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Congress approval over the cliff.

Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

Rembemer Nancy Pelosi gushing about how the new Defeatocratic Congress was going to make all these wonderful changes in America ??

Well, the latest poll has Congress's approval rating at nine (9) precent. Makes Bush's approval rating of 25% look huge. It's just another

reason why Obama can't win

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Guest Keith
Rembemer Nancy Pelosi gushing about how the new Defeatocratic Congress was going to make all these wonderful changes in America ??

Well, the latest poll has Congress's approval rating at nine (9) precent. Makes Bush's approval rating of 25% look huge. It's just another

reason why Obama can't win

You don't get it do you? They all s**k!

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Guest Radagast
Rembemer Nancy Pelosi gushing about how the new Defeatocratic Congress was going to make all these wonderful changes in America ??

Well, the latest poll has Congress's approval rating at nine (9) precent. Makes Bush's approval rating of 25% look huge. It's just another

reason why Obama can't win

Well they gotta vote for somebody in November and the Dems are out polling the Repubs by a mile right now. Most Repubs expect to lose ground in both Houses

Also, based upon the most recent State polls, if the Election were held today Obama would get 348 Electors to McCains 191. McCain has a lot of ground to make up.

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Guest Guest
Rembemer Nancy Pelosi gushing about how the new Defeatocratic Congress was going to make all these wonderful changes in America ??

I "rembemer" you predicting Giuliani was going to be President. :lol:

Your grammar's even shittier than usual, 2dim.

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But then what do you expect with politicians like Nancy Pelosi making statements like this before the 2006 Congressional elections:

“With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.

“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” - Nancy Pelosi Press Release


What was the common sense plan? To increase the price from $2.91 to $4.10?

The populace voted in a Democratic congress hoping for change and again, we are disappointed.

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Guest 2smart4u


But then what do you expect with politicians like Nancy Pelosi making statements like this before the 2006 Congressional elections:

“With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.

“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” - Nancy Pelosi Press Release


What was the common sense plan? To increase the price from $2.91 to $4.10?

The populace voted in a Democratic congress hoping for change and again, we are disappointed.

Save some of that disappointment, you'll need it if Obama gets elected. With a defeatocratic congress behind him, we'll have enough

giveaway programs to make every illegal alien happy, gas companies happy and taxpayers crying the blues.

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Guest Guest
Save some of that disappointment, you'll need it if Obama gets elected. With a defeatocratic congress behind him, we'll have enough

giveaway programs to make every illegal alien happy, gas companies happy and taxpayers crying the blues.

McCain's the only candidate whose tax plan gives no breaks to the working class, while Obama's tax plan lowers taxes for 95% of Americans.

It's not Obama whose presidency would make taxpayers cry the blues.

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Guest Guest
Save some of that disappointment, you'll need it if Obama gets elected. With a defeatocratic congress behind him, we'll have enough

giveaway programs to make every illegal alien happy, gas companies happy and taxpayers crying the blues.

The economy is a disaster right now as a result of Bush. What is wrong with you?

We used to hear about knee-jerk liberals. This goes far beyond that.

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Guest Guest
McCain's the only candidate whose tax plan gives no breaks to the working class, while Obama's tax plan lowers taxes for 95% of Americans.

It's not Obama whose presidency would make taxpayers cry the blues.

If you really believe you're taxes will go down with Obama as president, you're the perfect guy to buy this bridge I have, cheap.

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Guest Guest
If you really believe you're taxes will go down with Obama as president, you're the perfect guy to buy this bridge I have, cheap.

If I really believe I am taxes will go down? Spend less time spewing bullshit and more in third grade.

Meanwhile, McCain doesn't even WANT to lower taxes for the working class. He's promised NOT to. He'd rather give more tax breaks to the companies making the biggest profits of any company on Earth. $1.2 billion a year for Exxon-Mobil alone. Hey McCain, the richest of the rich don't need tax breaks, but the people losing their homes and being unable to even go to job interviews because of the cost of gas could use some of that. It's too bad McCain doesn't give a shit about anyone but his corporate masters.

He's in league with this nation's greatest liars, the neoconservatives. Telling the American people that Saddam was linked to 9/11 to justify invading an unarmed country who is no threat to us is bullshit the likes of which Obama couldn't pull off even if he tried.

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Guest Guest
If I really believe I am taxes will go down? Spend less time spewing bullshit and more in third grade.

Meanwhile, McCain doesn't even WANT to lower taxes for the working class. He's promised NOT to. He'd rather give more tax breaks to the companies making the biggest profits of any company on Earth. $1.2 billion a year for Exxon-Mobil alone. Hey McCain, the richest of the rich don't need tax breaks, but the people losing their homes and being unable to even go to job interviews because of the cost of gas could use some of that. It's too bad McCain doesn't give a shit about anyone but his corporate masters.

He's in league with this nation's greatest liars, the neoconservatives. Telling the American people that Saddam was linked to 9/11 to justify invading an unarmed country who is no threat to us is bullshit the likes of which Obama couldn't pull off even if he tried.

"an unarmed country" ??? Easy on the Kool-Aid there, buddy.

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"an unarmed country" ??? Easy on the Kool-Aid there, buddy.

They were basically unarmed. After the first Iraq war, we controlled their imports/exports and their skies. They couldn't bring ONE single plane into the sky without our permission.

Which is why our Army rolled over them when we invaded. Their military hardware was obsolete and broken.

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Guest Guest
"an unarmed country" ??? Easy on the Kool-Aid there, buddy.

If you're a country with nukes and you're invading a country without them, they're unarmed as far as you're concerned, 2dim.

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Makes Bush's approval rating of 25% look huge.

The amazing thing about Bush's 25% approval rating is not that it has sunk so low, but that it remains so high. It's just stunning that a full quarter of the US population is possessed of such profound stupidity. So tell us, 2smart, Patriot, Bushbacker, SKR, etc.; what's it like to represent the bottom half of the bottom half?

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Guest Guest
If you really believe you're taxes will go down with Obama as president, you're the perfect guy to buy this bridge I have, cheap.

We all got royally shafted under Bush. Even you, but you're too stupid to see it. It's time to give the other side a chance. They can't be worse than Bush's thieves.

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Guest Patriot



But then what do you expect with politicians like Nancy Pelosi making statements like this before the 2006 Congressional elections:

“With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.

“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” - Nancy Pelosi Press Release


What was the common sense plan? To increase the price from $2.91 to $4.10?

This Defeatocratic congress has been a joke, Nancy Pelosi is a fraud. Approval rating at 9%, lowest in history. Thank God for Bush.

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Guest Guest



But then what do you expect with politicians like Nancy Pelosi making statements like this before the 2006 Congressional elections:

“With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.

“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” - Nancy Pelosi Press Release


What was the common sense plan? To increase the price from $2.91 to $4.10?

This Defeatocratic congress has been a joke, Nancy Pelosi is a fraud. Approval rating at 9%, lowest in history. Thank God for Bush.

2dim thanks god for a President who'd rather be on vacation than deal with an imminent terrorist threat. Somehow, I don't think god would want your D**b A** associated with him.

Also, learn how to use a quote tag, idiot.

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