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KHS Construction

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Does anyone out there know how many years KHS has been under construction? It seems a long, long time. Is it 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years? Thanks. Are there plans to ever finish it? (Sorry for the sarcasm!)

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According to a March, 2013 Observer article, the BOE was firing the then contractor after "two year of start and stop" activity. That would move the start date to 2011. I can't find any projected completion date. Hope that helps.

I have heard that work is getting done piece by piece. Hopefully it will be a completed project soon.

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Do you know there will be no construction? Where did get that info?

Attend BOE Meetings, new bids are going to finish the work.

Running the mouth without facts. That's how we get screwed.

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According to a March, 2013 Observer article, the BOE was firing the then contractor after "two year of start and stop" activity. That would move the start date to 2011. I can't find any projected completion date. Hope that helps.

I have heard that work is getting done piece by piece. Hopefully it will be a completed project soon.

Thanks for the answer.

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Guest Enough

Do you know there will be no construction? Where did get that info?

Attend BOE Meetings, new bids are going to finish the work.

Running the mouth without facts. That's how we get screwed.

I do attend meetings and I hear the same thing every month........PAYMENT to the architect for KHS, PAYMENT to the Construction Manager (EPIC) for KHS, these people are getting paid every month yet there is nothing going on. How can a Construction Manager keep getting paid when there is NO construction to manage???? All this money is going, going, gone, yet now I'm hearing the project is getting scaled down. So who keeps getting screwed, the kids , they're now not getting the beautiful building with all the amenities that were suppose to be there because you clowns spent all the money!!!!!!

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Do you know there will be no construction? Where did get that info?

Attend BOE Meetings, new bids are going to finish the work.

Running the mouth without facts. That's how we get screwed.

Why all the vitriole? I can understand the poster's frustration. Can't you?

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According to a March, 2013 Observer article, the BOE was firing the then contractor after "two year of start and stop" activity. That would move the start date to 2011. I can't find any projected completion date. Hope that helps.

I have heard that work is getting done piece by piece. Hopefully it will be a completed project soon.

There is a lot of information with regards to this project online. Be prepared for some extensive reading. The project funding was first approved by the FAA and Port Authority in 2008. For some unknown reason the Kearny Board of Education sat on this approval of monies and did nothing. The project was put on hold and funding was in jeopardy. From articles read it appears the BOE in 2008 did nothing to procure architectural drawings and solicit bids from 2008-2010. On August 12, 2010 there was a ceremony at KHS with Menendez, Rothman and Lautenberg claiming the funds had once again been secured. Bids go out summer of 2010. Contract award September 2010, bid challenged in court, delayed 10 months, resolved by judge June 2011, work starts February 2012, Board terminates contractor March 2013.

So here is your timeline:

2008 - Project funding approved

2010 - Project funding again confirmed

2010 - Sept. Contract awarded (Dobco Construction)

2010 - Sept. award contested in court by 2nd lowest bidder. (Brockwell & Carrington)

2011 - June, Judge reverses Boards award and awards to 2nd lowest bidder. ( Brockwell & Carrington)

2012 - Brockwell and Carrington starts work in winter of 2012

2013 - March 2013, Board terminates contractor. (Brockwell & Carrington)

2014 - May 2014, New bid put out for completion came back at $48,747,000.00 and was rejected. (original contract was $38,000.000.00)

Just a note, and this is not algebra, if the original contract was for $38 million and reports show the Board paid $17 million already towards that contract, that leaves $21 million balance to complete the work as originally planned. How could a bid come back at $48 million, thats $10 million more than original bid, to complete a job that on paper is approximately 33% completed. Now the Board is paying another architect firm to CUT or reduce the scope of work at the High School to allow them to complete the project.

I don't know the nuts and bolts of the "inside", but I say fight the fight and get the kids and the taxpayers of Kearny the gem of a High School promised and funded for. If the original contractor did not deliver and just kept taking payments, hold them accountable. Sue them for overcharging and damages to the district, get a clean slate and than put the unfinished balance out for a competitive bid and for the "original scope of work".

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There is a lot of information with regards to this project online. Be prepared for some extensive reading. The project funding was first approved by the FAA and Port Authority in 2008. For some unknown reason the Kearny Board of Education sat on this approval of monies and did nothing. The project was put on hold and funding was in jeopardy. From articles read it appears the BOE in 2008 did nothing to procure architectural drawings and solicit bids from 2008-2010. On August 12, 2010 there was a ceremony at KHS with Menendez, Rothman and Lautenberg claiming the funds had once again been secured. Bids go out summer of 2010. Contract award September 2010, bid challenged in court, delayed 10 months, resolved by judge June 2011, work starts February 2012, Board terminates contractor March 2013.

So here is your timeline:

2008 - Project funding approved

2010 - Project funding again confirmed

2010 - Sept. Contract awarded (Dobco Construction)

2010 - Sept. award contested in court by 2nd lowest bidder. (Brockwell & Carrington)

2011 - June, Judge reverses Boards award and awards to 2nd lowest bidder. ( Brockwell & Carrington)

2012 - Brockwell and Carrington starts work in winter of 2012

2013 - March 2013, Board terminates contractor. (Brockwell & Carrington)

2014 - May 2014, New bid put out for completion came back at $48,747,000.00 and was rejected. (original contract was $38,000.000.00)

Just a note, and this is not algebra, if the original contract was for $38 million and reports show the Board paid $17 million already towards that contract, that leaves $21 million balance to complete the work as originally planned. How could a bid come back at $48 million, thats $10 million more than original bid, to complete a job that on paper is approximately 33% completed. Now the Board is paying another architect firm to CUT or reduce the scope of work at the High School to allow them to complete the project.

I don't know the nuts and bolts of the "inside", but I say fight the fight and get the kids and the taxpayers of Kearny the gem of a High School promised and funded for. If the original contractor did not deliver and just kept taking payments, hold them accountable. Sue them for overcharging and damages to the district, get a clean slate and than put the unfinished balance out for a competitive bid and for the "original scope of work".

Thank you for your well-researched post. Unfortunately, several groups of young people have already attended KHS through this mess and it looks like more of our present middle school and, perhaps, elementary students will also have to endure it. I have little hope the original "gem" will ever be accomplished. The last start-over, which was stopped in mid-stream, seemed completely political. Maybe I'm wrong, but some Board members have been on the Board since the beginning, 2008, and should be held accountable to the taxpayers and students. A lawsuit against the original contractor for overcharging and damages would seem to be the way to go. However, lawsuits take soooooooo long and are sooooooo expensive.

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There is a lot of information with regards to this project online. Be prepared for some extensive reading. The project funding was first approved by the FAA and Port Authority in 2008. For some unknown reason the Kearny Board of Education sat on this approval of monies and did nothing. The project was put on hold and funding was in jeopardy. From articles read it appears the BOE in 2008 did nothing to procure architectural drawings and solicit bids from 2008-2010. On August 12, 2010 there was a ceremony at KHS with Menendez, Rothman and Lautenberg claiming the funds had once again been secured. Bids go out summer of 2010. Contract award September 2010, bid challenged in court, delayed 10 months, resolved by judge June 2011, work starts February 2012, Board terminates contractor March 2013.

So here is your timeline:

2008 - Project funding approved

2010 - Project funding again confirmed

2010 - Sept. Contract awarded (Dobco Construction)

2010 - Sept. award contested in court by 2nd lowest bidder. (Brockwell & Carrington)

2011 - June, Judge reverses Boards award and awards to 2nd lowest bidder. ( Brockwell & Carrington)

2012 - Brockwell and Carrington starts work in winter of 2012

2013 - March 2013, Board terminates contractor. (Brockwell & Carrington)

2014 - May 2014, New bid put out for completion came back at $48,747,000.00 and was rejected. (original contract was $38,000.000.00)

Just a note, and this is not algebra, if the original contract was for $38 million and reports show the Board paid $17 million already towards that contract, that leaves $21 million balance to complete the work as originally planned. How could a bid come back at $48 million, thats $10 million more than original bid, to complete a job that on paper is approximately 33% completed. Now the Board is paying another architect firm to CUT or reduce the scope of work at the High School to allow them to complete the project.

I don't know the nuts and bolts of the "inside", but I say fight the fight and get the kids and the taxpayers of Kearny the gem of a High School promised and funded for. If the original contractor did not deliver and just kept taking payments, hold them accountable. Sue them for overcharging and damages to the district, get a clean slate and than put the unfinished balance out for a competitive bid and for the "original scope of work".

Thank you for your well-researched post. Unfortunately, several groups of young people have already attended KHS through this mess and it looks like more of our present middle school and, perhaps, elementary students will also have to endure it. I have little hope the original "gem" will ever be accomplished. The last start-over, which was stopped in mid-stream, seemed completely political. Maybe I'm wrong, but some Board members have been on the Board since the beginning, 2008, and should be held accountable to the taxpayers and students. A lawsuit against the original contractor for overcharging and damages would seem to be the way to go. However, lawsuits take soooooooo long and are sooooooo expensive.

I agree with you 100% up until the "political" part. Let me ask you this, you as I'm guessing are a parent of a student or just possibly a taxpayer, who has watched the mess at KHS over the years, how in anyway possible can firing a bogus contractor who was not getting anything done and being paid millions, as you observed, be remotely a "political" move?, to get rid of someone not performing? Seems like the right thing to do before there is no money left and the school looking the way it was 8 years ago. And yes there are STILL board members there that have been there for the whole ride, why?

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What happened to the forensic audit that the former Superintendent had done? What did that show? I hear the board won't accept the report, so I'm left wondering what's up.

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What happened to the forensic audit that the former Superintendent had done? What did that show? I hear the board won't accept the report, so I'm left wondering what's up.

That's the political part I was referring to, not the firing of frauds.

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The board is glad to have solved the supt. problem.

As for the report, the board can requet a report by the present supt.

Remember the former supt. did not see eye to eye with the board.

It's hard to accept a report based on that kind of relationship.

I do think however, the board should sue to get the money back from the construction company who made so many mistakes.

And they should scale back the project.

Kearny deserves a beautiful high school

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Guest Running out of patience

Why didn't the Board just let the last Superintendent go ahead and finish the job, instead of starting all over again from square one (bids etc.)? Yes, what happened to the forensic audit? Don't we have a well-paid Director of Physical Plant or some such title, with an assistant? What is his responsibility in all of this?

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Guest top job

Does anyone out there know how many years KHS has been under construction? It seems a long, long time. Is it 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years? Thanks. Are there plans to ever finish it? (Sorry for the sarcasm!)

Does anyone out there know how many years KHS has been under construction? It seems a long, long time. Is it 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years? Thanks. Are there plans to ever finish it? (Sorry for the sarcasm!)

The façade started in 2006 than construction started in 2008 to interior of building by same contractor ... I would think the most important question who is accountable and I do not mean any 9 members. Im sure if a employee was late he or she would be written up

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Guest Accountant

That's the political part I was referring to, not the firing of frauds.

I don't understand, how is that political? The Super obviously was concerned over how little was done and how very much was paid out. A risk assessment was approved by the Board to complete a thorough evaluation of what has happened from day 1. Will there be enough money to complete the project "as planned"? and if the answer is no, where did the money go? How is that political??

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I don't understand, how is that political? The Super obviously was concerned over how little was done and how very much was paid out. A risk assessment was approved by the Board to complete a thorough evaluation of what has happened from day 1. Will there be enough money to complete the project "as planned"? and if the answer is no, where did the money go? How is that political??

My "political" comment was misunderstood. It was political to get rid of the last superintendent so suddenly and to ignore the risk assessment report. Now we're starting all over again, again!

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Guest Ashamed

"The Super obviously was concerned over how little was done and how very much was paid out."

Hmmm - Kind of sums up his career in Kearny.

Now that's Politics and was the workings of a majority of corrupt members.
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Guest Money man 2

Don't let the ******* *** fool you with his stuttering he is the master mind in this mess I suppose no accountability because he has a **** ****

Edited by KOTW
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Guest Who's in charge?

The façade started in 2006 than construction started in 2008 to interior of building by same contractor ... I would think the most important question who is accountable and I do not mean any 9 members. Im sure if a employee was late he or she would be written up

Yes, who is or was accountable? Good question!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, who is or was accountable? Good question!

Maybe they're waiting for someone to die of cancer so they can blame THEM for it, instead of actually going after those responsible.....it's not like the Town hasnt done THAT before.......

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Guest Bob o malley

You people are a joke you brought in a guy who is a moron to begin with expect him to rule the world give me a break that guy couldn't fixcrossword puzzle and he had bad bowties

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