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Everything posted by Manscape

  1. Billy Bubba really plays dumbed down America for all he can squeeze out of it. Why ANYONE continues to energize the P.T. Barnum act that the Clintons can only do suggests greatly that after all, humankind is just the higher monkeys...........and when one looks at George W. Bush, we become more convinced this is so............ Here's Bubba explaining things about Moonface and her courageous sniperfire experience in Bosnia.......... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080411/ap_on_...ia_fact_check_3 Clinton misstates wife's Bosnia tale 1 hour, 28 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Former President Clinton has added to the falsehoods surrounding his wife's tale of her trip to Bosnia 12 years ago. In Indiana on Thursday, Bill Clinton defended his wife's mistake in claiming that she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia, accusing the media of treating her like "she'd robbed a bank" for confusing the facts. The New York senator had repeatedly described a harrowing scene in Tuzla, Bosnia, in which she and her daughter, Chelsea, had to run for cover as soon as they landed for a visit in 1996. Video footage of the day instead showed a peaceful reception in which an 8-year-old girl greeted the first lady. Hillary Clinton has acknowledged that she got the facts wrong in retelling the tale. Bill Clinton's inaccuracies don't involve long-ago memories, but misstatements about how his wife has handled the story. THE SPIN: "A lot of the way this whole campaign has been covered has amused me," Bill Clinton said in Boonville, Ind. "But there was a lot of fulminating because Hillary, one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995. "Did y'all see all that? Oh, they blew it up," the former president continued. "Let me just tell you. The president of Bosnia and Gen. Wesley Clark — who was there making peace where we'd lost three peacekeepers who had to ride on a dangerous mountain road because it was too dangerous to go the regular, safe way — both defended her because they pointed out that when her plane landed in Bosnia, she had to go up to the bulletproof part of the plane, in the front. Everybody else had to put their flak jackets underneath the seat in case they got shot at. And everywhere they went they were covered by Apache helicopters. So they just abbreviated the arrival ceremony. "Now I say that because what really has mattered is that even then she was interested in our troops," he said. "And I think she was the first first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to go into a combat zone. And you would of thought, you know, that she'd robbed a bank the way they all carried on about this. And some of them when they're 60 they'll forget something when they're tired at 11 o'clock at night, too." THE FACTS: Bill Clinton has many of the facts wrong. His wife didn't make the sniper fire claim "one time late at night when she was exhausted." She actually told the story several times, including during prepared remarks on foreign policy delivered the morning of March 17. It's also not true that she "immediately apologized for it." Clinton has never apologized for the comments and only acknowledged that she "misspoke" a week after the March 17 speech when video of her peaceful tarmac reception emerged. It's also not true that she was the "first first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to go into a combat zone" — a claim that Hillary Clinton has also made when talking about the trip. Pat Nixon traveled to Saigon during the Vietnam war and Barbara Bush went to Saudi Arabia two months before the launching of Desert Storm. The trip also was not in 1995, but 1996. Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer responded to the former president's remarks Friday by saying, "Senator Clinton appreciates her husband standing up for her, but this was her mistake and she takes responsibility for it." She's also told her husband to quit talking about it. "Hillary called me and said 'You don't remember this. You weren't there, let me handle it.' I said, 'Yes ma'am,'" Bill Clinton, who was in Indiana campaigning for his wife Friday, told reporters. What a shameless mess the Clintons are, a mess that begot us the Bush disaster in the cyclical response of such sordid affairs. Please do NOT regress CITIZENS OF AMERICA.................VOTE BARACK OBAMA!!
  2. Once more congratulations are due to Joe Wood for his stellar efforts to inform the citizens of Harrison beyond the smoke and mirrors of the town's government. Why ANYONE would continue to "hiss and spit" about an active citizen creating a much needed transparancy to how Harrison's leadership functions suggests to any reasonable person that a great something is trying to be kept out of the light of public awareness. KOTW has on its homepage a statement about shifting meetings/shortened meetings by the Harrison council with an urging for people to cancel Friday night's plans to attend the newly scheduled meeting. I think KOTW deserves a great round of applause for this candid statement to lead their homepage, this for the benefit of all decent people in Harrison.
  3. Moonface Hillary Clinton continues to fly by her immense ego and sense of entitlement to the White House. How her support can plod along is certainly a study in American mass denial and perhaps a pitiful, nostalgic consequence of happier American times when Bubba Bill presidented a booming economy driven by the computer/Internet revolution upon which a cocker spaniel could have lead the USA to the surplus we had...............all gone now thanks to monkey boy and his PNACs................oh well. Dig THIS current Clintonism scandal added to their long list: Clinton Campaign Owes UC Davis Money Campus May Turn Debt Over To Collection Agency Reporting Steve Large DAVIS (CBS13) ― Bill Clinton may have charmed the crowd at UC Davis in January, when 7500 people showed up to see him, but charm has not covered the Clinton campaign bill. The University of California in Davis is ready to take the Clinton presidential campaign to a collection agency if they do not pay back the thousands of dollars they are still owed. Here's a breakdown of expenses: - The UC Davis Marching Band cost $500. - Cleanup services after the rally cost $250. - UC Davis Police officers didn't come as cheap. The security bill is more than $5,600. "I'm more than willing to be held accountable for it, because that's the way life is," Hillary Clinton said to a Montana crowd on Monday. There is no word whether she'll apply that philosophy here, or if she even knows about the outstanding debt. Her Sacramento campaign office closed its doors after Super Tuesday, and her campaign spokespeople didn't return my calls. UC Davis is planning to put its final bill out this week, and if the debt has not been settled within a month, they are going to turn the matter over to a collection agency. (© MMVIII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.) Here be the URL to the LEGITIMATE report..............which has a video of Moonface being..................MOONFACE! http://cbs13.com/local/clinton.campaign.debt.2.694498.html Now if YOU think this Clinton reality nugget is ANY endorsement for Bulgeface John McCain, you must have REALLY thought Iraq had WMD and attacked the WTC! Here is Bulgeface John McCain's latest assurance to the American people.......... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/10/m...-l_n_96011.html McCain: I'll Cut Deficits Like Reagan (Who Tripled The Deficit) "When Senator John McCain was asked here this afternoon how he plans to balance the budget, he said that he hoped to do so by stimulating economic growth - and approvingly cited the example of President Ronald Reagan," the New York Times reports. "There was one thing he did not mention during his response: the deficit nearly tripled during the Reagan presidency, partly due to tax cuts and increases in military spending." WOW..........there's a confidence building presidential candidate for ya! Thanks Bulgeface! Maybe you can add Nancy Raygun's tarot card readings to your proposed system of running the nation. That would be an improvement upon monkey boy's "voices from god" manner of decision making! Now.........if you happen to conclude that I support Barack Obama as the only reasonable presidential candidate in the field, you get the brass ring. BARACK OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT
  4. Manscape

    Let's do Bible study

    I watched the Youtube video that kicked off this thread and how appropriate to do so on Easter Sunday. It should be considered that not enough time has passed to put the holy bibicular and other absurd archaic religious dogma books in the same bin as bloodletting and drilling holes in skulls to release demons. We simply wont live to see it, so be resolute to the fact. It's my little theory that the violation of the separation of church and state in the USA busted wide the floodgates of legal lunatics that leverage their flavor of god to advance their ambitions resulting in the building and coddling of apartheid Israel and marching off to "inject freedom" American style in Iraq. (and now I'll be reminded that there IS no law in the USA separating church and state?) I'll recommend Elaine Pagel's book, "The Origins of Satan" for anyone that wants to understand a Princeton University professor of theology version of how the bible came to be written and evolve.............. http://www.amazon.com/Origin-Satan-Elaine-...s/dp/0679401407 You know what I like about paganism? It seems SENSIBLE to worship or honor the elements of nature. The sun that warms us and feeds our plants, gravity that keeps us from floating off, the water to cleanse and hydrate our bodies and grow the trees and crops and house the fish. I like how these elements regard everyone equally, without ANY ONE PEOPLE being "chosen" above any other. Children can understand natures aspects and lessons perfectly well, unlike the silly, muddled, translated to death holy bibicular. Please tell all your friends about William Tyndale. Who is he? Billy Tyndale was the first individual to translate the bible from its original Hebrew and Greek versions into English. Want to know what happened to Mr. T for all his trouble? (he was put to death) Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Tyndale I will enjoy the issue I will make in court (if that day will come) when I insist to the judge that to swear on the bible before I testify would be a ridiculous exercise for me, given my conviction that the book is at best, an abject myth. Happy Vernal Equinox to you all!!
  5. Manscape

    Rev. Jerimiah Wright

    The scary part for me is how so many Roman Catholics can STILL commit to the church after that institution's pedophilic mania is revealed and explained with the most insulting sophistry. I've concluded people simply refuse to admit when they are shown to be dupes for the lord and the holy fadda..........it's the game they play. If people got any courage equal to half their American gluttony, they may begin to consider what Rev. Wriight has said, themselves recalling the incessant wholesale murders of countless Southeast Asians during the Vietnam era by our country, American CIA meddling in the legally elected leaderships of South America (Iran-Contra warms your patriotic black heart, does it?) and the impetus for September 11, 2001: the dual justice of American coddling for apartheid Zionland while thoroughly exploiting the Balfour doctrined Middle East for all the oil we can waste in our pigmobiles (joyously clogging the GSP for monster work commutes, single occupancy so as to impress our friends and colleagues with pride of overt consumption).............. Barack Obama does well to distance himself from Rev. Wright's assertions. After all he's an intelligent political human being. Our nation is in denial, desperately embracing a bumper sticker mentality that the USA can do no wrong while everything we gleefully/foolishly take for granted goes poof. Obama does not have the luxury I have. I don't NEED to diaper your ass. I don't need your vote. But we ALL need you to get real. Our nation is falling and like when Rome was falling, few knew it. This is a card game. Hillary Moonface Clinton (and co-POTUS Bubba Bill) equals scandal and heavy baggage. She's an automatic spike of division upon the American landscape with a parasite's sense of entitlement to the office of POTUS. John McCain is a sacrificial lamb served up by an American political party that, after Bush, by all decency should disolve itself on grounds of vast shamefullness. Bulgeface should expand on his Baghdad shopping review and become an American travel agent outside the Iraqi "green zone"........or maybe better yet, get a job modeling caskets. Obama is at worst, the LEAST of all presidential evils and we NEED to play a card. I'm playing the Ace of Spades.
  6. It's naive to expect Obama to have every move in the epic Iraq disaster he's faced with decided upon 10 months before he begins. Your gratuitous "cut and run" labeling of Obama is contemptable and indicative of a SERIOUSLY NAIVE posting, one that clearly appears to ignore an audience that will surely REMIND you that the disaster we face in Iraq (AND Afghanistan)today is the perverse handicraft of arguably the WORST presidential administration in US history, surely the worst in our lifetime. Take all the blood, money, guns and lawyers we've spent since Bush's 9-11 and look at what we've gotten in return. Since September 11, 2001, who but a fear driving political ideologue would insist we're better off than if we did nothing but stay home and work on our borders and our leadership in all sectors of society, our economy and our social fabric? Look. Ask the survivors of countless Iraqis turned into jelly who the terrorists are. Asked the maimed and the displaced Iraqis who the terrorists are. What you embrace "patriot" is astounding failure, still to this day masked by a remarkable conceit and gluttony that hypocrites like Rish Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter et al take to a coward's end because the money is still good doing it. It's become America festering. Knock yourself out counting terrorists in your corn flakes. This nation, OUR nation needs help like never before and it WILL NEVER be found in people named Clinton or Bush or McCain, who are deadenders...............like you. BARACK OBAMA USA! (because fear is CHOKING us)
  7. Just to temper immotality a tad: >>>Buckley also had little use for the music of the counterculture, once calling the Beatles "so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of antimusic."<<< http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080228/ap_on_...obit_buckley_25
  8. Manscape

    Obama's Native Dress

    Correct partially. I don't include myself among YOU and your Bush enabling cult and I think you have a serious delusion to embrace the term "Republican" in your screen name after 8 years of an epic "Republican" trainwreck. I don't abide by self serving politicians passing the Patriot Act without reading the damn thing. You and your cult should be reminded that resolutions have been passed in 401 communities in 43 states including seven state-wide resolutions. These communities represent approximately 62 million people who oppose sections of the USA PATRIOT Act. If you have the courage to peruse the list.........note NEW YORK CITY is included. Resolutions Passed in 2005 Rapid City, SD 9/19/2005 Bristol, RI 7/20/2005 Coos County, OR 6/15/2005 Norwalk, CT 6/14/2005 Lyme, CT 5/27/2005 New Brunswick, NJ 5/18/2005 Williamstown, MA 5/17/2005 State of Colorado 5/9/2005 Lenox, MA 5/5/2005 Milton, MA 5/5/2005 Mamaroneck, NY 5/4/2005 Portsmouth, NH 4/4/2005 State of Montana 4/2/2005 Rockport, MA 4/2/2005 State of Idaho 3/30/2005 Farmington, NH 3/9/2005 Exeter, NH 3/8/2005 Paonia, CO 2/22/2005 Butte-Silver Bow, MT 2/16/2005 Elmira, NY 2/7/2005 Erie, PA 2/2/2005 Oak Creek, CO 1/27/2005 Resolutions Passed From July to December 2004 Pontiac, MI 12/16/2004 Multnomah County, OR 12/9/2004 Helena, MT 12/6/2004 West Windsor, NJ 12/6/2004 Troy, MI 11/29/2004 Passaic County, NJ 11/23/2004 Lowell, MA 11/16/2004 Bridgewater, MA 11/8/2004 Kansas City/Wyandotte County, KS 11/4/2004 Coventry, CT 11/1/2004 Westford, MA 10/18/2004 Alhambra, CA 10/11/2004 Englewood, NJ 9/29/2004 Westchester County, NY 9/14/2004 Huntington, NY 9/14/2004 Lincoln, NE 9/13/2004 Mercer County, NJ 9/9/2004 Windham, CT 9/7/2004 Tompkins County, NY 9/7/2004 Odessa, DE 9/1/2004 Glendale, CA 8/31/2004 Edgartown, MA 8/31/2004 Humbolt County, CA 8/17/2004 Falls Church, VA 8/9/2004 Nevada City, CA 8/9/2004 Des Moines, IA 7/26/2004 Tumwater, WA 7/20/2004 Pasadena, CA 7/19/2004 Placer County, CA 7/13/2004 Lawrence Township, NJ 7/6/2004 Whitefish, MT 7/6/2004 Lexington-Fayette County, KY 7/1/2004 Resolutions Passed From June to February 2004 Boone, NC 6/29/2004 Savannah, GA 6/24/2004 Keansburg, NJ 6/24/2004 Plainfield, NJ 6/21/2004 Raleigh, NC 6/15/2004 Aspen, CO 6/14/2004 Albany County, NY 6/14/2004 Orono, ME 6/14/2004 Mount Vernon, ME 6/12/2004 Paterson, NJ 6/9/2004 Moscow, ID 6/7/2004 Plattsburgh City, NY 6/1/2004 Jackson, MS 5/25/2004 St. Petersburgh, FL 5/20/2004 Swampscott, MA 5/19/2004 Hampton, CT 5/18/2004 Eureka, MT 5/18/2004 Chatham, MA 5/18/2004 Port Orford, OR 5/18/2004 Weston, MA 5/12/2004 Carbondale, CO 5/11/2004 Bangor, ME 5/10,2004 Groton, MA 5/10/2004 Heath, MA 5/6/2004 Lewis and Clark County, MT 5/6/2004 Buckland, MA 5/5/2004 Littleton, MA 5/4/2004 Dennis, MA 5/4/2004 Colrain, MA 5/4/2004 East Lansing, MI 5/4/2004 Carlisle, MA 5/3/2004 Charlemont, MA 5/3/2004 Concord, MA 5/3/2004 Marblehead, MA 5/3/2004 Chilmark, MA 4/28/2004 Tisbury, MA 4/27/2004 El Paso, TX 4/27/2004 Pittsburgh, PA 4/26/2004 Truro, MA 4/21/2004 Whatcom County, WA 4/20/2004 Lawrence, KS 4/20/2004 Wheeler, OR 4/20/2004 Montclair Township, NJ 4/20/2004 Tampa, FL 4/15/2004 Bethlehem, NY 4/14/2004 Mount Vernon, NY 4/14/2004 West Tisbury, MA 4/14/2004 Sudbury, MA 4/14/2004 Oak Bluffs, MA 4/13/2004 Eau Claire, WI 4/13/2004 Conway, MA 4/12/2004 Lexington, MA 4/12/2004 Acton, MA 4/12/2004 Berks County, PA 4/8/2004 Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 4/8/2004 Calistoga, CA 4/6/2004 Lathrup Village, MI 4/5/2004 Grand Rapids, MI 3/30/2004 Fairbanks North Star Borough 3/25/2004 Ames, IA 3/23/2004 State of Maine 3/23/2004 Santa Clara, CA 3/23/2004 Duxbury, MA 3/16/2004 Phillipsburg, NJ 3/16/2004 Alameda County, CA 3/16/2004 Portland, ME 3/15/2004 Arlington County, VA 3/13/2004 St. Louis, MO 3/12/2004 Somerville, MA 3/11/2004 Aquinnah, MA 3/10/2004 Franklin, NJ 3/9/2004 Elko, NV 3/9/2004 Richmond, VA 3/8/2004 Milwaukee, WI 3/2/2004 Washington, DC 3/2/2004 Valdez, AK 3/1/2004 Dallas, TX 2/25/2004 Southfield, MI 2/23/2004 Elko County, NV 2/18/2004 Cleveland Heights, OH 2/17/2004 Ewing, NJ 2/10/2004 Mullica, NJ 2/10/2004 Kansas City, MO 2/5/2004 Valencia County, NM 2/4/2004 New York, NY 2/4/2004 Highland Park, NJ 2/3/2004 North Providence, RI 2/3/2004 Carbondale, IL 2/3/2004 Lansing, MI 2/2/2004 Auburn Hills, MI 2/2/2004 Now.........I am NOT Iranian but I figure you assume I'm Iranian because you must keep SEEING Iranians under your bed daily in your political world of FEAR MONGERING.
  9. Manscape

    Obama's Native Dress

    Another "Patriot" that knows what's best, guiding our nation farther down the road of endless broken glass. They have an "ACT" named after you, isn't it interesting?
  10. Manscape


    HEY...........TWO YEARS AGO TODAY I JOINED KOTW! I'm glad to reply to a JOYOUS ruling concerning Harrison on the anniversary of my membership! Let's KEEP THE BALL ROLLING!
  11. Manscape


    CONGRATS TO THE INDIVIDUALS THIS RULING FAVORS! When eminent domain became widely abused after the landmark New London, Connecticut case (a 5 to 4 split in the US supreme court supporting the government in New London and dissing the citizens that had their homes taken) it didn't take long for my own home town's government to "cash in" with an eye towards political targeting. This ruling is going to cost Harrison's citizens PLENTY. It's interesting how government's elected officials can bumble ANY AMOUNT of taxpayer money and later simply stand at the podium using words to describe each other like, "Honorable" when they conspire for re-election. Look. Since I've been on KOTW, Harrison has been a perpetual messageboard circus of everything bad that happens in politics, almost. It's actually funny if one ignores the hardship upon the decent people of the town........like some campy movie filmed in a dustbelt state where the "good ol' boys (and girls)" in government got a sweet thing going for themselves and everyone else in town saves cardboard for the broken windows. So for now in Harrison the "bleeding" will continue unfortunately, but with recent courageous efforts made by Joe Wood and others to face the political entrenchment for what it is, if the people get ACTIVE, perhaps the depth of the Harrison hole will stop before it hits oil. For sake of ALL DECENCY, I hope so. The comedy/drama is getting very old............but above all in this post.........BRAVO for the ruling, some very deserving people will now be loading up on any number of gastro anti-acids! (and THAT'S funny!)
  12. http://www.theobserver.com/articles/2008/0...69895987227.txt Editorial: Flood’s nepotism hire reeks of Hudson of old Hudson County was again seen as a laughing stock last week when County Register Willie Flood was inducted into Fox 5’s Arnold Diaz’s “Hall of Shame” for hiring her son to be a data-processing clerk in her office. Worse, she had also hired her son to be her aide in her position as a Jersey City councilwoman. But her son recently resigned from the aide position. He still holds the data-processing position, at an annual salary of more than $38,000. When Diaz approached Mrs. Flood several weeks ago, she refused to answer his questions as to how she, as an elected official, could hire her son to a position in her office. She covered her face with her fur coat, and drove away as Diaz asked tough questions on behalf of all taxpayers of Hudson County. Perhaps the most disturbing element of Mrs. Flood hiring her son is that he’s not the most upstanding citizen of the county. Several months ago, he was charged, in Jersey City, with selling marijuana from his mother’s car. He subsequently pleaded guilty to a lesser charge. Only in Hudson County. You know, we hear that phrase used too often. “Only in Hudson County” has always been a response when blatant nepotism is a factor. Yet no one shows any outrage — and the situation usually gets swept under the rug and forgotten about. Not this time. Taxes in parts of West Hudson are extremely high. And a portion of your taxes go to the county. And, as such, they fund the position held by Mrs. Flood’s son. We seriously doubt Mrs. Flood’s son is the most qualified candidate for this data-processing position. And we seriously question Mrs. Flood’s ethics for allowing such absurd nepotism to happen with your tax dollars. For far too many years, the Hudson County Democratic Party has allowed political hiring. And as such, there are a plethora of positions held by people who aren’t necessarily the most qualified — instead, they’re held by people who are, without question, the most connected. We believe Mrs. Flood owes the people of Hudson County an apology for this gross misuse of taxpayer funds. We believe her son should resign his position as a data processor. And we call on all those in authoritative positions in Hudson to end the ages-old practice of hiring family members. Look at the publicity this case has garnered. Look at the black eye Hudson County was smacked with over an ill-conceived hiring. This nonsense must end on the county level now. And we’ll be watching to ensure it doesn’t happen again — in any Hudson County agency. And if it does — and we hear there may already be some other nepotism hirings in the works in the county — we’ll be there to report it, so that as taxpayers struggle to make ends meet, they’ll be fully aware their hard-earned dollars are being spent to pad the pockets of politically connected and related, and not the most qualified candidates to hold jobs. (how nice to know my hometown Harrison is ABOVE this! )
  13. Here's a guy that calls for Joe Wood to end his website and the Harrison council meetings' videos that it contains! Wow..............look at the invectives............. Bravo Mr. Joe Wood.........."Walking Tall".............Bravo! People of Harrison.........build upon this courageous effort........... Can you imagine an individual that calls for the END of a website that brings the function and performance of Harrison government freely to all on the Internet? Visit the website. It's a window to the Harrison government workings, an INFORMATIONAL ASSET free of advocacy.......and it IS free of advocacy no matter the politics of the website's owner. It's clearly a "let the people SEE and let the chips fall where they may" website: www.harrisonmeetings.com Ask yourself what manner of person would call to END this website. I suspect it's someone who has something to fear from it's continuation. It's up to YOU to build upon this foundation of information provided by Joe Wood. We all get the government we deserve.
  14. Thanks to an active citizen of Harrison, video of the NEBULOUS Harrison council meetings is the best news this forum has revealed all year. As I've discovered this video here in KOTW, one of Harrison's most successful sons simultaneously sent me the same video information citing his own enthusiasm and commendation for the fact......... Bravo Mr. Woods. Your efforts are applauded by Harrisonians that left town to make their fortunes beyond the Passaic river and the meadowlands, you may be sure. Knowledge is power and this effort by Joe Woods puts it closer to the hands of the people, despite some dislodged anonymous stroonce cackling the quote above. It's ALWAYS an anonymous stroonce.......... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Mr. Joe Woods and to all decent citizens of my home town..........May we all soon read that you've ENDED the nepotistic feeding frenzy that Harrison taxpayers are famous for dishing up to it's parasitic leadership............... GET ACTIVE and GET INFORMED!! YOU GET THE GOVERNMENT YOU DESERVE!!
  15. Manscape

    MORE Bush BULL

    "Bush blunders"...............those two words make me keyboard tap..........I've been itching to do it with every passing article about the POTUS lately........ I am lost for words suddenly. I must be tired............... I am immensely disgusted........... Sorry about the "non-post" posting............ I don't have the energy now to craft those words I need to tell you how I really feel.......... "Bush blunders" indeed............
  16. Manscape

    Bye-Bye Billy Boy

    Seize back the stolen cash from the criminal's estate and bust him of his pension. Put him in jail for three to five, even longer so he can write poetry about his misdeeds to those that would follow his crimes. Concerned about the criminal's family? The colateral harm to the criminal's family ROSE from the criminal's brazen decision to steal from the public, not the justice system that is created to address such deviates. I don't know what you mean about the "taxpayers have to pay for that"...........the taxpayers SHOULD NOT have to pay a pension to a thieving criminal and certainly not to such a BOLD one. The big picture beckons. Until these appropriate punishments take place commonly, leagues of graft/theft sucking public officials will take their fortuitous chances long after you and I are dead. From all I have seen in my 53 years, the justice trend is to go soft on those that violate the public trust they've been granted, so that today we have everyone trying to be the next Kenny Boy Lay fearlessly. My grandchildren and yours deserve a better future than that in our nation. If we did what I outline, maybe in the midnight hour of intimate marital nuzzling the potential public trust criminal's wife will say.......no darling, don't do it.....it's not worth it........
  17. Manscape

    Bye-Bye Billy Boy

    A little harsh? YOUR punishment guidelines will guarantee GENERATIONS of parasites willing to take their criminal chances upon the public teet.
  18. Manscape

    Bye-Bye Billy Boy

    Theft and corruption honored.............Hudson County style! Are all the Hudson county stolen birth certs on your "good luck, god bless" list too?
  19. A kid's desk or locker in school is an early personal experience. It makes the school part of a kid's home to have a stash for his gear on school grounds. This donkey around the backpacks is easy on everyone but the kids and their parents it seems. Does anyone who favors the kids carrying in their backpacks all their personal learning materials and personal items of clothing and eyeglasses and such have an explanation why it's being done? What's with school busing in Harrison when the new homes get finished on Rodgers Stadium and the surroundings?
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