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Ice Queen deposed.

Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

The Ice Queen who many thought was a shoo-in to the white house is now looking very beatable. The illegal private e-mail fiasco has exposed her as sneaky and untrustworthy. Blame it on Bubba, he taught her all the dirty tricks.

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Guest Guest

Fact: What Secretary Clinton did was legal. The law changed when John Kerry became Secretary of State, after Clinton left office.

Fact: Colin Powell also used a private server when he was Secretary of State. Yet there was no outcry from anyone about his conduct.

Fact: Clinton has turned over 55,000 e-mails from when she was Secretary of State. Colin Powell turned over none.

Fact: Virtually all of the e-mails that that would be of potential interest to the American people were sent to government agencies or officials on their official servers, and are therefore available.

Fact: Just a few years ago, there were no e-mails. It's OK to have more transparency as technology advances but the law is the law, and she complied with the law.

Conclusion: The right wing is up to its usual tricks, and the corporate owned media, who love any controversy that stirs the pot, are all over it. But she did nothing wrong.

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Guest 2smart4u

Fact: What Secretary Clinton did was legal. The law changed when John Kerry became Secretary of State, after Clinton left office.

Fact: Colin Powell also used a private server when he was Secretary of State. Yet there was no outcry from anyone about his conduct.

Fact: Clinton has turned over 55,000 e-mails from when she was Secretary of State. Colin Powell turned over none.

Fact: Virtually all of the e-mails that that would be of potential interest to the American people were sent to government agencies or officials on their official servers, and are therefore available.

Fact: Just a few years ago, there were no e-mails. It's OK to have more transparency as technology advances but the law is the law, and she complied with the law.

Conclusion: The right wing is up to its usual tricks, and the corporate owned media, who love any controversy that stirs the pot, are all over it. But she did nothing wrong.

OK, so you're still going to vote for her, we got it. Fortunately, the majority of people think differently.

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Guest Fox Fan

Fact: What Secretary Clinton did was legal. The law changed when John Kerry became Secretary of State, after Clinton left office.

Fact: Colin Powell also used a private server when he was Secretary of State. Yet there was no outcry from anyone about his conduct.

Fact: Clinton has turned over 55,000 e-mails from when she was Secretary of State. Colin Powell turned over none.

Fact: Virtually all of the e-mails that that would be of potential interest to the American people were sent to government agencies or officials on their official servers, and are therefore available.

Fact: Just a few years ago, there were no e-mails. It's OK to have more transparency as technology advances but the law is the law, and she complied with the law.

Conclusion: The right wing is up to its usual tricks, and the corporate owned media, who love any controversy that stirs the pot, are all over it. But she did nothing wrong.

Gobbledygook and Balderdash.

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