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Chief Trucillo

Guest Joe Dirt

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Guest Joe Dirt

Chief Trucillo should be ashamed of himself. Not only supporting the Mayor's Union busting efforts by changing the Table and installing Dan Nank as the Hatchet man, but you THANKED him for creating the position. Werent you conveniantly out of town ? Isnt Charlie your own family, your blood??? How could you???

No tap dancing is gonna get you around that hurdle. We know what you did, so does Charlie. Have you no integrity? No Morals? No Shame ?? :angry:

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Guest Elmer fudds A$$

It's the Mayor's game. he calls the shots. Lets get rid of him. And get someone who really cares about the town. You know the chief is only their because he kisses the mayors a$$.

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Guest Really Confused Cop

Not only that he has been politically infuenced which is a violation of his oath.

He lets the Mayor dictate when, where and why tickets should be written.

Tells cops to start writing more tickets, but then tells them not to write to many tickets.

If you park in violation you should be issued a summons, that is why the law's are written. I receive tickets and I pay them when I am at fault. Take a look around the Town can use some cleaning up.

Says that writing tickets to people who park under railroad bridges is the problem, but since March 11th. (Spain Rail Disaster) Transit asks that all violations be issued to to terror threat. (Chief were living in a different world today, we must take precautions for this.)

Goes with the Mayor and Milliondollar Murray to the Prosecutors Office and wants tickets to stop being written.. Just keep writing the Hispanics on Harrison Avenue, there the one's violating the law.

Implements a harrasment procedure, making supervisor account for all parking tickets issued so that he can prepare a report for the Mayor. Even though all parking tickets issued have been done so lawfully.

Obstructs officers by telling court personnel to not give officer's ticket books to write summonses. When that car is double parked for ten hours with no tickets (don't complain) this is what your Chief and Mayor want.

Has a Captain that was retiring but now has been promised a promotion for his dedication to the Mayor in his illegal interference. Now he can make it legitimate by controlling the brass. I for one have no problems with this Captain, but truly think he is selling himself out for this crooked politicians. I just hope they don't get him jacked up so close to retirement.

Now has cops confused are we to write summonses or do we let people park where ever they want. Should we stop arresting people to, because we may arrest one of the Mayor's boys. That will be next trust me.

The Chief and Supervisors of the Department have been brought and sold by the Mayor, just like the council. Lets see if the AG agrees with the political interference. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. I TELL YOU WHAT I WON'T WRITE ANOTHER TICKET, AND JUST TRY TO DISCIPLINE ME. IM TRULY AM A CONFUSED COP. For me I am a FOP member, but am truly disgusted by the situation. THE POLITICIANS SHOULD STAY OUT OF THE PD, THIS IS WHY THIS PROBLEMS ARE APPARENT.

Chief you are obligated by law to prevent political interference into the Department, uphold your oath. SINCERELY,


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Guest Betrayed

The Chief stands in front of a room full of PBA members and their families touting himself as the longest standing active PBA member in our local. What a JOKE !!!!!

Next year just stay home, the PBA formal is for MEN of the union.

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Guest What did you expect?

What else did you expect from a guy with the nicname of CHICKEN BALLS. What is suprising is that he did not fight for his nephew. But I guess the Mayor and Ronnie made him an offer he could not refuse.

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Guest What do you think?

Do you think Trucillo will also be indicted with McD**ba**, Powell, Higgins, and the band of thieves called the town council?

Poor Captain Couch doesn't have Rodgers to defend him anymore.

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Guest Guest
Not only that he has been politically infuenced which is a violation of his oath.

He lets the Mayor dictate when, where and why tickets should be written.

Tells cops to start writing more tickets, but then tells them not to write to many tickets.

If you park in violation you should be issued a summons, that is why the law's are written. I receive tickets and I pay them when I am at fault. Take a look around the Town can use some cleaning up.

Says that writing tickets to people who park under railroad bridges is the problem, but since March 11th. (Spain Rail Disaster) Transit asks that all violations be issued to to terror threat. (Chief were living in a different world today, we must take precautions for this.)

Goes with the Mayor and Milliondollar Murray to the Prosecutors Office and wants tickets to stop being written.. Just keep writing the Hispanics on Harrison Avenue, there the one's violating the law.

Implements a harrasment procedure, making supervisor account for all parking tickets issued so that he can prepare a report for the Mayor. Even though all parking tickets issued have been done so lawfully.

Obstructs officers by telling court personnel to not give officer's ticket books to write summonses. When that car is double parked for ten hours with no tickets (don't complain) this is what your Chief and Mayor want.

Has a Captain that was retiring but now has been promised a promotion for his dedication to the Mayor in his illegal interference. Now he can make it legitimate by controlling the brass. I for one have no problems with this Captain, but truly think he is selling himself out for this crooked politicians. I just hope they don't get him jacked up so close to retirement.

Now has cops confused are we to write summonses or do we let people park where ever they want. Should we stop arresting people to, because we may arrest one of the Mayor's boys. That will be next trust me.

The Chief and Supervisors of the Department have been brought and sold by the Mayor, just like the council. Lets see if the AG agrees with the political interference. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. I TELL YOU WHAT I WON'T WRITE ANOTHER TICKET, AND JUST TRY TO DISCIPLINE ME. IM TRULY AM A CONFUSED COP. For me I am a FOP member, but am truly disgusted by the situation. THE POLITICIANS SHOULD STAY OUT OF THE PD, THIS IS WHY THIS PROBLEMS ARE APPARENT.

Chief you are obligated by law to prevent political interference into the Department, uphold your oath. SINCERELY,


Not to sound like a bully but, it's about time you say the Captains true colors. This is the same guy who hated the Mayor Council and wanted to fight everything. He sold his soul to Chief Greene.

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Guest Guest

Nice try saying you are an FOP member to deflect your ignorant comments away from the PBA. Your mental problems stem from either not getting promoted or the guilt of conspiring with the other PBA leaders to have the list expire so you have a better shot next time. GET PSYCHIATRIC HELP-FAST!!!!!!! Chief Trucillo is a good man who has in the past worked with the officers (remember changing the work hours so the people who live in Harrison South (Brick) didnt have to hit traffic. As to taking care of his nephew, Capt. Trucillo can handle himself with the dignity and integrity that he always has exhibited. You were obviously neglected by your parents as a child to grow-up (or down) into having to blame everyone else for you lack of brains and success. Quit your job, get help, and save everyone from your incessant bull****.

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Guest Betrayed

Yeah right, the FOP has a membership of Four. They know who they are and I think only one of them can read so chances are FOP members are not posting. The lodge must be covered with dust and filled with all the old shovels Fusco used to feed them loads of c-ap about winning legal battles. Probably a few NCLEO pins in there too.... :angry:

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How the hell you know what I am? I have a voice and I am in the FOP. What are you the authority for everyone in the FOP. Or we supposed to follow you blindly like you want. GET A LIFE YOUR A RETART.

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Guest Guest

Not everyone could be like you guys coming out on the bottom of the Sergeant list and kissing McDonough's as* to get promoted. Or did you guys forget Dan & Dave. Those guys wanted the same shot, and they were not as far down.

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Guest Guest
Says that writing tickets to people who park under railroad bridges is the problem, but since March 11th. (Spain Rail Disaster) Transit asks that all violations be issued to to terror threat. (Chief were living in a different world today, we must take precautions for this.)
What about parking under 280? Why am I getting tickets for parking under 280? Since when can I not park there over night? And If I can't park thereover night, why spend so much money fixing it up??? Dumb A$$ town council////
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Guest Guest
How the hell you know what I am? I have a voice and I am in the FOP. What are you the authority for everyone in the FOP. Or we supposed to follow you blindly like you want. GET A LIFE YOUR A RETART.

Well obviously your not Darren or Manny neither one could spell authority. As far as being retarted the only thing retarted was that drug dog HPD had.

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Guest Guest

Maybe the town could make each Squad Lt. a new title such as Squad Chief and give them an extra $10,000 each like the HFD Battallion Chief designation. The town has always hated the cops. Face the facts, the current union president has run the police dept. into the ground with his focusing on VG for three years instead of looking at the big picture. Maybe if you put another article in the observer about a cop catching a cold while at the post on Harrison Ave. & F.E.R. Blvd. they will go running for the hills. LOOK AHEAD and good luck.

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Guest Insp. Callahan
Maybe the town could make each Squad Lt. a new title such as Squad Chief and give them an extra $10,000 each like the HFD Battallion Chief designation. The town has always hated the cops. Face the facts, the current union president has run the police dept. into the ground with his focusing on VG for three years instead of looking at the big picture. Maybe if you put another article in the observer about a cop catching a cold while at the post on Harrison Ave. & F.E.R. Blvd. they will go running for the hills. LOOK AHEAD and good luck.

Make no mistake about it the two Officers that ran this Dept. into the ground were Chief Kill uhh I mean Greene and Capt. Furniture uhh I mean Nank. They both had the best order; Do as I say not as I do................

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Guest Guest
Nice try saying you are an FOP member to deflect your ignorant comments away from the PBA. Your mental problems stem from either not getting promoted or the guilt of conspiring with the other PBA leaders to have the list expire so you have a better shot next time. GET PSYCHIATRIC HELP-FAST!!!!!!! Chief Trucillo is a good man who has in the past worked with the officers (remember changing the work hours so the people who live in Harrison South (Brick) didnt have to hit traffic. As to taking care of his nephew, Capt. Trucillo can handle himself with the dignity and integrity that he always has exhibited. You were obviously neglected by your parents as a child to grow-up (or down) into having to blame everyone else for you lack of brains and success. Quit your job, get help, and save everyone from your incessant bull****.

All three of them got together with thesaurus to write that one, Dan, Just retire while you have the chance don't let us PBA guys have a second chance at getting your pension!

We all know that Vinnie took the wrath for your little (no pun intended) indiscretions, by the way, I have a love seat that won't fit in through my living room door, have any suggestions?

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Guest Wyatt Earp
How the hell you know what I am? I have a voice and I am in the FOP. What are you the authority for everyone in the FOP. Or we supposed to follow you blindly like you want. GET A LIFE YOUR A RETART.

This post was truly written by an FOP member, and we know who you are??

Unable to make a sentence!

Unable to spell!

Um let me take a wild guess who wrote this one?

Come on stupid let Danny do your writing and fighting thats what got you so far!

I'm sorry, I forgot you are just a pawn in this midgets army!!

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What iliterate PBA members are writing these opinions? You are a shame to your organization. It is truly comical to read all of your rantings and ravings (Wyatt Erp, Insp. Callahan - hmmm...I wonder who you boys are). Grow a set and have enough b--lls to sign your name to one of your ignorant postings so that the town can see exactly who you are and laugh at you when you pass them on the street, you uneducated idiots. How will you ever get promoted when you can't spell or speak correctly?

You guys can't even put legitimate sentences together or spell correctly, let alone coherently comment on the dedicated service of a 28 veteran of the Harrison Police Department. Shame on you. You are all jealous. Jealous that you aren't smart enough or dedicated enough to your chosen profession to be promoted the right way, without clinging to the protections and comradery of a fallen group of has beens - the PBA. The PBA used to be a respected organization in this town. Now, they are laughable to say the least and have sunk to all new lows. It's no secret that they've been controlled by the political machine for decades. No organization has more "step and fetch it" fellas than the local PBA. This group has become no more than a high school club of townies that graduated and went nowhere. They became cops so they could feel some sort of power They needed to find a social group where they could vent their repressed feelings of inadequecy and incompetancy. These kids still haven't grown up and they're carrying a gun in your town. See a psychiatrist.

As for Dan Nankivell, I can't think of one cop in that entire department that deserves to be the Deputy Chief of Police, and eventually the Chief of Police, more than he does. For 28 years, Dan has had to fight big brother, while maintaining his integrity and not sacrificing himself to the political machine. There were many times when he deserved to be promoted and was passed over by the old Rodgers regime for some dumb-ass PBA man-child that didn't deserve the position. Still, he weathered those storms and continued to do his job to a higher standard than most.

He supported his long-time colleague, Vincent Greene, (who, by the way, did a wonderful job of cracking down on the immature patrol-boys that were permitted to run amuk throughout that department for too long) during Vinnie's much deserved tour as Chief of the department. Dan has paid more than his share of dues. He is the best candidate to succeed as the Chief of Police and always has been whether the Mayor and council wanted him there or not. They are just in the position to give him the opportunity. Should he not take the promotion because of where it is coming from? He is the obvious choice as a fair and respected leader in that department. He has the verteran experience and is a life long dedicated resident of Harrison.

My only fear for him is that the politicians who are "all of a sudden" offering him this promotion, will take advantage of his noble nature. That they are using him to serve other purposes. Part of me wants to say "Dan...run...retire...get out while you still have your sanity and your integrity". But the other part knows he deserves it more than anyone else. Charles Trucillo is a great man, but he is not ready for that responsibility. As for Mike Green, he's still a child. He's educated, but has no street smarts, no control and not one ounce of integrity. He isn't respected and he just doesn't have the experience and outstanding record of service that Dan Nankivell has. I mean...let's face it...Dan's been running the department anyway. He started running it under Vinnie Green and now with the current absentee Chief (who spends most of his time at E. Newark School), he has been forced to step up anyway.

So stop harping on the fact that Dan and the ex-chief helped someone move a couch. So what? No one cares for Christ's sake. Really...no one cares. With all of the God aweful behavior that goes on with the other man-children in the department...the Police Department has some real cutting of dead weight to do. These kids need to find another profession that doesn't require integrity or a real committment to service. Carrying a badge and a gun does not make you cool. You weren't cool in high school and you are even less cool now that you haven't done anything with your lives.

One other question....how in thee hell did J. Doran become the Police Committee Chairman? Who the hell lost their mind on that day?

P.S. I purposely did not sign my name to this comment, because I won't give anyone the satisfaction of knowing who I am. I am not related to or affiliated with anyone involved. I have just been observing and felt the need to comment. I will tell you this much...I'm not one of the "Usual Suspects" who seem to have nothing better to do than to log onto this discussion panel to vent their frustrations at their own inadequecies. Go out and get some air. Life is too short to care this much guys.


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Guest Guest
The PBA used to be a respected organization in this town.
So were the town politicians, but now the town is full of it. Maybe they pushed out the wrong guy in the last elections. MILLAN FOR MAYOR! He's the only one who spoke with some sence and thats why they pushed him out. In this town if you voice your opinion, they try to cut your legs down./////
This group has become no more than a high school club of townies that graduated and went nowhere.
Who are you talking about, the mayor, Pete Higins, The Judge, Tommy Powell,Vincent Greene? ......??What class was that???////
They needed to find a social group where they could vent their repressed feelings of inadequecy and incompetancy.
They just needed to find jobs, the town politicians that is and find an easy way to make a buck because they don't like to work.//////
My only fear for him is that the politicians who are "all of a sudden" offering him this promotion, will take advantage of his noble nature.
It was only a matter of time before they tried something...
P.S. I purposely did not sign my name to this comment,
you didn't sign your name infear of some type of retaliation!!
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Guest Ralph Varano
What iliterate PBA members are writing these opinions? You are a shame to your organization. It is truly comical to read all of your rantings and ravings (Wyatt Erp, Insp. Callahan - hmmm...I wonder who you boys are). Grow a set and have enough b--lls to sign your name to one of your ignorant postings so that the town can see exactly who you are and laugh at you when you pass them on the street, you uneducated idiots. How will you ever get promoted when you can't spell or speak correctly?

You guys can't even put legitimate sentences together or spell correctly, let alone coherently comment on the dedicated service of a 28 veteran of the Harrison Police Department. Shame on you. You are all jealous. Jealous that you aren't smart enough or dedicated enough to your chosen profession to be promoted the right way, without clinging to the protections and comradery of a fallen group of has beens - the PBA. The PBA used to be a respected organization in this town. Now, they are laughable to say the least and have sunk to all new lows. It's no secret that they've been controlled by the political machine for decades. No organization has more "step and fetch it" fellas than the local PBA. This group has become no more than a high school club of townies that graduated and went nowhere. They became cops so they could feel some sort of power They needed to find a social group where they could vent their repressed feelings of inadequecy and incompetancy. These kids still haven't grown up and they're carrying a gun in your town. See a psychiatrist.

As for Dan Nankivell, I can't think of one cop in that entire department that deserves to be the Deputy Chief of Police, and eventually the Chief of Police, more than he does. For 28 years, Dan has had to fight big brother, while maintaining his integrity and not sacrificing himself to the political machine. There were many times when he deserved to be promoted and was passed over by the old Rodgers regime for some dumb-ass PBA man-child that didn't deserve the position. Still, he weathered those storms and continued to do his job to a higher standard than most.

He supported his long-time colleague, Vincent Greene, (who, by the way, did a wonderful job of cracking down on the immature patrol-boys that were permitted to run amuk throughout that department for too long) during Vinnie's much deserved tour as Chief of the department. Dan has paid more than his share of dues. He is the best candidate to succeed as the Chief of Police and always has been whether the Mayor and council wanted him there or not. They are just in the position to give him the opportunity. Should he not take the promotion because of where it is coming from? He is the obvious choice as a fair and respected leader in that department. He has the verteran experience and is a life long dedicated resident of Harrison.

My only fear for him is that the politicians who are "all of a sudden" offering him this promotion, will take advantage of his noble nature. That they are using him to serve other purposes. Part of me wants to say "Dan...run...retire...get out while you still have your sanity and your integrity". But the other part knows he deserves it more than anyone else. Charles Trucillo is a great man, but he is not ready for that responsibility. As for Mike Green, he's still a child. He's educated, but has no street smarts, no control and not one ounce of integrity. He isn't respected and he just doesn't have the experience and outstanding record of service that Dan Nankivell has. I mean...let's face it...Dan's been running the department anyway. He started running it under Vinnie Green and now with the current absentee Chief (who spends most of his time at E. Newark School), he has been forced to step up anyway.

So stop harping on the fact that Dan and the ex-chief helped someone move a couch. So what? No one cares for Christ's sake. Really...no one cares. With all of the God aweful behavior that goes on with the other man-children in the department...the Police Department has some real cutting of dead weight to do. These kids need to find another profession that doesn't require integrity or a real committment to service. Carrying a badge and a gun does not make you cool. You weren't cool in high school and you are even less cool now that you haven't done anything with your lives.

One other question....how in thee hell did J. Doran become the Police Committee Chairman? Who the hell lost their mind on that day?

P.S. I purposely did not sign my name to this comment, because I won't give anyone the satisfaction of knowing who I am. I am not related to or affiliated with anyone involved. I have just been observing and felt the need to comment. I will tell you this much...I'm not one of the "Usual Suspects" who seem to have nothing better to do than to log onto this discussion panel to vent their frustrations at their own inadequecies. Go out and get some air. Life is too short to care this much guys.


Let's get something straight.......that piece about Dan Nankivell was right on. I served with him for 25 years, nobody, and I mean nobody on this current police department could shine his shoes. To get to the point, I wasn't responsible for the post........I always sign my name.

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