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KHS Teacher Controversy

Guest Unknown

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Guest The Sage on the Hudson

An American landscape thick with churches isn't enough for Mr Paszkiewicz, apparently, and the classroom with which the parents, voters and taxpayers of Hudson County have entrusted him is just too tempting for him to resist making it into an annex of his own house of worship.

Mr Paszkiewicz must feel that what's his (and, by extension, Jesus's) is his, and that what's everyone else's (including their right to privacy, personal religious belief and self-respect) is his, too.

Still, let's be fair: on the day that the government comes into his church and dictates what his pastor may, and may not, preach, Mr Paszkiewicz will be more than welcome to turn his classroom into a personal pulpit.

But not one minute sooner.

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Guest The Sage on the Hudson

An American landscape thick with churches isn't enough for Mr Paszkiewicz, apparently, and the classroom with which the parents, voters and taxpayers of Hudson County have entrusted him is just too tempting for him to resist making it into an annex of his own house of worship.

Mr Paszkiewicz must feel that what's his (and, by extension, Jesus's) is his, and that what's everyone else's (including their right to privacy, personal religious belief and self-respect) is his, too.

Still, let's be fair: on the day that the government comes into his church and dictates what his pastor may, and may not, preach, Mr Paszkiewicz will be more than welcome to turn his classroom into a personal pulpit.

But not one minute sooner.

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Go Matthew! A history teacher has no business teaching superstition. Dinosaurs on the ark? They didn't even co-exist with people! History teaches knowable facts. And if there were a god what a jerk if he sent you to hell, just because using all your reasoning facilities you couldn't bend your mind around to believing in him. If God wants us to believe in him, why doesn't he show his face?

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I think it is pretty ironic that this kid has the nerve to fight against freedom of speech but loves to invoke his right to not have to stand and salute the flag at school. By the way, I think his attorney father should advise him that it is unlawful to record a conversation with someone unless they are advised of this.  Maybe Matthew should look in the mirror, reassess the situation and see that his High School is in full support of the teacher in this matter

Legally, only one party needs to know s/he is being taped.

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Guest living in the bible belt

if this kid indeed set this teacher up and if indeed this was an obvious set up, then the teacher should have immediately recognized his intentions and quickly disciplined him, even dismissed him from the classroom. he should not have encouraged the line of questioning, regardless if the class was behind it or not. his job was to teach history not discuss religion, and teachers have a small amount of time during the day to meet their educational objectives (this is their job requirement) so any time wasted should not be allowed. this would be understood at least by an efficient and competent teacher. this teachers actions reflects poorly upon his ability to control his classroom which is a reflection upon his ability to teach.

if this teacher felt the need to share personal views and wanted an opportunity to defend his position, he could have requested that this kid meet with him after class (with a principal present) and then discussed the issues at hand.

i know that slimy little baiters like this kid are frustrating but that's life; these type of people are not going away, and I hate to say it, but the kid is in the right; his teacher lost control and gave the power of the class to the kid and his line of questioning. Teachers are repsonsible for their classrooms (that includes the students, the topics of conversation, the material taught, the discipline administered). To use religious terminology, they are the shepherds of their class, and they hold the ultimate responsibility.

Thus, this teacher should be punished severely (not fired since consensus is he is a great teahcer but definitely reprimanded). As for the kid, karma will catch him someday.

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:angry: Yes it the right, but it's wrong, I stand for evrything this country is about, you must be one of those Canada people, who instead of protecting and serving our country you decided it was "Your Right " not to be an American. The " Pledge "

as you call it, is an oath, and it is every Americans duty to stand when taking an oath of allegiance.  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Don't be a fool. The "Pledge of Allegiance" is a promise to support the republic (please, nobody start a moronic response stating "we're not all republicans though!") that is the United States of America. If someone does not believe in a republic form of government, it makes no sense for them to make a promise to support one. Countless ignorant people like yourself accuse other people essentially of being traitors to their country, or something similar. Does anyone recall a time in history when those who called themselves Americans were considered traitors by the British?

Stop trying to force your views on other people. If he doesn't want to say the pledge of allegiance, fine. I am a U.S. Army infantryman who has been in Iraq for a year and will be going back for another year shortly; I think in your distorted viewpoint this gives me as much of a right as anyone to state my opinions and use my freedoms?

Personally it seems to me that the kid is in an uncomfortable place where he constantly has to hear other people's points of view and is demeaned if he puts out his own, because it's less socially accepted. If he's "just a kid," and somehow you feel that being a child means that you should not be considered sincere in your feelings and actions, then you shouldn't care what he has to say, should you?

It's tough to love a country and at the same time hate the parasitic people who occupy it.

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Guest Bob Siragusa


Yes, I listened to the recording.  Paszkiewicz rambles on about all manner of things having nothing to do with U.S. History (making numerous erroneous statements), including propounding his religious views, before Matthew LaClair asks any questions.  There are multiple blogs which have posted transcripts of some of his idiocy, including mine--it was my blog which broke this story prior to any mainstream media attention.  Do a blog search for "David Paszkiewicz transcript"--or listen to the audio online yourself; I've linked to it from my blog.

The teacher should have, at a minimum, been suspended, just like Jay Bennish in Colorado was for a lesser offense.

Paszkiewicz's teaching was perhaps appropriate in a low-quality private religious school.  It was too incompetent for a high-quality one.

As for whether he lied--there has been no challenge from the administrators, from Paszkiewicz, or from his union representative to the published claim that he denied making the statements in class until LaClair presented the audio tapes, at which time he asked for his union representative and told LaClair he'd caught the big Christian fish.  I see no reason to doubt that published report--there is no evidence against it.

I don't see how anyone can listen to the recording and come to the conclusion that it represents high quality instruction on U.S. History (or even constitutes U.S. History at all).

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Guest Karen Nichols

I think Matthew LeClair is wise, intelligent, and brave. As a Christian, I am offended when believers of any stripe try to win converts using fear and manipulation, especially with young people. Students are a captive audience, and teachers are in a power position that students often dare not challenge. Parents and students have a right to expect that such brainwashing not take place in the public schools, especially not from teachers. People of faith who do not follow fundamentalist teachings should not have to pull their children out of the public schools in order to protect them from teachings about God that they find abhorrent. Thank you, Matthew, for taking a stand.

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Guest Ryan Lazarus, New York

I'm glad to see this thread has taken on a more sane point of view. Kudos to Matthew for being courageous. How popular you were in school is bunk when you become older. People will remember you for taking a stand against a manipulator.

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I wonder if Mr. Paszkiewicz heard three cocks crowing when he was breaking one of those precious commandments by lying about his comments during the meeting with the kid and the principal....

I doubt it.. Pharisee Christians in America rarely remember the words in the book while swinging it at people like an inquisition era exocutioners axe.

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Hello from Mid-Missouri,

I've been reading alot of these posts, both pro and con. It all smacks as what I feel is a fundamental problem the world over right now. Regardless of one's religeous beliefs, I don't think anyone can argue that for all of the good organized Religeon has done for the human race, it has as much if not more harm.

I am all for" freedom of religeon", however I believe just as much in "freedom from religeon".

No matter how you want to frame it, religeon has no place in a public classroom and I think this whole debate clarifies why the two should be separated.

Merry Christmas

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If you are from Kearny then by now you have heard a story that has been blown WAY OUT OF PROPORTION.

A student of KHS, one Matthew LaClair has gone to the newspaper stating that a teacher has been forcing his religious views in is history class.

Now I am all for having freedom of speech, but I also believe every subject has a place and time for discussion; and religion in a history class is not that place.

HOWEVER!!!! This 16 year old CHILD, is nothing more than an attention seeking, immature person, who is also been known to "previously garnered attention for protesting Bush administration activities by refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance" (the lippar blog) I will include this website at the end of my rant!

This kid thinks he is so self rightcious and claims he “was requesting an apology and correction of false and anti-scientific statements" (the lippard blog).

So again, my question, after laclair proved himself with the cd's why did he not wait for administrative action to take place? There was no need to go to the newspaper, and I think in doing so, this Matthew laclair just proves that he is a 16 year old high school student, and therefore has ALOT to learn before he goes off starting religious wars, and pledge of allegiance protest in the United States of America, a country that has always, and especially since 9/11 shown great pride in our ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!

ps: a little side note for everyone reading this who disagrees: stating your views on religion and "forcing your beliefs on someone" is two COMPLELTY DIFFERENT THINGS.

so I would like to say to everyone who agrees or disagrees, we are all here in this nation, in this community together, and my religion is Roman Catholic, so when I say GOD BLESS YOU, I’m not forcing my views, I’m using my faith to wish you health and happiness

GOD BLESS you all

PPS: if this offends anyone then tough, because I AM offended that a wonderful teacher is being persecuted by an unknowledgeable juvenile for merely stating what he believes in. Also that this kid is living in MY COUTNRY where my friends and family have fought to keep our freedom and he turns his back on our president and our flag.

lippard blog: http://lippard.blogspot.com/2006/11/public...-class-you.html



Today, juveniles are a lot smarter then you seem willing to give them due credit for. Not all of them spend all day indoors messing around online and listening to rap music.

Also, it is obvious that you have plenty of bias regarding the issue. Soldiers fought to keep our freedom. That includes the freedom to disagree with the government, to express those views, and it is those reasons that allowed us to seperate from England in the first place. This issue has nothing to do with the flag, or the government, or our president. However, even if it did, you would be a hypocrite to say that someone who protested or disagreed was unpatriotic in any way, shape, or form. The bill of rights grants us the rights to disagree peacefully with the government.

As for freedom of religion, it applies to students, not organized religion. Religion can be taught in a school as an optional class. It cannot be broadcast, say, before lunch, or taught in classes that are mandatory. Students, however, can pray to themselves, can wear religious articles, and so on.

Also, fun facts: The Pledge of Allegiance was written for a children's magazine on September 7, 1892. The phrase "under god" was not added until June 14, 1954. Also, I think that for anyone to have enough gall to say that God takes only our side as a nation needs to rethink their position. To say that God supports anyone during times of war and violence is rather disturbing.

I applaud Matthew for having the courage to do what he felt was right. We need more people like him, who aren't afraid to deviate from the norm. He's been shunned by some of his peers, but he will always have his dignity, which is worth a lot more. Oh, and by the way... i'm 19.

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If kids in Kearny are taught by teachers such as this one, who, instead of teaching facts, choose to teach their religious beliefs, then the kids in Kearny will be less equipped for the real world that kids from other places. It is pathetic that people are coming to the teacher's defense. Even if you think the kid is a slimy punk who baited the teacher, it is the teacher's job to exercise better judgment than he did. After all, he is the teacher! He should know better. If a student in a history class asks, "can we discuss sex?" that doesn't mean the teacher should go down that route.

These students are a young, captive audience, who should not be subjected to this without their parents' consent. What the teacher ended up saying bordered on brainwashing or proselytizing.

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Guest Coolgamer
If you are from Kearny then by now you have heard a story that has been blown WAY OUT OF PROPORTION.

A student of KHS, one Matthew LaClair has gone to the newspaper stating that a teacher has been forcing his religious views in is history class.

Now I am all for having freedom of speech, but I also believe every subject has a place and time for discussion; and religion in a history class is not that place.

HOWEVER!!!! This 16 year old CHILD, is nothing more than an attention seeking, immature person, who is also been known to "previously garnered attention for protesting Bush administration activities by refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance" (the lippar blog) I will include this website at the end of my rant!

This kid thinks he is so self rightcious and claims he “was requesting an apology and correction of false and anti-scientific statements" (the lippard blog).

So again, my question, after laclair proved himself with the cd's why did he not wait for administrative action to take place? There was no need to go to the newspaper, and I think in doing so, this Matthew laclair just proves that he is a 16 year old high school student, and therefore has ALOT to learn before he goes off starting religious wars, and pledge of allegiance protest in the United States of America, a country that has always, and especially since 9/11 shown great pride in our ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!

ps: a little side note for everyone reading this who disagrees: stating your views on religion and "forcing your beliefs on someone" is two COMPLELTY DIFFERENT THINGS.

so I would like to say to everyone who agrees or disagrees, we are all here in this nation, in this community together, and my religion is Roman Catholic, so when I say GOD BLESS YOU, I’m not forcing my views, I’m using my faith to wish you health and happiness

GOD BLESS you all

PPS: if this offends anyone then tough, because I AM offended that a wonderful teacher is being persecuted by an unknowledgeable juvenile for merely stating what he believes in. Also that this kid is living in MY COUTNRY where my friends and family have fought to keep our freedom and he turns his back on our president and our flag.

lippard blog: http://lippard.blogspot.com/2006/11/public...-class-you.html



Today, juveniles are a lot smarter then you seem willing to give them due credit for. Not all of them spend all day indoors messing around online and listening to rap music.

Also, it is obvious that you have plenty of bias regarding the issue. Soldiers fought to keep our freedom. That includes the freedom to disagree with the government, to express those views, and it is those reasons that allowed us to seperate from England in the first place. This issue has nothing to do with the flag, or the government, or our president. However, even if it did, you would be a hypocrite to say that someone who protested or disagreed was unpatriotic in any way, shape, or form. The bill of rights grants us the rights to disagree peacefully with the government.

As for freedom of religion, it applies to students, not organized religion. Religion can be taught in a school as an optional class. It cannot be broadcast, say, before lunch, or taught in classes that are mandatory. Students, however, can pray to themselves, can wear religious articles, and so on.

Also, fun facts: The Pledge of Allegiance was written for a children's magazine on September 7, 1892. The phrase "under god" was not added until June 14, 1954. Also, I think that for anyone to have enough gall to say that God takes only our side as a nation needs to rethink their position. To say that God supports anyone during times of war and violence is rather disturbing.

I applaud Matthew for having the courage to do what he felt was right. We need more people like him, who aren't afraid to deviate from the norm. He's been shunned by some of his peers, but he will always have his dignity, which is worth a lot more. Oh, and by the way... i'm 19.


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Guest Coolgamer
Legally, only one party needs to know s/he is being taped.

Actually, this depends on the state. I learned the hard way after an officer arrested me for recording him verbally abusing my older brother. Legal loopholes allowed for a third-degree felony charge that was later dropped. (By the way, the law they charged me with didn't apply, since it wasn't a private area, and was in the middle of a crowd. Charges were all dropped.)

I HIGHLY suggest looking up your state laws and guidelines at this informative website!

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Yes it is "freedom of speech" and we all hear what his actions say!

Sir, what is is that you claim his actions say? That he doesn't feel it necessary to be compelled by his government to do something he does not believe in? I'm assuming you are a Christian, as am I. But if you were told by your government or school to stand up and pray to Allah or Buddha, you would refuse, no?

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Guest Jim Lippard
I think Matthew LeClair is wise, intelligent, and brave. As a Christian, I am offended when believers of any stripe try to win converts using fear and manipulation, especially with young people. Students are a captive audience, and teachers are in a power position that students often dare not challenge. Parents and students have a right to expect that such brainwashing not take place in the public schools, especially not from teachers. People of faith who do not follow fundamentalist teachings should not have to pull their children out of the public schools in order to protect them from teachings about God that they find abhorrent. Thank you, Matthew, for taking a stand.


I'm quite pleased to see that yours seems to be the majority Christian viewpoint on this subject, at least outside of Kearny. Someone else here already pointed out that the opinions at Christian Forums on this topic have supported Matthew LaClair, and the New York Times story has even the Rutherford Institute--a conservative civil liberties organization that is at the forefront of defending Christian causes--saying that they cannot defend Paszkiewicz's actions.

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Guest Jersey J
If you are from Kearny then by now you have heard a story that has been blown WAY OUT OF PROPORTION.

A student of KHS, one Matthew LaClair has gone to the newspaper stating that a teacher has been forcing his religious views in is history class.

Now I am all for having freedom of speech, but I also believe every subject has a place and time for discussion; and religion in a history class is not that place.

HOWEVER!!!! This 16 year old CHILD, is nothing more than an attention seeking, immature person, who is also been known to "previously garnered attention for protesting Bush administration activities by refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance" (the lippar blog) I will include this website at the end of my rant!

This kid thinks he is so self rightcious and claims he “was requesting an apology and correction of false and anti-scientific statements" (the lippard blog).

If you listen to the audio (which I will also supply the site to) you can clearly hear that Laclair PROVOKED the conversation, and you can hear that the teacher had responded QUITE APPROPRIATELY:

One example being:

Matthew: isn't the whole point of public schools is so that you can separate personal beliefs from teachers and administrators from non religious teachings during school, like school prayer and all that.

teacher: the purpose of public school is to provide free education for people that couldn't afford education. That’s the purpose of public school

Matthew: what would decide what religion should be taught in school, what would decide that?

teacher: no it's not about teaching, my point is it's not about teaching religion, these issues all come up in time, ( tape fades out) things get legislated and we talk in class

the public school shouldn't teach a religion but the scriptures aren't religion they are a foundation of the worlds religion, the world main religion any way.

religion is a set way of doing things

In the conversation above, taken my Matthew Laclair himself, i see no wrong doing by this teacher, i do however see constant and what seems to be "rehearsed" provoking of the topic.

I hope he is reading this right now, because I just have one question for him: What on earth was the need to go to the newspaper? Laclair stated that he had a meeting with the principle, teacher, and the head of the social studies department and at first they did not seem to believe him but then he pulled out the cd's.....which in itself violated this teachers right to privacy.

So again, my question, after laclair proved himself with the cd's why did he not wait for administrative action to take place? There was no need to go to the newspaper, and I think in doing so, this Matthew laclair just proves that he is a 16 year old high school student, and therefore has ALOT to learn before he goes off starting religious wars, and pledge of allegiance protest in the United States of America, a country that has always, and especially since 9/11 shown great pride in our ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!

ps: a little side note for everyone reading this who disagrees: stating your views on religion and "forcing your beliefs on someone" is two COMPLELTY DIFFERENT THINGS.

so I would like to say to everyone who agrees or disagrees, we are all here in this nation, in this community together, and my religion is Roman Catholic, so when I say GOD BLESS YOU, I’m not forcing my views, I’m using my faith to wish you health and happiness

GOD BLESS you all

PPS: if this offends anyone then tough, because I AM offended that a wonderful teacher is being persecuted by an unknowledgeable juvenile for merely stating what he believes in. Also that this kid is living in MY COUTNRY where my friends and family have fought to keep our freedom and he turns his back on our president and our flag.

lippard blog: http://lippard.blogspot.com/2006/11/public...-class-you.html



Personally, I think that if this crack pot was an “excellent” teacher as you so proudly claim he could restrain himself a little instead of claiming that all citizens with different religious views are to be condemned to hell for not sharing the same belief as he or his congregation? Any outcome other than his dismissal would be nothing short of urinating on the Constitution… In fact maybe he should revaluate his religious stance on the world outside of his safety bubble…and instead of talking down to his submissive students here in the states he might try his luck over in Iraq or Afghanistan. I’m sure he could get a better scope of what reality really is if he was forced to compare notes with his counter part under the dominant religion there…And to all who are condoning his tasteless actions, what part of the Separation of Church and State is so hard for you? People like you are the main reasons why I have began to lose so much faith in this once great nation. Until you learn that we are all in this mess of a world together will we be able to rise above these petty differences and actually make something of this existence… Its great to have faith but to base our differences upon it is just sad and highlights the lack of education you all have so proudly embraced. Props to the child who was willing to stand up for what he believes in.... I wish the US and my generation had more like him....Cause most of us can't seem to look past MTV or the Playstation long enough to acctually come up with our own ideas about life....Which is sad...

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Guest zacapoet

It shouldn't amaze me, having been born and raised near Kearny, that so many people are ignorant of American law and history, to say nothing of science. This nutjob teacher should be fired for stupidity, let alone bad judgement. And America's pledge of allegiance only read "one nation, under God, indivisible" after the republicans inserted it there in 1954. Up till then God was not mentioned. The motto of our country isn't " One nation under God", it is E Pluribus Unum--from the Many, One.

Of course, facts don't matter much to people who would support teaching religion in public school. Satan worship is a religion too--under this illogic, a Satanist teacher would be able to teach his religion in school. Is this what you all want? or is only phony-Christianity allowed in public school?

My advice: you should join the Taliban, who also believe as you do, that government should enforce religion.

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It shouldn't amaze me, having been born and raised near Kearny, that so many people are ignorant of American law and history, to say nothing of science.  This nutjob teacher should be fired for stupidity, let alone bad judgement.  And America's pledge of allegiance only read "one nation, under God, indivisible" after the republicans inserted it there in 1954.  Up till then God was not mentioned.  The motto of our country isn't " One nation under God", it is E Pluribus Unum--from the Many, One.

Of course, facts don't matter much to people who would support teaching religion in public school.  Satan worship is a religion too--under this illogic, a Satanist teacher would be able to teach his religion in school.  Is this what you all want?  or is only phony-Christianity allowed in public school?

My advice:  you should join  the Taliban, who also believe as you do, that government should enforce religion.

Good job Paul! bring people here who support you! Are you guys meeting somewhere before posting here? Please let me know, I would love to be part of it.

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How would you have felt if the teacher were teaching Islam in class, and telling students that Jesus was not the son of God? Or if the teacher had been teaching paganism and going on about how the Constitution is based on the nature?

This is not about freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to say whatever they want to, so long as they do it on their own time - but when they are vested with the authority of a teacher, they have an obligation to teach the material and not use the classroom as a pulpit. As far as I can tell, the kid is doing the right thing. He got evidence, and then presented it. Based on the response of the administration and the community so far, it seems likely they would not have taken any action had they been given the audio first. More to the point, I can't think of a single teacher I know who'd be upset about having their classes recorded and broadcast to the world. Most would be exhilarated.

The teacher stepped out of bounds. The kid caught him in the act, and proved his case to the world. Good for him.

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