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Efficient Management

Guest Sparky

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The Fire Chief has set an example for management efficiency. He's hands on and doesn't take any crap from malcontents. I think the other public safety counterpart should emulate him.

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also insisting on a promotion for his brother while everyone else is now

screwed because of it. now "we dont need them". and running a department

with the lowest morale in town.

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He's hands-on alright. Hands-on any food left around and any money for his family. NEPOTISM STRIKES AGAIN, AND, AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND............I predict bankrupty for this town soon. The sooner the better. Maybe we need someone who can do the job and stop bleeding red ink?

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come on there is no dignity nor respect at the hpd, why do you think we have jt posing for new oics come december? it's that just grand there buddy. it's no wonder why more guys leave this crap eating dept. no authority much less balls on these so called commanders, dam did we f**k up by taking on km what a waste east newark knew better hands down. right now we could have had jc or even mp

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i dont know if that is true about morale in the fd or other depts. but from reading all these articles i would say hands down the pd is falling apart i never read so many articles about hate from the pd thank god there is no texas depository in harrison sounds like the police are time bombs waiting to go off should have a total revamping of dept.----BACK TO BASICS?

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One of the reasons that the PD is falling apart is because they have a Chief who will not take responsibility for anything and lets the PBA President run the department.

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