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Everything posted by Manscape

  1. I did not write this and I do not know who did, but surely life out on the pasture is damn good for one presidential monkey! Every weekday at noon inside a North Dallas shopping mall, the 43rd president of the United States of America sits down at his usual table in the food court and settles in for lunch with a jumbo Mello Yello, two plates of magic fries and a grande chimichanga. “When he first starting showin’ up at the mall, people would always come over and ask for his autograph or whatever,” said Daryl Vanderveen, a 19-year-old cashier at Sbarro Pizza. “But now he’s here so much that nobody even looks up from their lunch.” Sources interviewed for this article said that Mr. Bush spends at least eight hours of each day at the Preston Hollow Shopping Center, a popular retail destination near his home in suburban Dallas. “Other than that chimichanga lunch he doesn’t really have a set routine,” said one source. “Sometimes he’ll hang around Lenscrafters trying on glasses or head over to Abercrombie & Fitch and watch the girls fold pants. Last week I saw him inside Pottery Barn sleeping in a leather recliner.” But some mall employees are beginning to complain about the former president. “The other day I was taking a smoke break near the fountain and he just kept asking me stupid stuff like, ‘guess how fast I could get a hot dog in the White House,’” said Amber Kaul, who works part-time at the T-Mobile kiosk. “So finally I’m like ‘I dunno, ten minutes?’ And he’s all like ‘more like two minutes’ and then snaps his fingers and gives me this cocky look like I’m supposed to care.” Donna Simpson, a barista at the mall Starbucks, said the former president is often a distraction from her work. “He sits down over there with his laptop and supposedly starts working on his book,” said Ms. Simpson. “But after about five minutes he comes over, takes a seat at the counter and starts telling how there’s milk duds on Air Force One or Dick Cheney has a glass eye. I’m like ‘dude, there’s about fifty people in line right now, go write your book’.” Nestor Martinez, a 20-year-old mall security guard, confirmed that on at least two occasions he’s had to speak to the former president about his behavior. “We started getting complaints that he was hanging out in the men’s room asking guys if they wanted to have their picture taken with him,” said Mr. Martinez. “When I told him to stop he said, ‘let’s go sort it out over a game of Donkey Kong.’ So after my shift we went over to the arcade and I beat him in a best of three. Then he got all pissed off and said he’d take up the bathroom thing with my boss.” Two sources have confirmed that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was recently enlisted by friends and former aides to speak to Mr. Bush about the situation. “She asked him point blank if it was true that he spent an entire day doing nothing but riding up and down the escalators,” said the source. “The president got really angry with Condi and refused to give her a straight answer.” When the president left office six months ago, it was announced that in addition to writing a book detailing the key decision points of his presidency, he would dedicate himself to promoting democracy throughout the world. Many friends and former advisors close to Mr. Bush admit privately that he has not made progress on either the book or his democracy agenda. “He told me he was going to open up some kind of ‘freedom institute’,” said a prominent G.O.P. fundraiser. “I’m not sure how you promote democracy by camping out in front of a shopping mall arcade challenging strangers to games of Ms. Pac Man.” In response to questions about the president’s schedule, a spokesman released the following statement. “The president continues to work towards advancing freedom around the world and is busy with his book.”
  2. Manscape

    Prime time flop

    Is the hypocrisy lost on you and your America-can-do-no-wrong CULT that Raygun himself was from the government and "here to help"? Now look at the festering harvest of his foul seed! (Why is it dittoheads cite the US government as the enemy but hold the US military in such blind high esteem?)
  3. Manscape

    Sick Foxcult

    HEY!!! MAYBE THEY MADE THE WHOLE THING UP!!!! (you babbling stroonce!!)
  4. Manscape

    Patriotic Website

    I like the part where the black wingnut insists MLK Jr. would roll right into the "vote for war" club if he were alive today!
  5. Manscape

    Sick Foxcult

    http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/07/23/pen...n-call-soldier/ Pentagon furious over call for execution of captured soldier Congressman calls on Fox to fire O’Reilly, Peters for aiding America’s enemies According to NBC’s top Pentagon correspondent, the Department of Defense is furious with Fox News analyst Ralph Peters, who said on July 19 that the Taliban should murder 23-year-old Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, captured after he strayed from his post, to save the Army “legal hassles and legal bills.” Peters, a well-known Neoconservative and frequent Fox News guest, attempted to clarify his shocking statement on Tuesday night’s O’Reilly Factor, telling right-wing host Bill O’Reilly he believes that Bergdahl had “deserted” his unit and deserved no sympathy. He did not apologize. O’Reilly added that Bergdahl must be “crazy.” However, Wednesday night MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow fired back, interviewing Jim Miklaszewski, NBC’s top Pentagon correspondent, who said the Department of Defense is furious with Peters and Fox News, adding there is no evidence that Bergdahl is a deserter. Peters’ and O’Reilly’s insidious comments drew a sharp reaction from a bipartisan group of 22 veteran members of Congress, who all signed a letter demanding Fox News CEO Roger Ailes apologize to Bergdahl’s family for allowing a guest on his network to provide “aid and comfort” to America’s enemies. “Mr. Peters’ indefensible comments call into question, without any supporting evidence whatsoever, PFC Bergdahl’s patriotism and commitment to his country, and suggest in a non-subtle way that he deserved to be captured,” they wrote. “The truth is that Mr. Peters’ words give more aid and comfort to the enemy…and put PFC Bergdahl at additional risk of harm.” Congressman Eric Massa (D-NY), a former Navy commander who joined the 22 members of Congress in signing the letter, went a step further and called on Fox News to fire both O’Reilly and Peters. “Their comments aid and abet our enemies during a time of war and the burden is on Fox News to prove that they reject this by taking the tangible action of issuing an apology and firing both of them,” he wrote. Jim Miklaszewski, NBC’s Pentagon correspondent, told Maddow on Wednesday night that Bergdahl “came off patrol on June 30th, dropped off his weapon, his body armor, grabbed up a bottle of water, a compass and a knife and took off out on his own. It was sometime after that, apparently, that some local militants grabbed him and turned him over to the Taliban.” “Should he have left the post alone?” Miklaszewski asked. “Of course not. But that doesn’t make him a deserter.” He continued: “Military officials I talked to are quite outraged at Peters’ comments, not just the idea perhaps that he suggested that the Taliban should execute Bergdahl, but because it’s totally irresponsible. Here you have a kid, 23-years-old, in custody. He’s got to be terrified. And now, these Peters comments could actually be used by his captors to get even deeper inside Bergdahl’s mind and further erode any confidence that he may have that he will ever come out alive.” “I suspect my fellow Americans might really bail out of the FOX viewership over this one,” opined former war reporter and photographer Tim King, who edits Oregon-based Web site Salem-News. “If this insolent wicked little man named Peters at FOX manages to turn people against this American who volunteered to serve in the military, fully aware that almost anyone in the Army can be deployed overseas, he should be arrested and tossed in prison,” King continued. “When does FOX News cross the line? This is a new age, a new time, and there is no way in Hell that Peters or FOX can cry ‘free speech’ now.”
  6. Hello John Pinho. I would just like to applaud your decency and energy addressing the grave problems of my hometown, Harrison. Thank you!
  7. Manscape

    Going, Going, Gone

    Synopsis According to Sicko, almost fifty million Americans are uninsured and those who are covered are often victims of insurance company fraud and red tape. Interviews are conducted with people who thought they had adequate coverage but were denied care, as well as former employees of insurance companies who describe cost-cutting initiatives that encourage bonuses and financial benefits for insurance companies and insurance company physicians to deny medical treatments for policy holders. In Canada, Moore describes the case of Tommy Douglas, who was voted the greatest Canadian in 2004 for his contributions to the Canadian health system. Moore also interviews a microsurgeon and people waiting in the emergency room of a Canadian public hospital. Against the backdrop of the history of the American health care debate, opponents of universal health care are set in the context of 1950s-style anti-communist propaganda. A 1960s record distributed by the American Medical Association and narrated by Ronald Reagan warns that universal health care could lead to communism. In response, Moore shows that socialized public services like police, fire service, postal service, public education and community libraries have not led to communism in the United States. The origins of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 are presented using a taped conversation between John Ehrlichman and President Richard Nixon on February 17, 1971; Ehrlichman is heard telling Nixon that "...the less care they give them, the more money they make", a plan that Nixon remarked "fine" and "not bad". This led to the expansion of the modern HMO-based health care system. Connections are highlighted between Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the lobbying arm of the largest drug companies in the United States, lobbying groups in Washington D.C., and the United States Congress. Hillary Clinton, a champion of the Clinton health care plan, is shown as a crusader for change, appointed to reform the health care system in the United States by her husband, newly elected President Bill Clinton. Her efforts are met with heavy-handed criticisms by Republicans on Capitol Hill, and right-wing media throughout the country, who characterize her plan as the harbinger of socialism. When she is defeated, her punishment is to "never speak of it again while in the White House." Seven years later, her silence is rewarded, as she becomes a Senator for the State of New York, a victory made possible in part by money from the health care industry; she is second only to Rick Santorum as the Senate's highest recipient of health care industry campaign donations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicko 1- Far be it for an incorrigible nitwit like Toobus to speak for anyone. 2- Any similar nitwit that will try to discount and discard the facts highlighted above because it floats in a Michael Moore film should be firehosed on videotape running naked down the street before a cheering holiday crowd because cowards need their due. 3- The prospects of an America under the Obama helm free of the entrenched corporate monsters are mere daydreams. Concerning president Obama and my vote for him, I wish him well but hold no illusions about real reform that would put the best interests of the American public before the insatiable greed of a narrow American parasite class. John McCain and that ridiculous bimbo from Alaska had to be stopped and Obama was the only answer. 4- We get the government we deserve, boys and girls.
  8. Manscape

    Going, Going, Gone

    Thank you for the substance in response to a duncestance (Toobus the nudnik). The reddened quote above is heavy duty candor, man. Why would the profiteering status quo not pull out the heavy weapons to prevent common sense taking place? Like apartheid Israel's hyper control of everything public relations concerning its crimes, get yourself a press agent/lobby to poison the herd with lies.......... People, just think about something.......in the world of PROPER, efficient healthcare why would anyone design a system where a third party.........a friggin INSURANCE cluster of corporations.........becomes lord and master? This chit came to us in majestically slow graduation while America was cementing its dumbed down materialistic caffone mindset elsewhere and "suddenly" we have this grand tradition of huge healthcare dollars going not to ANYONE dealing with syringes or bedpans or bloodpacks or oxygen or scalpels..........but to some bevy of calculating Gucci jerkoffs in glass towers. NICE! Doesn't such a thing as healthcare........think of it as an abstract........prompt a reasonable person to think that all the energies, payments and earnings that define the experience should be between those human beings in need of care and those that DO the care? How sad and even criminal that America's lust for profit above all gave rise to the "brokers" of healthcare and what surely is the CHUNK of healthcare dollars taken that would easily provide healthcare coverage for ALL American citizens if the Insurance company scum were driven out of the picture. Insurance models work for housefires and auto accidents. Extending it to healthcare access for what is claimed to be the greatest nation in the world serves as a model for another book by Jonathan Swift.
  9. Manscape

    Honeymoon over

    (pssssssssstttttttttt! Googy the timeline of the U.S. national debt since Raygun and then dictionary the word "inspiration," sport.)
  10. Manscape

    Honeymoon over

    TOOOBUS!!! Doncha realize deadender that even if Barack Obama begins using money by Parker Brothers to pay the nation's bills, it would STILL be preferable than another sick, twisted, gluttonous, bombastic JEEZEE creeching, apartheid Israel coddling republican (lower case intended) regime of je*koffs with their claws on the American tiller..... Your GEE OH PEE cult is dead, boy. This festering mess we got now is the foul decendent of the Reagan perversion. It didn't take very long for Raygun's greedy/tawdry inspiration to carry the nation to the edge of failure, did it? About a mere 20 years!!! The changes we're needing are gonna be tough on your buffoon's bias Tooobus, more and more every day. Boo, F-ing Hoo, deadender. Now deadender Tooobus.....I firmly recommend you find a way to materially help President Obama work the nation out of the sludge your cult fostered instead of prancing these boards with mutiple identities spreading the mayhem, hate and rousing stupidity you've built your KOTW reputation upon. YOU READ ME DEADENDER?
  11. Thank you for posting the textual priors of that buffoon. How Tooby can be so self-embarassing in his assertions and yet remain relentless in casting them is an example why the republican (lower case intended) party is a blight upon modern America.
  12. It's amazing that this entire subject thread (so far) is civil, thoughtful, humorous and in consensus. What's next concerning decent Harrisonians of good principle vs. shadowy rule of entrenched self-serving Harrison government?
  13. I'm prompted to write after reading that local attorney Pinho is critical of Harrison management for holding important meetings such as a final budget hearing at "off times." Add to that the scathing posting by Blue Tide Backer comparing the archaic Harrison style of conducting town business, again including meeting scheduling that creates impediments for Harrisonians wanting to attend. Add to that the remarkable period of the battle and resistence of Joe Wood asserting to video Harrison council meetings for all to see. Furthermore, if only half..........HALF.........of what I read in this forum is true concerning how municipal business in Harrison is run, one must begin to wonder why the FBI isn't involved.
  14. Meanwhile you'll perpetuate the stupid and dangerous myth of a nebulous book that bluntly promises all those Asian people an eternity in hell because they live life oblivious to bleeding Jeezee. In the many many messageboards I have experienced, NEVER have I found anyone with your resolute enthusiasm to excel as a punching bag. You truly are the best!
  15. (let's see how much this racist shmuck will repeatedly rant his huge sums of textual hate as I lead him by the ring in his snout, shall we? let's have fun with this mamzer!) Chamoole! Chamoyer du ainer! Er varved zakh. Er zol vaksen vi a tsibeleh, mit dem kop in drerd!
  16. YOOOOOO HOOOOOO.........RACISTA? US set for dramatic change as white America becomes minority by 2042 The rapidly changing face of the American people is revealed in new census projections that predict that groups that are now labelled minorities will form the greater part of the country's population by 2042. According to the US census bureau, the dominance of non-Hispanic white people, who today account for two-thirds of Americans, will be whittled away, falling steadily to less than half in 2042 and 46% by 2050. In the opposite trajectory, those who describe themselves as Hispanic, black, Asian and Native American will increase in proportion from about a third now to 54% by 2050. Such a rapid demographical shift is in tune with trends that have been seen for some time, but it is happening much faster than experts had predicted even four years ago. Demographers see it as among the most intensive changes of a country's racial and ethnic make-up in history, every bit as dramatic as the huge influx of Italian, Irish and east European immigrants that transformed the US in the early 20th century. "The new projections move up some of the changes that are happening. The minority population now will become the majority eight or nine years earlier than we had thought," said David Waddington, who heads the census bureau's population projections team. The shift in majority status from non-Hispanic whites, who have enjoyed the dominant position since European settlers from England, the Netherlands and elsewhere overtook the Spanish and Native American population centuries ago, is likely to have profound implications. In the long term, it could prompt a sea-change in the country's understanding of its politics and culture. More immediately, it is likely to inform debates on immigration policy and reshape the electoral landscape. Two underlying factors are strongly at play in the new projections. The first is that the overall population of the country is growing faster than expected. It passed the 300 million-mark in October 2006, and is projected to cross the 400 million landmark by 2039. By 2050 it will reach 439 million. That extraordinary rate of growth is in turn fuelling the second main underlying factor, which is the huge increase in the US Hispanic population. In the census bureau definition, Hispanic refers to a person's description of their origin in places such as Mexico or South America, rather than their race. The projections suggest that the Hispanic population will increase from 15% of the population today to almost a third by 2050, almost tripling in size from 47 million to 133 million. By contrast, the non-Hispanic white population is expected to remain relatively steady numerically, barely rising from 200 million to 203 million. For the first time in US history, the white population will lose numbers between 2030 and 2040. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/aug/15/population.race
  17. !Racista...el estúpido, metete un palo *** ** ****! Hueles a mierda. (btw stroonce, proper English would be "you're" not "your")
  18. I watched the first Youtube link reporting the brainwash of the children. Not one of those kids will be exposed to ANY arguments calling the bible nonsense and god impossible to know as anything but a vague force, let alone as a supreme human-like being with a gender and a PROFILE!!! So please understand if I say "FRIGGIN PHOOEY" when bible sophists claim to be providing equal time to evolution based teaching. Those kids in the vid....it was like the sad reality of seeing the seeds planted for fields of future George W Bush clones. Imagine that? Endless little monkeys claiming special endorsement by god as they steal and injure and preach that their victims are fortunate for it? Sounds like a few white supremist guests and patriotic toobies that specialize in contemptable guff here on our messageboard. Hey! Evolution simply teaches that we humans are merely the higher monkeys. Doesn't it all make perfect sense when we courageously look at ourselves? I've seen the table manners of some powerful men. They eat like Bingo the Chimp from Abbott and Costello!! AMEN and PRAISE BE TO bleeding Jeezee and the holly FADDA passing the collection orb........glory to ghost on rye.
  19. Yooo Hooo? Are you medically treated for anger issues? ?estúpido? ¿Dónde está el cuarto de baño?
  20. TOOBY!! How's the supreme court review of the Obama as a non-American going?!?!?! Such a PATRIOT you are!!
  21. Refer to the sputum quoted above....racism and ugly American bigotry....alive and hissing. I rest my case.
  22. With your racist and otherwise self-centered view of things, you'll be lucky to see your kids stay out of prison, muchacho!
  23. ?Como esta usted? You're going to have a hard time adjusting to America's future, pilgrim, and this aside from any language progressions. Probably the only salvation is your life span which, if you are middle aged, will serve to limit your "Future Shock" of a changing America and the world community. The majestic march of sufficient time and baby-making will bring precisely what I say: Espaniol as America's primary language and Jews in Israel a minority group. I know this angers you, pilgrim, but what can you do? (the Zionistics have mobilized ethnic cleansing and a vile apartheid as a response to the inevitable population projections, and this with a STUPENDOUS public relations campaign upon a blind, sloganed and $$$ hooked US taxpayer. May YOU can emulate this policy in the USA, pilgrim! )
  24. Why does it say, "Jesus is Lord" on the pulpit? Jesus is dead, man, and he ain't EVER coming back. Also, it looks like the bellowing preacher has some white ancestry in himself too, yet he seems to be disqualifying Barack Obama as a black guy. How can ANYONE be so warped as to finance this kind of spewing bletch? I say we TAX the churches, temples and mosques. BACK TAX the bastids. Going to the "proud to be white" topic line which is this thread, get accustomed to Spanish as America's official language PERHAPS in your lifetime if you're twenty-something. You can write all the laws you want to hold English as the language of the land, but when Latinos reach critical mass, that's what will be spoken and written first. Muy Bien, Rosetta Stone, si? Sorta how it's gonna be (but with far more violence) when the Jews in Israel get out populated by the Arabs who out BABYMAKE them. No wonder the Zionistics got their apartheid ramped up! HEY WHITE MAN. I suggest you start spending more time in bed with the missus, STAT!
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