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Murry The Millionare

Guest Joe Dirt

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Guest Joe Dirt

Of course this whole situation is the will of Murry the Mayor. Ray is working on Murry's advice as usual. Now the grievance's will pile up and Murry will be called to reconcile each instance with the PBA. All the while making a considerable profit at an hourly wage. Who pays the tab? The Harrison Taxpayer. Ray !!! Wake up !!!! Murry is pulling your strings you MOPE !!! He isnt going to give you sound advice and take a pay cut. Use your head and not your temper. If the cops are upset, maybe there is a reason. Shouldnt you ask to speak with the Union president and try to ease the tension. Its my money your wasting on your pride!!! Resolve this situaton, Please !!!

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He has spoken to the union representatives and the promotional list expired as asked for so they can can test again and maybe score higher. What else do you want?

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Guest Joe Dirt

Actually No. He has not contacted the Union. He hasnt even contacted the counsel. Most counsel members have no idea what they will Vote on until Ray tells them at the meeting. Of course he also tells them which way to vote. He acts on impulse which will be his demise. He has contacted the Observer which we counted on. Now we can expose the " Ticket the hispanics detail" which we were directed to enforce at 7th and Harrison avenue. He is so predictable...... :unsure:

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Wait till the observer finds out the cops were threatened with layoffs for writing lawful tickets. Seems like the Mayor did not like his boys getting tickets for parking under the railroad bridges, Sorry Mayor but this is necessary since September 11th, You don't dictate what tickets get written as you did in the past. If your Hispanic you would like to know that the Mayor wanted you issued summonses for the same violations he is crying about now. GROW UP MAYOR, YOUR NOT FRANK RODGERS. You opened the can of worms, now were going to make you eat them.

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Guest rotorouterray

This is one example of the Mayor thinking he is to powerful. Time to knock him down a few notches, I'm with the Cops. Bout time someone is standing up to that school yard bully. Hey Ray your losing support from your own inner circle, Cops, Firemen, Town workers and other councilmen our complaining. Looks like the old fashioned coup d'tat. Its going to be a fun next couple of months watching this all unravel. :unsure:

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Guest rotorouterray

Oh by the way Ray, when you Make the Powell girl - you will also watch the school system erupt. I hope Bob Murray made enough money to retire.

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The mayor is a good man. He only promotes the best available candidates. If you are so unhappy with the towns structure and your job, then quit. The only ones that seem unhappy are the cops, and after that last ticket blitz the people must love you even more.

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Guest Guest

The Mayor is a good man stuffing his pockets with cash from the redevelopers and Tom Powell is picking up his envelopes for him in exchange for jobs for him and his family. Just look at the salaries we are paying the connected folk and you can figure out why our taxes are through the roof.

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Guest Joe Dirt

Murray's hands must be killing him. All these bills to submit to the town. Hey Ray, can we appoint someone to help Murray charge us as you get the unlimited amount of bad legal advice from him. Maybe we can also appoint someone to scratch your head as you wonder what the hell is going on..... :angry:

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Guest Guest

Murray is just a scum bag lawyer who would do what any other lawyer would do. * u** his mother for his own personel gain. Lawyers are all the same, COW TURDS. Pieces of **i* that belong down the Passaic Valley sewer line. When the lawyers are gone, this country will flourish. Shapesphere was right 100's of years ago.

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