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Kpd Bouncing

Guest dddkpd

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Guest Bonded
What was the problem that caused the checks to bounce? Was it a bank error or did the Town run out of money? Please explain.

Big Al and Joey D must have tried to bond for salaries, like they did for pinesol and staples. By the time they realized they couldn't do it, it was too late. No big deal, I'm sure they'll send letters to all the employees apoligizing for the inconvenience. But I do believe I heard it was all Florentino's fault anyway. :blink:

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Guest Outsider

The silence on the board concerning this matter is deafening, I'm sure if this had been a previous administration the site would have been full by now. But, the cheerleaders are all taken care of and there won't be any out cry demanding what happened to the money ? or who is responsibable? Please remove your heads from the sand and start asking Questions. It is your right to know......... :blink:;)

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