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Posts posted by Autonomous

  1. Being sympathetic to the ignorance of the LoonyLeft, I offer the following;

        Put  "Ann Coulter.com" in your favorite list and read every issue carefully.

            Hopefully, before too long you'll notice an awakening in your brain, you will

        begin to process information clearly and lose your taste for Kool-aid. Good luck !

    I read Godless. It was as bad as reading one of Michael Moore's books, just in the other direction. The only difference is that she kisses more peoples' rears. Her chapters against evolution could be debunked by the average 10th grader.

  2. Ideas ??  You have no ideas. Only tired old loony left nonsense.

    Now here's the problem. You are in effect saying that you don't need to listen to anyone who disagrees with you because they're automatically wrong. Yet you accuse other people of cult-like behaviour. Do you not see the irony?

  3. Can you really be that stupid ?  "CHRISTMAS"; The birth of Christ.

    So? It is the most important holiday in America because of capitalism, not religion. Otherwise Easter would be the more important-it used to be. My point is that the song has NO religious message. Perhaps if Silent Night or Away in a Manger were the best selling song he'd have a point.

  4. Come home wiith Victory or come home on your shield.

    Crap like this pisses me off-how about you sign up, then? How dare you blame the troops! The troops aren't the problem-the crappy leadership (not military leadership-the politicians) is. If we'd put more guys on the ground we could win this war, but they're too afraid of losing votes. Please note that both parties have done the same damn thing-this is not an anti-Republican rant.

  5. What was obvious about the disastrous plunge into an Iraqi war is that Bush & Co. were doing it for political reasons. It was a war of choice, not of necessity.

    The other obvious flaw in the planning, which should have stopped us from ever going in, was that while we could succeed in overthrowing Hussein in a matter of days or weeks, we could never succeed in bringing peace and stability into that country. You would think we would have learned our lesson from the tragic experience in Viet Nam, but tragically for us and the world, the same group that never learned the lesson of Viet Nam now insisted on making the same mistake in Iraq. Here we are, years later trying to figure a way out of a military adventure that was doomed to failure before it ever started.

    The amazing thing about it is that Bush attacked Gore throughout the 2000 election campaign for the far smaller military adventures of the Clinton administration, arguing that Clinton never had an exit strategy. Of course, that is exactly why we are mired in the quagmire of Iraq: Bush had no exit strategy, we have no good way out. And yet for some reason, which I will never understand, the American people went along with it. The only thing I can surmise is that our people were still suffering from a collective PTSD after 9/11. Nothing else makes any sense. This war was insane from its inception, and the results only further verify the fact.

    As I have said, the war was not a good idea. As much as I don't like Clinton, he forced Milosevich out without loss of American life. I'm simply stating that now that we are over there, we can't just pull out. Stores used to have signs saying "You broke it, you bought it." We are somewhat responsible for the mess in Iraq, so we have a responsibility to help fix it. I'm not sure the doofus in charge now can do that (I rather suspect not) but withdrawing is not the answer. If that country falls to chaos (which, btw, Iran would probably not let happen) it will be worse for us in the long run than staying.

  6. "This a secular country" ??  Another atheist fantasy.    80% of the U.S. is Christian.

    Prove it.

    Our money is printed and engraved with "In God We Trust".

    A relatively recent developement.

    The Supreme Court displays the Ten Commandments.

    Though 60% of Americans can't name half of them.

    Source: http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2007...ion-cover_N.htm

    In court you put your hand on a bible and swear to tell the truth "so help you God".

    You can choose not to.

    Millions of Nativity Scenes are displayed throughout the country at Christmas. "White Christmas" is the best selling song of all time. The President of the U.S. is a Christian who attends church regularly. The U.S. Congress recesses over Christmas. The Speaker of the House is Christian and attends church regularly.  But don't feel bad, you have Paul and Matthew on your side.

    So? It is a free country. They can do whatever they want. btw-the lyrics of White Christmas:

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

    Just like the ones I used to know

    Where the treetops glisten,

    and children listen

    To hear sleigh bells in the snow

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

    With every Christmas card I write

    May your days be merry and bright

    And may all your Christmases be white

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

    With every Christmas card I write

    May your days be merry and bright

    And may all your Christmases be white

    Yeah-that's a religious message. ;)

  7. Good post; I won't even quibble with that ridiculous account of Russia's war on Afghanistan.  ;)

    Since there wasn't one given? :D

    An integrated Iraqi military may be capable of making up for the overall shortcomings of the central government.

    The problem occurs if the Iraqi army is regarded as simply an arm of a Shia-dominated government.

    Distrust of the current Iraqi government is justified, to the extent that it hasn't succeeded in establishing a cooperative framework for a unified Iraq.  One thing that is changing, because of the brutality of insurgents compared to coalition forces, is the attitude of the common Iraqis toward the idea of a unified secular government:  They're in favor of it in spite of their experiences with the dictatorial version of that type of government under Saddam Hussein.

    Agreed-once Iraqis see their government (and us) as the lesser evil we can start getting somewhere. We desperately need their cooperation. Now if we can get them to stop killing each other we'd be set.

    Withdrawing from Iraq prior to the establishment of a friendly and stable government would very probably prove disastrous (genocide, then terrorist safe haven and an expansion of Iranian influence ... perhaps leading to all-out war with Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Saudi Arabia involved).

    The first two being very likely-especially the second, which I was trying to show with the Afghanistan comparison.

    And the Iraq invasion was still a good idea.  Hussein would have acted to keep a balance of power with Iran--that means he would have sought a nuclear program to match that of his neighbors.  And if anyone doubts that Iran is trying to obtain nuclear weapons capability now, just imagine how they'd be working on it if they had the impression that Hussein was at work on the same thing (think Russia after WW2).

    Leaving Hussein's regime intact would have led to the same threat of regional instability, since that instability has been there all along (try to remember the Iran-Iraq war), and the West could not afford to not know what Hussein was up to.  That's why incomplete cooperation with weapons inspectors could not be tolerated.  If you're wrong about Hussein having WMD you can be wrong about Hussein not having WMD--and one of the Gulf War lessons had been our underestimation of Iraq's WMD capability.  The U.S. could not afford to be wrong on that side of the equation.

    We could afford to be wrong on the other side, in the company of the world's other intelligence communities.

    I support bombing the crap out of Iran (not with nukes) in order to keep them from getting The Bomb. I actually think Bush has been far too lenient with them.

    I'm still not convinced that the invasion of Iraq was the only possible scenario though. Or the best, for that matter.

  8. Oh, I get it-you meant me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Listen doofus-aside from being an unbeliever (which is politically neutral-wingnuts like you haven't completely taken over the GOP), would you care to find a post by me indicating support for a 'leftist' position? Take your time-you'll need it.

    I don't make fun of you because you're on the right-I make fun of you because you're a sheep mindlessly following wherever the neocons lead you.

    What a shock-no response from the wingnuts.

  9. Melanie, you silly girl. The question is not whether evolution is "thoroughly proved" as you say. The question is whether evolution occurs blindly or if evolution is "guided" by Intelligent Design. If you're an atheist, then you will support the notion that we're all just the result of serendipity. To believe the incredibly complex molecular make up the human cell, the amazing uniqueness of fingerprints, DNA, irises, etc., etc., are nothing more than blind evolution is not rational.

    You're right-except for the glaring hole. Evolution operates according to principles that you can observe, not blindly.

  10. So have your kids wear a uniform. When the government tells you that you must, it's no longer just a question of what looks or feels good. What happened to the sense of individual freedom that conservatives once proudly championed?

    Conservatives still do. Neocons, on the other hand, are just as bad as any liberal with regards to the government telling people what to do. With their disregard for privacy, I might say even worse.

  11. I say get out. The Iraqi's despise and fear us and think we're all perverts and brutal thanks to Abu Ghraib, numerous rape incidents and the constant unpleasant troop/civilian street interactions.

    Many argue it is our duty to prevent sectarian violence and therefore we cannot leave. Yet, the citizens who we are ostensibly protecting are overwhelmingly in favor of us leaving. We should follow the will of the people.

    The "stay" argument was used by some British when the British Raj pulled out of India. They knew there would be massive violence, and there was with anywhere from 500,000 to 1,000,000 killed. But the Brits listened to the natives on that continent and left. The Brits would still be there trying to work out the continents partition if they listened to the "stay" people.

    Every citizen of India or Pakistan will tell you despite the violence its best that the Brits left. Staying did not work then and will not work now.

    This isn't really the same. In Iraq there are a lot of foreign influences. Also, this is a country which sits on top of huge oil deposits, so it isn't like we're just going to let it fall into chaos. Also, while I don't think invading Iraq helped us in the war on terror, leaving it now would certainly harm our efforts. Right now, Iraq is a training ground for jihadists. If we let that continue, it will harm us in the long run.

    Now make no mistake-invading Iraq was a terrible idea, and we may very well end up with a worse situation than we started with because of it. But leaving now is not really an option.

  12. I agree. Evolution is of course valid. The atheists who believe the universe is Godless and everything has evolved through natural selection ONLY are the fools.

      Ken Miller is a Christian with a deep belief in God, who believes that evolution has been "guided" by God.  To quote Miller, "To me the idea of God, the idea of a supreme being, is the intellectual peg that holds everything else together. That enables my existence, the world, the diversity of life, the magnificence of the universe to be put into a context in which they make sense".

    You're trying to conflate philosophical naturalism and methodological naturalism. Your quote certainly shows that Ken Miller does not believe in philosophical naturalism. Unfortunately, the only person who thought he did was 2Dim. Congratulations I guess-you're smarter than 2Dim. Which is like saying you're warmer than an ice cube, but I digress. What you're implying (actually, flat-out saying) is that Ken Miller does not believe in methodological naturalism. This is not true. That would make him a proponent if ID rather than the opposite.

  13. Anonomous is now posting as Guest ??

    Oh, I get it-you meant me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Listen doofus-aside from being an unbeliever (which is politically neutral-wingnuts like you haven't completely taken over the GOP), would you care to find a post by me indicating support for a 'leftist' position? Take your time-you'll need it.

    I don't make fun of you because you're on the right-I make fun of you because you're a sheep mindlessly following wherever the neocons lead you.

  14. Nothing changed.  It was a non issue to begin with.  One of many that Matt has found to pursue every year.  Mr. P will continue to teach the same way he has in the past.  The teachers probably won't attend the seperation of church and state seminar.  And life goes on.

    So he'll do it again-and when the next student complains, they'll have an incredibly easy time suing the crap out of the school system. There will be NO deniability-the world noticed already, so it isn't like the BOE can feign ignorance.

  15. It had nothing to do with blowing a whistle. This was all premeditated and orchestrated well in advance.  I would have liked to see the little troublemaker expelled from school. It is a disgrace to how lad and dad try to use the Constitution as a cause to stir trouble. And that is all he is and has been to the Kearny School System.  People seem to forget that in the magical tapes the boy made that Matthew was a much a part of the discussion, inquiring and probing more and more to get his desired result.  And I guess junior got it since he is now famous. But at what cost to the rest of the students who had to suffer through all this turmoil. 

    Was it worth it?  No!  At least he got his scholarships paid for by fanatical organizations.  Congrats.

    So you're saying Mr. P was outsmarted by the kid? Not a particularly astute guy, then.

  16. :D Lets see the great matt go over and we will see if he wants to know GOD! I WOULD SAY SEND PAUL BUT HE WOULD ONLY TRY TO JOIN THE OTHER SIDE AS THEY DO NOT THINK JESUS IS GOD!!! :wub:

    Yeah, that makes sense. Shall we examine this statement?

    1. Paul doesn't believe that Jesus is God.

    2. Radical Islamic fundamentalists don't believe that Jesus is God.

    Therefore, Paul's beliefs are the same as radical fundamentalists. Other than not believing in Allah. Or the Prophet. Or any of the other sacred pillars of Islam. Or the Caliphate. Or...oh, I think the point is made.

  17. The problem is, we can't just pull out of Iraq. Remember Afghanistan? After the Russian occupation ended, it was left with a weak central government and a LOT of foreign fighters. It then fractured into warring groups, with the Taliban eventually controlling most of the country. Now I know someone like Bryan is bound to critique that summary-I know it is a simplified version--let it go, no one cares. The point is, the same thing is likely to happen in Iraq if we simply pull out.

    Now I used to believe that a phased withdrawal was the way to go, with us returning in force if everything started to fall apart. I no longer believe this. Since I am not motivated primarily by ideological loyalty, I am willing to change my opinion to fit the facts rather than vice versa(you listening, 2Dim?). The problem is, this idea revolves around two theoretical positions:

    1. Our presence in Iraq angers Muslims to the point of violence. This is true, but our presence also helps keep a lid on sectarian violence. I have come to think we do more good with the second than harm with the first.

    2. The Iraqi government can keep the peace. I feel sorry for the Iraqi government. They were given a country that the occupation had thoroughly screwed up (whose brilliant idea was it to fire the military before disarming them?) and are now being told to hurry up and fix what we were utterly incapable of fixing. However, I believe the current government cannot keep the peace.

    So where does this leave the troops? Screwed, unless someone grows some testicles. The Democrats are looking like they'll pull out. The Republicans are starting to as well, but they'll make sure to blame the Iraqi government for not stepping up. If they do (and sadly, it seems to be what the American people want), we'll have a worse rogue state than we did before.

    The one bright spot seems to be the surge. It seems to be working-which shows that the original estimates rejected by the administration were right-we should have gone in with far more troops. The wisest course of action would be to send even more troops in to lock down the problem areas. Trouble is, we just don't have enough without shortening rotation times even more than we already have.

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