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Desparate Board of Education Candidates

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This past weekend I received a flyer criticizing Board of Education member Bernadete McDonald's voting record as a Board member for over 10 years. It goes after the overruns on the high school construction project, including a libel lawsuit against Kearny because of statements McDonald made, the cost overruns in the new administration building on Midland Avenue, and a projected deficit in the school budget that will cause a tax increase. The flyer blames McDonald who is running for re-election. The flyer is not anonymous. The author is Dan Esteves, who has been on the Kearny Board of the Education since the beginning of this year. Esteves is also running for re-election but he's unopposed and has nothing to gain from the flyer.

The Bernadete McDonald ticket also includes Barbra Sherry and Samantha Paris. On their facebook page, the ticket claims the flyer is false but won't address any of the statements about McDonald's voting record. They deny the accusations and call Esteves a "child", "ridiculous", and "little guy".

Why can't there be a discussion on the issues? Aren't the cost overruns at the High School and Midland Ave legitimate issues to ask a 10-year Board member? is there a tax increase coming?

I think the name calling on the McDonald ticket facebook page is disturbing. How can the McDonald ticket, composed of three women, use or endorse age and gender-based attacks against Esteves? As women, shouldn't they know how wrong that is?

Is it desperation time?

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This past weekend I received a flyer criticizing Board of Education member Bernadete McDonald's voting record as a Board member for over 10 years. It goes after the overruns on the high school construction project, including a libel lawsuit against Kearny because of statements McDonald made, the cost overruns in the new administration building on Midland Avenue, and a projected deficit in the school budget that will cause a tax increase. The flyer blames McDonald who is running for re-election. The flyer is not anonymous. The author is Dan Esteves, who has been on the Kearny Board of the Education since the beginning of this year. Esteves is also running for re-election but he's unopposed and has nothing to gain from the flyer.

The Bernadete McDonald ticket also includes Barbra Sherry and Samantha Paris. On their facebook page, the ticket claims the flyer is false but won't address any of the statements about McDonald's voting record. They deny the accusations and call Esteves a "child", "ridiculous", and "little guy".

Why can't there be a discussion on the issues? Aren't the cost overruns at the High School and Midland Ave legitimate issues to ask a 10-year Board member? is there a tax increase coming?

I think the name calling on the McDonald ticket facebook page is disturbing. How can the McDonald ticket, composed of three women, use or endorse age and gender-based attacks against Esteves? As women, shouldn't they know how wrong that is?

Is it desperation time?

I'd call this post stupid time. There's only one other candidate on the ballot.

Don't know who you are but you're not very smart.

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Here we go again. Dirty politics at it's best. Daniel Esteves being influenced by Leadbeter, that's a good one. FACT- Bernadette Mac Donald has cost the tax payers a lot of money with her bogus lawsuits.... Time for her to go ... Wake up people.... As for Daniel Esteves He is a good choice. Time for change.

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Guest Kearny PTA

Mr. Esteves I just receieved your flyer, and I must say I'm glad we finally have someone that is informing the public. I never seem to get any information on whats going on in this mysterious Kearny Board of Education.

Considering your aligations in your flyer were so extreme, I decided to look into this. After doing some homework on the horribly designed Kearny Schools site. I managed to find the board minutes, and confirmed that all yours accusations about this McDonald woman are true. I encourage everyone who recieved the flyer to go on the site and see for yourself.

My Question to the other candidates running for re-election is why do my school taxes keep going up and our schools keep getting a failing grade from the state?

This ronald McDonald woman is bad news. Kearny needs some new blood in our school board.

You have my vote Mr. Esteves

Keep the flyers coming!

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Guest liliana van boxtop

  • Fact: Danny Esteves wanted the BOE to vote for and pass a resolution that would implement palm scanners before the Board requested or received proposals from vendors.

Fact: When asked what problem or group he was focusing on, how much the solution would cost and how much the implementation of palm scanners would save....CRICKETS....he didn't know!

Fact: Danny Esteves has voted yes for every expenditure without question.....even though he knew they were not in the budget!

Fact: When he is confused....which is rather often....he says with a grunt, "not voting," not because he has a conflict but because he has no idea what is going on!

Fact: Danny Esteves has not initiated or participated in ONE conversation about education!

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Guest taxpayer
  • Fact: Danny Esteves wanted the BOE to vote for and pass a resolution that would implement palm scanners before the Board requested or received proposals from vendors.
  • Fact: When asked what problem or group he was focusing on, how much the solution would cost and how much the implementation of palm scanners would save....CRICKETS....he didn't know!
  • Fact: Danny Esteves has voted yes for every expenditure without question.....even though he knew they were not in the budget!
  • Fact: When he is confused....which is rather often....he says with a grunt, "not voting," not because he has a conflict but because he has no idea what is going on!
  • Fact: Danny Esteves has not initiated or participated in ONE conversation about education!

Let me guess, your one of those woman who believes whatever people tell you. Try going to a meeting once in awhile

Esteves is all for our children and protects the kearny taxpayer at the same time

The hand scanners are bringing in accountability just like the rest of the world has done. Yet mcdonald and her people voted no to accountability

anything thats good for the kids and education mcdonald and her people voted no

****they did vote yes to give teaching jobs for their friends kids who just so happen to donate to their campaign******

mcdonald and her people have been raising taxes and destroying kearnys education system for years

Maybe you should stop drinking their kool-aid and ask them to anwser the questions why your school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years

why our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in

why 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history)

why our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children

I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy.

They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also

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Guest Taxpayer Too

It's funny how you ended your little tirade with "I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy. They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also." Sounds like you already knew who should be held accountable before you spoke. Just in case, maybe you should stop drinking the kool aid yourself and go to a meeting. If you did, you would know the following:

If school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years, ask O'Malley and company. They held the board majority and made these decisions.

If our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in. ask O'Malley and company. They hired the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent.

If 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history), ask O'Malley and company. They hired the principal.

If our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children, ask ask O'Malley and company. They've spent all of their time avoiding conversations about education and our children. It's always been more important to them to run the district that to see that they are run well.

With the results of Tuesday's election, It is obvious that the Kearny voters have spoken. They have seen through the bs and sent O'Malley packing. It is now time for the healing process to start.

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Bernadette McDonald has been there the longest at 10 years. Did she vote for the principals at the high school? did she vote for the Midland Avenue building? have test scores slowly deteriorated each year for the past 10 years.

Sadly, yes.

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Guest a real taxpayer

It's funny how you ended your little tirade with "I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy. They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also." Sounds like you already knew who should be held accountable before you spoke. Just in case, maybe you should stop drinking the kool aid yourself and go to a meeting. If you did, you would know the following:

If school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years, ask O'Malley and company. They held the board majority and made these decisions.

If our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in. ask O'Malley and company. They hired the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent.

If 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history), ask O'Malley and company. They hired the principal.

If our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children, ask ask O'Malley and company. They've spent all of their time avoiding conversations about education and our children. It's always been more important to them to run the district that to see that they are run well.

With the results of Tuesday's election, It is obvious that the Kearny voters have spoken. They have seen through the bs and sent O'Malley packing. It is now time for the healing process to start.

Sorry but Rome wasnt built over night

Mcdonald has been there for over 10 years along with holding the majority vote up unitl a year ago

So if you ask me they are the ones to blame for the mess that were in

I think you need to stop talking BS and tell your friends to take accountability of wasting millions of taxpayers dollars

You sound like a teacher that doesnt live in town and pay kearny taxes

I cant wait to see how many teachers will loose their jobs because McDonald and her people wasted all the money

The taxpayer will not say yes to a 4% tax hike

I think the mayor needs to take over the school district before all the houses in town get boarded up

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Guest Witches Brew

It's funny how you ended your little tirade with "I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy. They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also." Sounds like you already knew who should be held accountable before you spoke. Just in case, maybe you should stop drinking the kool aid yourself and go to a meeting. If you did, you would know the following:

If school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years, ask O'Malley and company. They held the board majority and made these decisions.

If our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in. ask O'Malley and company. They hired the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent.

If 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history), ask O'Malley and company. They hired the principal.

If our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children, ask ask O'Malley and company. They've spent all of their time avoiding conversations about education and our children. It's always been more important to them to run the district that to see that they are run well.

With the results of Tuesday's election, It is obvious that the Kearny voters have spoken. They have seen through the bs and sent O'Malley packing. It is now time for the healing process to start.

Ask yourself, do I really believe what I'm saying?

School Taxes the last (3) budgets, 0% 2011, 0% 2012, less than .4% 2013. Don't know why you're referencing Omalley so much when there are numerous other members, I will refer to as "The Company" since you like that also. As for the 4 th year, I don't know because the company was not there 4 years ago, but McDonald and Doran were, so maybe there was a 10.6% increase by them. For information purposes, the last 3 budgets were approved 9-0. Nothing to do with who had board majority.

NJASK & HSPA scores are not on the super and asst, they were just hired and have nothing to do with those scores.

I have no idea where you are getting the drop out from KHS, but this shows me how dumb you are. If you believe 13% is accurate, than that means 223 kids are dropping out. How about REAL numbers, go to DOE site to verify. Last year at KHS 1.03% dropped out, or 18 kids. To me that is 18 kids too many, but way below the State average, good job Mr. Gilson and "The Company".

If teachers are complaining about not enough computers or resources, what has McDonald and Doran been doing all these years. Large costs like that should have been purchased gradually over the years and can not be expected to be purchased all at once.

There will be no healing because the only ones crying hurt are the ones that could not get their friend and family members jobs. Let's watch and see the show, the names of people who suddenly appear for their job ticket. Kiss the ring of the great Bernadette and get on her hiring list. Tough times are ahead and this group has proven they can not make the hard decisions, it's always status quo. Yes the voters have spoken, but sometimes be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Good luck.

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It's funny how you ended your little tirade with "I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy. They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also." Sounds like you already knew who should be held accountable before you spoke. Just in case, maybe you should stop drinking the kool aid yourself and go to a meeting. If you did, you would know the following:

If school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years, ask O'Malley and company. They held the board majority and made these decisions.

If our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in. ask O'Malley and company. They hired the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent.

If 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history), ask O'Malley and company. They hired the principal.

If our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children, ask ask O'Malley and company. They've spent all of their time avoiding conversations about education and our children. It's always been more important to them to run the district that to see that they are run well.

With the results of Tuesday's election, It is obvious that the Kearny voters have spoken. They have seen through the bs and sent O'Malley packing. It is now time for the healing process to start.

Agreed! Now that the BOE election is in November, when more people vote, maybe dumbos like O'Malley, King, Leadbeater, Campbell and Castelli won't be able to get elected any more.

Sure looks that way.

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Guest Kearny Pride

Sorry but Rome wasnt built over night

Mcdonald has been there for over 10 years along with holding the majority vote up unitl a year ago

So if you ask me they are the ones to blame for the mess that were in

I think you need to stop talking BS and tell your friends to take accountability of wasting millions of taxpayers dollars

You sound like a teacher that doesnt live in town and pay kearny taxes

I cant wait to see how many teachers will loose their jobs because McDonald and her people wasted all the money

The taxpayer will not say yes to a 4% tax hike

I think the mayor needs to take over the school district before all the houses in town get boarded up

Rome wasnt built over night but Nero burned it to the ground pretty quickly.

The Fab5 held the majority vote for the last three years. All set to fix things they claimed were broken, they dumped the district on its head and then beat it to a pulp with a sledgehammer. It will take a long time for anyone to correct the damage they caused.

References that millions of taxpayers dollars were wasted keep popping up yet no one has presented any proof that this is the case. There has been a lot of innuendo but not one ounce of proof. After multiple police investigations, the annual district audits, the Port Authority reviews and even the $75,000.00 spent on the forensic audit disguised as the Kearny High School construction risk assessment, no evidence exists to substantiate the claims.

As for the mayor taking over, why would he want it even though his nephew IS on the board.

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Guest Totally Underwhelmed

Let me guess, your=you're? one of those woman=women? who believes whatever people tell you. Try going to a meeting once in awhile(.)

Esteves is all for our children and protects the kearny=Kearny? taxpayer at the same time(.)

The hand scanners are bringing in accountability (personification?) just like the rest of the world has done. (Wow, the world?)Yet mcdonald=McDonald? and her people voted no to=on? accountability(.)

anything thats good for the kids and education mcdonald and her people voted no=WTF are you trying to say?

****they did vote yes to give teaching jobs for their friends=friend's? kids who just so happen to donate to their campaign******

mcdonald=McDonald? and her people have been raising taxes and destroying kearnys=kearny's? education system for years(.)

Sorry, I can not go on! Who, in God's name wrote this? If you are who I think you are perhaps private school did not serve you well.

Maybe you should stop drinking their kool-aid and ask them to anwser the questions why your school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years

why our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in

why 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history)

why our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children

I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy.

They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also

Danny stop using the word "accountability" until you prove you know what it means!

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Let me guess, your one of those woman who believes whatever people tell you. Try going to a meeting once in awhile

Esteves is all for our children and protects the kearny taxpayer at the same time

The hand scanners are bringing in accountability just like the rest of the world has done. Yet mcdonald and her people voted no to accountability

anything thats good for the kids and education mcdonald and her people voted no

****they did vote yes to give teaching jobs for their friends kids who just so happen to donate to their campaign******

mcdonald and her people have been raising taxes and destroying kearnys education system for years

Maybe you should stop drinking their kool-aid and ask them to anwser the questions why your school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years

why our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in

why 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history)

why our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children

I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy.

They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also

Actually I do attend most board meetings. I have never seen Mr. Esteves speak except to recommend an expense - palm scanners, change in benefits - but when questioned why on these expenses doesn't seem to have an answer. Point in fact - palm scanners. I was there for this: Mrs. Lindenfelser asked him to please explain the purpose. When no one could give her an answer other than that there are lots of things that can be done with them, her (sensible) suggestion was to table the discussion until they could decide exactly what they would be used for. Mrs. Lindenfelser - extremely bright, about the best on that board - is about the only one who is actually interested in both the taxpayers and schools. Hopefully everyone can get on board with her.

(And if you want to argue nepotism in her case, really her ex-husband? (with whom she appears to have a very respectful relationship.)

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Guest taxpayer

Let me guess, your=you're? one of those woman=women? who believes whatever people tell you. Try going to a meeting once in awhile(.)

Esteves is all for our children and protects the kearny=Kearny? taxpayer at the same time(.)

The hand scanners are bringing in accountability (personification?) just like the rest of the world has done. (Wow, the world?)Yet mcdonald=McDonald? and her people voted no to=on? accountability(.)

anything thats good for the kids and education mcdonald and her people voted no=WTF are you trying to say?

****they did vote yes to give teaching jobs for their friends=friend's? kids who just so happen to donate to their campaign******

mcdonald=McDonald? and her people have been raising taxes and destroying kearnys=kearny's? education system for years(.)

Sorry, I can not go on! Who, in God's name wrote this? If you are who I think you are perhaps private school did not serve you well.

Maybe you should stop drinking their kool-aid and ask them to anwser the questions why your school taxes went up over 11% in the past 4 years

why our NJASK and HSPA scores are in the toilet and the state is getting ready to come in

why 13% of our high school students last year dropped out ( the highest in Kearny history)

why our teachers complain everyday about not having enough computers or resources to teach our children

I'm sure their response will always be its the other guy.

They dont have accountability and they continue to vote no for it also

Danny stop using the word "accountability" until you prove you know what it means!

the name is steve and Im actually a kearny high graduate class of 1999

thank you for correcting my grammer didnt know i was getting graded on a forum


i think you old people need to stop playing on the computer and stick to bingo

leave the schools to parents like me who care and have fresh new ideas

eat it old lady


Esteves flyer opened my eyes to your dirt!!!!!

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Guest taxpayer

Mr. Esteves I just receieved your flyer, and I must say I'm glad we finally have someone that is informing the public. I never seem to get any information on whats going on in this mysterious Kearny Board of Education.

Considering your aligations in your flyer were so extreme, I decided to look into this. After doing some homework on the horribly designed Kearny Schools site. I managed to find the board minutes, and confirmed that all yours accusations about this McDonald woman are true. I encourage everyone who recieved the flyer to go on the site and see for yourself.

My Question to the other candidates running for re-election is why do my school taxes keep going up and our schools keep getting a failing grade from the state?

This ronald McDonald woman is bad news. Kearny needs some new blood in our school board.

You have my vote Mr. Esteves

Keep the flyers coming!


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Guest Fly on the wall

To Taxpayer "Steve," 1999 graduate of KHS, REALLY Stevie Boy! REALLY?? Must have hit a nerve, huh? Fresh new ideas? The only thing fresh is you. Obviously you are unable to have an "adult" interaction with anyone. Right to the "put down" talk. Shame on you baby boy. Whoever you assume wrote that blog would prbably love to have an adult conversation with an "adult!". Try talking the issues. Why don't you go play bingo, and take your computer with you. Leave the grownups with the compter talk.

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Guest Fly Swatter

To Taxpayer "Steve," 1999 graduate of KHS, REALLY Stevie Boy! REALLY?? Must have hit a nerve, huh? Fresh new ideas? The only thing fresh is you. Obviously you are unable to have an "adult" interaction with anyone. Right to the "put down" talk. Shame on you baby boy. Whoever you assume wrote that blog would prbably love to have an adult conversation with an "adult!". Try talking the issues. Why don't you go play bingo, and take your computer with you. Leave the grownups with the compter talk.

Good job Steve, very accurate post you made..........and it seems you're the one that struck a nerve!!!!!

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Instead of so much fighting, how about we all agree to disagree? With so much passion aimed at the BOE on here, you'd think that every BOE meeting (next one next Monday 11/18 @ Schuyler School) would be standing room only. I attend almost every meeting and have to say it's like a monthly get together of old friends. I see the same passionate and articulate (mostly) women at the meetings month after month who are there to question and comment on all that goes on (instead of sitting at home making hate filled comments on an anonymous message board.) If you have something productive to say, show up at a meeting and speak your mind there where it might matter.

Think about it and maybe I'll see you next Monday! :)

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Guest kearny resident

Instead of so much fighting, how about we all agree to disagree? With so much passion aimed at the BOE on here, you'd think that every BOE meeting (next one next Monday 11/18 @ Schuyler School) would be standing room only. I attend almost every meeting and have to say it's like a monthly get together of old friends. I see the same passionate and articulate (mostly) women at the meetings month after month who are there to question and comment on all that goes on (instead of sitting at home making hate filled comments on an anonymous message board.) If you have something productive to say, show up at a meeting and speak your mind there where it might matter.

Think about it and maybe I'll see you next Monday! :)

I'd much rather stay here and post. Doe the Board still have the policy that you can't ask any questions at the board meetings? If yes, what's the use of going when they don't let you ask a question?

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I'd much rather stay here and post. Doe the Board still have the policy that you can't ask any questions at the board meetings? If yes, what's the use of going when they don't let you ask a question?

People have the opportunity to ask questions at every meeting - they don't always like to answer them, but the opportunity to speak is there.

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Guest and under-impressed

the name is steve and Im actually a kearny high graduate class of 1999

thank you for correcting my grammer didnt know i was getting graded on a forum


i think you old people need to stop playing on the computer and stick to bingo

leave the schools to parents like me who care and have fresh new ideas

eat it old lady


Esteves flyer opened my eyes to your dirt!!!!!

"Eat it Old Lady," your children must be so proud of you and your ideas "Steve."

We should always put our best foot forward young man, especially on a public forum.

You seem to be proud of having graduated from high school.

May I extend my sincere congratulations?

I remain, Totally Underwhelmed

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I'd much rather stay here and post. Doe the Board still have the policy that you can't ask any questions at the board meetings? If yes, what's the use of going when they don't let you ask a question?

You can ask questions. They just won't answer them. Sign up to speak, and you can have five minutes all to yourself at the end of the meeting, while the BOE members sit and listen to you.

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