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Guest Guest

So when will management open their eyes and evict these ***** ***** troublemakers who think they own and run the place ?? Instead of having this so called security patrol the grounds maybe they should hire a security guard to watch over the playground and courtyards while the kids are out playing ?  These ***** ***** people do nothing but cause trouble and give the Gardens a bad rap. There's a trailer park over near Teterboro, maybe they should move over there 

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Guest Guest

Those people that cause trouble over and over again in the playground will never be evicted nor will they ever move. Let's face it they would never survive living outside the Gardens/low income housing. This group of troublemakers are nothing but low income ***** but yet they walk around like their shit don't stink.  

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Guest Guest

Why is nothing bring done about about live in boyfriends & girlfriends.People working and not reporting  it. Paying 200 rent and her son is making good money.I will be writi g a letter because you can never see him.Cameras are never looked at. 

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Guest Guest
On 7/12/2022 at 10:12 PM, Guest Guest said:

Why is nothing bring done about about live in boyfriends & girlfriends.People working and not reporting  it. Paying 200 rent and her son is making good money.I will be writi g a letter because you can never see him.Cameras are never looked at. 

Yes people not on leases and income not being reported is a big problem too but these mothers and grandmothers need to stop thinking and acting like they are the playground police. They act so ****** and ****** and bring the Gardens down and yes there is a trailer park over near Teterboro, they would fit right in 

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Guest Harrison gardens
On 7/12/2022 at 10:12 PM, Guest Guest said:

Why is nothing bring done about about live in boyfriends & girlfriends.People working and not reporting  it. Paying 200 rent and her son is making good money.I will be writi g a letter because you can never see him.Cameras are never looked at. 

well we dont take no shit this guard never sees anything but playing baskeball with all the kids his job is to walk and see things but then again he is shit just gets paid to hangout do your job we call the police

On 6/10/2022 at 8:51 AM, Guest Guest said:

Nobody ran against Fife.  Poor voter turn out.  Mayor Rodgers would have gotten the vote out for Senator Menendez's son.  The Dems in Harrison have lost all respect or class in Harrison.

our job  or we wiill call the call the police

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Guest Guest

The troublaker in the playground is watching her grandkids.Her daughter dont leave house.She should watch what she says she already got a bwati g and 2 black eyes for picking on someones kid.Let her daughter stop makinh babies to get more money & go out & watch her own kids.Het mother cant even go to the dentist because she has to babysit while mom stays in house.wheres dfis

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Guest Harrison gardens

tell why this kid has a fishing pole in the playground with all the little kids parents cant see what is wrong with this the police will be called then end

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  • 3 months later...

Let’s ask a real question why is a ****** allowed to work in the ******* ****** with confidential information?  Cuz she ain’t keeping nothing confidential. She be outside talking about everybody and they private information.  

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Oldtimer

Unfortunately we all seen what happened at the gardens last week a murder a heinous crime. Open the books do background checks of everybody living in the gardens. The gardens were set up for elderly and low income working people right.



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Guest Harrison gardens resident

yes you have more coming and going  in these gardens with all the drug ****** and people having *** outside please be real

On 5/2/2022 at 2:11 PM, Guest Greeter said:

Nice.  Larry is set.  So much for being a stand up guy. Follow the money.


On 9/26/2022 at 7:08 PM, Guest Joe said:

It makes sense, Doran can control him.


On 10/11/2022 at 5:45 PM, Guest Guesi said:

You want see Fife down the gardens


On 8/3/2022 at 6:39 AM, Guest gardens resident said:

ok harrison housing authority maintenance me stink do your jobs


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On 1/21/2023 at 4:39 AM, Guest Oldtimer said:

Unfortunately we all seen what happened at the gardens last week a murder a heinous crime. Open the books do background checks of everybody living in the gardens. The gardens were set up for elderly and low income working people right.



Management needs to step up and start doing background checks and they also need to come down on those who have people living with them that aren't on their lease. There are just too many people here that shouldn't be.  I also thought these apartments were for the elderly and low income but yet you have families in here that are bringing in two and three incomes and driving around in new cars.  These people can afford to live outside the Gardens but yet they feel obligated to ***** *** the *********. 

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Just some FYI's for you. As you seem to speak not knowing much about how things work. Background checks are a part of the application process, so is income verification on all parties on being put on the lease.  Yearly re-evaluations are done for everyone, right down to dogs & cats there is a policy for pets too.

If you are so worried about the people who have live ins that are not on the lease and know they are up to no good report it to the office. Again, complaining on here doesn't make you a part of the solution you remain a part of the problem.  Be pro-active in your community if you are so bothered by what goes on. 

People have family visit; they come and go. It is unfortunate of what happened in the Garden's, but Management can't control mental illness (Problem Nation Wide), nor are they privileged to peoples medical or mental behavior records there is a law called HIPAA (look it up).  Now if they are aware of a troubled person, they have a defiant trespasser list, which people who are a problem get put on, which no longer allows them on the property. 

Management is Management not a 24-hour babysitting service. Job is not as easy as you think. NOT a job I would want. Not sure how many units there are in total but 10 building with so many units per building X's that many personalities X's how in a unit. 

Hope that helps you understand there are policies and procedures in place, people who can't follow simple procedures will eventually be dealt with cause people there can't mind their own business. Just a matter of time. People watch and talk, talk, talk, report on and about everyone and everything.

Have a Nice Day!


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Guest Harrison gardens resident

yes and you a have tenant that owes a year in rent and late charges  and air conditoner and is still in the apt cone in evict them  they have money to go to to the *** and **** lock the door

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/12/2022 at 10:12 PM, Guest Guest said:

Why is nothing bring done about about live in boyfriends & girlfriends.People working and not reporting  it. Paying 200 rent and her son is making good money.I will be writi g a letter because you can never see him.Cameras are never looked at. 

you mean the live in drug dealers with out of state plates and benzes? the ones with the nice cars that never leave for work? they just make their deals in house. the place is crawling with drugs and nothing is done about it, they only see what they wanna see with those cameras they like to bother people that come and go not the ones who cause problems.  they be messing with the wrong ones.

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