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Worst president ever.

Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

10 reasons why zerO is the worst president ever. 1. There are 5.2 million less full-time jobs now than when zerO took office.

2. Over 5 million people have lost their healthcare policies since Nov. 1st. 3. Benghazi 4. Solyndra 5. Shovel-ready jobs

6. IRS 7. Fast and Furious 8. NSA 9. Since zerO took office the average household income has dropped by 3K dollars.

10. he's a stone-cold socialist who dreams of changing our great country into an eastern Europe style nanny-state.

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10 reasons why zerO is the worst president ever. 1. There are 5.2 million less full-time jobs now than when zerO took office.

2. Over 5 million people have lost their healthcare policies since Nov. 1st. 3. Benghazi 4. Solyndra 5. Shovel-ready jobs

6. IRS 7. Fast and Furious 8. NSA 9. Since zerO took office the average household income has dropped by 3K dollars.

10. he's a stone-cold socialist who dreams of changing our great country into an eastern Europe style nanny-state.

1. Jobs are being shipped overseas because of the global economy.

2. Over 45 million Americans now have access to health care coverage who did not have it before the ACA.

3. Small potatoes.

4. An investment in green technologies is necessary to free ourselves from dependence on oil. The only reason the right wing complains about this is that it threatens the oil companies' markets.

5. President Obama requested several jobs bills but the Republican House refused to consider them.

6. An administrative issue, not the White House's fault.

7. A right wing myth.

8. Bush and Cheney were worse.

9. See # 1. If you don't understand the global economy, then you don't understand anything about today's political economy.

10. I wish he was. Europeans are doing better than we are, precisely because they have a broader safety net.

None of the above comes anywhere close to Bush driving the economy into the ditch with right wing economics, and ruining our foreign policy with an unnecessary war in Iraq. When small-ticket items like Benghazi are on your top-ten list, it says two things: (1) you don't have much of a case against the president; and (2) you don't understand the real issues facing the American people.

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Guest A Proud American

As Is the usual case, you have you're facts wrong. To begin with, job growth has increased every year for the last 5 years. The people who lost their insurance is either because it wasn't very good or couldn't meet the standards of the AHCA. People who have lost their insurance that have signed up with a new company are finding out that they are getting better coverage at a cheaper price through the exchanges.

After all of the investigations into Benghazi there has been no evidence to support the claim that anyone in the White House was aware until after the incident occurred. And it may have helped if Congress hadn't cut two hundred million dollars that was requested for Embassy security.

With regards to Solyndra this loan was started at the end of the Bush Administration and although it failed the loan to Tesla Motors is starting to pay off.

The Fast and Furious fiasco was started by rogue Border Patrol Agents who had a beef with their Supervisor and was not sanctioned through the DHS. The IRS scandal which wasn't started in Ohio when a conservative leaning employee requested assistance from the Attorney's in D.C. because of the amount of paper work being generated with the 501©4 groups which included both conservative and liberal groups.

The states that requested funds for their states received money for infrastructure. In case you forgot, New Jersey received 2 billion dollars to build a third tunnel into NYC but your Governor, after the project was started cancelled it because he felt that it would benefit New York more than New Jersey even though Jersey people would use it more.

Before you condemn the President try checking your facts first.

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