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Posts posted by doc13mets

  1. It is very disturbing that the Town of Harrison has a multi-million dollar budget for a Fire Department so inadequate that a neighboring 4 square block VOLUNTEER FD blows them away in every facet of fire service. If there has ever been a reason for Harrison to go to a FULL volunteer FD it was the Washington St. fire. By admission, the HFD say they could only master containing the fire from spreading until E. Newarks superior volunteer FD arrived and got their hands dirty actually extinguishing the fire. The ULTRA-HIGH PAID Harrison FD did not even try to put it out, they only stalled until trained firemen arrived.

    Those wasted million$ of dollars could be spent much better on Harrison paying their debt down before bankruptcy hits. All of Harrisons town employees except the Police (they cannot strike) should be paid minimum wage for at least five years to put the town in better fiscal condition. There would be no change in service as most in the high paying positions are not qualified for those positions anyway. You can get better for less. Wal-Mart has proved that all over the country. Harrison needs a business person for a mayor, not a washed-up plumber.

    I apologize I read it wrong. You of course are guest, I thought you posted your name as East Newark Dept..... Get a new hobby. Again great job to all departments. Harrison, East Newark, Kearny, Jersey City and Secaucus.

  2. It is very disturbing that the Town of Harrison has a multi-million dollar budget for a Fire Department so inadequate that a neighboring 4 square block VOLUNTEER FD blows them away in every facet of fire service. If there has ever been a reason for Harrison to go to a FULL volunteer FD it was the Washington St. fire. By admission, the HFD say they could only master containing the fire from spreading until E. Newarks superior volunteer FD arrived and got their hands dirty actually extinguishing the fire. The ULTRA-HIGH PAID Harrison FD did not even try to put it out, they only stalled until trained firemen arrived.

    Those wasted million$ of dollars could be spent much better on Harrison paying their debt down before bankruptcy hits. All of Harrisons town employees except the Police (they cannot strike) should be paid minimum wage for at least five years to put the town in better fiscal condition. There would be no change in service as most in the high paying positions are not qualified for those positions anyway. You can get better for less. Wal-Mart has proved that all over the country. Harrison needs a business person for a mayor, not a washed-up plumber.

    If this is indeed an East Newark FD Superior I would challenge you to post your name... Or are the only thing you are superior at is trying to start trouble. Well you failed.

    Let's remember what a great job the Harrison FD did alone while communications were down holding the fire at bay. Hats off to you guy!

    Good back up from East Newark and Kearny when they arrived. All departments contributed to saving the building. But top prize has to go to the HFD for holding it at bay for at least 10 minutes. Great job guys and keep up the good work.

  3. Washington Street fire proved it. See that's the great thing about having great guys to volunteer. The men of East Newark care for their town, Sure It would be great for them to get paid to be Firemen. Would they ever be able to get paid per fire that they fight? And ''volunteer ''any other time in between fires. Would this make sense? Please comment . I'm looking out for the firemen's benefit, not looking to stir controversy. Just looking to find a sensibly solution. If the guys on the East Newark Volunteer squad are better qualified than other towns, Shouldn't other towns implement volunteer squads in the first place?

    Joe don't believe everything you read on this site.

    First off the Harrison Firefighters did an excellent job at the Washington St. Fire. They held it in check with little manpower until East Newark and Kearny arrived. Washington St. proved little except Harrison is undermanned. That’s why they need help, it has nothing to do with the "qualifications" of their firefighters, they are all very qualified and do an excellent job.

    Furthermore while the East Newark FD is very qualified that does not mean they are any more or less qualified then the next town over. All firefighters receive the same amount of basic training. In fact Kearny and East Newark send to the very same fire academy. They received training from the same instructors on the same course.

    While it would be nice to increase benefits of volunteer firefighters I don't see it happening unless they merged into a West Hudson department with Harrison and/or Kearny. It's just the state of the economy and there is nothing anyone can do at this time.

    Hopefully Harrison's redevelopment will pay off and they will be able to hire some more firefighters.

    As for implementing volunteer's in other towns. Well that’s up to the town. Remember what works for one town doesn't necessarily mean it will work for another. Although with the way budgets seem to be going unless something drastically changes in the next few years I wouldn't be surprised to see more combo departments. (Part Paid, Part Volunteer)

  4. Try joining the military, we get paid to sleep in the military. Or NJ Transit I know the over night mechanics get paid to sleep while on call and they only work 8 hours. Or maybe and EMT I know they are allowed to sleep on the over nights. Thats a few off of the top of my head. :)

    The President also gets paid to sleep...

  5. The HFD did a good job with the number of initial responders(7). Of course, they needed mutual aid from Kearny and E. Newark. In today's economy that's SOP. A volunteer FD would be ideal, but the residents of Harrison are used to being paid to work for the Town. Who would volunteer?

    As far as The HPD, I agree with the Chief who wrote the above comment. I just hope he keeps his job and they don't go for a director like they did in the fire dept. The Chief's Ass'n would fight it despite the PBA's surrender when Officers were forced out and the dept. was cut.

    The HFD did a DAMN good job with the number of initial responders... which on this day was actually 6 (I'm guessing cause when they have 7 they usually have a ladder in service right? since they had 2 engines I'm guessing they were at minimum manning which is 6)... 1 was the guy running the scene... 1 guy was pumping... so you really had 4 guys in the building holding the fire... you have to praise those guys cause they did a fantastic job holding it until help could arrive... they saved most of that building and I would go as far to say they saved the building next to it as well...

    When help did arrive all departments did a great job working together as they always do at fires...

  6. Hire with what money? How many of those 29 COWARDS are Captain and above? If they are so worried about their lives then they should drop the ranks down to 3 Captains and 26 firemen. That would free up enough money to hire three more guys. Why didn't you address the issue of the self-proclaimed brave men shaking in their beds when asked to take a drug test? Very suspicious!

    Harrison FD has 5 Captains... 4 are tour commanders (and are doing the job of a B/C with out the pay they deserve) 1 is a Administrative/Training Captain... 3 captains makes no sense as you would need at least 4 (one for each shift) and the 1 admin doing all the behind the scenes work. These guys have given up enough. Get them the support they need so their aren't unnecessarily on the line every time they roll out the door.

    Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about. The FACTS just put a foot in your mouth. And to Just sayin... I agree it's not worth it cause these people are nuts but I would not want them influencing anyone who doesn't know better.

  7. What dangerous situation? Squirting a water hose from a safe distance away onto a fire is not too dangerous for anyone. The Harrison FD is even too afraid to pee into a cup for a drug test. That must be the danger you are talking about. I cannot see how Harrison is short handed. If they cut all the money they pay for so much rank, such as way too many Captains, Battalion Chiefs, etc. then they could hire more fireman, same situation as Kearny. If 15 guys are on duty why do they need a DC, 3 Batt. Chiefs, 6 Captains, and only 5 firemen? It is an intentionally arranged top heavy strategy to soak the taxpayers out of their money. The Kearny Mayor finally started to do the right thing and stop this madness. A 100 man fire Dept. needs 1 Chief, 1 DC, and about 10 Captains PERIOD. If any private business had 50 to 60% management to actual working employees they wouldn't last a week. I cannot believe that any overburdened taxpayers in Harrison or Kearny would agree that all of these management ranks are worth their sky high taxes. It's getting to the point that new employees should just start day 1 as a Captain and eliminate the fireman rank. Maybe then your taxes could go up another $1000.00 a year and you will be happier. Dispute that!!

    This section is littered with ignorance and misstating fact while creating the authors own fiction. Kearny never has 4 chiefs on duty at any time so that whole line is outrageous (about DC, 3 Batt. Chiefs). Kearny currently operates with a Deputy Chief on duty 1 captain for each rig in service and 3-4 fireman per rig. This is appropriate staffing.

    And as for standing from a distance and squirting water... well I guess you didn't see the Kearny Ave/Woodland Ave fire... the chestnut st fire... were both interior attacks... and Brighton Ave fire was also interior until conditions worsened. Williams St. fire in Harrison was another perfect example of an aggressive fire attack. So don't say any of those men were cowards.

    And Harrison is very short handed. They are a 29 man department. But most days they only have enough firefighters on duty to put 3 men on 1 engine and 2 men on a second engine. This is what they have been forced to do. Harrison needs to be able to hire new firefighters immediately. Their lives and the lives of the residents depend on hiring!

  8. Most of these overpaid,underworked,out of shape losers don't live in Kearny.They could give two craps what happens to the people in town.They go home to their houses in South Jersey where most of the towns have volunteer fire departments.I'ts ok for them to live in a town with a volunteer fire department so they don't have to pay unheard of salaries to people who are willing to do the same job as them for no salary. Wake up "FIREBOYS" the party is over.

    There are not enough people willing to volunteer in Kearny to be firefighters... This is why we need a career department... Kearny is not as slow as you guys make them out to be... East Newark takes Kearny residents as volunteers and it's not like the hoards are banging down there doors to serve the west hudson area...

  9. After a long series of questions over time, the Kearny Fire Department or Harrison gals still cannot justify their usefullness but can only give a weak minded response of, "Duh, Barney. We are so cool and brave." It's no wonder that anyone reading the responses fully supported the recent spanking they got from the Mayor. Nobody but the very reclusive and dull minded, " Kearny Senior," who is just one of the scared lasses at the clubhouse using a alias even cared. I wonder is any of the veteran losers explained to the new bravest, or KIDS as they call them, that they worked behind the scenes to facilitate the spanking in order to keep their own no work jobs intact. The regionalization that the Governor will soon drop on West Hudson will further decimate the upper echelon of ranks that are raising property taxes in large increments. Four depts. into one with 1 Chief, 1 DC, and @ 10 Captains total should be in place by the years end. Exit visas and demotions are eminent and will cause widespread grief at the West Hudson clubhouses which will no doubt be more trouble than any fire could ever produce. Falalalala lala lala.

    Four Depts. into one?? From West Hudson... really?? What 4 departments are you talking about... West Hudson is 3 towns... there are 3 departments... There are smarter and more effective ways to trims some budgets then just allow reduction by attrition... West Hudson needs more career firefighters not less...

  10. On our main page, Mystery Teacher Asks Christie to Play Nice.

    What do you think? Reply to this post and let us know.

    Very disappointed in only one part of your article. When you mentioned something about only Doyle and McDonough being there... if Kearny on the Web had watched the full speech,

    (which can be seen here) you would notice Santos among other politicians are present.

    But KOTW is dead on right about hosting such an event on a Monday morning at 10AM. I didn't even know it was going to happen until about 20 mins before. I would have made arrangements to leave work to attend.

    I also am upset we don't get to see the rest of the public question and answer period. I heard some other people spoke and I would like to see what they and the governor had to say about those issues as well.

  11. First off Kearny EMS is 100% paid. #2 I have a love one that is not longer with us and I called many times for and everytime KEMS came out they were very understanding and helpfull. #3 they do charge when you have been seen but not transported and its a $100 fee not $500 trust me I know first hand. and just a FYI if they work on a love one and that person does not make it. KEMS does not charge so please do your homework before you go and bad mouth someone that only helps and saves lives.

    Why can't we let this thread die... the original post was from 2006

  12. 62.5M w/ 585 members strong, and that does NOT include the 75 additional hires they are getting w/ the grant they just acquired. The original poster is an idiot.. the only decent thing he wrote was 'shared services'... Harrison/Kearny/East Newark should jump on board with what North Hudson did and start the West Hudson Regional FD. This will eliminate the need for the abundance of chiefs/captains/officers/admins/etc and possibly begin a combo career/volunteer dept

    Kearny's budget is 10.4 million for a department a little more then 1/6th the size... and Newarks last year total was over 64 million you may just be counting salaries.

    Don't use Newark as a model, the grant you speak of they have f'ed up big time. They got the grant to hire 75 guys (they had to do it in 3 months) they only hired 25, still haven't even started the process for any more. They are loosing millions from the grant for not following the rules. They will not be hiring the full 75.

  13. The great and no nonsense Governor Christie has wisely decided that the future of Police and Fire services will be geographically shared services. This will present no problem to the Police in Harrison and Kearny. However, I see an opportunity for substantial savings in the cost of fire service. There are currently about 130 firechildren in these combined towns with a budget close to what rivals that of just Newark. The fireladies should work 5 eight hour days which could effectively cut the budget in half as well as cut the response times in half. Having approximately 80 fireman TOTAL would save MILLION$ in tax money and the service would actually improve. The one to one supervisor to firemen ratio is a broken toy. Let's fix it now and move forward and see the success.

    You do realize Newarks fire budget is over 64 million dollars a year???!!!!

    Maybe you should do some research before posting.

  14. I read an article and saw a picture of firemen at an alleged fire on Kearny Ave in the Jersey Journal. The article stated that Kearny firemen saved several lives. In retrospect, as I continued to read the article, it clearly stated that the building was abandoned and in fact no one had occupied the building for several years. Could the KFD please explain how they saved several people's lives if in fact no one was in the building to begin with? This is the very evolution of a fire department's imaginary, untrue tall tale, as is often the fact in Harrison as well. Keep saving those imaginary lives.

    There wasn't an abandoned building fire on Kearny Ave in the past few years at the very least... if you are talking about the one last week then it was occupied. In fact the fire was started by candels the resident had left lit.

  15. I was coming home tonight and saw jcfd passing me on schyler. My cousin told me there was a huge fire in town and kearny fd went to north arlington instead. Is this true?

    Not true at all...

    I was listening to Kearny FD as it came in... it was reported as a house fire immediatly... the response time was excellent. Kearny Deputy Chief was on scene very quick and because of the actions of the Kearny FD they were able to save the 2 houses... East Newark, North Arlington and Harrison also helped. Great job by all departments especially the KFD. When it was reported the house was already pretty much a loss.

  16. I thought we no longer had a fire chief. So who checks the doctor's notes?

    The discussion was about cops calling out sick... so they were talking about the police chief. Harrison still have a police chief. Your comment is not on target.

  17. he won't know what to do with himself now- he has no skills, except to ruin anything he touches iheard that the fire dept had a party when he left and celebrated his demize p.s.-did you read that total bulls--t he wrote about himself-a true legend in his sicko mind-what does he do all day when he's not being a super hero====tom i hope you enjoy all your money,, cause the town and people are at rest tonite now that your off the fire dept --hopefully a real chief like harold can straighten out years of damnation that you caused down there-god help you and that simple brain of yours

    Does goodbye 8/1/11 mean hello again 2/1/12???

  18. Over 7 months passed already this year and the sum total of MILLIONS of dollars has resulted in nothing but salary/welfare payments to the HFD. ONE car tire was put out by the Kearny FD with only the assist of the Harrison FD. When are the people going to put this patronage/nepotism mill out of business for good and use the money elsewhere. In my opinion, since 1995 McDonough and the revolving puppet regime have taken the town to the lowest point in history. The towns bond are rated JUNK bonds so there will be no takers. The only way to continue to pay the 30 over $100,000.00 ff clubhouse loafers IS going to result in another round of dramatic property tax increases. This goes the same as to support lavish life styles to not only the dormant HFD but also other probably 100 high paying non-posted welfare "jobs" for friends and family. A change in the lack of intelligent leadership must be dealt with NOW. The most highly salaried employees (just titles without actual productivity) to out of towners is not needed. Wake up folks!!

    By Tire Fire i'm guessing you mean the truck that blew up in the scrap yard and if left burning would have set the house on fire that it was threatening. And HFD put that whole fire out themselves, East Newark assisted slightly with overhaul and KFD stood by.

    I guess we should forget the Pechters fire.

    Lets also forget the Chemical Company Fire on South 2nd?

    And last but not least lets forget the Hamilton St. Fire. Which had almost 2 full floors fully involved and a very aggresive interior attack by HFD, ENFD and KFD kept that fire at bay. An East Newark Firefighter even saved a cat in that one. Yeah but no one needs FD's. Scrap em all let towns burn!

    You're right they all don't count.

  19. I am asking everyone on KOTW to stop answering the posts of this POS. To mock the victims of 9/11 is dispicable beyond words. This POS thrives on the emotions he stirs up with his vile hatred.

    If everyone ignores him he'll slither away like the snake he is.

    I was responding to the first post... not that 3rd post... Some people are truly sick in the head to mock such a tragic event. Not even worth the time.

  20. The new hire was the result of the conclusion of a lawsuit brought on by an individual that the Town chose to pass over for hire, as I understand it the Town was ordered by the court to hire so there was no choice and the vote by the Town council would be moot.

    As far as saving O/T there is no cost for overtime, the members of the KFD from the top down recieve no overtime pay and work for comp-time on an hour for hour basis, this was done to prevent 15+ firefighters from being laid off.

    As far as I know the KPD is also operating in the same manner.

    As an aside, I noticed my taxes haven't dropped yet.

    jus sayin

    Sorry I missed your response here.

    You are very right. I did make a mistake in making the comment about OT savings. As currently the KFD doesn't recieve OT pay.

    Although I start to wonder if in the long run this really will save the town money. Sure right now no OT gets paid out. I do wonder is there a Cap on the amount of comp time that can be carried over year to year? If there are no caps on comp, vacation or sick time carried over eventually the town will find themselved paying huge lumps of sums to retiring firefighter. I'm not saying that the firefighter shouldn't get paid for this, I believe they should. I just think it might be cheaper to pay them now rather then later when they could possibly be at a higher pay scale.

    And my taxes haven't dropped either. I'm very much against reducing public saftey any more then it already has been reduced.

  21. I understand the mighty HFD machine put out a burning car tire with the aid of two departments mutual convergence. The excitement and death defying action must have been felt for miles in every direction. If it took three FD's to put out a smoking car tire, then what good would the stagnating firemen of the HFD due with a house fire. It would fall under the category of the Harrison coined, "defensensive attack." Sad but true. I wonder how much O.T. went into the joke of a car tire smoldering and how many Harrison choke the chicken boys got a boo-boo to be out on paid sick leave for months. I am sure Batallion Chief **** was trying to cook a hot dog to no avail off the smoking tire. I betcha Ray the Plumber will be handing out a medal of valor for that one. Did the Jersey Journal get there before the HFD or did the HFD screw up with the call. That way they could have grabbed a stray cat and say they saved its life. I am sure that the mighty Kearny FD P.I.O. Jus Sayin took a lead role in this towering inferno and barely escaped with his life.

    Maybe Jus Sayin and the gang, in my opinion, could have the highest church steeple take a blazing hit and they can get medals from the Vatican presented to them by the Pope himself for one of them is surely the re-incarnated Jesus of our time. I wonder if the Jersey Journal covered Jobes many obstacles. Didn't he put out a car tire fire. Jesus was really a Fire Captain in the the Jerusualem FD and got free medical. Jesus K. Dollarhan. Sounds familiar.

    You really need some help.

    Lets set some facts straight.

    It was not a "Tire Fire". It was actually reported as "Some type of explosion with fire". Immediately HFD responded with its 2 engines and requested an East Newark Ladder to respond. Upon arrival the HFD found a large outside fire that they were concerned could possibly spread to a very nearby house. They requested from Kearny 2 Engines and 1 Ladder and additionally from East Newark 1 Engine.

    I could see the smoke from my house which is near Belgrove and Midland Ave.

    The HFD did an excellent job of quickly getting water on the fire and preventing the spread of fire to the nearby house.

    It was a very humid day and not all the fire units were needed to goto work. It's always good to have unassigned units during days such as that ready for rehab or potential spread of fire.

    The East Newark Engine and Kearny Units were sent back pretty quickly. The East Newark Ladder hung around a little while longer to assist with brief overhaul and the HFD with putting their equipment away.

    The HFD did a great job with barely any manpower. Residents that think Harrison should be all volunteer are nuts. What ended up being a great stop could have been disaster if fire had spread to the nearby building.

  22. At the town meeting, the Mayor and council said there would be a hiring freeze on every town job, no exceptions. Then they take a vote to add an additional fireman and it passes with an overwhelming majority. Who is he related to? Do they jnow what hiring freeze is?

    Often new hires will actually save the town money. Like I am sure it will in this case. Imagine 4 firefighters retire. Now if you don't hire anyone to take their place you will be paying OT to fill their spots. Now imagine OT for some of the guys near the top of the pay scale. You are talking a lot of money. Now imagine hiring some new guys to just jump right in making in the low 30K's a year. Savings? Yes I think so. Think about it.

    (Now as to who they hired I have no clue and why but this is a senario where it would make sense to work around a hiring freeze)

  23. I see that the Kearny Fire Departments Public Misinformation Officer is starting to open his big mouth again. HOW MANY FIRES DID THE BIG RED KEARNY DOUCHEBAG FIREMAN MACHINE PUT OUT IN 6 MONTHS FOR OVER $5 MILLION AGAIN. NOW I REMEMBER, IT'S NONE. A 25 year vacation for an unskilled and underachieving punk. I cannot wait until the Harrison merger where they all bump the Kearny guys in seniority happens. Hey boy, get me coffee because you got a new boss now who makes $25K more than you. Yet another humiliation the KFD will obey as the little girls they are.

    BTW I don't know why I waste my time, but you don't understand how mergers work. Kearny would not make the move if they have to get rid of any of there own guys. And as a tax payer I would be very much against any merger that would end up reducing my fire protection in Kearny. I'm not going to foot the bill for Harrison. There are better ways they can solve there own problems.

  24. Most certainly can work with a volunteer fire Dept....Volunteers are proud Firemen and woman.....and they do not do it for the money, they do it for the love of doing their job and helping......VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT all the Way.....Great East Newark Fire Dept....I would call You Guys and Gals any day for a fire......

    And where are you getting these 250+ volunteers to handle all 3 towns?

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