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Don't get sick tonight

Guest Guest 16

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Guest Guest 16

Don't get sick tonight Clara is on a 4 hour divert........can you imagine what the other Hospitals are like? It was a sorry day when W H H was closed

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The last place you want to end up at if you're sick was WHH Emergency.

Do you really think they would've closed the facility if it was well run and profitable?

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Guest Concerned

:unsure: I just recieved a bill for over $2000.00 for transport to University Hosp.

That is utterly ridiculous, I could have taken a limo for 1/4 of that :unsure::huh:

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Guest Guest_turk182_*

I have a couple of questions for you

1 What do you think the quote "proper service" is?

2 How much would you be willing to spend for that service ?

3 How much do you think it actually costs to provide this service ?

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Guest Guest
I have a couple of questions for you

1 What do you think the quote "proper service"  is?

2 How much would you be willing to spend for that service ?

3 How much do you think it actually costs to provide this service ?

1- 2 ambulances for the kearny and if i worked in south kearny i would say 3

2- I have insurence and pay taxes.........next

3- not my concern....lm not trying to run the business I just want to receive great service(not have to wait for an out of town ambulance because my town only has one!!!!!!!!!)

Question for you How much is the town paying to get one ambulance?

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Guest turk 182
1- 2 ambulances for the kearny and if i worked in south kearny i would say 3

2- I have insurence and pay taxes.........next

3- not my concern....lm not trying to run the business I just want to receive great service(not have to wait for an out of town ambulance because my town only has one!!!!!!!!!)

Question for you  How much is the town paying to get one ambulance?

To answer your question the town of kearny spends NO money out of the town coffers to get the ambulance service they now get .

However to get the additional ambulances available that you would like the additional cost to put them in service would be prohibative .

And the monies to pay for them isnt there in the call volume the town now has. This means the addtionl funds to pay for it need to come from the town's budget. Hence a probable rise in property taxes. Now if this is something you anda majority of the homeowners are willing to have your property taxes raised for then that is great.

Myself as someone who is employed in the emergency service communityI personally would have NO problem with my taxes going up if the increase was to fund aditional policw fire and EMS coverage.

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Guest Guest_Resident_*
To answer your question the town of kearny spends NO money out of the town coffers to get the ambulance service they now get .

However to get the additional ambulances available that you would like the additional cost to put them in service would be prohibative .

And the monies to pay for them isnt there in the call volume the town now has.  This means the addtionl funds to pay for it need to come from the town's budget. Hence a probable rise in property taxes. Now if this is something you anda majority of the homeowners are willing to have your property taxes raised for then that is great.

Myself as someone who is employed in the emergency service communityI personally would have NO problem with my taxes going up if the increase was to fund aditional policw fire and EMS coverage.

What the Town Attorney's law firm, Castano charges in one day would pay the additional cost of the ambulance service. Audit and cut the fat out of Castano's bill and your find the money to save some lives. This is absoultely no reason why the town does not have adequate ems services beyond the mayor is trying to save a penny to give $1000 to Castano's firm.

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:P I just recieved a bill for over $2000.00 for transport to University Hosp.

That is utterly ridiculous, I could have taken a limo for 1/4 of that ;)  :angry:

Did the Paramedics respond as well and treat you? If they did that would explain the $2000 bill. Kearny EMS does not bill that much, unless someone else transported you.

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Guest Concerned
Did the Paramedics respond as well and treat you?  If they did that would explain the $2000 bill.  Kearny EMS does not bill that much, unless someone else transported you.

:P No, I was transported to the hosp.and that's what they billed, Kearny, billed $500.00

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everyone has to start some kind of petition again to get this hospital going. If they call it saint barnabas west hudson div. then why can't they reopen under st. barnabas. I've been to three hosp. already with over 4 to 5 hrs. wait. Someone please do something,before the knock down the hospital. If they reopen they would have a packed house there's no way the weren't making ends meet. Even if they open one floor.

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Guest Guest
everyone has to start some kind of petition again to get this hospital going. If they call it saint barnabas west hudson div. then why can't they reopen under st. barnabas. I've been to three hosp. already with over 4 to 5 hrs. wait. Someone please do something,before the knock down the hospital. If they reopen they would have a packed house there's no way the weren't making ends meet. Even if they open one floor.

If St. Barnabas didn't want to run it as a hospital, why didn't they sell it to another health care system?

Answer-They don't want the competition in the area and they can make more money doing what they are doing now, extended health care (nursing home) and leasing out the space.

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everyone has to start some kind of petition again to get this hospital going. If they call it saint barnabas west hudson div. then why can't they reopen under st. barnabas. I've been to three hosp. already with over 4 to 5 hrs. wait. Someone please do something,before the knock down the hospital. If they reopen they would have a packed house there's no way the weren't making ends meet. Even if they open one floor.

Now that it has been closed it will NEVER open as a hospital again. The cost for them to modernize and bring everything up to current standards makes it unfeasable..which is WHY ST B was so eager to close it down to begin with. West Hudson Hosp is Gone..Period.. the sooner you accept and deal with that fact, the bettr off you will Be. Frankly i dont understand HOW WHH managed to go from one of the top 5 earners for St B to losing money in 2 years, but that was the reason they gave for closing it. Like it or not St Barnabas owns it, they have the right to close what they want, and neither the town or state has any right to force them to keep it open.

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exactly, if St. B owns it then open under their name. Even One floor if people have to stay over because no other hospital has the room. Its really scary.

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everyone has to start some kind of petition again to get this hospital going. If they call it saint barnabas west hudson div. then why can't they reopen under st. barnabas. I've been to three hosp. already with over 4 to 5 hrs. wait. Someone please do something,before the knock down the hospital. If they reopen they would have a packed house there's no way the weren't making ends meet. Even if they open one floor.

We should all pay attention to what's going on in Hoboken and the closing of St. Mary's Hospital. Mayor Roberts is proposing to have the city take over the hospital and run it publicly.

And since Hoboken is the home for both Gov. Corzine and Senator Menendez, it just might happen.

Click here for more info.

Jim Mangin

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To answer your question the town of kearny spends NO money out of the town coffers to get the ambulance service they now get .

However to get the additional ambulances available that you would like the additional cost to put them in service would be prohibative .

And the monies to pay for them isnt there in the call volume the town now has.  This means the addtionl funds to pay for it need to come from the town's budget. Hence a probable rise in property taxes. Now if this is something you anda majority of the homeowners are willing to have your property taxes raised for then that is great.

Myself as someone who is employed in the emergency service communityI personally would have NO problem with my taxes going up if the increase was to fund aditional policw fire and EMS coverage.

I agree. I would have no problem using my tax dollars to pay for EMS coverage - especially since zero tax dollars are now being spent to provide coverage.

In my opinion, you get what you pay for. No money in the budget for EMS means that there will be times when EMS is out of service. Cut taxes from another line and pay the emergency squad something before someone gets killed and the finger-pointing starts.

If you want examples of where to cut, I'll be happy to provide them

Jim Mangin

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I agree. I would have no problem using my tax dollars to pay for EMS coverage - especially since zero tax dollars are now being spent to provide coverage.

In my opinion, you get what you pay for. No money in the budget for EMS means that there will be times when EMS is out of service. Cut taxes from another line and pay the emergency squad something before someone gets killed and the finger-pointing starts.

If you want examples of where to cut, I'll be happy to provide them

Jim Mangin

Mr. Mangin:

The EMS service is not "out of service" when there is no ambulance available, they are on another call or unavailable. The paid service is seldom if ever "out of service" (that term goes back to when the volunteers had no members to man the ambulance and they were indeed out of service). That term suggests that the service is shut down and is incorrect.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the service, please call them. The phone number is 201-997-7501 (old KVERS number) and speak to Chief Harry McNeil. He would be happy to talk to you or even meet with you I'm sure. I'm not trying to be a smart ***. I know you are sincere about things and I would like you to get your information from him and other directly involved with the service, not from this forum. There is more to the EMS service in Kearny than you may know or hear.

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Mr Mangin if there's anything that can be doneI will help in anyway. I actually have panic just knowing how long the waits are at other hopitals. Let's get something going here. Please please let's all get together and see if the governor can help reopen even just one floor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mr. Mangin:

The EMS service is not "out of service" when there is no ambulance available, they are on another call or unavailable.  The paid service is seldom if ever "out of service" (that term goes back to when the volunteers had no members to man the ambulance and they were indeed out of service).  That term suggests that the service is shut down and is incorrect. 

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the service, please call them.  The phone number is 201-997-7501 (old KVERS number) and speak to Chief Harry McNeil.  He would be happy to talk to you or even meet with you I'm sure.  I'm not trying to be a smart ***.  I know you are sincere about things and I would like you to get your information from him and other directly involved with the service, not from this forum.  There is more to the EMS service in Kearny than you may know or hear.

OK, I took your suggestion and spoke to Chief McNeil. The fact that the EMS receives no funding from the Town and hasn't been "out of service" is quite an accomplishment.

But, I have to ask - is one rig enough to service the entire Town of Kearny? I don't think so. As recently as 2003 the Town was spending $43,000 on EMS. Since then - just $0. Does this make me feel safe? No, it doesn't. Does this improve my property values? No, it doesn't.

Still, I think I should re-phrase my earlier comment:

"In my opinion, you get what you pay for. No money in the budget for EMS means that there will be times when one EMS unit is not enough. Cut taxes from another line and pay the emergency squad something before someone gets killed and the finger-pointing starts. "

Jim Mangin

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Guest turk 182
OK, I took your suggestion and spoke to Chief McNeil. The fact that the EMS receives no funding from the Town and hasn't been "out of service" is quite an accomplishment.

But, I have to ask - is one rig enough to service the entire Town of Kearny? I don't think so. As recently as 2003 the Town was spending $43,000 on EMS. Since then - just $0. Does this make me feel safe? No, it doesn't. Does this improve my property values? No, it doesn't.

Still, I think I should re-phrase my earlier comment:

"In my opinion, you get what you pay for. No money in the budget for EMS means that there will be times when one EMS unit is not enough. Cut taxes from another line and pay the emergency squad something before someone gets killed and the finger-pointing starts. "

Jim Mangin

Mr Mangin

I was affiliated with the emergency squad for almost 20 years I havee been both a volunteer and a paid staff member of the dept. Statistically over the past 20+ years the ambulance has responded to on average 10-11 ambulance calls per day. This volume can easily be handled by 1 ambulance. granted there are times when multiple requests for ambulance service come in at the same time and 1 ambulance cannot be in 2 places at the same tme. There have been long standing mutual aid agreements between kearny and the surrounding owns I.E. harrison north arlington newark jersey city and belleville. This agreement is a 2 way street. kearny sends an ambulance when they need one and they send one when kearny needs one.

The thing to you and others need to ask yourself is :

Is it cost effective to have multiple ambulances available during the course of the day

If it is cost effective who will pick up the burden of the additional cost. My answer to this is the town of kearny more precicely the municiple budget.

The cost for this extra manpower is probably in excess of 250,000 dollars per year per ambulance.

If the mayor and town council decide that this is an essential town service the monies need to cme from somewhere which would likely mean an increase in property taxes If this is something you as a homeowner and a majority of the homeowners wold want then it can easily be done

As someone who was involved in emergency services in the town of kearny for 20 years i can tell you that all 3 services police,fire and ems are all understaffed and I personally would have no problem with my property taxes being increased if i could be guarenteed that te additional taxes would be used for additional staff.

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