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Kids yelling Shit at people on avenue

Guest Shower

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Guest Shower

I have noticed the past few weeks as I walk up and down the Ave that these kids go up and down the ave yelling shit at people. The most popular one is "Gay!" and I've heard a kid yell at some other kid walking his dog a popular "who's walkin who buddy?" I don't know who these kids are but I have to tell the the straight up truth...its funny as shit. I wish I would've thought to do something like that in High School. Some things might be offensive but it's all in good fun. I mean they aren't shooting bullets out of their cars. If anyone has any info on who the kids are or if you've ever gotten "Gayed!" as they call it please let me know. I would love to meet them.

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I have noticed the past few weeks as I walk up and down the Ave that these kids go up and down the ave yelling shit at people. The most popular one is "Gay!" and I've heard a kid yell at some other kid walking his dog a popular "who's walkin who buddy?" I don't know who these kids are but I have to tell the the straight up truth...its funny as shit. I wish I would've thought to do something like that in High School. Some things might be offensive but it's all in good fun. I mean they aren't shooting bullets out of their cars. If anyone has any info on who the kids are or if you've ever gotten "Gayed!" as they call it please let me know. I would love to meet them.

The Town is going to hell with all the scum that is moving in Kearny.

Like paying HIGH TAXES for kids that do not belong in the school system.

If you think these assholes are funny, You are as sick as there are.

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  • 1 month later...
I have noticed the past few weeks as I walk up and down the Ave that these kids go up and down the ave yelling shit at people. The most popular one is "Gay!" and I've heard a kid yell at some other kid walking his dog a popular "who's walkin who buddy?" I don't know who these kids are but I have to tell the the straight up truth...its funny as shit. I wish I would've thought to do something like that in High School. Some things might be offensive but it's all in good fun. I mean they aren't shooting bullets out of their cars. If anyone has any info on who the kids are or if you've ever gotten "Gayed!" as they call it please let me know. I would love to meet them.

Some people want to meet their favorite athlete, actor, actress, the president of the united states, or any hero that they have grown up idolizing but not this dummy..........NO he wants to meet those cool kids who yell stupid things at you while they act like cowards and drive away in their car. Thats right "Shower", aim low and maybe one day they could drive by you and call you "gay"..............What a rush !!!!!

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As for the person who would like to meet the kids who call names at people I happen to be one of them and I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it because that is what its intent is and as for the idiot who is saying your sick for enjoying and calling me sick. Well I must say that I am deeply offended. First thing is stick to a subject. You started by going off on how other kids come here to go to school. Now it must S**K cause you have to pay more taxes but I believe it is an honor knowing that our educational system is so good that people from other towns lie to participate in it. I think you need to get a sense of humor and if you can't get one then shut up

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Guest Kearny mom

I'll have a "sense of humor", yell something at me (or mine) on Kearny Ave and watch how fast I stick my foot up your ***.....then you go home and tell mommy so I can show her "my own" apprieciation for raising such a respectful, well mannered kid.

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Guest guest
I have noticed the past few weeks as I walk up and down the Ave that these kids go up and down the ave yelling shit at people. The most popular one is "Gay!" and I've heard a kid yell at some other kid walking his dog a popular "who's walkin who buddy?" I don't know who these kids are but I have to tell the the straight up truth...its funny as shit. I wish I would've thought to do something like that in High School. Some things might be offensive but it's all in good fun. I mean they aren't shooting bullets out of their cars. If anyone has any info on who the kids are or if you've ever gotten "Gayed!" as they call it please let me know. I would love to meet them.

small things amuse small minds.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest your mom
As for the person who would like to meet the kids who call names at people I happen to be one of them and I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it because that is what its intent is and as for the idiot who is saying your sick for enjoying and calling me sick. Well I must say that I am deeply offended. First thing is stick to a subject. You started by going off on how other kids come here to go to school. Now it must S**K cause you have to pay more taxes but I believe it is an honor knowing that our educational system is so good that people from other towns lie to participate in it. I think you need to get a sense of humor and if you can't get one then shut up

yo theyoungpunk, you aint one of us so stop talking shit.

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I have noticed the past few weeks as I walk up and down the Ave that these kids go up and down the ave yelling shit at people. The most popular one is "Gay!" and I've heard a kid yell at some other kid walking his dog a popular "who's walkin who buddy?" I don't know who these kids are but I have to tell the the straight up truth...its funny as shit. I wish I would've thought to do something like that in High School. Some things might be offensive but it's all in good fun. I mean they aren't shooting bullets out of their cars. If anyone has any info on who the kids are or if you've ever gotten "Gayed!" as they call it please let me know. I would love to meet them.

Let me guess Shower,you are an idiot,have an I.Q. of 50 or less or perhaps you are from the planet Pluto or maybe Uranus.Do you really think that stuff is fun?Why go ahead and try it yourself. Iam sure you will pick some little old lady or a physically challenged person to have your sick laughs but just maybe you will pick someone normal and alas get the shit kicked out of you.Give it a shot tough guy

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As for the person who would like to meet the kids who call names at people I happen to be one of them and I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it because that is what its intent is and as for the idiot who is saying your sick for enjoying and calling me sick. Well I must say that I am deeply offended. First thing is stick to a subject. You started by going off on how other kids come here to go to school. Now it must S**K cause you have to pay more taxes but I believe it is an honor knowing that our educational system is so good that people from other towns lie to participate in it. I think you need to get a sense of humor and if you can't get one then shut up

Im withyou young punk.I hate it when people are nice to each other. when i have kids I hopr they grow like you so we can sit home and talk shit.


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Guest cap'n crunch
Im withyou young punk.I hate it when people are nice to each other. when i have kids I hopr they grow like you so we can sit home and talk shit.


this is definitely a good example to keep abortion legal and possibly extend it to the age if 16.

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