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A message of support for Matthew LaClair

Guest S

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Matt, Applause.

Please understand that while I support you and the cause you represent, you might have considered other courses of action or ways of trapping him without using the recorder. I've read many of the comments posted here and I firmly believe the teacher was way out of line, though I can't believe it had to come to this ugly thing. On the other hand, it's your single fight in the larger war of minds. Was there truly no other recourse possible?

Mr. P. is probably an honest fellow down deep, just trying to do what he thinks is right and probably very meek, just very mislead and obviously very narrow minded, and that's very sad. Some of our species are not gifted enough or able to contemplate these larger topics and often arrive at incorrect conclusions. While listening to the tapes it is obvious that he is groping for words and clearly doesn't have the ability to express himself well. It seems he might have been a boring teacher as well. It's a good thing that in the long run, the issue was taken out of the classroom and into the public forum.


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Thanks for bringing this to light, you should be proud. I have a hunch that a number of the best universities in this country will be lining up to get you on-board once you finish up high school.

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Matt, Applause.

Please understand that while I support you and the cause you represent, you might have considered other courses of action or ways of trapping him without using the recorder. I've read many of the comments posted here and I firmly believe the teacher was way out of line, though I can't believe it had to come to this ugly thing. On the other hand, it's your single fight in the larger war of minds. Was there truly no other recourse possible?

Mr. P. is probably an honest fellow down deep, just trying to do what he thinks is right and probably very meek, just very mislead and obviously very narrow minded, and that's very sad. Some of our species are not gifted enough or able to contemplate these larger topics and often arrive at incorrect conclusions. While listening to the tapes it is obvious that he is groping for words and clearly doesn't have the ability to express himself well. It seems he might have been a boring teacher as well. It's a good thing that in the long run, the issue was taken out of the classroom and into the public forum.


Greg, we considered this carefully. The day Matthew came home from the meeting in Al Somma's office, he was emotionally drained --- not for himself, but knowing that Paszkiewicz and his family could be caused to suffer. But it had to be done. There was no other way open to us. Paszkiewicz's behavior was so outrageous and so sustained that it was obvious that if he got away with it, he would just keep doing the same thing. It had to be taken over his head. Paszkiewicz's response after he was confronted only proved this to be true. Matthew accurately predicted the behavior of several adults in positions of authority over him. Second guess him all you like, he was dead right --- Paszkiewicz would have gotten away with this if Matthew had not recorded. There was no other way, and good for Matthew for recognizing it from the beginning.

For Paszkiewicz, there was another way. A simple apology and a statement of corrections would have sufficed, and no one would ever have known about those recordings. Instead, Paszkiewicz declined by silence (not even having the courtesy to explain why he thought he was justified), choosing instead to insinuate that Matthew had misrepresented his comments (until the recordings were produced, of course). He tried to intimidate a much younger student with his authority and his popularity, all to the student's detriment. It was an act of abject cowardice.

The KHS student handbook says the following at page 32:

"What to do if you do something wrong.

"1) Admit it --- avoid blaming others or making excuses.

"2) Apologize --- Saying you're sorry (and meaning it) helps clear the air.

"3) Accept the consequences --- as graciously as possible.

"4) Learn from it --- try not to make the same mistake again.

"And then forgive yourself because everyone makes mistakes."

Excellent advice from the school. Too bad they don't insist on it from their teacher. Too bad the teacher doesn't seem to think this applies to him.

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Guest Mechalith


You should be proud of your actions, and I want you to know that there are plenty of people out here who support you. I'm only sorry that you have to live with the small minded reactions of the zealots around you.

Stay strong =)

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Well Done Matt.

The nattering nabobs of negativism in your town who denigrate your principled stand remind me of the Bruce Springsteen song "Glory Days". Their glory days are behind them, your glory days are ahead. It's always the right time to do the right thing.

From now until graduation might be uncomfortable, but it was worth it to not spend the rest of your life wishing you had stood up for what was right when you had the chance.

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David Paszkiewicz, you should never use the classroom as your pulpit. You are there to teach in history. Stick to that. You are not employed as a Science teacher so until such time, stay out of the evolution vs creation debate. In addition to this, when did it become acceptable to suggest that your religion, (in this case, Christianity), is better than anyone else's in a classroom of the future leaders in this world? You want a sermon, go to church.

Matthew LaClair, you've done the right thing. There are a few people upset by this but don't let them stop you. This is what you believe is to be right and I admire you and your family in this battle. It shouldn't have made news worldwide, but it has and for the most part, people are on your side.

You've done a remarkable job.

Anonymous Aussie, Australia

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"Greice Coelho, who took Mr. Paszkiewicz’s class and is a member of his youth group, said in a letter to The Observer, the local weekly newspaper, that Matthew was “ignoring the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gives every citizen the freedom of religion.” Some anonymous posters on the town’s electronic bulletin board, Kearnyontheweb.com, called for Matthew’s suspension."

Its not Matthew who is ignoring the first amendment, its this kid. The first amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, correct, in doing so it prevents people like this from using public funds to force their religious agenda on kids.

He may be a good teacher, but this kind of stuff is completely inappropriate. People who are threatening Matthew should be ashamed of themselves.

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Guest A. Torres

Well done, Matthew! What you did took guts. You are by no means alone, although it may seem so sometimes. Keep your focus, and do not treat people as you've been treated. Good work!

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Guest Chakolate

It takes a lot of courage to stand up to someone who abuses his position in this way. It takes even more courage to stand by your words when all around you say you are wrong.

Good luck to you, Matthew - your fight benefits us all.

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I just read your story in the New York Times and wanted to add another vote of thanks and support. You stood up for all Americans and American values. Your community and classmates should be ashamed of the way they are acting. Someone who tells his students that any of them are going to hell is in NO WAY a good teacher. He should be fired immediately. Great job, and thank you for your courage.

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Well done Matthew, you did exactly the right thing. You may have some problems with people in your town because of it, but know that you have the support of members of the reality-based community all over the world. The teacher should be fired immediately.

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Hi Matt. I agree that you did the right thing by recording this guy-- if he'd said those things in any other venue besides a school classroom where he is put in a position of authority to teach and inform, it would have been fine; in that venue, it is unacceptable and inappropriate. Telling a Muslim girl that she's going to go to hell? Jesus' message is one of love, not hate. Even in a church, that would have been an over-the-top and hateful message.

I'm glad that you recorded the classes and are brave enough to take this public-- it can be difficult to do what's right sometimes. I respect you. There are many times in my life when people have gotten away with horrible things because I wasn't recording them at the time. I'm glad you were smart enough to think of that and expose this guy! It is no teacher's place to tell students that they're going to hell. That is completely off-the-wall and out of bounds behavior on his part.

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Guest Tim McCormack

Hey, Matt, just wanted to give my support from here in Charlottesville, VA. You did what was right in the face of adversity. You used common sense in the face of a pervasive and warped morality. Way to go, man!

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Guest Gene Goldring

I've been watching this unfold from here in British Columbia Canada.

I applaud you and your actions Matt. How does it feel to have your name in the history books for having a part to play in bringing about the new Enlightenment?

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Guest mikewot


It takes courage to do the right thing and sometimes you have to live with the consequences. You had the courage to do the right thing and the (temporary) consequences are caused by the narrow minded people you currently have to live and work with.

Soon you'll be able to move away and whatever torment and discomfort you're undergoing will be gone. One thing which you'll always remember will be how you stood up and were counted. It seems a remarkable thing to stand up on your own 2 feet in your town rather than live your life on your knees. If only more Americans were able to stand up and speak up against religious bigotry then the crushing hold of religion may lose its grip.

Well done Matt, you should be proud, I know a lot of Europeans (like me) are.


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Good luck, Matthew. The fact that you have receiving threats on account of your actions is very troubling. As an "unbeliever" living in the United States, I know that it can be very difficult to express agnostic or atheist opinions or even to request the cessation of theist prostheletizing. It's too bad that you have to go through all of this. Again, good luck.

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Guest Texas visitor

I salute you, Matt! You are a true champion of American public education.

I am truly shocked and disturbed that your school and city are not rallying behind you. But you did the right thing, and you have the support of a stranger in Texas!

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Well done Matt.

I'm British and I was absolutely stunned to read about this fundy twat of a teacher that you have exposed to international scorn. You spoke when most people would have kept their heads down and perhaps carped about it later. It took real courage to stand up to this pillock and you can always be proud that you did. Keep kicking against the pricks mate. :)

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