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Have some courage

Guest Middle-Easterner

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Guest Middle-Easterner

I've read quite a few posts concerning the Matthew LaClaire issue, and interestingly, none -as far as I've read, so might be the overwhelming majority- of the people opposed to Matthew's actions, had the courage to actually come out and say: "Yes, I don't mind religion being preached in school, and that part of the constitution should be amended/changed"

They certainly believe that, because nothing else would justify the complete silence as a response to the actual issue at hand, namely, preaching religion in class.

Had they posessed the intellectual honesty to be clear about their motives, then the discussion would have been elevated to another level. It is certainly their right to express disagreement with the constitution, that's why amendments were added.

Yet, post after post, it's blaming the teenager for blowing the whistle and "embarassing" his town. If they really believed in, and supported the teacher, then there would be nothing embarassing in the story, would there? Yet people proceeded in making statements and remarks completely irrelevant to the core issue.

It's this multi-faceted syndrome of underhanded, behind the curtains, under the rug, politics that seems to be plaguing the US. Very few are willing to come out and say what they really believe. The town people's concern is this issue not "spilling" nation-wide, but would rather keep it hush hush until an appropriate political climate allows them to be in a state of power. and enforce their beliefs, rather than having a discussion about it with the rest of the country.

The attitude seems to be: "meh ... yeah yeah yeah, the first ammendment.. fine, whatever" Then those people continue practicing/condoning actions in disagreement with the constitution, hoping not to get discovered.

I really doubt that -apart from Matthew's parents- none of the students' parents knew about this. It seems more likely that they did, and didn't really mind, which explains the fury that met the LaClaire's actions, as it came as a direct critique of other parents' beliefs, a critique that should/will be enforced by law.

Had it been the teacher alone in this, he would have been dismissed as an over-zealous person of faith. But the town rallying behind him, including the students (again, hard to imagine without their parents' support), indicates a wider-scale distortion and disparity between different parts of the country.

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I've read quite a few posts concerning the Matthew LaClaire issue, and interestingly, none -as far as I've read, so might be the overwhelming majority- of the people opposed to Matthew's actions, had the courage to actually come out and say: "Yes, I don't mind religion being preached in school, and that part of the constitution should be amended/changed"

Excellent point. It would be more honest if they just said, "Look, I don't like the first amendment when it gets in the way of preaching my preferred religion, so the hell with it."

But they know that argument won't get very far in America, so they throw out distractions and cheap insults.

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I've read quite a few posts concerning the Matthew LaClaire issue, and interestingly, none -as far as I've read, so might be the overwhelming majority- of the people opposed to Matthew's actions, had the courage to actually come out and say: "Yes, I don't mind religion being preached in school, and that part of the constitution should be amended/changed"

They certainly believe that, because nothing else would justify the complete silence as a response to the actual issue at hand, namely, preaching religion in class.

Had they posessed the intellectual honesty to be clear about their motives, then the discussion would have been elevated to another level. It is certainly their right to express disagreement with the constitution, that's why amendments were added.

Yet, post after post, it's blaming the teenager for blowing the whistle and "embarassing" his town. If they really believed in, and supported the teacher, then there would be nothing embarassing in the story, would there? Yet people proceeded in making statements and remarks completely irrelevant to the core issue.

It's this multi-faceted syndrome of underhanded, behind the curtains, under the rug, politics that seems to be plaguing the US. Very few are willing to come out and say what they really believe. The town people's concern is this issue not "spilling" nation-wide, but would rather keep it hush hush until an appropriate political climate allows them to be in a state of power. and enforce their beliefs, rather than having a discussion about it with the rest of the country.

The attitude seems to be: "meh ... yeah yeah yeah, the first ammendment.. fine, whatever" Then those people continue practicing/condoning actions in disagreement with the constitution, hoping not to get discovered.

I really doubt that -apart from Matthew's parents- none of the students' parents knew about this. It seems more likely that they did, and didn't really mind, which explains the fury that met the LaClaire's actions, as it came as a direct critique of other parents' beliefs, a critique that should/will be enforced by law.

Had it been the teacher alone in this, he would have been dismissed as an over-zealous person of faith. But the town rallying behind him, including the students (again, hard to imagine without their parents' support), indicates a wider-scale distortion and disparity between different parts of the country.

This has gone to far. Did anyone stop to think that this was a level one class. These are kids preparing to go to college. Where debates and discussions will happen all the time. This was a history class and questions will come up. They do have some religion in their text books, and no class as much as a teacher plans goes according to the plans, because students wants to know other things and this sometimes will lead the class to a different direction. Not on purpose but it just happens. This teacher did not hold the students down and obligated them to accept anything. He did say it's his opinion.

Should every teacher have to live in fear from this point on. Fear that he or she might be recordered? Fear that they might the next Paszkiewicz?

People like the LaClairs has taken all the joy a teacher has out of teaching.

What happen to the time when parents expected teachers to be a good influence? What happen to the time that you would expect your teachers to tell our children what is wrong and right? This is crazy. Take a look around you, take a look on Kearny Ave. and you will see sometimes what the lack of good influence has caused.

I know people will say examples come from home, but its not every parent that can be home to be the example, thats when a great teacher can be a Great influence your child may need.

Would you rather a teacher encourage your child to do drugs, steal have sex before marriage, have an abortion, commit a crime? It would matter what religion he or she is, the important part is that teacher might be the influence your child will have not to do any of the things above. Think about before going around crucifying a teacher for what he might have said.

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This has gone to far. Did anyone stop to think that this was a level one class. These are kids preparing to go to college. Where debates and discussions will happen all the time. This was a history class and questions will come up. They do have some religion in their text books, and no class as much as a teacher plans goes according to the plans, because students wants to know other things and this sometimes will lead the class to a  different direction. Not on purpose but it just happens. This teacher did not hold the students down and obligated them to accept anything. He did say it's his opinion.

Should every teacher have to live in fear from this point on. Fear that he or she might be recordered? Fear that they might the next Paszkiewicz?

People like the LaClairs has taken all the joy a teacher has out of teaching.

What happen to the time when parents expected teachers to be a good influence? What happen to the time that you would expect your teachers to tell our children what is wrong and right? This is crazy. Take a look around you, take a look on Kearny Ave. and you will see sometimes what the lack of good influence has caused.

I know people will say examples come from home, but its not every parent that can be home to be the example, thats when a great teacher can be a Great influence your child may need.

Would you rather a teacher encourage your child to do drugs, steal have sex before marriage, have an abortion, commit a crime? It would matter what religion he or she is, the important part is that teacher might be the influence your child will have not to do any of the things above. Think about before going around crucifying a teacher for what he might have said.

I'm sorry to be so bold, but this post is nonsense. I never had any teacher come close to what this one did. There is no reason for good teachers to be afraid of anything. The "defense" that this was a high-level discussion in the context of history is simply pathetic.

As for debate, good teachers don't use their classroom to browbeat students into their point of view, calling it a "debate." However, if you want to call it that, I would say Matthew asked Mr. P a few questions he wasn't prepared to handle. Paszkiewicz essentially admitted that his own theology didn't make sense to him either.

Mr. P talked about students being taken out of their comfort zones. He would do well to look into a mirror when he says that.

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This has gone to far. Did anyone stop to thi was a history class and questions will come up. They do have some..............might bo any of the things above. Think about before going around crucifying a teacher for what he might have said.

Again, thats not the point I was making. I personally have no problem if there was religious-preaching in schools. As it happens, however, it is against the constitution.

If you have a problem with that, go ahead and SAY IT. It always struck me, how some of the "liberal" figures in the media, made the point that conservatives almost never come up to them and confront them, in the street, when they're shopping ..etc, they'd rather just frown, go home and fester, and teach more bitterness to their children. Not being a "liberal" (whatever that may mean), I always raised an eyebrow whenever I heard that. But you know what? It seems to be true.

People are just silent, and when someone of questionable agenda, background, corporate connections, gets elected to a public office, and as much as just mentions the word "values" or quotes the Bible, you see those poor people just flocking to vote for him. Ridiculous. Have the courage to say what you think. If you truly believe that this is a Christian nation, and that Christianity is the foundation of America, then make yourself be heard, vote for it, start a movement. Don't wallow in your ignorance and be part of the flock that follows those with a truly laughable academic/intellectual calibre such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter ...etc. (Yeah, Al Franken, Dennis Miller, Bill Maher are just as laughable as well) They are the pop artists of propaganda, and almost all have no relevant qualifications whatsoever. You deserve better than that.

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I'm sorry to be so bold, but this post is nonsense. I never had any teacher come close to what this one did. There is no reason for good teachers to be afraid of anything. The "defense" that this was a high-level discussion in the context of history is simply pathetic.

As for debate, good teachers don't use their classroom to browbeat students into their point of view, calling it a "debate." However, if you want to call it that, I would say Matthew asked Mr. P a few questions he wasn't prepared to handle. Paszkiewicz essentially admitted that his own theology didn't make sense to him either.

Mr. P talked about students being taken out of their comfort zones. He would do well to look into a mirror when he says that.

This was my post too.

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I'm sorry to be so bold, but this post is nonsense. I never had any teacher come close to what this one did. There is no reason for good teachers to be afraid of anything. The "defense" that this was a high-level discussion in the context of history is simply pathetic.

As for debate, good teachers don't use their classroom to browbeat students into their point of view, calling it a "debate." However, if you want to call it that, I would say Matthew asked Mr. P a few questions he wasn't prepared to handle. Paszkiewicz essentially admitted that his own theology didn't make sense to him either.

Mr. P talked about students being taken out of their comfort zones. He would do well to look into a mirror when he says that.

Looks like Dad just got caught. He is speaking for Matthew, again.

Matthew I knew your father was using you to get to this point. But I never thought he would go as far as writting for you. You have been a puppet in your fathers hands.

And by the way, all the questions you had, that you recoreded on your CDs were answered. It did not look like Mr. P. was not prepared to handle them.

You have accused Mr. P. about lying in your last meeting. Where is the proof of that? Did he lie or did you take what he said out of context to make a name for yourself and your dad? I can't believe that someone so interested in recording things would not tape the very meeting he claims Mr. P lied in. I'm guessing Mr. P. didn't lie or his recorded statements would be on CNN!

How come on your CNN interview you allow the reporter to only put the answers to your questions and not the part where you actually ask the questions?

Would it be because then people would see that you are falsely accusing someone of preaching when in fact he was only answering your questions?

Regardless of what you and your father think, your standards are very shady. :o

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Looks like Dad just got caught. He is speaking for Matthew, again.

Matthew I knew your father was using you to get to this point. But I never thought he would go as far as writting for you. You have been a puppet in your fathers hands.

And by the way, all the questions you had, that you recoreded on your CDs were answered. It did not look like Mr. P. was not prepared to handle them.

You have accused Mr. P. about lying in your last meeting. Where is the proof of that? Did he lie or did you take what he said out of context to make a name for yourself and your dad?  I can't believe that someone so interested in recording things would not tape the very meeting he claims Mr. P lied in. I'm guessing Mr. P. didn't lie or his recorded statements would be on CNN!

How come on your CNN interview you allow the reporter to only put the answers to your questions and not the part where you actually ask the questions?

Would it be because then people would see that you are falsely accusing someone of preaching when in fact he was only answering your questions?

Regardless of what you and your father think, your standards are very shady.  :o

We had absolutely no control over what CNN aired, what portions of the recording they chose to air, or what questions Anderson Cooper asked. The assumptions Paszkiewicz's defenders make about this and other subjects illustrate the poverty of their thinking and their resulting arguments, which are based on their wishes, not the facts.

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Looks like Dad just got caught. He is speaking for Matthew, again.

Matthew I knew your father was using you to get to this point. But I never thought he would go as far as writting for you. You have been a puppet in your fathers hands.

Wow, looks like somebody already constructed his favorite alternate-reality version of the truth and is scavenging around for some "evidence" to prop it up.

Shared computer, forgot to change the login... from that you get a conspiracy and cover-up? You should write fiction.

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Wow, looks like somebody already constructed his favorite alternate-reality version of the truth and is scavenging around for some "evidence" to prop it up.

Shared computer, forgot to change the login... from that you get a conspiracy and cover-up? You should write fiction.

He did. Thank you for noticing.

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