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Extra Money

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How does it occur that none of the two (2) black Police Officers were not given any of the extra monet that was generously handed out by the town. With the female Lt. thatsakes 100% of the minorities not given the money. I can see a lawsuit in this one.

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Passing the test has nothing to do with it. Over the years it has been common practice in the HFD and HPD to elevate someone to a higher rank to get them a bigger pension check before retiring. It just makes common sense to promote one of these two African-Americans to reflect the growing population tide. It would foster improved comunity relations and stop the town from being so biased.

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Its called integration and advancement. Not all people are good test takers, but longevity has its place. I think it is sad that in this day and age that the town gets away with this in the Police and Fire Departments.

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