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KHS Teacher Controversy

Guest Unknown

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What if the teacher had been quoting the Koran and Mohammad, instead of the Bible and Jesus? What if the teacher was a youth leader at a mosque instead of a baptist church? What if Mr. Paszkiewicz had been calling for salvation only though Islam instead of a christian ethic? Would all these people still be supporting the teacher and calling for the student's suspension?

Yes, the Constitution protects freedom of speech. It also calls for the separation of church and state. Personal beliefs and ethics are important to the individual and to society as a whole. However, it is inappropriate for a person of authority (teacher) to be preaching his personal religous views in a public institution (Kearny High School).

Again I ask, would you be supporting this teacher's actions and behavior if he was preaching a religion different from yours?

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<_< Yes it the right, but it's wrong, I stand for evrything this country is about, you must be one of those Canada people, who instead of protecting and serving our country you decided it was "Your Right " not to be an American. The " Pledge "

as you call it, is an oath, and it is every Americans duty to stand when taking an oath of allegiance.  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Ironic since the Pledge was written by a Socialist to promote conformity.


Oh, and don't forget the Bellamy Salute!


Why do you hate America and the Constitution?

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Agreed!  I would not want my kids to be taught by this person.

When I wanted my kids taught religion, I sent them to Catholic schools. Religious discussion should not take place in public schools. However, I didn't like the idea of this teacher being taped without his knowledge. What everyone seems to be overlooking is the poor management of the issue by the schoool administrators, from the principal right up to the Superintendent. That's why they are paid the big bucks and they certainly let it get out of hand. As far as folks bashing the young man, there are many small minds in Kearny, who will never go beyond Kearny and who accept the "but he's a really nice guy" attitude, and I be that acceptance goes from the top to the bottom. The secondary issue is this is really going to cause a law suit and the taxpayers money. Another job well done. Sad.

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Guest an American in Texas

Paul, you are to congratulated on raising a son of such courage and integrity. Matthew has obviously learned important lessons from his father. Thank you for the stand you're taking, and for remaining rational and gracious in the face of tremendous provocation.

As a professing disciple of Christ, I must also strongly condemn the threats and contempt you have experienced from self-described "Christians", who are in fact nothing more than fundamentalist thugs. Nothing could be further from the example of Christ than their contemptible behavior.

As far all the semi-literate "true Americans" who've posted here, clearly your town needs a real history teacher and not an evangelist wannabe. These people know nothing about their own Constitution and are deeply un-American in their beliefs.

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You, Kearny, have no right to take my New Jersey tax dollars and spend it for the salary of a teacher who says I will burn in hell for all eternity because I am not of his religious persuasion. Can you understand that? Does anyone in this town have a brain? Tell the guy to control himself until he's not on the taxpayer's dime. Then he can tell everyone he wants to that they're going to hell, if that's the Christianity he chooses to believe in. (But what would Jesus say about that version? He seems like a pretty nice guy in the stories I've heard; not the type who'd want someone to burn forever, even if they were less than perfect.)

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If you are from Kearny then by now you have heard a story that has been blown WAY OUT OF PROPORTION.

A student of KHS, one Matthew LaClair has gone to the newspaper stating that a teacher has been forcing his religious views in is history class.

Now I am all for having freedom of speech, but I also believe every subject has a place and time for discussion; and religion in a history class is not that place.

HOWEVER!!!! This 16 year old CHILD, is nothing more than an attention seeking, immature person, who is also been known to "previously garnered attention for protesting Bush administration activities by refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance" (the lippar blog) I will include this website at the end of my rant!

This kid thinks he is so self rightcious and claims he “was requesting an apology and correction of false and anti-scientific statements" (the lippard blog).

If you listen to the audio (which I will also supply the site to) you can clearly hear that Laclair PROVOKED the conversation, and you can hear that the teacher had responded QUITE APPROPRIATELY:

One example being:

Matthew: isn't the whole point of public schools is so that you can separate personal beliefs from teachers and administrators from non religious teachings during school, like school prayer and all that.

teacher: the purpose of public school is to provide free education for people that couldn't afford education. That’s the purpose of public school

Matthew: what would decide what religion should be taught in school, what would decide that?

teacher: no it's not about teaching, my point is it's not about teaching religion, these issues all come up in time, ( tape fades out) things get legislated and we talk in class

the public school shouldn't teach a religion but the scriptures aren't religion they are a foundation of the worlds religion, the world main religion any way.

religion is a set way of doing things

In the conversation above, taken my Matthew Laclair himself, i see no wrong doing by this teacher, i do however see constant and what seems to be "rehearsed" provoking of the topic.

I hope he is reading this right now, because I just have one question for him: What on earth was the need to go to the newspaper? Laclair stated that he had a meeting with the principle, teacher, and the head of the social studies department and at first they did not seem to believe him but then he pulled out the cd's.....which in itself violated this teachers right to privacy.

So again, my question, after laclair proved himself with the cd's why did he not wait for administrative action to take place? There was no need to go to the newspaper, and I think in doing so, this Matthew laclair just proves that he is a 16 year old high school student, and therefore has ALOT to learn before he goes off starting religious wars, and pledge of allegiance protest in the United States of America, a country that has always, and especially since 9/11 shown great pride in our ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!

ps: a little side note for everyone reading this who disagrees: stating your views on religion and "forcing your beliefs on someone" is two COMPLELTY DIFFERENT THINGS.

so I would like to say to everyone who agrees or disagrees, we are all here in this nation, in this community together, and my religion is Roman Catholic, so when I say GOD BLESS YOU, I’m not forcing my views, I’m using my faith to wish you health and happiness

GOD BLESS you all

PPS: if this offends anyone then tough, because I AM offended that a wonderful teacher is being persecuted by an unknowledgeable juvenile for merely stating what he believes in. Also that this kid is living in MY COUTNRY where my friends and family have fought to keep our freedom and he turns his back on our president and our flag.

lippard blog: http://lippard.blogspot.com/2006/11/public...-class-you.html



I am a former teacher (in two major USA universities) and a Roman Catholic born in Rome. (I am mentioning this because your religion is Roman Catholic and I respect everybody’s religion.)

More students like Mathew LaClair should be applauded. I am more proud of Matthew “This 16 year old CHILD” than the "immature" David Paszkiewicz.

Your statement that Mathew LaClair "violated this teachers [sic!] right to privacy" is absurd. By definition a teacher is observed by students and "privacy" is the state or condition of being free from being observed." Whether a teacher makes an ass of himself or not, the students, the parents, and society have the right to share that information.

Finally, you write: “why did he not wait for administrative action to take place? There was no need to go to the newspaper…”

To the contrary, there was a great need to go to the newspaper to know that still today there are teachers like Paszkiewicz. If Mr. Paszkiewicz made assertions “in class, including how a specific Muslim girl would go to hell” and if Mr. Paszkiewicz said “that dinosaurs were aboard Noah’s ark, and that only Christians had a place in heaven,” I thank Matthew LaClair for going to the newspaper.

I don’t know on what grounds, but you have the right to believe that Mr. Paszkiewicz is a “wonderful teacher.”

I have the right to be ashamed --as a teacher and human being-- that Mr. Paszkiewicz is a teacher and that the school principal, Al Somma, says that “he’s an excellent teacher.” (Isn't it amazing that Kearny High School is located 10 miles west of Manhattan, the most international city in the USA?)

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As a former member of the military and a Veteran who has endured months of misery "fighting" for this country (not in current conflicts) I salute Matthew LaClair and his ability to act on his freedoms. If it were not for people like Matthew I would have to question the sacrifices I have made so that the people of this country, including Matthew, could be "free". 

There seems, to me, to be a great lack of dissent in a country founded on it. What scares me more than the lack of dissent is the overwhelming amount of conformity and the appalling submission to popular opinion. I fear that without more people like Matthew standing up for what he believes in while exercising the freedoms that have been granted him that one day we could easily be watching, on Fox News <_< , an invasion on our own soil.  And it would be the conformists of Kearny who would be first to roll over and beg for the opposing force to rub their tummies while they marched through their town because they were too scared to stand up for what they believed in. With that said I leave you with these quotes:

“Great minds have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.” - Albert Einstein

Let us make no mistake, warriors are servants in a very special sense of the word, for the service they perform is unlike any other. They are called upon to bear unswerving allegiance to a nation in carrying out its political agenda. Expected to risk life and limb with little explanation; to protect their fellow citizens with no promise of acceptance or gratitude; and to surrender part of their own rights and freedoms – all this so that the better part of the people they protect can better enjoy their own. A warrior risks his life – often gives it —for little pay, primitive living conditions, boredom, days of sheer torment and terror, and separation from home and family.

~Cpt. Ron Drez

Here's to all "Warriors" past, present, and future. And to Matt.

Congratulations to Kevin in Los Angeles for writing these thoughts and congratulations to Matthew for his courage.

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Guest Socalmarine
I hope the teacher wins.

This student needs to learn to be more tolerant of other's beliefs.

If it is his teacher's belief that Jesus was the Son of God and came on behalf of mankind to atone for their sins and that everyone should know that they have been forgiven because of what Christ did, then I do not blame him for sharing his faith with people he meets.

It's his belief that he should do so.

That being said, the student suing the teacher for talking about something that was not in line with his own beliefs attacks the teacher's beliefs.

If Matthew can't handle someone else having beliefs other than his, and has to take the issue to court, then he needs some help.  Instead of spending all of his time talking to daddy's lawyer, this kid should be talking to daddy's therapist.

A student should not have a teacher's "beliefs" forced on him in the class room. A teacher's "beliefs" have no place in a school what-so-ever. A school is designed to teach children facts or at the least, theories backed up with facts, not "beliefs". If I was your son's teacher, and I "believed" that a giant teacup orbits the earth, and it is actually our second moon, would you like me to tell him that? Perhaps if I did, I could mold him into a more ignorant American citizen than you are.

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From the NYT Article

"In this tale of the teacher who preached in class and the pupil he offended, students and the larger community have mostly lined up with Mr. Paszkiewicz, not with Matthew, who has received a death threat handled by the police, as well as critical comments from classmates."

A death threat-- that's great. How very Christian of Matthew's detractors. I mean come on. Do you actually follow what you are being preached or do you all just walk blindly along and never question anything that anyone does-- unless it is against what you believe in which case you break out death threats. Jesus would be proud.

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Guest Eric Johnson
To Jim Lippard: Did you actually listen to the recording? I doubt it. How do you know the teacher "lied?" Where you there? Of course the teacher continues to teach the class. Do you actually think this little punk was going to get him fired? The teacher in question, "if youactually listened to the tape" is sending his children to public school. Poor quality public school education inkearny? I was educated in Kearny and so were my children. We are doctors, lawyers, scientists. if the little punk and his parents feel he's not getting a good education, send him to private school,if they can afford it. I doubt it.

Just because you are lawyers, doctors and scientists do not make you better it just means that you can follow all the other monkeys and cough back up the crap that comes out of the education system.

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I frum Kerny.  I dun lived herebouts my hole life.  U librals dont no squat bout nuthin.  Now look hear y' goofs.  Sumtimes our yung'ns jest gots to have da fearagod puts in dey heds or dey bee runnin' round gittin' idjit idears like dat dang seprashun o' church 'n state.  Dat's Y we be's hirin' gud teechers dat knows rite frum rong.  Now hush yore traps.

This is hilarious. Great post!

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Guest socalmarine
I think that the teacher could have been a little more tactful in his statements but they were completely legal. what better place to discuss religion then in a HISTORY class, because as anyone with half a brain can see history is filled with religious conflicts and decisions based on religion.

The kid watever the heck his name was, and btw he is a disgrace to that name, should be punished instead. If hes as right as he thinks he is, then why is at least half the town against him? Suspension, expulsion, i dont care, but something must be done. This whole family sounds a bit shady to me. They should just keep their noses out of things. Theyre from some cult or another right? so of course theyre gonna jump on everyone who tells them the truth, that they will go to HELL if they dont leave the cult.



Hmm...The sentiment's expressed here seem very familiar to me...where have I seen them before? Oh, yes....from religiously fanatical terrorists!!

Did you base any part of this message in fact? Or did it all derive from what the voices in your head---I'm sorry, what the "angels" told you?

"Down with the family who got him in trouble for spreading god's message"? Are you serious? If you're against freedom, friend, then perhaps you should try Iraq, Iran, Syria, or any of the many Middle Eastern countries that persecute those with different views about relgion. Act now and you can be killing Sunnis and Shiites in no time!!!

The Crusades ended a long time ago, buddy...why don't you join the rest of us in the 21st century?

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I just want to applaud this guy for having the gumption to make this issue public. Earlier posters have talked about how when they say "god bless you." they are not forcing their beliefs upon you, but in fact they are, and they have no idea the assumptions that they make in every day life. Much like this very misguided "history" teacher. To blame this guy for "baiting" the teacher is just so ridiculous. The teacher made the topics and he made these incredibly outlandish and ignorant statements.

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Guest mkoonie

I am a teacher in an Ohio school system. As NO time does a public teacher have the right to proselytize their own religious faith. Just as easily as Mr. Paszkiewicz could have walked the verbal path of personal belief, he could have steered the conversation to another direction. After all, he is the trained educator.

When I read the first page of replies, I was alarmed to see how many people think Mr. Paszkiewicz's behavior is acceptable and at the same time demonized Matthew. I was relieved to find in more recent posts that far more people are beginning to wear of faith bullying in the name of Christianity.

It doesn't take a theologian, a history teacher, or a scientist to see how profoundly religious extremism is affecting our national security, as well as our sense of decency to people unlike ourselves. I personally am glad to see these conversations popping up on the Internet since they can act as a vehicle for teaching acceptance and tolerance, two concepts which clearly are not being taught in Mr. Paszkiewicz's history class.

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Guest Guest_Michael_*

If that teacher had started saying that the Holocaust never happened, or that blacks were genetically inferior to whites, or that AIDS is a government conspiracy to destroy the black race, he'd be out on his a** faster than a speeding bullet.

But his radical religious views, common to the radical Theocrats trying to take over the United States, allow him to get away with his predatory behavior without repercussion.

He should be fired.

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Guest Andy Foldes

I am saddened to see that Matthew LaClair has been victimized for his courageous and principled stance. He is a smart boy who obviously is able to think for himself and tell right from wrong.

There is no excuse when a teacher imposes an irrational, dogmatic notion on a class of impressionable and vulnerable young people. It is an abuse of his authority, and of the trust that has been vested in him to instruct his pupils in the science and history accepted in rational society. The use of primitive, indeed medieval scare tactics to browbeat youths into intellectual submission is mental rape.

It is bad enough that in this country millions of children are being subjected to religious indoctrination in their homes. They should not run that risk in a public school in one of the ostensibly more enlightened regions of the country. Let's be crystal clear about this: the religious indoctrination of young people is as immoral as child molestation. Perhaps more immoral, since it inculcates a disturbed world view which precious few are able to escape later in life, and which contaminates one generation after another.

Let's not take for granted the freedom of mind and spirit which comes with liberation from religious paranoia. It has to be defended, as we can clearly see in this world torn by the madness of religious wars. And this madness begins with kind, well intentioned people like David Paszkiewicz. Thank you, Matthew, for your integrity, may it open people's eyes.

Andy Foldes

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It doesn't surprise me that matthew was victimized. These sanctimonious people are all unchristian. I am surprised that this happened in New Jersey where I was raised. I thought this only happened in states like Georgia and Kansas

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I can all but guarantee that there was a two-way loudspeaker in the classroom, which would allow administration to listen in to the class if it wanted to. Furthermore, the teacher was addressing an entire classroom of students in a PUBLIC school. Nobody inthe room had a reasonable expectation of privacy, so Matt's recording was perfectly legal. Furthermore, it is the teacher's own fault that this got blown out of proportion. He was given the opportunity to own up to his error, and instead of admitting it, or refusing to discuss it, he BLATANTLY lied about it, until confronted with the indisputable evidence. He was again given the opportunity to own up to his error, and apologize for it, and refused. The school administration refused to reprimand the teacher in any significant way. The teacher made the student feel uncomfortable for calling him on the carpet, an unethical reprisal.

The teacher is a "Salad Bar Christian", ignoring the parts of his faith that make him uncomfortable, such as the commandment against bearing false witness. He makes a mockery of the Constitution by teaching Christianity in a State School.

The teacher deserves the public's contempt.

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Guest an aussie guy
I hope the teacher wins.

This student needs to learn to be more tolerant of other's beliefs.

If it is his teacher's belief that Jesus was the Son of God and came on behalf of mankind to atone for their sins and that everyone should know that they have been forgiven because of what Christ did, then I do not blame him for sharing his faith with people he meets.

It's his belief that he should do so.

That being said, the student suing the teacher for talking about something that was not in line with his own beliefs attacks the teacher's beliefs.

If Matthew can't handle someone else having beliefs other than his, and has to take the issue to court, then he needs some help.  Instead of spending all of his time talking to daddy's lawyer, this kid should be talking to daddy's therapist.

good on you for saying that I totally agree with all of that

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Guest an aussie guy
Sure he is...he's already free to refuse to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance...he's free to complain that American money states "IN GOD WE TRUST"  but he should not be free to secretly tape someone and then use it in the media. I'm not sure but I believe thats against the law. I hope he's feeling very good about himself. From what I hear, he's going to be pretty lonely. The kids at KHS think he is dead wrong.

precisely, I'm glad some people are speaking up about the kid

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Guest A Concerned Parent


HOWEVER!!!! This 16 year old CHILD, is nothing more than an attention seeking, immature person, who is also been known to "previously garnered attention for protesting Bush administration activities by refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance" (the lippar blog) I will include this website at the end of my rant!

What we have here, sir, is a case of blaming the victim. The child was an innocent victim of this adult who should have known better than to force is views on these children. We don't pay for or send our kids to the public schools to receive religious instruction.

If it is true, that this teacher singled out a muslim child and said that this girl would be going to hell, then I believe we have a case of criminal child abuse.

In any event, this is not what we expect from our teachers.

To all the parents who support this behavior, I ask: would you be as supportive if the teacher was of the Islamic faith and he had been prosletizing as a muslim? I think not.

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Hey Matthew,

In case you read this, I just wanted to let you know that there's yet another person out here who thinks you did the right thing. Your teacher clearly violated our Constitution, and while it may be difficult to stand up to him, and while it may make you unpopular in your community, you have every right to challenge him. I admire your bravery and your principles.

--Lily from Michigan

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Guest Keenan McCardle

I am appalled at what I've read here. After reading the NYT article I decided I wanted to see what the people of Kearny actually thought about this matter, and I must say I'm disappointed.

Matt LaClair stood up for his rights and has gotten nothing but grief from the town he lives in. To those of you who feel Mr. Paszkiewicz was baited, as a public school teacher he should simply have said that was not an appropriate topic for discussion. And it seems that it wasn't an isolated incident, but occurred over several classes on various religious topics.

Now I support Mr. Paszkiewicz's right to freedom of speech, but he crossed the line when he started condemning those who didn't follow his set of beliefs. That is not protected free speech, that is persecution. Plain and simple.

And this goes for anyone else who has called Matt gay, "D-bag", "pole licker", etc. You are being incredibly closed minded and hateful, and it's people like you who give this great country a bad reputation. Everyone has a right to their own religious beliefs, but those beliefs have no place in the public classroom and no one has a right to persecute anyone else for having different beliefs. Those are two of the most important principles this country was founded on, and by disregarding those you are dragging the freedoms and rights set forth in the Constitution through the mud. I'm ashamed that this is what our country has come to.

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Guest To the teacher's Defenders

Question for the defenders of the teacher . . .

Since you support the teacher expressing his religious beliefs, and attacking the religious beliefs of students, I'm assuming that you would have no problem if you or your children were the subject of a similar situation.


That you were in the shoes of the Muslim student who was told she was going to hell.

I'm assuming, that you would have no problem with your child being told by a Muslim teacher that they, and their parents (that would be you) were going to hell because they didn't believe that Muhammed was the final prophet of God.


Or, are you only agreeing with his actions because he has the same religious beliefs as you do? Would you in fact, be deeply offended, if the roles were reversed? Would you invoke the separation of church and state if that "church" happened to be one of a different faith?

In short, are you hypocrites?

The reason this teacher can't express his religious beliefs is the same reason that another teacher can't tell a white student that all white people are racist devils, or that all black people are genetically inferior - or that you and/or your child are going to hell BECAUSE they believe in Jesus.

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