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USA's embarrassment

Guest Patriot

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Guest Patriot

It appears our paper tiger is no match for the Russian bear. After seeing zerO's response to Benghazi and Syria, Putin knew

he had nothing to worry about from a community organizer pretending to be the CIC.

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Guest Guest

It appears our paper tiger is no match for the Russian bear. After seeing zerO's response to Benghazi and Syria, Putin knew

he had nothing to worry about from a community organizer pretending to be the CIC.

While I agree, it isnt just Obama..we allowed them to roll over Georgia under Pres Bush's watch, and then with that Mysterious "Accident" that managed to Kill Poland's President and a good portion of his Staff...And now this. We have had a pretty piss poor track record of supporting our "Allies" in the past few years.

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Guest 2smart4u

While I agree, it isnt just Obama..we allowed them to roll over Georgia under Pres Bush's watch, and then with that Mysterious "Accident" that managed to Kill Poland's President and a good portion of his Staff...And now this. We have had a pretty piss poor track record of supporting our "Allies" in the past few years.

I guess Putin never got the memo about zerO "resetting" our relationship with Russia.

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Guest ZbigniewBrezinski

Remember when George W. Bush said he looked Putin in the eyes "was able to get a sense of his soul"? Was that before or after Putin invaded Georgia in 2008?

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Guest Guest

These are cheap shots, illustrating the principle that talk is cheap.

What should the United States have done that we didn't do?

What should we do now?

What will likely be the result?

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Guest Guest

I guess Putin never got the memo about zerO "resetting" our relationship with Russia.

No worries, Palin is keeping an eye on Russia from her deer stand in Alaska.

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Guest Guest

These are cheap shots, illustrating the principle that talk is cheap.

What should the United States have done that we didn't do?

What should we do now?

What will likely be the result?

Slimeball 2Stupid4Words will never answer any of these. That would require knowledge of international affairs. Only if 2Stupid4Words had any knowledge of international affairs, he wouldn't be taking cheap, uninformed shots at the President. Don't you just love how all the great hockey players are sitting in the stands or in front of their TV sets watching the game.

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Guest 2smart4u

Slimeball 2Stupid4Words will never answer any of these. That would require knowledge of international affairs. Only if 2Stupid4Words had any knowledge of international affairs, he wouldn't be taking cheap, uninformed shots at the President. Don't you just love how all the great hockey players are sitting in the stands or in front of their TV sets watching the game.

Here's one for you. zerO drew a red line in the sand in Syria which was promptly ignored. Now zerO's hiding under his desk. Does this display a knowledge of international affairs or a sorry example of an inept community organizer?

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Guest Guest

Here's one for you. zerO drew a red line in the sand in Syria which was promptly ignored. Now zerO's hiding under his desk. Does this display a knowledge of international affairs or a sorry example of an inept community organizer?

Claiming that the President is hiding under his desk only shows how ignorant and off-the-wall you are.

As usual, you don't answer any of the questions. You call the President vile names but have no idea what should be done.

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Guest Guest

Here's one for you. zerO drew a red line in the sand in Syria which was promptly ignored. Now zerO's hiding under his desk. Does this display a knowledge of international affairs or a sorry example of an inept community organizer?

And exactly what policy should America follow? War? What is YOUR position?

This community organizer thing seems to trouble you. Is it because you never did anything for your community or just jealousy that repubs couldn't find a candidate capable of beating a community organizer?

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Guest Guest

President Obama's time in office has been remarkably free from major international crises disrupting our way of life. There will always be critics but I cannot recall a presidential era in which our international relations were as stable as they are now. Some of the hawks think war should be our way of life. To his great credit, President Obama has resisted the military-industrial complex, of which President Eisenhower warned us more than fifty years ago. Say what you want about the current strife between Russia and the Ukraine, there is no imminent threat to our national security.

Talk is cheap. The right wing propaganda machine will babble on no matter what he does. President Obama has proved to be an effective, responsible Commander-in-Chief.

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Guest Combat Veteran

It's easy to be a keyboard commando. Criticize but NEVER offer a single wothwhile idea. Even Desert Storm didn't commence until 6 months after Iraq invaded, looted and occupied Kuwait.

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Guest Guest

It's easy to be a keyboard commando. Criticize but NEVER offer a single wothwhile idea. Even Desert Storm didn't commence until 6 months after Iraq invaded, looted and occupied Kuwait.

Thank you. The cowards criticizing President Obama are just that - cowards with big mouths and no brains. And he has the nerve to call himself "Patriot."

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Guest 2smart4u

President Obama's time in office has been remarkably free from major international crises disrupting our way of life. There will always be critics but I cannot recall a presidential era in which our international relations were as stable as they are now. Some of the hawks think war should be our way of life. To his great credit, President Obama has resisted the military-industrial complex, of which President Eisenhower warned us more than fifty years ago. Say what you want about the current strife between Russia and the Ukraine, there is no imminent threat to our national security.

Talk is cheap. The right wing propaganda machine will babble on no matter what he does. President Obama has proved to be an effective, responsible Commander-in-Chief.

Nonsense. You need more help than I can give you.

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Guest Guest

Thank you. The cowards criticizing President Obama are just that - cowards with big mouths and no brains. And he has the nerve to call himself "Patriot."

Hillary begs to differ... I'll just leave this right here

[link removed]

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Guest Guest

Nonsense. You need more help than I can give you.

You would do well to save your help and use it on your political party. It's devoid of ideas, morals, and direction, can't win national elections and turned 3 red states into blue and Hillary kills ANY republican by double digits. Locally, there is no republican party.

Spare us. Use your superior intellect to solve your own problems.

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Guest Guest

Nonsense. You need more help than I can give you.

Not really, dummies like you are the reason Americans have voted against republicans in the last 2 presidential elections.

You are helping.

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Guest Guest

Nonsense. You need more help than I can give you.

You are such a D**bA**. You don't say anything. The statement was that "President Obama's time in office has been remarkably free from major international crises disrupting our way of life." It's true. There's no world war, no Korean war, no Vietnam war, no Contra shenanigans violating our Constitution, no war in Iraq, we're leaving Afghanistan, no 9/11 attack on Obama's watch. Responsible people are talking about cutting the military because we don't need a military this big. Just what has you so upset, except for the fact that President Obama is a Democrat? You could at least try to look fair-minded occasionally.

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Guest Guest

It appears our paper tiger is no match for the Russian bear. After seeing zerO's response to Benghazi and Syria, Putin knew

he had nothing to worry about from a community organizer pretending to be the CIC.

Why am I not surprised you would take the Russians side?
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Guest 2smart4u

You are such a D**bA**. You don't say anything. The statement was that "President Obama's time in office has been remarkably free from major international crises disrupting our way of life." It's true. There's no world war, no Korean war, no Vietnam war, no Contra shenanigans violating our Constitution, no war in Iraq, we're leaving Afghanistan, no 9/11 attack on Obama's watch. Responsible people are talking about cutting the military because we don't need a military this big. Just what has you so upset, except for the fact that President Obama is a Democrat? You could at least try to look fair-minded occasionally.

What about zerO violating the Constitution ? Fair-minded or hypocritical ?

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Guest Guest

Why am I not surprised you would take the Russians side?

How is pointing out he reality of the situation "Taking the Russian's Side"???? The Russians have walked ALL OVER US Multiple times in the past few years, STARTING With Georgia, under Bush. You Effing Douchenozzles are always screaming about "Fairness" but you wont even accept the truth of the situation.

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Guest A Proud American

why don't you explain how the President is violating the Constitution. And while you're at it answer some of the other questions you've been asked.

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Guest 2smart4u

why don't you explain how the President is violating the Constitution. And while you're at it answer some of the other questions you've been asked.

This is what swigging Kool-Aid does to you, you have no clue what's going on in the world. My guess is you get your news from MSNBC, that would

explain your lack of knowledge of world events. It's not my job to educate you.

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Guest Guest

How is pointing out he reality of the situation "Taking the Russian's Side"???? The Russians have walked ALL OVER US Multiple times in the past few years, STARTING With Georgia, under Bush. You Effing Douchenozzles are always screaming about "Fairness" but you wont even accept the truth of the situation.

Whatever you say, comrade azzclown.

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Guest Guest

This is what swigging Kool-Aid does to you, you have no clue what's going on in the world. My guess is you get your news from MSNBC, that would

explain your lack of knowledge of world events. It's not my job to educate you.

Then why are you ruining a community forum with your constant badgering of the President of the United States? And of all the people to complain about someone else not having a clue, you're just about the last. You have some serious issues, bub.

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