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Guest old duck

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Guest old duck

I guess the cops were told to keep away, but not the d.p.w. !! they had a big crew over at the weedmans house on 2nd st, , pulling the weeds, and sweeping the garbage up, in front of his house ! then the crew,( about 4 guys ) went into the backyard, and cut down , the 5 ft jungle of bushes , and whatever else, was growing back there ! all the while, they had 2 trucks running outside, windows up, a c on, and no one in them ! does the town always go on private property, and cut grass ? weedman was home all the time they were ther , because as soon as they left, he came out , smoking a 5 dollar cigar, with a big shit eating grin , on his face ! only in Harrison !

Edited by KOTW
KOTW: The above has not been confirmed.
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