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Obama the Liar


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John McCain ranked # 894 out of 899 graduates in his class at the Naval Academy.

Barack Obama made Law Review at Harvard Law, finishing in the top 5% of his graduating class.

Where did Sarah Palin rank at the University of Idaho or at any of the prior 4 universities she transferred out of?

Maybe you should have looked Biden up before you asked about Palin. Biden was not what one would call a super star:

Mr. Biden, who graduated from the law school in 1968, was 76th in a class of 85.(Syracuse University College of Law)


Biden attended the University of Delaware in Newark. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in history and political science in 1965, ranked 506th of 688 in his class.

He went on to receive his Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968, where by his own description he underperformed.During his first year there, he was accused of having plagiarized 5 of 15 pages of a law review article. Biden said it was inadvertent due to his not knowing the proper rules of citation, and he was permitted to retake the course after receiving a grade of F, which was subsequently dropped from his record.


A good one, plagiarizing five pagesr and then excusing it on not knowing the "proper rules of citation". A future politican in action. :P

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Maybe you should have looked Biden up before you asked about Palin. Biden was not what one would call a super star:

Yes, graduating in law school is totally comparable to having to go through a handful of colleges just to get a communications-journalism B.S. The average American is a "super star" compared to Mrs. "I have foreign policy experience because you can see Russia from Alaska".

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Yes, graduating in law school is totally comparable to having to go through a handful of colleges just to get a communications-journalism B.S. The average American is a "super star" compared to Mrs. "I have foreign policy experience because you can see Russia from Alaska".

Depends on what law school. Some are harder than others.

I worked with someone who has a law degree. He did not work as a lawyer. He never passed the oft taken bar exam. He was "lacking."

Just as there are some doctors that you could not trust to scalpel a potato. A degree in an "elite" course of study does not connote competency or even intelligence.

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Guest Extinguisher
Maybe you should have looked Biden up before you asked about Palin. Biden was not what one would call a super star:

A good one, plagiarizing five pagesr and then excusing it on not knowing the "proper rules of citation". A future politican in action. :P

I agree Biden is no Obama in terms of academic credentials. But Biden (and all his warts) is leagues ahead of Mrs. Palin. Both ends of the Republican ticket scrape the bottom of the barrel.

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I agree Biden is no Obama in terms of academic credentials. But Biden (and all his warts) is leagues ahead of Mrs. Palin. Both ends of the Republican ticket scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Unfortunately you're right.

Palin is now continually playing the Obama is friends with a "terrorists" mantra. With McCain joining in.


While the economy is really collapsing and they're busy playing their old standby, the fear game.

Bush under the supervision of Karl Rove pulled this game in 2004. I hope people learned.

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I agree Biden is no Obama in terms of academic credentials. But Biden (and all his warts) is leagues ahead of Mrs. Palin. Both ends of the Republican ticket scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Exactly right. We've all seen Biden speak. He knows what he's talking about. Palin doesn't. McCain does, but he's trying to carry water for the far right, which he would continue to do if elected even though he's not entirely comfortable with it.

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Guest Extinguisher
Unfortunately you're right.

Palin is now continually playing the Obama is friends with a "terrorists" mantra. With McCain joining in.


While the economy is really collapsing and they're busy playing their old standby, the fear game.

Bush under the supervision of Karl Rove pulled this game in 2004. I hope people learned.

Yes, in 2004, the Republicans used the Karl Rove playbook by trumpeting 9/11 fear.

In 2000, the Karl Rove/Bush playbook used race and religion against McCain by distributing literature in South Carolina that McCain's adopted Bangladeshi daughter was his out-of-wedlock African-American child.

In 2008, the Republicans are throwing the kitchen sink at Obama: fear, race and religion. It's shameful. But it isn't working, not with the economy the way it is. The more race and fear is played up by Palin and, to a lesser degree McCain, the more voters get turned off by the Republican ticket's message (except for the diehards at the McCain/Palin rallys). It's shameful. I think the revulsion of most voters is such that Obama will win BIG.

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