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Kearny Observer Police Promotions

Guest kearny taxpayer

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Guest kearny taxpayer

okay can anyone answer why we need more captains, lts, sgts, and another deputy chier. I thought the Mayor and Council were trying to reduce spending and reduce taxes. I gather promotions do not count. Does anyone know the total of police officers to the number of ranked officers. Would like to know the table of command. The salaries alone are crazy, who the hell makes that kind of money? So do these new higher uppers get to go on the street or just sit behind their desk and collect those big bucks. Enough is Enough our taxes are through the roof. When was this decided? Never read it in the papers or heard of promotions, guess us little old taxpayers just have to keep paying and paying while they keep playing and playing,

God Bless America


God Bless Kearny Taxpayers

PS What next another increase from the School Budget.

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i agree with the police part of you ramble but if you complain about the school budget you have no heart i graduated khs in 2001 and went through the art department that in past years collected so many awards but because of people like you i only had about 6 classes to choose from in that department. why stuff history that only benefits the white european decendents when half that bs that they teach you in that class is a lie, why learn about justice when we see that its not being served with this so called "War on Terrorism" but is really King George of Bush taking over the world. yeah schools get crapped on while we pay a billion dollars a day to keep the military at work and what does it get us 2 countries that are in shambles about a 1000 dead soldiers and no osama bin laden and no weapons of mass destruction.

remember if we Educate today there will be no such thing as tomorrow's war

think about that

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Guest Guest

You're a close minded little kid.

In a few years when you grow up, you'll come to see the world as it really is and then understand why we need to be involved in everything.

Why don't you volunteer for the Peace Corps and try to educate those people that we're trying to help? Because you'll be returned home in a bodybag, that's why. :huh:

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Guest Louis

I also graduated from KHS, class of 2001. Granted, the crime rate in this town is pretty stable with the force we had compared to some neighboring towns/cities. We don't really need anymore

Now I dont agree that Bush is trying to take over the world, nor do I think he's helping it either. If we help the people that are asking for our help, we piss people off. If we dont help them, we piss people off. So what do we do? Leave everyone the f**k alone and deal with our own problems. It's like getting into the profession of marriage counsiling when you can't even hold the pieces together for your own marriage.

Guest, he's a close minded little kid? When we supposedly grow up as you say, we're putting these fucks in office along with the rest of you that think pissing away our money on lost causes is going somewhere, in cold, lonely, and dark elderly homes where you strive to even make it to the bathroom on time. Where no one you know or loves you will ever visit you. We DONT need to be involved in everything, this is why so many people are pissed off at us and want us dead.

As much as we piss other nations off, we're pissing each other off. So go ahead, ramble on more and tell us how much we dont know, whats right, whats wrong. Just remember, in time, we, the youth, have plans for our current nation leaders and those in their own self destructive path that think giving nations a rebirth at the expenditure of our kids deaths is the way to go.

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Guest Guest 99
Louis is right. And guest, you're just close-minded. Open up your eyes and realize that the younger generations have valid opinions.

Valid opinions. Maybe.

Proper presentation. No way.

If you can't express yourself without using profanity, then no one will listen. To be accepted as mature, you must act mature. Just my opinion.

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Guest Guest81
yeah im very close minded if knowing facts instead of what the media puts out there is being close minded then i am    as for a little kid im a 20 year old young man so dont go calling people closed minded if you dont konw who you are talking about Mr. Guest

...and what are the" facts "as you know them??? :huh:

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Guest Louis

Profanity, whats that? I didnt know we were in an office setting or in a class room. This is a web forum with mature intellectual people, we're old enough to exercise these words. So yes, I will use profanity in any way I please. But again, in the end, you're just a forum troll with no defensive arguements. You spout out residul noise and don't back yourself up. So check yourself if you want to complain about presentation, what good is your presentation? You have no context or valid arguements of your own.

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you kow what louis these people on here think that since we are young people they are smarter than us let them think that

you are just one of the people that the type of thing im tryin to do is lookin for come help us out remember we are classmates at khs get intouch with me im gonna try to set up a meeting for anyone of the people on here that wanna help to get together so we can actually get something done its not just gonna be about music and what not, its gonna be about giving back to the community no matter what they think about us we are gonna show them what us young people can do


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Guest Louis

Smarter than us? hah dont make me laugh!

At least we made it through highschool, these asstaints probably havent. They have nothing important to say. They just spout out useless 1 liners trolling the forums.

I read your other post about tryin to through a bash in town. I dont know how I can contribute, but i'll try to attend the meeting that you setup

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Louise and chris,

I find it refreshing your apparent interest in politics and the events of the world and our nation. Especially in how they affect us all. Let me start by saying that i dont nessisarily agree with your political viewpoints but i respect them nonetheless.

You had mentioned that you wanted to give back to the community one way that you could do this is by attempting to get your friends and fellow class mates involved politically in town and the nation as a whole. Most will tell you that voter turnout at elections is poor During the last presidential election cycle voter turnout was about 40% much less at the local level. organize your friends and get everyone you can out to the election booth not just for presidential electiomd but all electioms.

The one thing you may or may not realize is that the men and women in the armed forces are the to defend and protect the very freedoms that I and you enjoy. Although I sometimes belive that most of us forget that and take those freedoms for granted. We as a nation must never forget that

You may not agree with the Pres. and the things that he has done or attempted to do but you must admit that he has some core beliefs and has stuck to them while making attempts to se them come to fruition. Ulike most polititions who change thier possitions to suit the political climate at the time

So in closing stay focussed and get involved remember talk is cheap and actions speak volumes

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