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Everything posted by Strife767

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  2. You know what's really funny? None of you imbeciles who write this idiocy (wouldn't be surprised to learn it was all 1 or 2 people) ever even have the balls to register. Hell, no one can really do anything to you with just an email address, but you still don't register. Talk about wimpy. Also, funny that you are retarded enough to consider implying I'm gay to be an insult. I'm not gay (and my girlfriend would sure agree), but if I was, it would only make this comment even funnier. I'm guessing you're one of those older homophobes--your 'breed' is dying out, though, thankfully.
  3. This country, thankfully, is not one of mob rule, or else you'd be able to do just that. I don't imagine you are ashamed of this sentiment in the least, though...that's the only way you know how to deal with someone, I guess.
  4. I would be quite shocked to find I've been intimidating anyone. It's not about bias--if an atheist history public school teacher was telling his students during class that they/their parents/whoever else were idiots for believing in God, I would be equally indignant--especially if they were as arrogant and callous about it as Mr. P. was. Can Mr. P.'s apologists say the same about a hypothetical Muslim teacher acting the same way? It's been asked so many times, yet I still don't recall any of Mr. P.'s apologists ever giving any direct answer. As I've mentioned before, I'm not a huge fan of the legal system etc. I am not compiling any sort of case--I am trying to get people to understand that a wrong was committed here, and that it should not slide. If we don't act when teachers do things like this, then it'll just get worse and worse. This is an opportunity where the transgression can be easily nipped in the bud, but the longer we wait, the harder it will get. That's part of the reason it took an entire Civil War just to get rid of slavery. How is it over? Nothing has been done. :/ Are you willing to let someone trample the Constutition so freely? To get away with it? This can be likened to not caring if someone shoplifts something small, and you catch them in the act. If you do nothing, you are encouraging them to continue, giving them the idea that they can continue to get away with it, and the items stolen will steadily grow in value. I don't want to see Constitutional freedoms be pissed away little by little like that. If you will so readily call us names for defending the Constitution and freedom, then I can do nothing but feel sorry for you--no question about that. :/ Then start a new topic about it! Do you know what happens when you reply in this thread? That's right, it gets bumped up to the very top. By posting here, you are yourself taking part in that which you are complaining about. And no one here has ever prevented anyone else from posting anything--I'd like to see an example of me, Matthew, or Paul "mak[ing] it sound like this is their own bulletin board." Don't go making stuff up too.
  5. I did--I'm subscribed to Canessa's newsfeed on his blog. But what really is there to say about a fire? No one got injured, thankfully--just came and went. That's about it. For the record, I would like nothing more than to see this issue settled once and for all--if only the Kearny administration would actually do something resembling "corrective action."
  6. Bryan, you really know how to go on and on forever without actually saying anything, don't you? I think your lack of an argument has already been clearly demonstrated, and nothing more really needs to be added: http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...indpost&p=40389 http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...indpost&p=40443 http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...indpost&p=40452 So, do you have any legal training?
  7. Is nothing compared to the millenia of religiously-fueled hate and anger that have killed more people than I will ever meet. Be condescending all you want--if you don't think Mr. P.'s attitude is worth getting indignant about, then I pity you. Anyone who would act like their beliefs give them license to infringe on the rights of others makes me sick. Those kinds of people represent the antithesis of our Constitution.
  8. Strife767


    Iraq was no threat to us when we invaded. What exactly is Bush protecting us from? But yeah, NOW Iraq really hates us--can you blame them? Good job, Bush, that's just what we need--more enemies. Bush can't find Osama Bin Laden in over five years--instead of tracking him down, he sent us to war with a country who had nothing to do with 9/11, all in the name of finding weapons of mass destruction Iraq didn't even have. The guy behind 9/11 is still at large because Bush stopped caring about finding him. Bush can't find one 6'4" (!) guy in five years (and hell, he basically just plain gave up after a while), and we're supposed to think he's anything but an incompetent fool? Sorry--there is a reason his approval ratings went lower than Nixon's.
  9. There are recordings freely available online. Where have you been? We might as well be in the class, since the recordings give us ears in the classroom. For all intents and purposes, we were right there with him, able to hear his preaching clearly.
  10. That doesn't prove he lied--your idea of a lie is to say ANYTHING without having proof ready for it? Don't be foolish. Besides, what kind of proof would you like? Surely not recording him lying (can you think of any other way to prove that?), since you guys got your panties in a bunch when you learned that Matthew recorded his preaching. I don't doubt for one second you'd be calling Matthew a liar too had he not gotten the hard proof that is oh-so-inconvenient for you apologists. For someone to be accurately labeled a liar, you need proof that they said something that was not true, and that they knew was not true. Do you have any such proof?
  11. Do you know what patriotism is? It's not rushing into combat--not only soldiers can be patriots. A patriot is someone who wants the best for his/her country. To date, he hasn't asked for a cent--the only thing he's asked for is for things to be made right with apologies and corrections--of course, you have no problem calling him "GREEDY" before even giving him a chance to answer the question. Idiot. P.S. http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/enggrade6.asp <-- "Spell frequently misspelled words correctly (e.g., their, they're, there)." Your English is below the 6th-grade level. Perhaps you should spend more time learning basic English and less time slinging unfounded insults--it would be a much better use of your time, trust me.
  12. Any other topic you have to talk about, you are free to make a topic for it. Making a topic about this to complain about there being too many topics about this is pretty counter-productive, don't you think?
  13. lol, maybe that's why. No, of course I'm not getting paid to defend them. Look at my first post in this forum. My motives are pretty clear and unambiguous, don't you think? http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...indpost&p=39146
  14. Wow, that was immature. My little brother doesn't even talk like that, and he's in middle school. But don't be so sure--it doesn't take a majority for justice to be served--the majority of Americans were against interracial marriage when the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional to disallow it, to name just one example. If Paul files suit, you guys are screwed--you have no case at all, and they have all the legal precedents on top of their evidence on their side. It wouldn't be a matter of if you'll lose--but of how much you'll lose. Keep that in mind while you display that arrogance.
  15. Strife767


    Did you know that questions are supposed to end with only one question mark? In what grade were you taught that two was okay? A grammar nazi who doesn't have his/her own grammar down pat is just asking to be made fun of.
  16. And since you cannot prove that Mr. P. didn't, you cannot prove that that is a lie (it does not automatically mean he _did_ lie (that would be the fallacy of shifting the burden of proof), but it DOES mean that there is zero evidence for your claim that he lied). They haven't lied about anything else--why would they lie about this? It's quite trivial in the grand scheme of things, you know, what with the airtight evidence of the proselytizing and all. Nope.
  17. Strife767

    Feeding Frenzy

    Nope--not unless there is an elective class on mythology or something. But one thing is for sure--it is NOT scientific. At all. It has no place in any science classroom. Every scientist and skeptic will be happy to hear when you have a scientific theory that opposes the theory of evolution, along with evidence (you wouldn't want to get our hopes up for nothing, would you?). Intelligent Design (just call it creationism--who do you think you're fooling?), however, falls far short of the mark. It's just not science, and only science can refute science. It is perfectly reasonable not to allow pretend science in a science classroom. Let us know when you've got the real thing. It's Godwin tiime~
  18. Strife767

    Feeding Frenzy

    It doesn't matter whose blog it is. Those are direct quotes, buddy. But it doesn't surprise me you can do nothing but squirm when the evidence is presented before you. Once more: http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/001070.php
  19. Show one example of him lying.
  20. No. It is never just a difference of opinion with this type of theist. These people who don't know how to keep their faiths to themselves and insist on cramming it down the throats of everyone else in the name of "conversion" are sickening, and that mentality has caused more war and suffering than any other singular cause out there. If people TRULY knew how to believe in God without causing Crusades, Inquisitions, and 9/11's, I wouldn't give a shit. But they don't. So I do. That's basically it--it infuriates me to see the results of this condescending, arrogant bullshit where people try to pretend their particular guess is more valid than any other--and especially them considering themselves automatically superior to anyone who decides there is no point in speculation. That is how I feel--that man has and promotes the same kind of bigotry that leads to all that suffering. He is the kind of person who has no problem with the idea of all those who do not believe as he does suffering for ETERNITY. Eternity is a long time. Were what? Don't put words in my mouth--I have never advocated that. While I personally think the world would be a better place without religion, people should still be free to believe what they want, provided they don't use tax dollars to promote their faith. If they want to treat their faith like a business, let them pay their admission like everyone else--that is, start paying taxes. I am not seeking entertainment here--is that why you're here? I'm seeking justice, and you'd better believe that when such an atrocity occurs, I won't just shut up and take it, or worse, get mad at the kid for standing up for his Constitution. When justice is served, I won't complain. Mr. P.'s latest statement here is nothing but unbridled arrogance to think that the Constitution grants him the "freedom" to impose on others' freedom. It turned my stomach to read that level of disrespect, and (likely willful--the worst kind) ignorance. You make it sound as if a lack of something to complain about would disappoint me. Believe me, it would not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  21. Strife767


    Islam != atheism, idiot. They believe in their version of God (which has the same Abrahamic roots as yours) just as much as you believe in yours. Please, Christians have no right to say stuff like that. It sure as hell wasn't Muslims bombing abortion clinics or picketing veteran funerals here in the USA. If you think Christian fundies aren't just as bad, you are seriously deluded. An extremist fundie zealot is an extremist fundie zealot. It only serves to remind me why exactly I don't bother with this shit: http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...5533;entry41506 Atheism is my way of saying "leave me out of it." It's pointless to speculate anyway.
  22. You support unconstitutional public school preaching, then?
  23. Well, shit. Well, I have some local (and local-ish) friends who are on Matthew's side--they just don't come here. It is a bit disappointing, I must admit...oh well, at least the majority of the _country_ seems to understand how messed up that teacher's actions are.
  24. And that you have spit on that freedom by imposing your beliefs on a captive audience of schoolchildren. Have you no shame at all? Unbelievable. But thank you, Mr. P., for confirming my suspicions about the kind of person you are. You are nothing more than another one of those Christians who, despite being the majority religion in the USA, bleat "persecution" every time they are denied the ability to freely impose their faith on others. No apology about the lies you spread about the Theory of Evolution, the Big Bang, and whatever other scientific concepts you so readily dismissed as if they were nothing worth even considering. No remorse at all--your words have made it abundantly clear that not only is this not an isolated incident, but that you have every intention of keeping it up as long as you can. Your kind fought/fights against the abolition of slavery, against women's suffrage and otherwise equal treatment, against interracial marriage, against same-sex marriage, and so on, all with your precious Bible quotes to callously and shamelessly promote your bigotry. Your kind holds the rest of us back. Your kind wants all progress to stop so that we can go back to believing Bronze Age myths and stoning the unbelievers. With no qualms or hesitation--you know what? F**K you and your kind. You are a despicable human being, Paszkiewicz.
  25. Oh boy...he's one of these people, huh? It sure is easier to look persecuted when you rewrite history, huh? What invariably follows are out-of-context quotes that "prove" that all the founding fathers were Christians etc. etc. etc. I guarantee it. He sounds just like his apologists who compare him answering a yes or no question about his religion as being exactly as inoffensive/harmless as him talking about who does and doesn't belong in hell while he's on the clock at his job. Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion--public school students have the right to go through school without being preached at, and Mr. P. took that away from them. Out-of-context quote-mining detected. Here's the real story: "Jefferson was a deist because he believed in one God, in divine providence, in the divine moral law, and in rewards and punishments after death; but did not believe in supernatural revelation. He was a Christian deist because he saw Christianity as the highest expression of natural religion and Jesus as an incomparably great moral teacher. He was not an orthodox Christian because he rejected, among other things, the doctrines that Jesus was the promised Messiah and the incarnate Son of God. Jefferson's religion is fairly typical of the American form of deism in his day. (emphasis added)" --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jeffer...Religious_views Notice how the emphasized section DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the sort of things he was talking about in class, about all Jesus did for us, blahblahblah. Good job, doofus. Oh, bullshit...you infringed on the rights of these children by preaching at your job. You took THEIR freedom away. But the second one kid stands up and says, "Hey, you're not supposed to be doing that," it's full persecution-complex mode for you, huh? I'm already glad this was posted--my suspicions about his motives (and lack of remorse) are being exemplified about as clearly as I could imagine. This line right here is a sign of this man's overwhelming ignorance about the founding of this country, and about the views of those who founded it. (note the above wikipedia quote for context) Yeah, he'd be appalled that you're pushing your beliefs on public school children. Not only that, but he wouldn't even agree with your contention of this dude Jesus's divinity. Washington was a deist, just like Jefferson. I have a feeling something is up here--in Poor Richard's Almanack, Ben writes that "The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." I smell another attempt to make Deism sound like Christianity with quote-mining. (post split in two to avoid quote bug)
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