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Harrison Needs Redevelopment

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I am a resident of North Arlington. My grandmother lives in Harrison, everytime I go down Passaic Avenue into Harrison I am afraid. The area is blighted. Kids walk the streets and look like their in gangs, and I feel that I am in a part of Newark. My neighbor had his car carjacked in the Spanish Pavillion several years ago, and I feel that redevelopment is important to your town. I hope that your Mayor realizes that people are afraid to come into Harrison at night and that your Metro Star stadium may suffer. I hope Mayor Pitman realizes that messing with the North Arlington Police Department may cause the same problems I see down in Harrison. (Harrison is similiar in size and population to North Arlington). As a resident of North Arlington I hope your redevelopment prospers and Harrison is returned to its previous glory. God Bless

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How do you think Harrison got so bad? It's because of the Mayor and a town council who seems afraid of standing up for what they believe in because it may cost someone in their family to lose a job or a Home in the gardens. This Mayor doesn't care about this town. Have you ever heard of a Mayor who doesn't own property in the town which he is Mayor. He's planning on just making enough money from these developers so he can retire with down the shore. I have never heard of a town giving 270+acres of property to three developers. How corrupt is that? How many people has this mayor givin jobs to at the PVSD? How many Pycheck does the Powell Familly recieve from the town of Harrison? What about the Mayors Family? or Pete Higins Family? the list goes on and on and on......

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Why don't you do some research and get your facts straight. There is nothing worse than a man talking like a defacatory recepticle Try getting something in your head beside booze.

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I couldn't agree with you more. Why would anyone attack our GREAT MAYOR or anyone on the Town Council. Sounds the the Cry Baby we got rid of in the primaries last year. We love our town, and we love our jobs. We at the Harrison Fire Department, all 42 Captains work very hard for our paychecks which your tax dollars pay. And don't forget we too are Tax payers in Brick, and Pt. Pleasant, places about an hour away from this SH*T HOLE you call home. Long Live Ray McDonough and the Town Council.

Mayor when can i pick up my raise?

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Guest guest_Guest
Why don't you do some research and get your facts straight. There is nothing worse than a man talking like a defacatory recepticle Try getting something in your head beside booze.
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Guest Guest
I am a resident of North Arlington

Stay There!!

Kids walk the streets and look like their in gangs, and I feel that I am in a part of Newark

WOW......Thats is great....I forgot how high class North Arlington is....Last time I checked there are more trash in NA then anywhere in NJ

hope that your Mayor realizes that people are afraid to come into Harrison at night and that your Metro Star stadium may suffer

Harrison is one of the most respected & safe communities in NJ......Please do not in throw stones when you live in a glass house..

This is the problem with Bergen County Scum you all think your better than people that fact is you are the lowest they come...

Keep your comments to the people in NA......If you dont like Harrison dont come in!!!!!!!!!

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