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Everything posted by Bern

  1. I guess its hard for Bush to criticize his 'special friends'. A moment of intimacy - http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/26/internat...st/26prexy.html http://www.slate.com/id/2117517/
  2. Really? Well, then very fetching. Didn't the Hitler youth wear tan and black? You may be able to save money by trying German surplus stores for leftover uniforms.
  3. Bern

    Obama behind in polls

    Minorities moving into swing counties isn't going to do anything for Obama. What difference does it make if they are in cities or are in counties? Its the state totals that counts, not the distribution within the state.
  4. Good for this 'survivor'. Now we're getting into man's search for meaning. However, this is a 'Supreme Intelligent Spirit Power in the Universe that knows best and answers prayers' thread. Millions of men, women and children were gassed or cremated. And the fact is their prayers were not answered by He who knows best. But then that happens often in our contemporary world. Too often we read of children abused and killed by their 'loved' ones.
  5. Bern


    The Karma only applies for the teachers who are in favor of student uniforms. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, eh? :lol:
  6. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    I agree there is no shortage. I've always found it ridiculous and opportunistic that the minute bad news comes from the Middle East oil and gasoline prices instantly go up even though the fuel has long left the Middle East. I would think everyone would know that domestic oil will not be sold to the public at subsidized low prices. Capitalism will not allow that - we're not Venezuela. Market prices will prevail. But what is better? For us to buy foreign oil thereby increasing our foreign deficit and devaluing the dollar more or selling our domestic and getting some of our dollars back? Realistically, our domestic oil will not be sold. We have too much need and we are willing to pay market price to use it. Using domestic oil will reduce our purchase of foreign oil, reduce our dollar outflow, help stabilize the dollar and may reduce market price a little.
  7. Wow. This is almost as good as the legal pharmaceutical markups. Good training. FBLA.
  8. It seems He wasn't listening too well when the Germans were shipping the Jews to the camps.
  9. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    We do create many of our own problems by our lack of focus and courage. We used to be a can do nation. We are now a let us do a study nation. We have the highest per capita use of oil in the world, yet we refuse to use our own resources. This NIMBY attitude is greedy and selfish. Don't use our own resources but use up the rest of the world. We even have resistance putting in non-polluting wind towers farms because some think they're ugly and its possible some birds may be hurt. Forget all the birds hurt by our belching polluting power plants. We burn oil and high pollution coal to generate electricity. What a waste, burning oil, a non-renewable resource, when there is no need. Bush wants nuclear power and I agree with him. Other countries have lessened their dependence on oil by going nuclear yet we have politicians still opposing it. The French use nuclear to generate 80% of their electricity and they actually export their electricity to Italy.
  10. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    I didn't realize that the bill had riders attached which forced Obama to vote yes. Perhaps you can enlighten me. It seems to me more of a case of what the corporation want they get - especially when you're running for president. He's shown the telecoms (and other large global corporations) that he's willing to play the corporate game. The following managed to vote for removing legal immunity but not Obama Akaka (D-HI) Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Brown (D-OH) Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA) Cardin (D-MD) Clinton (D-NY) Dodd (D-CT) Dorgan (D-ND) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Harkin (D-IA) Kerry (D-MA) Klobuchar (D-MN) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Menendez (D-NJ) Murray (D-WA) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Sanders (I-VT) Schumer (D-NY) Stabenow (D-MI) Tester (D-MT) Wyden (D-OR)
  11. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    I agree about the 'benefits' Neocon's have imposed upon us and our economic implosion (also thanks a lot to the irresponsible Neocons). The Telecom issue was due to corporate pressure. I wouldn't like to see more judges like Alito or Roberts. I'm not living in or hoping for the 19th century. But I wouldn't get my hopes too high on any politician. We are often promised change for the better and often they disappoint us.
  12. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    I didn't realize that McCain has professed admiration for the most radical right wing justices. To me that's a big no-no. What have those far right justices ever done for the common man besides try to screw them? Barack may be an extremely intelligent elite but that may not be an advantage. Most people are ordinary and would not be comfortable having a president who is an intellectual elite. Not doing well in school is not an absolute indicator of future success or failure. We usually do not pick presidents on how well they did in school. I don't know what is exciting about Obama besides being an agent of 'change.' Whatever that means in this day and age. An example of Obama 'change' is his decrying lobbyists and talking big about getting rid of the influence that lobbyists have on our political system. His campaign also has decried that the McCain and Clinton camps have ties to lobbyists. So everyone gets excited - he's promising 'change'. Of course he conveniently forgets to mention that he was or is beholden to lobbyists and has done their bidding by introducing bills in Congress to benefit his lobbyists. Obama working for his lobbyists http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/0...te-rhetori.html The article cited one bill, S 3155 but actually Obama introduced 15 bills for his lobbyists in the 109th congress. They are items 41 to 55 on http://thomas.loc.gov/ (Search for bills by Obama, 109 congress) 41. [109th] S.3155 : A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on RSD 1235. Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [iL] (introduced 5/25/2006) Cosponsors (None) Committees: Senate Finance Latest Major Action: 5/25/2006 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance. His bills for his lobbyists attempted to override trade tariffs which has cost our government millions of dollars. And the lobbying done by Exelon certainly has worked well on Obama http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/03/us/politics/03exelon.html From the Chicago Sun-Times http://www.suntimes.com/news/sweet/635462,...sweet05.article As I said, the only change I have seen with Obama is Obama changing positions. He seems to be an adept chameleon. You accuse McCain of losing his principles and pandering but the above tells me that Obama lacks principles and I believe Obama panders to whatever will get him the vote. Maybe you do, Paul, but I don't find Obama exciting.
  13. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    Don't count on Obama for anything. He's a hard nosed politician from the Chicago School of Politics. Two years ago the Democrats told us that voting for and putting in a Democratic congress will get us change. The Democrats have had congress for two years and what has really changed? The only change I have seen from Obama is him changing position like the wind. When running for the Dem nomination he stated he was against immunizing the telecoms that spied on us. When the vote occurred he voted to immunize. You can blame Bush for this appointment and Bush does tend to pick 'suspect' individuals. However, nominations take two to tango. The president and the senate. Every Democratic senator voted to confirm Bush's nomination of this judge. http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll...&vote=00363
  14. Paul responds intelligently with facts to correct a false statement and you respond with trite sarcasm. You have shown us your level of intelligence. Moron.
  15. Bern

    ACLU loses again.

    Sometimes these things aren't. When symbols are present for a long time, they tend to become more a cultural or tourist thing than religious. Especially if the symbol is not used for religious purposes. But being a Bush appointee his ruling is suspect. The Bush admin is not know for picking quality. If the senate did its job we wouldn't have so many problems. The judge earned a gold star on his permanent record and Bush is still capable of nominating judges to the Court of Appeal. Hopefully they'll appeal and we'll get a better idea.
  16. Bern

    Patriot's New Hero

    Maybe using the Bush government logic. Which is why the patriot act gives the government the right to look at your library file without your knowledge. But nice try. Here's a link of books the unabomber had. Gores' book is not on the list. Amazingly, when Gore became popular the 'discovery' was made to link Gore to the unabomber. A tool used to denigrate and marginalize Gore's ideas as something that only appeals to the anarchists and the far left. At this point no one should be surprised to realize that the right wing constantly lies to spread their political agenda. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0811062tedk10.html
  17. Are you telling us that the war on terror increased our national debt by $5 trillion? You must think we're idiots. The so called war on terror helped increase the debt but the fact is we have a president who repeats and follows the mantra you people like so much - no increased taxes. But that hasn't stopped him from increasing the budget and spending our money like drunken sailors on leave. So, he borrows. He's got many of you suckered into believing there's a free ride. His $482 billion from this year, comes to $1,600 per American. This year alone, if you have a family of four, your hero has managed to add $6,400 to your family debt. It will really be a lot more since interest accumulates on that debt. Payback will be b*tch.
  18. The summons comes in the mail. The police report you have to get yourself. I assumed it was Juvenile court. Maybe not. Maybe the kid is over 17 (some mothers think kids are kids forever). I really don't buy this story either. The police try to do a good job. I can't see them all setting the kid up. I also can't the judge making that dumb statement about the lawyer.
  19. Bern

    Patriot's New Hero

    Poor Anne. She worked so hard to lower the writing level to the 8th grade reader level which predominates her audience and some still have trouble.
  20. Bern

    Patriot's New Hero

    Many who listen to these types of shows are frustrated, violence prone losers who are extremely angry at society. They're a danger to us and themselves. Just as we profile persons with Arabic names or backgrounds, we could also profile those who listen to those shows. These high risk individuals can then be selected for extra 'attention' before they board planes. The problem is that we don't know who are regular listeners. We would know if you subscribed to services like XM or Sirius satellite.
  21. You can't help it Bush, can you? Everything you touched turned to crap. Thanks for your latest going away present. From three consecutive surpluses, under Clinton, to this. Bequeathing massive debt on us and our children, Iraq, our lowered world standing, our fractured alliances, the sinking economy, a 10 trillion dollar national debt and a weak dollar. If our enemies got together and tried to put the worst most incompetent bozo into the White House, they couldn't have done better than you. Of course, you don't give a damn. After leaving office, you and your family with your many many millions will be living the very good life. A luxurious life 99.99% of Americans will never aspire to. Meanwhile, decent people will be working to undo the mess you left us.
  22. Not during the first 150 years of our nation. This was added in the 50's. Interestingly, after that things started going down hill.
  23. Bern


    Possibly. But the Board bought into this diversion. That doesn't say much about them. The buck stops at the board.
  24. Bern

    Ta Ta Slimes

    Maybe it can be published in the National Enquirer. McCain's supporters have nothing to complain about. The NYT has treated McCain very well. How many can say they had six NYT op eds published. The right wing constantly puts down the NYT. However, right wing politicians will take any and every opportunity to get their stories printed in that paper. Again, our right wingers are showing their true colors - big whiny babies.
  25. Don't count on the grand jury. They get one side of the story, from the prosecutor. There's a saying that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. You need a lawyer. He'll do the pretrial talks with the prosecutors and both sides will be heard is done during the trial or during pretrial intervention. Let your lawyer do the talking. Assuming you told the truth, the judge should not have said what he said about not having a lawyer. That's grounds for complaint to the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (609) 292-2552. Correspondence, including complaints, should be addressed to the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, CN-037, Trenton, NJ 08625. http://www.state.nj.us/faqs/court/index.html http://www.newjerseycriminallawattorney.co...leRetention.asp More info (its from Essex court site but it should apply to all NJ courtsJ) http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/essex/criminal/pti.htm
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