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Tony Attrino

Guest Give me a break?

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Guest Give me a break?

Come on Tony everybody at HPD knows that you and Capt. Dan have a special relationship. Lets see the lunches together, the long telephone conversations. You are supposed to be a journalist, not a one sided reporter. As far as your concerned the rest of the HPD knows what you are a real LOSER.

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Guest Wyatt Earp
Tony Attrino is a good man and you should stop with the insulting comments. He is the one who should get a promotion, not you moron.

Tony Attrino is Danny's piss-boy, keep holding that bucket Tony and you'll be as yellow as your yellow journalism!!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest
Tony Attrino wouldn't see a story if it hit him in the face; if the council doesn't give him permission. The biggest story in a long time is brewing and nothing
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Guest reporter?

we all know what a rag the observer is, the fact that attrino calls himself a journalist is funny enough. please, it's no wonder *** *** ***** ****** ****** *** ****. yeah now he's in with danny and charlie but at what cost? please, before he started with the observer he was a regular *** getting off the path train. he was a ******* **** ****** * ****.

how quickly people forget the calls and comments made!

KOTW Note: The above post was edited for content.

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