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Everything posted by Bern

  1. Bern


    We know that. But the logic to require uniforms for all because some parents allow their children to dress as slobs does not hold. You don't punish all for the failure of some. By that reasoning we should search everyone leaving stores because some shoplift. And the school board knows this. I still think their real agenda is using the uniform issue to divert from their educational failures.
  2. Bern


    Now that Paul's kid is out and Paul no longer has standing on this issue, the school board has come out of its coffin and decided to pass a uniform regulation. The low Kearny SAT scores are not something to be proud of. The uniform issue is the public school administration's attempt at diverting parents from real educational issues. It will give them cover for a few more years. Some wanting uniforms does not make it right to impose this onus on all. I'm sure some want everyone to go to church but that does not give them the right to force you. We're not living in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. The Chinese are still big on school uniforms. Paul would know best but I believe there are successful strategies for fighting this. The operative rule is that the public school system is required to give an education. They cannot deny schooling to those who refuse uniforms.
  3. Bern

    Ta Ta Slimes

    Actually the closing quote is 13.20. Their yearly low was 12.08. But then the market has been tanking lately due to the economy being in the doldrums and high oil prices. Which is to be expected considering the inept morons currently running the country who have no clue on sustaining or rebuilding an economy. Do you also realize, that under Bush, the dollar has lost 50% of its value against the Euro? Even the Canadian dollar is worth as much as a US dollar. Do you think these things happen by magic or could it be due to poor economic and political decisions of Bush's administration? Your hero.
  4. Bern

    NY Slimes Censorship

    The Times wants the McCain camp to articulate in concrete terms instead of spewing the "victory" word. Those folks at the Times are tough. Expecting real meat instead of bone. And that was a McCain show stopper. To be followed by the usual right wing whining. Boo hoo, boo hoo, the Times did not post the article. Nothing has changed. The right wing have again shown they are whiny wussies.
  5. Bern

    President McCain

    I don't like Obama because he's slick, often changing his position. He also decries lobbyist, yet many times he has passed bills specifically for his lobbyists. As for pulling out of Iraq - fine. Where is it written that we have to support every government in the world? I suggest that we worry about and take care of our own internal problems. We have collapsing levees, bridges, antiquated public service buildings (police and fire) yet we are rebuilding the Iraq infrastructure instead of our own. Ridiculous. Sending so much of our money to Iraq and other countries while ignoring our own needs. A fool and his money is soon parted and that's what we've become - fools spending our wealth on foreign adventures.
  6. Bern

    Kudos to Bush

    What does my statement had to do with terrorists voting. Easily confused? But since you brought it up, a terrorism conviction makes you a felon and by law felons aren't allowed to vote. But then, you're seem to be the type who assumes a person is a terrorist and should be treated as such based on the governments say so, with no trial.
  7. Bern

    Kudos to Bush

    The constitution applies to everyone. There is no statement in the constitution saying it only applies to citizens. Matter of fact, when it was written the concept of being a citizen of the US did not exist. Anyone getting off the boat was given the right to vote and were treated equally before the courts. If constitutions and full legal rights did not exist for non-citizens, then anytime an American is picked up in any foreign country, we could legally be in jail without trial forever. Having constitutions and legal systems apply to all protects foreigners here and it protects us in foreign countries. If you prefer to set up legal system where foreigners are not protected, then you are asking us to be the same as the Taliban governments that exist in tribal areas of Afghanistan.
  8. Bern

    ACLU In Action

    It worked enough to get Bush re-elected. The politics of hate. Bush, Coulter, et al - rattlers in a slimy bucket. Lincoln's quote "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time" certainly applies to that bunch. I guess in Lincoln's day they had the same slime creeping around. The all (majority) of the people some of the time phase has passed.
  9. Bern

    ACLU in Action 2

    They waste time and our money on nonsense like that. More reports to file and to gawk over. In the whole history of the US, those type of activities have never caught any serious terrorist. Spending money on this crap proves they have too much money. Which is a sad considering they're always whining they need more. Our tax dollars at work.
  10. Bern

    FOX News

    You answered your own question.
  11. Bern

    Kudos to Bush

    Correct. And this has been brought up before. http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...g&pid=66093 http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...g&pid=87145 Creating imaginary supporters. Resorting to sockpuppetry.
  12. They were basically unarmed. After the first Iraq war, we controlled their imports/exports and their skies. They couldn't bring ONE single plane into the sky without our permission. Which is why our Army rolled over them when we invaded. Their military hardware was obsolete and broken.
  13. Bern

    Kudos to Bush

  14. Bern


    Correct. We used to live in a social climate where it was not necessary to check. Unfortunately, the days of not checking and taking someones word are over. Our new world. Even if there was no lie on the application, I think its really sad and pitiful that someone would lie just to get the recognition of having served. I would not want to work with someone that pitiful and so lacking in character.
  15. True. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington...ess-unpopu.html But then what do you expect with politicians like Nancy Pelosi making statements like this before the 2006 Congressional elections: “With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now. “Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” - Nancy Pelosi Press Release http://www.house.gov/pelosi/press/releases...ubberstamp.html What was the common sense plan? To increase the price from $2.91 to $4.10? The populace voted in a Democratic congress hoping for change and again, we are disappointed.
  16. Bern

    FOX News

    Everything FOX puts out is twisted and manipulated to serve their political ends. Only fools believe the blather they put out as 'news'.
  17. Bern

    ACLU In Action

    I find it hard to believe anyone could be as dumb and ignorant as you. I suspect you're just a troll who likes to aggravate and get attention.
  18. Bern

    President McCain

    There's nothing loony left about Obama. He's a seasoned veteran Chicago politician. He does whatever is convenient to get elected. After all, he learned and perfected his trade in the Chicago political pit. He appealed to the left to get their votes in the Democratic primaries and caucuses. Now he'll become more moderate to get the middle class votes needed to win the general election. The latest campaign contributions show that he's getting three times more money from Wall Street and financial firms than McCain. The big money boys looked at Obama and they like what they see. And I'm sure he's reassured them. An understanding. After seven years of Bush and Republican mismanagement people want change and so Obama feeds us his "change" mantra. However, don't expect much change if he is elected. The left will learn and will be disappointed later.
  19. Bern

    Teacher Dress Code

    Its been my experience that failing public schools focus and divert on non-educational issues such as school uniforms. Smoke and mirrors. Kearny school system has nothing to be proud about considering the low SAT score ranking. Instead of uniforms I'd concentrate on that.
  20. Bern

    More ACLU outrages

    Gee. We never thought of that. You're really just too smart for us.
  21. Patriot's brain atrophied to the size of a peanut years ago. You can't reason with something like that.
  22. The dumbing down of America. Remember that when your kids have to go to India and China to get work.
  23. That article was written Feb 28, when the price of gas was $3.10. The price of gas stabilized between 2.95 and 3.20 for the preceding four months. Very few analysts were then saying it would go to 4. In that context Bush's response was not unreasonable.
  24. Bern

    Dad & Lad

    Hopeless. An absolutely useless and insipid comment.
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