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5 A.m.

Guest Had Enough

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Guest Had Enough

Its around 5 A.M. Its been a long night of several calls, most bs, but enough to keep your senses keen. You are always diligent because of sickos out there who hate Cops because you represent a kink in the criminal society we live in. You suddenly spot a car in your rear view mirror with its lights off and notice only one person in that car. The person is slouched in the seat seems to be staring at you ready to pounce with some kind of deadly force. You heart beats a little faster and you make a slow forward advance and the car seems to follow. Finally, you circle around and the car stops. You approach with extreme caution because anyone out at this hour must have the mind of a sick bastard. You get near the drivers window and are surprised that its just Mayor Mcdumbhead trying to catch a cop sleeping. This harrassment could lead to injury because it is STUPID AND CHILDISH. If you want to see town employees sleeping, just go to the firehouse every morning when you get up. Please stop the crap.

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Its around 5 A.M. Its been a long night of several calls, most bs, but enough to keep your senses keen. You are always diligent because of sickos out there who hate Cops because you represent a kink in the criminal society we live in. You suddenly spot a car in your rear view mirror with its lights off and notice only one person in that car. The person is slouched in the seat seems to be staring at you ready to pounce with some kind of deadly force. You heart beats a little faster and you make a slow forward advance and the car seems to follow. Finally, you circle around and the car stops. You approach with extreme caution because anyone out at this hour must have the mind of a sick bastard. You get near the drivers window and are surprised that its just Mayor Mcdumbhead trying to catch a cop sleeping. This harrassment could lead to injury because it is STUPID AND CHILDISH. If you want to see town employees sleeping, just go to the firehouse every morning when you get up. Please stop the crap.

get a life mayor why don't you try sleeping in!!!!! I bet you just cannot wait to get out of the house. Is it that bad at home????? See you tomorrow morning !!!!!!!

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Its around 5am its been a slow nite just like the past 10yrs. your senses are slow.its just the way your brain functions .you are always laughing because of the new contract you just screwed the town out of.you are the only one on patrol cause the rest of the dept. called in sick( remember unlimited sick time you chuckle to your self again ,this is great all the money they pay us and we dont have to come to work. YOU SUDDENLY SPOT A CAR IN YOUR REAR VIEW MIRROR!!!! with it lights going off and on and notice only one person in the car, the person is slouched in the seat seems to be staring at you ready to pounce with some kind of deadly force.your heartbeats a little faster and you make a slow forward advance and the car seems to follow,finally you circle around the car and it stops you approach with careless abandoment (remember its the way your brain functions) you get near the drivers window and just then,YOU WAKE UP IN YOUR POLICE CAR YOU RELIZE THAT YOU JUST SPILLED YOUR ENTIRE CUP OF COFFEE ON YOURSELF(IT LOOKS LIKE YOU JUST PEED YOUR PANTS) you collect your thoughts what little their is and fall back in a deep slumber thinking WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING their hasnt been a major crime in years you go back to dreaming about my new salary and unlimited SICK *LIFE IS GOOD*

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You should not be saying anything about anyone else's brain functions buddy. You can not spell. Now go back to sweeping the streets and stop being so jealous!

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As I report to work with a massive hangover from last nights booze and drug party, I try to be quiet because the other fireman are still sleeping. I know I took a test then and got a job in Harrison so I am the worst trained and useless human being making $90,000.00 a year. It is so satisfying to serve breakfast to the seniors and take credit for other peoples work. Damn I was proud of the little firemans bookcase at the library and giving out other peoples toys at christmas and taking credit for it. As I creep thru the darkness, I find my bed and settle in knowing that the only smell of fire that is gonna wake me up is the cooking in the kitchen later (is it my turn?) The suckers, as we call them, are going to work at real jobs while we play video games and watch TV. Even Mayor McD**ba** kisses our asses because of the Dolaghans raping the town for millions. I also get to dump my old construction material at the foot of first street and the town workers clean it up and cart it away on duty. No dumpster fees for me. Man am I cool. Love me ladies, because I am a Harrison fireman. SHHHHHHH, someone is moving. night night.

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Guest GUEST_Guest


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Guest Proud  Firefighter

Ha Ha, Funny. Pathetic, but funny. You missed your calling. You could have gotten a job writing childrens books instead of being a donut taster. One other thing, your jealousy of the FD is so obvious, it's sad.

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Ha Ha, Funny. Pathetic, but funny. You missed your calling. You could have gotten a job writing childrens books instead of being a donut taster. One other thing, your jealousy of the FD is so obvious, it's sad.

<_< All your talk about the Fire Dept. and the Police Dept. is PATHETIC!!.

I'm sure there are other things to post about besides Fire and Police.

What are you jealous? Give it a rest already.

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You are all on candid camera, so let the games begin. Everyone along with those involved with allowing and condoning it can fight it out at the county jail. HAHAHAHAHAHA.................Have Fun J**koffs!

KOTW Note: The above post was edited for content.

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