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Everything posted by Bern

  1. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    from sweetness-light.com Co-Workers: Obama Inflated His Resume It has been noted by Charles Krauthammer and others that very few people have stepped forward to vouch for Barack Obama. Indeed, there would seem to be an especially conspicuous absence of witnesses to the years after graduated from Columbia and before he moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer. Well, it turns out that one of his co-workers has in fact written about Mr. Obama during those days. And while he is an admitted fan of Obama’s, he claims that he has inflated his resume considerably. Others who worked with Obama at Business International have subsequently chimed in. First, Mr. Obama’s version as presented in from Dreams From My Father, pp 55-6: We are supposed to believe that “something happened” and the rest is history. Here, however, is a somewhat different perspective on Obama’s halcyon days as a “spy behind enemy lines,” from a site called Analyze This: By the way, there should be no doubt as to Mr. Armstrong’s bona fides on this subject. Even the New York Times has cited him as an authority for an article on this period of Mr. Obama’s storied life.
  2. Bern


    I haven't looked at it yet but I will. And I'll certainly be looking forward to the debates. So far, popular as Palin is, she hasn't really impressed me. Basic mistakes such as saying "under God" during the pledge of allegiance is good because it was good enough for the founding fathers tells me she has no idea at all of our history and our constitutional founders philosophy. There are other concerns. To tell us we should support Georgia, if need be going to war with Russia is ridiculous. She's simply espousing the neocon line of assertive dominance. Dangerous.
  3. Bern


    Are you sure you're not biased in favor of your legal brethren? You have the two lawyers, Obama and Biden running against the two who are not. I said the above because a lawyer I know told me that he feels Palin is not competent because she's not a lawyer (we were talking about Palin, so McCain's name didn't come up). I guess he feels that political leadership should only be given to the elite of the legal bar. Keeping the business in house. What did Shakespeare say about lawyers? I'll be able to judge Palin better after watching her debate Biden. But the people of Alaska, who should know her best, gave her a vote of confidence. Before her selection, Alaska favored McCain over Obama by 44 to 39%. Now its McCain vs Obama by 64 to 33%. Quite a margin. Those who she governs feel she is confident.
  4. Bern


    If someone asked me what the Bush doctrine was, I would also go blank. Bush comes up with a new doctrine every six months. I would also ask for clarification of what is being asked, as would 99% of the population. Asking without giving additional context is ridiculous.
  5. And how would you know?
  6. This comment from Democrat Mark Penn says it pretty well
  7. Duuuh. The VP selection is primarily to help the nominee get the most votes. There are also personal factor, such as having a VP who does not overshadow the President. Its always been that way. Biden, was picked because of his Catholic working class roots. Kennedy picked Johnson, who was then an extremely popular southerner, to get the southern vote.
  8. And so the amateur has goes to the master for help The Democratic party super delegates must really be wondering if they picked the right guy.
  9. You may find this hard to believe but its true that the governor of a state is the chief executive of that state. They do have executive privilege. Every governor of every state has used that privilege. I don't know if she is hiding something or not. But even if not, the point of executive privilege is to enable the executive to be candid, to be able to make decisions without having to work behind layers of lawyers reviewing everything.
  10. It would be ironic if we had a very close election with the military absentee ballot count causing McCain to lose. Here's an interesting video of our Iraqi troopers talking about their mission. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/7610237.stm
  11. I don't think so. No one in politics depends on "honor" to set their political strategy. Obama or his handlers screwed up because, frankly, they're not competent. This is the big time, where you need to get the vote of the whole electorate. Mouthing "change" or "we can do it" is nice for the party faithful, the primary voters who put him in. The real electorate, the ones who actually elect the president, would like to see something substantial.
  12. Palin has done what McCain needed. Get him additional votes. Unlike Obama, whose pick of Biden has gotten him nada. Obama we now know made a big mistake in the critical VP selection. McCain hit home run. Which shows me that so far McCain electioneering judgment is far better than Obama's (or his handler's). Meanwhile, even Biden seems to be questioning Obama's judgement I'll leave this quote for thought
  13. Comments like this are a reason why McCain may win. Your type of comment is repeated and shown all over Middle America as an example of elitist liberal thinking.
  14. Correct. Obama has shown that he cares more more our troops and veterans by his votes in support of extended benefits for them. Obama is also correct on item 4 (I hope he keeps his word). We need to set a timetable to stop giving the Iraqi government a blank check. Otherwise, they will never step up. They'll be like some welfare clients, expecting a permanent free ride. I disagree with item 3, the Afghanistan white elephant. Why do we feel such a need to control and regulate Afghanistan? And don't tell me its to free the Afghanistan's. There are many countries and people in need of freedom. To catch terrorists? That takes intelligence and good police work, not the military occupation of a country. Haven't we learned any lessons by now?
  15. Of course there will be spins, distortions and at times lies. Show me one political campaign that has not had them.Of course you are happy about all this teeth gnashing and drama over Palin. We now see that McCain's pick was a good, effective pick for his campaign (and he was heavily criticized when he picked her). The Obamites are worried and it shows. I've seen some really nasty comments about Palin, her daughter, and many of Palin's strong positions. The nasty comment posters don't realize that their comments don't play well in Middle America. You can bet many of the denigrating comments are shown to Middle America with "look what the latte liberals think of you".
  16. Bern


    It seems the problem was created by the school administrators. There is something seriously wrong with a school administration that purchases a scheduling program without input from the Guidance department. Students do fail and they at times do need to repeat. It is part of and expected in the educational process. If the school can't handle that, again, there is something lacking in their administration. Planning is poor when the administration needs to call in extra help to manage their "summer" issues. I'm not blaming the Guidance department. But I am blaming the administration, district or school level. And it is the school board's responsibility to make sure there is a competent and efficient administration.
  17. Sounds like a compilation of the many talking point from Obama's web site. Now that a Democrat wants a war or wants to "complete" a war, its OK, because Obama says we have to fight the "terrorists." How is moving the war from Iraq to Afghanistan any better? You're still in a Middle East war. In the 60's Kennedy and Johnson said it was to fight "communists." Nothing changes. Just the characters and the reasons. What happens when we get bogged down in Afghanistan, draining our resources? Will Obama then declare "victory" and leave or will he ask for additional resources such as a draft? Will you then support his call, whatever it may be? I suspect you will since you are so easily gulled into an Afghanistan war. We have had Democratic and Republican administrations and none have even tried to start reducing our dependence on fuel oil. Before his presidential run, Obama was not known for his concern on our dependence. We've been led down the garden path of "we will do something" before. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice . . . Health insurance? Obama's plan is mostly voluntary and guaranteed to fail. Its like making social security voluntary. After several years only the high risk and indigent will remain in Obama's plan, causing it to fail. We will realize it has failed, whereupon the Republicans will gleefully trumpet that health insurance should never have been changed, and that we must go back to our current system. Real health insurance reformers will not get a real reform in because Obama's failed plan will be used to show that "reform" is a failure. Obama's plan will set real reform back twenty years. Financial sector deregulation. I don't think so. I'll let Noam Chomsky explain: You can accuse McCain of many things, but his previous actions have shown that one thing you can't accuse him of is ignoring terrorism. Unlike Obama, who before his presidential campaign was never in the forefront of "fighting" terrorism.
  18. Don't you know Clinton was a racist when he said that. But not to worry, after re-education, both Clinton's have been forgiven. They are now toeing the party line: We love Obama. I liked Biden's comment about Obama's lack of experience more: Edited to add --- To me experience is not that important. But the above shows, if it were, then Obama is unqualified by Biden's own mouth.
  19. That should be the case for any war. Only let those who admit to supporting a war, pay a tax on it.
  20. Bern


    The usual hypocrisy of what is good for the employees is not what's good for the boss.
  21. Can we compromise and say that those two bastions of the Democratic party are tied as most corrupt?
  22. Yeah, OK, sure, that was the point.
  23. Bern


    How many cars have been stolen? It it worth the cost vs the risk of a car being stolen? Will having a GPS in the car really reduce the car theft risk? Does the town belong to some insurance pool? Did putting in the GPS cut the rates?
  24. Don't they come up with the most incisive, salient points. God forbid that you actually like the country enough to want to stay in it and vacation in it.
  25. When did she deny her daughter was pregnant?
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