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"The price you pay when you commit to Kearny as a candidate for office

Guest Long time resident

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Guest Long time resident

Anyone who has a genuine interest in public service are always faced with opposition whether it be honest criticism or fabricated lies that are very common in Kearny. Many people have said to me that they would love to run for office but are discouraged because of the gutter political environment displayed by this administration over the years. The SANTOS GAME PLAN is to win at any cost in retaining power not just for a government standpoint but a personal standpoint as well. To explain this we need to see the benefits that have enriched this group of public officials. Listed are the as follows, Mayor Alberto Santos Clerk to the Hudson County Commissioner's $100 plus thousand dollars a year plus car. 2. Councilwoman Carol Jean Doyle work's for the Hudson County Law Department 3. Former Councilwoman Susan MaCurrie also works in the Hudson County Law Department 3. Councilman Richard Knopka works for the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission as a Supervisor at $100 plus thousand dollars a year. Certainly government works for them and some the decisions that have been made over the years showed a failed regard for the taxpayers of Kearny. The health and safety of the residents of Kearny were at risk when Santos voted to open the Keegan Landfill which caused toxic smells in the air for years with this poor decision.

"OVERDEVELOPMENT" As Kearny begins to expand as a result of new development it will continue to put a strain on our services. Whether it be Public Works, Police,Fire, and our Public Schools. Tax Abatements have continued in putting more of a burden on Kearny's Property Tax Payers. These are some of the many important issues that the people in Kearny either haven't been paying attention to or the Mayor has effectively been able to fly under the radar for years. And as taxes rise, Kearny has the highest property taxes in Hudson County? Kearny with the exception of a few that had the courage to challenge this administration have chosen to sit on the sidelines and watched a self serving government run the table and do as they please for many years when good decent people who really care about Kearny and want to run for office but are aware of the consequences of what the Santos crowd may do to them. The next few years will show that property taxes will continue to increase in the off years when they are not running for office. Be prepared taxpayers!!!  Be strong for Kearny more participation is needed. Get involved run for Mayor, Council, Board of Education as change is needed in restoring fairness in Kearny. Challenge the establishment that doesn't play by the rules when it comes to elections.  "DON'T LET THE BULLIES DISCOURAGE YOU FROM RUNNING FOR OFFICE"  STRONG FOR KEARNY.

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Guest David Paszkiewicz Sr.

I couldn’t agree more.  In addition, what the tax payer needs to remember is that the meager  6k part-time salary of a council person becomes a hefty pension for some long termers who are gifted by the establishment high paying county jobs to pad their pensions. The voter paves the way for their council person’s retirement security and they raise our taxes and don’t even leave us with paved roads!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Smoke and Mirrors

You guys have been fooled into looking in the wrong direction for years. Although I do appreciate that you have put yourselves out there, your focus has been distracted. The Town and county government has always been a political corrupt machine, but for the last 15 years you should have been watching the Kearny Board of Education. The KBOE controls 50% of our taxes, the Town only 35%, think about that, it's crazy. The Town, at least, shows some sort of spending accountability, while the KBOE continues to spend money like drunken sailors with zero accountability. When budgets got tight at the Town level and they could no longer hire their friends and family, the KBOE became the hiring hall for all the political hacks. The salaries at the KBOE are incredible and the least qualified personnel are hired, most with connections to politics, and the shame there is our children and taxpayers pay the price. There are positions with 2 people doing the job of which the position was created for one person, yet $100K+ salaries are paid to both. Across the board, from custodians, teachers, supervisors and principals, look who hold these positions and connect the dots, it's very simple. So, stop focusing on the little things and expand your concerns and your eyes will be stuck wide open while your chin drops !

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Possible candidate

Be prepared candidates for the BCS's of the world on bashing anyone or anything that stands in the way of power. Here comes the bullies but guess what there will be a full exposure of the greed and self interest agenda that has existed for years between some families in Kearny. They will finally be unmasked and the truth will be revealed.

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