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Politics as usual..... No

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People complaining about the Fab5 have no reason to other than try and distort information. I have been attending board meeting for a couple of years, on and off, and have found it most refreshing that quality people are given jobs not political people. The people who say poliitics cost Mr. Hoff and Dr. Baumgartner their jobs are so out of touch. Wasn't it poliitics in the first place that put them where they were? I wish the board had done more. Reading this page makes me sick. I am sure it is the same people complaining here that are used to having their way. What really needs to happen is have the Mayors candidates win this upcoming election and let see what they would do. The slate of Doran, Lindenfelser and Lowry are the same ole same ole. Lets tell it like it is. They all got what they wanted for Mr. Digesere and Mr. Spraugue. You have to admit that, even if you really don't want to face facts.

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Guest Guest

People complaining about the Fab5 have no reason to other than try and distort information. I have been attending board meeting for a couple of years, on and off, and have found it most refreshing that quality people are given jobs not political people. The people who say poliitics cost Mr. Hoff and Dr. Baumgartner their jobs are so out of touch. Wasn't it poliitics in the first place that put them where they were? I wish the board had done more. Reading this page makes me sick. I am sure it is the same people complaining here that are used to having their way. What really needs to happen is have the Mayors candidates win this upcoming election and let see what they would do. The slate of Doran, Lindenfelser and Lowry are the same ole same ole. Lets tell it like it is. They all got what they wanted for Mr. Digesere and Mr. Spraugue. You have to admit that, even if you really don't want to face facts.

No other reason? That's just dumb. Hoff and Baumgartner are qualified educators. The excuses offered for not retaining them are lame.

The five stooges live off of discontent, so when they're in office they can't govern properly. All they can do is continue on the path of complaint.

There will always be gullible people who follow the loudest complainers. But once in office, they won't last long. You watch.

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Guest Typical Hack

No other reason? That's just dumb. Hoff and Baumgartner are qualified educators. The excuses offered for not retaining them are lame.

The five stooges live off of discontent, so when they're in office they can't govern properly. All they can do is continue on the path of complaint.

There will always be gullible people who follow the loudest complainers. But once in office, they won't last long. You watch.

It's apparent you do not have a clue about multiple issues. There were no "excuses" given for not retaining them, can't "govern", in "office". The BOE is not a Political Office of Government, but it is clear what team you're on and have the same mentality of those on the team. You should watch, as this "office of government" has been crumbling and the few crumbs "left over" will also be gone SOON.

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Guest fabulousfiveisms

People complaining about the Fab5 have no reason to other than try and distort information. I have been attending board meeting for a couple of years, on and off, and have found it most refreshing that quality people are given jobs not political people. The people who say poliitics cost Mr. Hoff and Dr. Baumgartner their jobs are so out of touch. Wasn't it poliitics in the first place that put them where they were? I wish the board had done more. Reading this page makes me sick. I am sure it is the same people complaining here that are used to having their way. What really needs to happen is have the Mayors candidates win this upcoming election and let see what they would do. The slate of Doran, Lindenfelser and Lowry are the same ole same ole. Lets tell it like it is. They all got what they wanted for Mr. Digesere and Mr. Spraugue. You have to admit that, even if you really don't want to face facts.

Well I for one feel that the same ole same ole is much better than the crappy 5 we have now. It surely seems like their own supporters are turning against them. Dr. Baumgarten is a quality educator of many years and so is Mr. Hoff. Replacing Mr.Hoff with a 5 year rookie teacher is a slap on the face of all the citizens of Kearny and telling us that Dr. Baumgarten was no good is an insult to the our intelligence.
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It's apparent you do not have a clue about multiple issues. There were no "excuses" given for not retaining them, can't "govern", in "office". The BOE is not a Political Office of Government, but it is clear what team you're on and have the same mentality of those on the team. You should watch, as this "office of government" has been crumbling and the few crumbs "left over" will also be gone SOON.

The five stooges gave several excuses, including an unspecified complaint of low morale among the staff. That could mean a couple teachers were upset because the principal insisted that they work. Test scores went up but not by enough according to the stooges. The excuses were all generalities, nothing specific, such that it was obvious that the stooges had their "minds" made up and were looking for ways to justify what they wanted to do. That's how you can tell when someone is a political hack: they give flimsy reasons for what they do without any facts to back them up.

And just because candidates for BOE don't run on a party line doesn't mean that they don't have to govern. When you accuse others of not having a clue, you shouldn't make stupid remarks like your comment about politics and the BOE, especially if you're going to accuse other people of being on a "team."

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Guest rumormillcheck

No other reason? That's just dumb. Hoff and Baumgartner are qualified educators. The excuses offered for not retaining them are lame.

The five stooges live off of discontent, so when they're in office they can't govern properly. All they can do is continue on the path of complaint.

There will always be gullible people who follow the loudest complainers. But once in office, they won't last long. You watch.

Are the rumors true that a fireman on the boe has threaten a police officer, also on the boe, that he'll vote to remove the police officer's son from a teaching position as payback for what the Fab5 did to Mr. Hoff and Dr. B?
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Guest Hester Prin

It's apparent you do not have a clue about multiple issues. There were no "excuses" given for not retaining them, can't "govern", in "office". The BOE is not a Political Office of Government, but it is clear what team you're on and have the same mentality of those on the team. You should watch, as this "office of government" has been crumbling and the few crumbs "left over" will also be gone SOON.

There were no excuses given for not retaining Baumgartner & Hoff? Are we arguing semantics here . . . excuses, reasons . . . all boils down to the same thing. The Fab 5 went running to the attorney & he tried to make a compelling argument out of the blather they gave him. They don't even have the brains or the balls to be honest. Hiding behind the laywer's words. Cowards. And I'm sure they'd like to think it's OVER, but even they are not stupid enough to believe that!

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Guest Magus Incognito

There were no excuses given for not retaining Baumgartner & Hoff? Are we arguing semantics here . . . excuses, reasons . . . all boils down to the same thing. The Fab 5 went running to the attorney & he tried to make a compelling argument out of the blather they gave him. They don't even have the brains or the balls to be honest. Hiding behind the laywer's words. Cowards. And I'm sure they'd like to think it's OVER, but even they are not stupid enough to believe that!

What a shame that these two senior educators, Dr. Baumgarten and Mr. Hoff are replaced by inexperienced teachers of two years. This shows you why we have to vote out the fab5 beginning this November. Vote for Lindenfelser, Dowry and Doran. STOP THE POLITICS, NEPOTISM AND CRONIE PROMOTIONS IN OUR SCHOOLS!!!!!!!
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Guest Always an agenda

What a shame that these two senior educators, Dr. Baumgarten and Mr. Hoff are replaced by inexperienced teachers of two years. This shows you why we have to vote out the fab5 beginning this November. Vote for Lindenfelser, Dowry and Doran. STOP THE POLITICS, NEPOTISM AND CRONIE PROMOTIONS IN OUR SCHOOLS!!!!!!!

Yeah, I guess you're right, let's go back to the old way of doing things. Hiring qualified people just is not fair to kids and taxpayers. So let's elect Lindenfelser so she can get rid of the best School Board Attorney in the State of NJ and in the top 10 in the nation so her ** husband can go back to the attorney job and be a lame duck, let's elect Lowry, because God knows she wants to give her daughter a job in the district and we all know how great she did at the head of curriculum, all time low scores and a totally screwed up system as stated by her good friend Baumgarten, and why not bring back Doran, he can't vote on anything, is just there to give away tax dollars to his brother and mother and waste tax dollars on his own personal campaign against other board members.

So there you have it, Town of Kearny elect these fine people who really care about you!

Edited by KOTW
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Guest mickymouse police

People complaining about the Fab5 have no reason to other than try and distort information. I have been attending board meeting for a couple of years, on and off, and have found it most refreshing that quality people are given jobs not political people. The people who say poliitics cost Mr. Hoff and Dr. Baumgartner their jobs are so out of touch. Wasn't it poliitics in the first place that put them where they were? I wish the board had done more. Reading this page makes me sick. I am sure it is the same people complaining here that are used to having their way. What really needs to happen is have the Mayors candidates win this upcoming election and let see what they would do. The slate of Doran, Lindenfelser and Lowry are the same ole same ole. Lets tell it like it is. They all got what they wanted for Mr. Digesere and Mr. Spraugue. You have to admit that, even if you really don't want to face facts.

You must definitely be one of the Fab5...Everyone else thinks that they the worst boe members in the history of Kearny.
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Guest Ruby Red

Are the rumors true that a fireman on the boe has threaten a police officer, also on the boe, that he'll vote to remove the police officer's son from a teaching position as payback for what the Fab5 did to Mr. Hoff and Dr. B?

Yes it is very true and also old news. The Fireman has been very vocal about his plans to remove the policeman's son from his teaching position because better candidates had applied for the job. He blurted it out at a board meeting and also has told people around the town. The Fireman is also supporting Lindenfelser, Dowry and Doran for this November's election. So the cop's son should start getting his resume updated.
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Guest Guest

Yes it is very true and also old news. The Fireman has been very vocal about his plans to remove the policeman's son from his teaching position because better candidates had applied for the job. He blurted it out at a board meeting and also has told people around the town. The Fireman is also supporting Lindenfelser, Dowry and Doran for this November's election. So the cop's son should start getting his resume updated.

Sources tell me that there was mention of the cop's son at a CLOSED SESSION of a board meeting, BUT it was only brought up as an example of unfairly dismissing non-tenured employees. How it got to be something that 's been told to people around town is anybody's guess. But it was NOT blurted out at a board meeting, at least not in the public session.

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