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Guest DingoDave

It sometimes seems to take days for posts to appear on these message boards. I understand that these forums are moderated, however some of the lag times do seem excessive.

I have no reason to doubt that the staff of KOTW are doing their best to minimise the response times, however the delays which have been occuring lately can only serve to stifle conversation and will probably cause many people to lose interest in the topics being discussed and to wander off elsewhere.

I recently double posted, because after several days of my comment not appearing, I was convinced that my initial message had not gone through.

Many people these days have very limited attention spans, and will quickly lose interest if responses to their posts are not quickly forthcoming.

Undue delays in posts appearing will result in less traffic for the website.

In my opinion, the administrators should be aware of this and if possible, take steps to ensure that posts are prompltly attended to and displayed.

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It sometimes seems to take days for posts to appear on these message boards. I understand that these forums are moderated, however some of the lag times do seem excessive.

I have no reason to doubt that the staff of KOTW are doing their best to minimise the response times, however the delays which have been occuring lately can only serve to stifle conversation and will probably cause many people to lose interest in the topics being discussed and to wander off elsewhere.

I recently double posted, because after several days of my comment not appearing, I was convinced that my initial message had not gone through.

Many people these days have very limited attention spans, and will quickly lose interest if responses to their posts are not quickly forthcoming.

Undue delays in posts appearing will result in less traffic for the website.

In my opinion, the administrators should be aware of this and if possible, take steps to ensure that posts are prompltly attended to and displayed.

Wonderful idea !! Why don't you wander off elsewhere.

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Guest DingoDave

'Guest' wrote: "Wonderful idea !! Why don't you wander off elsewhere."

I wrote: "Because I wouldn't want to deprive you of the pleasure of my company."

Can you now see how rude it is not to attach a user-name to your posts my dear 'Guest'?

Please grant the rest of us the courtesy of identifying your posts, if it's not too much trouble for you.

Unidentified posts are a sign of either laziness, carelessness, or just plain discourtesy.

Didn't your mother teach you good manners when you were a child, or have you simply forgotten what good manners mean as the years have past you by?

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