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Posts posted by WilliamK

  1. mediamatters? Oh yeah, you can count on them for the truth.

    Do you contend that mediamatters faked the photos? Surely you must, as without that contention, your derision of the source has no bearing on the fact that the protesters DID have swastikas, therefore Pelosi was telling the truth, and therefore Fox, National Review, and 2Smart4u, lied.

  2. Nancy Pelosi has branded the citizens who are protesting ObamaCare at town hall meetings as Nazi's.

    It's the other way around, liar. Some of the protesters have been showing up with signs bearing swastika's that compare Obama and the Democrats to Nazis. See photos at the link below. Nancy Pelosi didn't call anyone a nazi. What she said was that some protesters are carrying signs with swastikas, and indeed they are. Nancy Pelosi told the truth. Gregg Jarrett of FOX News lied. Jonah Goldberg of National Review lied. YOU lied.


  3. It's "misinformed" not "misinoformed". Didn't do well in HS English class, I see. Not to worry, God loves you.

    You're not in a very good position to criticize other people's spelling or grammar, Mr. "rediculous".

  4. Let's unspin this. By your logic, because Communist China sells their consumer goods to other countries, that makes them not "pure" communists?

    Nice try, but you invented that particular "logic" all by yourself. What makes China not pure communism is not merely that they sell things, but that much of what they're selling is produced by companies that are not government run. Companies that choose what to produce and how to produce it based on what they think will turn a profit. Companies that compete with each other in open markets. Companies that raise capital by selling stock. Those activities aren't communism, even when they happen within a communist country.

    Webster's definition of COMMUNISM: A theory advocating elimination of private property.

    Here's another word for you to look up, since you appear incapable of recognizing it: "capitalism"

    Selling consumer goods overseas is not in conflict with this theory.

    Nice try though.

    It really shouldn't need explaining, but "element of capitalism" was a reference to capitalism, not a reference to some dumb-ass misconception born of your own imagination.

  5. Communism doesn't work ?? Has anyone told Communist China, from where Obama has borrowed 700 Billion Dollars and from where the U.S. imports

    about 70% of it's consumer goods ??

    China's economic rise has come from adopting a very large element of capitalism. Even they know that communism, or at least pure communism, doesn't work. North Korea hasn't figured that out yet. Look there to see how well communism works.

    (Autonomous and 'Guest', otherwise known as dumb and dumber).

    So says the village idiot.

  6. Obama's proposed health care program is being projected at 1.5 trillion dollars and it will insure 30 million of the 45 million uninsured americans. Doing the math, that works out to 50 thousand dollars per person.

    Democrat or Republican, you have to be stunned by this outrage. A family of 4 can get a first class policy from BC & BS for $9,000. a year, under Obama's plan this policy would be $200,000.

    The loonies are hard at work trying to figure out how to blame this on Bush.

    It's 1.5 trillion over 10 years, you nitwit.

  7. there is one thing that i do not understand???? If there is such a thing as evolution, why are there still monkeys and gorillas on the earth...Why did they not evolve into human beings??

    If there is such a thing as higher education, why are there still adults with only a high-school education or less? Why did they not get degrees? Since not every single person gets a degree, obviously K-12 students do not transform into college graduates, and the theory of higher education is, therefore, false.

    Does that argument sound utterly stupid? It should, because it is.

    Tell us, Guest, why would you expect every isolated population of a species, and every single chain of ancestry in each population, to have evolved in the same way or at the same rate? The theory of evolution does not require or predict such absurdity. In fact, it predicts something very different, which is that species diverge.

    Also, do you think that monkeys and gorillas haven't evolved, that they are the same as those distant primates that are the ancestors of both them and us?

  8. Well, says the creationist, God works in mysterious ways that we can’t understand. OK, then stop pretending you know how these things happened.

    It's simple, Melanie. These things are beyond human reasoning. But, for the unreasoning, it all makes perfect sense, and can be known with complete certainty. If we could all just turn off our ability to reason, we'd be MUCH smarter. Maybe even too smart.

    If your neighborhood is like most in the U.S., there's a building within a few blocks of you with a cross displayed on or near it. The nice folks within will be happy to help you learn to overcome that nasty ol' reasoning.

  9. Straw man. If you really believe that's what the display meant, then your powers of analysis are close to nil. If you knew better and made the argument anyway then you're dishonest.

    Here, I'll edit Melanie's statement to make it more accurately represent what the display said:

    "According to the Bible, via this display, poison dart frogs wasn't weren't poisonous until Adam and Eve sinned. Then it they became poisonous. You have to be thoroughly gullible to believe that."


    Wow, Bryan, that sure lays waste to Melanie's claim. It is so completely different from Melanie's interpretation that it is entirely credible, and it wouldn't require any gullibility to believe it. And there's just no way anyone could have committed such a drastically erroneous reading or retelling without being either dishonest or profoundly stupid. Really, there's just no other way that could happen. Obviously this was a misrepresentation built for the purpose of knocking down, since the criticism doesn't apply at all to the original. Boy, that Melanie sure is an awful person to do that. We are all so very fortunate to have the always honest and honorable Bryan to put her in her place. And, wow! That Creation Museum sure is pushing some great science!


    This is the point where you tell yourself that my snarky criticism is the result of my not being smart enough to keep up with your superior intellect, and/or not honest enough to acknowledge the lack of any disingenuousness in your post. Or maybe that my motivation is dishonorable, that I'm just being a jerk. No way it could be a fair criticism of any failing of your own. Seriously, Bryan, go right ahead and believe that. You have my full blessing.

  10. I'm a little surprised that no one has pointed this out already, but the actual numbers were 49% for Ohio, and 48% for Virginia. Those do represent a decline, but both are considerably better than 2Smart's claim of "30-40%".

  11. MRI's and Scans tell it as it is whether BillyBoy likes it or not.

    And just which "MRI's and scans" would those be, KC? Were they described to you by some other credulous believer, who heard about it from yet another? Did you hear about it in a sermon in church? A pamphlet that someone left on a train seat? A religious web site? A TV preacher? Or maybe you just made it up, figuring that your belief that these "MRI's and scans" must exist makes it not really lying, even though you don't actually have any knowledge of such. Come on, KC. Fess up. What's your source? Do you have some special source of knowledge that the rest of the world isn't privy to? Or is your claim backed by nothing more than your desire to believe it?

  12. How do you explain the spontaneous disappearance of a malignant tumor after praying for a cure?

    One man's evidence of misdiagnosis (and that's assuming that your knowledge of this is something much better than just having heard some unsubstantiated second-hand anecdote, in which case it's just evidence of hokum being passed around among the credulous) is another man's solid proof of miracles. Only one of those two positions is rational, and I'll not bother saying which. Everyone knows the answer, but some will not want to acknowledge it.

  13. All the loons who voted for the community organizer are now crying; what can we do, what can we do, Obama is spending money faster than we can borrow or print it, boohoo, boohoo. Don't cry to me, loonies, I voted for McCain.

    Hmm... In response to: "Whining and crying over a lost election isn't a solution. What would you do about the economy?", what do you do? You whine and cry over the lost election and, once again, offer not a single clue about why you think your own party might have done better (or for that matter, any reason to believe that they would not have done much worse).

    What would you (or McCain, or Palin) offer that is not one of:

    A - continue repeating the same stupid mistakes that created this mess in the first place


    B - double-down and repeat the same stupid mistakes on an even larger scale (the old "X has been a complete failure, therefore we need to apply more X" line of faith-based unreasoning)

  14. I'll be the first Dem on this board to say I regret voting for Obama. Like most others who voted for him, I believed his promises of transparency, smaller government, middle class tax relief, eliminating all pork (remember that one) from the budget, posting the budget on line, etc.

    I see now he was all talk, he would say whatever he needed to say at any given time. Although I didn't care for McCain, had I known what Obama would be like I would have voted for him. I hope everyone will join me in sending Obama back to Chicago in 3 years. Thank you.

    Nice try, dimwit.

  15. The man broke a promise to his wife. He did the deed, and now must deal with the consequences. What I find curious is, you liberals delight when a Republican strays and gets caught; you only sense blood in the water. Conversely, if its a Democrat, you come up with a thousand and one excuses to defend the behavior.

    How exactly did you conclude that the person you replied to would not condemn both sides' indiscretions similarly? Did his post contain some defense of Democrats' ill deeds that was invisible to me, or was it just an assumption based on a sweeping generalization?

    Sanford was wrong, no arguments; impossible to take the moral high ground "MOST OF THE TIME." So, if I condemn a Republican for indiscretions, who, exactly is the HYPOCRITE?? You or ME?

    You seem to have missed that he was talking about the hypocrisy of a very specific subset of Republicans, and spoke mostly about just one. Unless you are a recently-in-the-news politician named Vitter, Foley, Craig, Ensign, or Sanford, then he was not accusing you of hypocrisy. I, however, am. Unless what you meant by "you liberals" was something much less general than it appears, then the answer to your question is plainly obvious.

  16. On a positive note, in 3.5 years the annointed one will be thrown out by clear-thinking Americans. A Republican will become President, fire the Czars and begin to reclaim America from Europe.

    Woo hoo! Another 2smart4u prediction. I'll add it to the collection:

    "So they're stuck with Mrs. Bubba, and not happy about the prospect of putting her up against Giuliani or Thompson." - 2smart4u, Aug 27 2007

    "Don't think so. Obama can't catch the Ice Queen. But regardless, Giuliani is

    the next president." - 2smart4u, Sep 13 2007

    "By Nov. McCain will have a cake walk into the White House." - 2smart4u, Apr 13 2008

    "'President Obama' ?? That ain't gonna happen, sweetie." - 2smart4u, May 17 2008

    "... It's just another reason why Obama can't win" - 2smart4u, Jun 24 2008

    "Not to worry, Obama is not getting elected. Remember where you heard it first and who told you." - 2smart4u, Jun 24 2008

    "I can't wait to see the reaction of the Loonies when their messiah loses. [...] I really CAN'T WAIT to come on KOTW and gloat." - 2smart4u, Aug 6 2008

    "Factor in the white guilt vote and the Hillary voters and McCain may carry all 50 states." - 2smart4u, Aug 26 2008

    "... they will guarantee a McCain/Palin victory. 80% of Americans will reject the angry and mean-spirited attacks and will support Palin because of them." - 2smart4u, Sep 2 2008

    "Sarah Palin became VP last night, 2 months before the election. [...] Women voters will decide this election and there's no question who they'll be voting for." - 2smart4u, Sep 4 2008

    "... the fact is Palin is the new rock star in this campaign and the female vote is going to make her the next VP." - 2smart4u, Sep 5 2008

    "After the election in Nov. when Sarah Palin becomes V.P. ..." - 2smart4u, Sep 11 2008

    "... McCain may make this election a clean sweep." - 2smart4u, Sep 16 2008

  17. It's my attempt to get to clarity regarding our topic. Did you want to talk about the museum, Paszkiewicz, or both?

    You obviously understood that he was criticizing both, so exactly what "clarity" do you think is lacking?

    Get your story straight and we'll discuss it.

    His story is perfectly straight. Do you really want to discuss it, Bryan? I doubt that you would disagree that young-earth creationism is anti-scientific and rife with false claims, or that Paszkiewicz' advocacy of it is fair game for criticism. Are you siding against a critic out of a more general sense of philosophical kinship with Paszkiewicz and the YEC's, perhaps, rather than any objection to the specific criticism?

  18. ARRRRRRGH There is NO SUCH THING as "Separation of Church and State" in the constitution. That was ONE sentence, from a private correspondance between Thomas Jefferson and a Friend.

    From the famous letter:

    Mr. President

    To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


    The affectionate sentiments of esteem & approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful & zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more & more pleasing.

    A rather odd way to begin a private correspondence with a friend, don't you think?

    It is an interesting letter. I suggest reading it in its entirety rather than just extracted quotations.

    It's short, so I'll quote it here. Continuing from where it left off above:

    The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

    Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

    I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

    Th Jefferson

    Jan. 1. 1802.

    Notice that what you dismissively refer to as "ONE sentence, from a private correspondence" refers very specifically to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as "building a wall of separation between Church & State".

    Your reference lays waste your own claim that "There is NO SUCH THING as "Separation of Church and State" in the constitution.". Speaking of that reference in dismissive terms doesn't change that.

  19. Being a concerned parent, I cannot believe how low you will stoop to have to compare this club to the Nazi youth.

    Much more remarkable is that someone would stoop so low as to fabricate such a malicious and false accusation. He made no such comparison. I have little doubt that you possess enough intelligence to understand that, as it is very obvious. The mystery is whether you have enough honor to acknowledge it, and to retract your hateful lie.

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