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NO METROSTARS = HIGHER TAXES. Where else is the money gonna come from? Huge salary increases at the Police Dept., 8 million $ dollars a year to the Fire Dept., and many new jobs in town created by nepotism. Do the towns Department Heads really need to make btween $100,000.00 and $150,000.oo in a one square mile town. Do we really need 3 Superintendants of the schools? What is TP getting Dept. Head pay for doing? Does he actuallly have a job? How about Comer, does she really work full-time for the town? I rarely see her at all. The Mayor should really make some cuts in all salary areas or the town will possibly go bankrupt. Time to get out the scissors, cut salaries and lay-off all non-essential personnel.

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Guest Seeifucangetfreelandatthemeadowl
NO METROSTARS = HIGHER TAXES. Where else is the money gonna come from? Huge salary increases at the Police Dept., 8 million $ dollars a year to the Fire Dept., and many new jobs in town created by nepotism. Do the towns Department Heads really need to make btween $100,000.00 and $150,000.oo in a one square mile town. Do we really need 3 Superintendants of the schools? What is TP getting Dept. Head pay for doing? Does he actuallly have a job? How about Comer, does she really work full-time for the town? I rarely see her at all. The Mayor should really make some cuts in all salary areas or the town will possibly go bankrupt. Time to get out the scissors, cut salaries and lay-off all non-essential personnel.


Higher taxes were in the works anyway--if you think any corporation in thier right mind was going to come into this sink-hole without a 20 year tax abatement--you're crazy. They want to come here, because they won't have to pay taxes for 20 years. On a tract like they were going to end up with-- you're talking millions here. :lol::lol:;):P:P

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