling said teacher's conduct 'inappropriate' would be an understatement of the first order. On the other hand, firing someone is hardly equal to hanging, shooting, and burning on a cross. In fact, there seem to be a disturbing amount of people in Kearny ready to jump at the chance to not only exonerate him, but to crucify Leclair instead.

Back to the original topic...whether or not to fire mr. P. is obviously the school's choice. As Paul Leclair himself apparently stated the man was an excellent teacher when sticking to his subject, firing him might be premature...and so far, no one (except online) seems to have demanded such.

As such, it seems perfectly acceptable to make him apologize and then let go of things...provided it is made crystal clear to mr. P. that his behavior was intolerable.

Myself, I wouldn't really mind him being fired, either. His behavior was not only illegal, but also grossly unprofessional and an abuse of power. Mr. P's audience was literally 'captivated'...in the sense that none of them could leave during his rantings. The very fact that he has been abusing the moral authority any adult has over younger people in this way is an incredibly ugly thing in and of itself, and should lead Kearny residents to wonder just why they are supporting such a morally bankrupt man.

So to summarize: had any of the parents asked for Mr. P to be fired, I would certainly have supported it. Now that such is not the case, I see little reason to pursue it.

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Guest A. V. Blom.
Hey Mike, keep your as$wipe remarks in Texas!!!

Why don't you start a petition in Texas to try to keep out the ILLEGAL immigrants!!!!! Which are bringing down the whole country!!!

Take care of your own yard before you try to clean up ours!!!

You love your Red Herring, don't you? And exclamation marks, for that matter.

And, not to veer into yet another tangential and unimportant discussion, but: 'bringing down the whole country'? That's a rather...strange statement. There is a rather strong case to be made for immigrants improving the local economy (they produce, and consume, both of which quickens the pace of the local economy, not to mention sales taxes).

By the way the first time you do something inappropriate and get caught, which I'm sure that has NEVER happened to you, we should hang you, shoot you and burn you at the cross!! No such thing as second chances!!

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Guest A. V. Blom.
Probably winable? I am not really sure about that... I also "support" Mr. LaClair, in fact I pray for him and his family everyday. They need our prayers! They need a lot of prayers, I should say....

Good...always nice to know how people waste their time. For myself, I play pool...it's more enjoyable than prayer, and probably more useful.

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We are with you Matthew,a history teacer does not teach religion in class. Second of all if you were paying for him in a catholic school and they weren't teaching your son the right subjects,you would file a lawsuit. He wouldn't be learning what your paying him to learn. How can such axxholes think this teacher is right.

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Guest Former students parent
:angry: My question is this, Was this man a good teacher before this little spoiled brat, who spends too much time thinking how he can be the center of everyones attention, started this thing?" YES HE WAS AND YES HE IS." Just remember one thing, One nation, under GOD. Both of my children had this wonderful teacher and both are now in the educational field, so my vote goes to the man who taught my children. Also remember this boy , if offended could have gotten up and walked out of that class anytime he wanted to, but instead he chose to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
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Guest Mike from Texas
Hey Mike, keep your as$wipe remarks in Texas!!!

Why don't you start a petition in Texas to try to keep out the ILLEGAL immigrants!!!!! Which are bringing down the whole country!!!

Take care of your own yard before you try to clean up ours!!!

By the way the first time you do something inappropriate and get caught, which I'm sure that has NEVER happened to you, we should hang you, shoot you and burn you at the cross!! No such thing as second chances!!

Have a nice day!


hi Bob, so nice to know that there are bigoted as$wipes in New Jersey too. I really thought that Texas had the monopoly on uneducated, intolerant, bigoted, religious morons, but I see that they've come to live in Kearny also.

Congratulations on a fine education from Kearny.

I suppose your science teachers in Kearny think that the sun still revolves around the earth, or the earth is flat.

As for cleaning our own yard, it seems that we have done just fine by exporting all the bigots and semi-intelligent people (dinosaurs on Noah's Ark???) to Kearny.

Have a Merry Christmas to those who know the "truth", and let's just comdemn everyone else who doesn't believe what you believe to hell.

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:angry: My question is this, Was this man a good teacher before this little spoiled brat, who spends too much time thinking how he can be the center of everyones attention, started this thing?" YES HE WAS AND YES HE IS." Just remember one thing, One nation, under GOD. Both of my children had this wonderful teacher and both are now in the educational field, so my vote goes to the man who taught my children. Also remember this boy , if offended could have gotten up and walked out of that class anytime he wanted to, but instead he chose to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

A good teacher does his job. This teacher was too busy preaching and telling people they'd go to hell to actually do his job during class time. He's a bad teacher.

Are we living in some bizzaro universe here people? This so-called "teacher" violated the US Constituion repeatedly! Yet you think we should keep his job as a public school teacher? What's next - recruiting KKK grand wizards to be teachers?

If the offending teacher was a Muslim and told your Christian children they must follow the teacher of Muhammad or they'd go to hell, would you still think what he did was fine. Would you still think it was just a "mole hill?" We all know the answer.

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Apology: I know for sure if Mr. Paszkiewicz offended Matthew personally, he would not have any problem in saying his sorry.

This could be happening to YOU.

You are wrong. Matthew specifically told Paszkiewicz he was offended, and Paszkiewicz did not even have the decency to acknowledge the fact.

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