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Ice Queen a chip off Bubba's criminal block.

Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

The Ice Queen has been caught. She illegally used a private e-mail account instead of the State Dept. account during her time as Sec. State. I suppose it was to hide her communications with foreign countries wanting to donate millions to her and Bubba. This will cost her votes in '16 with everyone but the zOmbies.

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Guest 2smart4u

The Ice Queen has been caught. When she was Sec. State she used a personal e-mail account instead of the State Dept . account. I guess she wanted to hide her communications with foreign governments wanting to donate millions to her and Bubba.

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Guest 2smart4u

The Ice Queen has all but eliminated herself from the presidential election. By illegally using a personal

e-mail account for all her Sec. State official business, she has destroyed whatever credibility and trust she had. She's in violation of federal law which requires all official State Dept. communications to be recorded on government e-mail and archived. If charged and convicted she can be prohibited from holding public office again. Bubba must be very upset, he was looking forward to chasing teenage interns around the white house again.

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Guest Shane Murphy

FYI, the entire Bush admin was in violation of the law when we illegally invaded Iraq for those WMDs.....we did get the WMDs right? Lets ask the criminal, GWB, himself:

Did you see it? Did you see all the weapons we found? Me either....So please...lets make sure we bash both sides, not just the left. You sound like them brainwashed fools on Fox

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Guest 2smart4u

FYI, the entire Bush admin was in violation of the law when we illegally invaded Iraq for those WMDs.....we did get the WMDs right? Lets ask the criminal, GWB, himself:

Did you see it? Did you see all the weapons we found? Me either....So please...lets make sure we bash both sides, not just the left. You sound like them brainwashed fools on Fox

You must have conveniently forgotten that the Ice Queen voted to invade Iraq because of "compelling evidence" of WMD's. You lose, dummy.

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