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Harrison garden outsiders at our park

Guest Harrison resident

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Guest Harrison garden resident

I agree our maintenance men and our director are great stop disrespecting them parents take control. Of your kids and go to another park you teenagers and trash

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Guest Harrison garden resident

Go to kearny park and behave like you do guess what they will not tolerate that take  care of your kids teach them how to respect others 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Guest

It's the outsiders always talking crap about the Gardens but yet it's the outsiders kids coming in here and causing problems. It's a shame that the maintenance men or Director have to play police. What's up with the "security" that is to be patrolling the grounds ??? 

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Guest Harrison  resident😛

The guard is here but this before he is on the director and the maintenance men have them under control  but  then it's the parents job to teach them to respect  housing read the sign private property go elsewhere

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Guest Harrison resident is ,,😃

Another fight  in the gardens playground yesterday they need to hold the parents held accountable if that was my kids they were fighting with god help me

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Guest 007

Respect our maintenance man how can you 11 calls are so-called Director who don’t run shit the place is ran by ****** ** **** ruin at nine year olds birthday party or complain about a two year old with a four-inch **** in her yard get real displays gone this shit

Edited by KOTW
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Guest Guess who

Yeah they complain about everything and anything s pool for a 2year get a life but then everyone got people living with them oh harrison gardens 

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Guest Guest

Yeah it's crazy what is complained about in the Gardens. It's summer so what's the big deal with a blow up kiddie pool or a kids bday party being held ?? But yet you have people living in here that aren't on any lease. You got an ex husband shacking up with the new girlfriend who's not on her lease, you have the new boyfriend of the ex wife shacking up and not on her lease....the list goes on but the office looks the other way bc of the last name of them.  Office needs to pay more attention to things like this than who has something so minor as a baby pool. Maybe this tenant feels safer in their yard bc you know you got the nosey troublemakers watching everyone's moves in that courtyard 

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Guest Guest

You are soo Right Mean while Like you said Ex Husband's  Are Living here same with Kingsland Courts The Biggest Trouble Maker Has her Husband Back Living Here But Its the Name Mean while everyone Else has to Go by the Rules It only Goes For The Good Tenents The Other ones can do what they Please Oh also This Tenent Also has 3 Air Condatoners  In her Apt Nothing Done Its Disgusting Any more And As Far as The Security They now Sit in there Cars What a Joke I am Getting Sick of it I really am Tired wish I had The Money to Move But I am Stuck Living Here 

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Guest Guest

I'm sorry but the director is terrible.People have extra ACs in window.People have people living with them.Weeds are growing in some yards.So many people in 5 rooms that should be downsized.So many families waiting for 5 rooms but director ain't moving anyone.Alot of 5 rooms with 3 people.

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Guest Guest55

I happen to agree this tenants should be moved and yard she she be cleaned not by maintenance men by the tenant if they can't clean they yard get someone to clean it some many tenants in these apartments  move to another apartment

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Guest Guest

The ******* niece moved from a one bedroom apartment to a 2 bedroom apartment by herself please be real should have went into a one bedroom

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Guest Guest

I got a neighbor of mine who is a 3 bedroom but really  should be in a 2 bedroom only because she brings everyone in her house to sleep move them out please director

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Guest Guest

Ok Now a Notice about The Extra AC s Now it's time to go after all these people living Here not on the Lease It is Not Fair nor is it right People having Husbands Here Making extra Money so they can live a Nice Life there is Cameras In the Hallways now let's see what Happens Hopefully soon !!

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Guest Guest

MOVE OUT! Oh you can't because all you have in life is KOTW.  All you do is walk around complaining and minding everyone's business.  If you are so badass and know so much why don't you step to these people's face instead of hiding behind a screen.  Why don't you get a full time job and a life? It is not the Director's job to watch or discipline your kids, the fights they start, he has bigger things to deal with.  You wouldn't last 5 minutes in his chair.  Sadly you don't know he has people to answer to as well like the Board of Commissioners so take your live in complaints there they will be familiar.  

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On 7/29/2021 at 7:37 PM, Guest Guest said:

I'm sorry but the director is terrible.People have extra ACs in window.People have people living with them.Weeds are growing in some yards.So many people in 5 rooms that should be downsized.So many families waiting for 5 rooms but director ain't moving anyone.Alot of 5 rooms with 3 people.

and there are people like you who have a 2 bedroom and live alone so shut your ****** lip up.

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