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Question For Ray Mcdonough?

Guest apprentice

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Guest apprentice

Ray, can you tell me the Boca code for what size pipe I need for my dishwasher? Oh sorry I thought this was the plumbing forum.... Ray go F**K yourself.

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Guest Guest

apprentice, if your really are jobless why don't you apply on the town, i hear they hire a dozen per week, or you can always choose passaic valley, seems like any a**hole can get a job there these days.

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Guest Need a Lic

Is the rumor that McDonough is signing and performing marriages for gay couples true? I was told that ***** was the first ceremonies, and I am interested in getting a license myself. Can anyone please let me know?

KOTW Note: The above post was edited for inappropriate content.

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Guest Guest

Here is an idea for all on this forum.

Instead of using your time to sit here and complain.

Go outside, organize a meeting, and change the town.

Or is that to complictated for anyone.

And don't think I'm a Ray supporter, because I'm not.

You are all just acting childish.

In fact I wonder what your children would think if they read that you call people names on here when you tell them not to.

In fact go organize something for them to do.

My God you are pathetic.

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